by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
January 13, 2011
NaturalNews Website
Following the unexplained deaths of
several thousand birds over the last two weeks, events are now
emerging that may offer a physics-based explanation for the
mysterious deaths.
all begins on a runway in Tampa, where airport
officials recently closed that runway in order to change the numeric
designators painted there.
Why are those numeric designators being
changed? Because the Earth's magnetic poles are shifting and the
numbers previously painted on the runway no longer match up with the
magnetic measurements of sensitive airplane instruments.
As Physorg.com explains:
The primary runway at the airport is
designated 18R/36L, which means the runway is aligned along 180
degrees from north (that is, due south) when approached from the
north and 360 degrees from north when approached from the south.
Now the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has requested the
designation be changed to 19R/1L to account for the movement of
the magnetic north pole.
This brings us to our first physics fact
of this article:
Physics Fact #1 - The Earth's magnetic
poles are shifting
(And not just a little bit, but
enough to affect airport runways on the scale of human
The role of Earth's magnetic field
The Earth's magnetic field is
extremely important for protecting the planet from so-called
"solar wind" and other electromagnetic influences from space.
The magnetosphere, which is driven
by the Earth's magnetic field, serves as a kind of
electromagnetic barrier to prevent dangerous rays from reaching
the surface of the planet.
See below picture:

Physics Fact #2 - The Earth's
magnetic field has flipped hundreds of times in the past
The Earth's magnetic field "flips" (or reverses polarity) every
few thousand years. This is called a
geomagnetic reversal.
between these flips, the magnetic field can become quite weak
and chaotic, causing "turbulence" in the field, which can
effectively cause weaker gaps in the magnetosphere.
These magnetic gaps or weaknesses can allow outside influences
that normally would not penetrate the magnetosphere to reach
deep into that magnetosphere, theoretically all the way down to
where birds fly at very low altitude.
Last week, a report from the Russia's
Ministry for
Extraordinary Situations (MCHS)
warned that the weakening Earth magnetosphere was allowing
"poisonous space clouds" to enter deep into Earth's atmosphere
where it is coming into contact with birds.
These "space clouds" are called
Noctilucent clouds, which exist
at very high altitudes (roughly 50 miles) and accumulate space
dust from micrometeors and other sources.
What's really interesting here is that these noctilucent clouds
exhibit very high
radar reflectivity. This means
these clouds create a very large radar signature on weather
tracking systems.
Physics fact #3 - Noctilucent
clouds have very high radar reflectivity
Weather radar tracks phenomenon during bird kill
Now here's where this story gets really interesting: On New
Year's Even when birds began falling out of the sky in Arkansas,
the National Weather Service in North Little Rock
documented an
unusual phenomenon on their radar monitors.
"There are some indications that
we're picking up a non-precipitation target," said Science
and Operations Officer Chris Buonanno at the NWS.
He went on to explain that the radar
signature definitely was not indicative of a cloud or rainstorm.
It was something altogether different.
At or around the same time this radar image appeared, birds
began falling out of the sky. Over the last several
weeks, hundreds of thousands of birds and fish have been found dead
across the globe.
Here's a compilation of the deaths
so far.
This same data is also reflected in below image compiled by Matt

A theory of
what might be happening
The working theory in all this, at least for the birds, is that
deadly space clouds are reaching into the lower atmosphere and
killing these birds in flight, after which the birds fall to the
The reports of the birds experiencing "blunt trauma" are
likely from the birds hitting the ground.
What, exactly, would be found in these deadly space clouds that
might be killing the birds? One possibility is that these clouds
might be moving along with gaps in the magnetosphere that would
invite deadly radiation to "fry" the birds in flight, as one
possibility (although this explanation seems unlikely, see below).
I'm not aware whether tissues tests have been done on these birds to
determine whether they died of intense radiation poisoning. It would
also seem that if radiation reached so low into our atmosphere, it
would have killed many plants and trees in the area, and there's no
evidence of that occurring, at least not that I'm aware of.
Another possibility is that the deadly space clouds could have
frozen the birds in flight with blasts of extremely cold air. But
such an event also would have seemingly impacted the trees and
plants at ground level, and there's no evidence of that occurring
The most likely explanation is that the birds were killed in-flight
by changes in the composition of the air they were breathing. And as
it turns out, Noctilucent clouds are largely made of a poisonous gas
known as
Hydrogen Cyanide.
For all you chemists
reading this, as the EUtimes website explains:
Hydrogen Cyanide is also formed in interstellar clouds through one
of two major pathways: via a neutral-neutral reaction (CH2 + N -> HCN + H) and via dissociative recombination (HCNH+ + e- -> HCN + H).
The dissociative recombination pathway is dominant by 30%; however,
the HCNH+ must be in its linear form.
Dissociative recombination
with its structural isomer, H2NC+ produces hydrogen isocyanide (HNC),
Could humans be next?
The really concerning part about all this is the sudden realization
that if these poisoning clouds of Hydrogen Cyanide could reach into
our lower atmosphere, they could also theoretically reach ground
That's where humans live, of course, and if such a poisonous
cloud reached down into a major city such as New York, it would
cause the mass instantaneous death of potentially millions of
Nobody is prepared to survive a sudden cloud of Hydrogen Cyanide -
not even the preppers.
