by Stephen Smith
July 15, 2012
Thunderbolts Website
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The Himalayas
Could they be a
relatively new mountain range
and not millions of years old?
It seems possible that plasma
interactions with Earth and other charged bodies in space or the