I own stored food and some emergency
gear, but even I probably wouldn't survive a sudden Hydrogen Cyanide
gas attack from outer space. Notably, Hydrogen Cyanide has been used
as both a rodent killer and as a chemical precursor in the
manufacture of pharmaceuticals (gee, why doesn't that surprise me?)
Wikipedia explains, Hydrogen cyanide is extremely deadly:
A hydrogen cyanide concentration of 300 mg/m3 in air will kill a
human within about 10 minutes. It is estimated that hydrogen cyanide
at a concentration of 3500 ppm (about 3200 mg/m3) will kill a human
in about 1 minute. The toxicity is caused by the cyanide ion, which
halts cellular respiration by inhibiting an enzyme in mitochondria
called cytochrome c oxidase.
Interestingly, a key chemical use of Hydrogen cyanide was developed
by none other than
IG Farben, the Nazi war era criminal
pharmaceutical giant that was later broken up to become today's
pharmaceutical giants, including Bayer.
Hydrogen cyanide is widely recognized as a chemical weapon and is
even used on the tips of whaling harpoons to murder whales.
Physics fact #4
- Hydrogen cyanide kills birds and humans very quickly
Is this the result of a weapons test or attack?
That it is used as a chemical weapon might make some people wonder
whether all this is fallout from some kind of weather control
weapons experiment.
It's not a crazy idea: Scientists in Abu Dhabi
have experienced tremendous success bringing rain to that city
through the use of weather control systems engineered in Europe.
In the United States, meanwhile, the
HAARP experimental program projects
high-energy beams directly into the ionosphere. See the video far
Although we have no direct evidence of this, it is conceivable that
HAARP technology could be altering the magnetosphere in ways that
are contributing to the invasion of our lower atmosphere with these
Noctilucent clouds compose of Hydrogen cyanide. This is just a wild
guess at this point, however. We don't have any evidence that this
is really happening.
But if it were, that would be a very clever weapon, indeed: Aim your
weapons at the atmosphere above an enemy city, fire it up and wait
for Hydrogen cyanide gas to kill off everybody in a minute or two.
Then you turn off your beam weapon and play it all off as some sort
of "freak natural disaster" or unexplained atmospheric mystery.
There is speculation, of course, that these bird deaths occurring in
North America right now are really a test of precisely the weapon
system I've described above. But this is just speculation, of
course. We don't have any hard evidence that such a system is being
used, nor even that it is possible.
official HAARP website describes
itself as a,
"facility for the study of ionospheric physics and radio
It then displays a diagram showing HAARP waves bouncing
off the ionosphere, beaming through "irregularities" and finally
reaching a satellite in high orbit.
These satellites are typically
placed in
geosynchronous orbits at roughly 26,000 miles above the
Earth - far higher than the 50 miles or so at which the Noctilucent
clouds are located.
The HAARP home page, by the way, also contains a "security message"
with the following warning:
This is a U.S. Government Computer System. This computer system
operates as a world wide web server to provide information to the
public concerning unclassified programs only...
attempts to upload or change information; to defeat or circumvent
security features; or to utilize this system for other than its
intended purposes are prohibited and may result in prosecution under
the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 or other applicable
statutes and regulations.
When Governor Jesse Ventura tried to ask questions about HAARP, he
was met with extreme resistance and stonewalling by government
Watch the video yourself to see what happened:
Does this mean HAARP is a weapon being used to cause poisonous space
clouds to enter the lower atmosphere and kill the birds? Not at all.
That would be a leap at this point until we know more. But we do
know that HAARP isn't talking about what it does, and that it is
more than just a "radio science experiment."
We also know that weird things are happening to our planet's
magnetic poles and weather systems. We know that birds are literally
falling out of the sky dead. These facts are not to be taken
lightly. They might be caused by "natural" events, or conceivably
they could be influenced by man-made events.
In either case, something that could very easily threaten life on
our planet may be afoot, and there's no logical reason to conclude
it will be limited to birds and fish.
I've seen reports of some doctors chiming in on all this and blowing
it off as "normal" deaths of birds and fish.
Conventional doctors,
of course, are the world's most experienced experts at missing the
big picture, and they seem to haphazardly discount the most
important fact about all this:
Sure, birds and fish die every day.
But not en masse.
They don't usually fall out of the sky by the thousands, in other
words. These are obviously not normal events where birds are dying
of normal causes. That much is obvious to everyone... except the
doctors, it seems.
In conclusion, I can't explain these mysterious deaths with any high
degree of confidence at this point. But I do know that thousands of
birds don't fall out of the sky for no reason.
There is an
underlying cause that seems extremely important for us to observe,
document and understand. There are many possible explanations that
merit attention: Some of them might be attributable to natural
phenomena, but others may be far more insidious.
It is important for the future of life on Earth that we solve this
mystery sooner rather than later.
Because if we don't understand
this, we may sooner or later become victims of it.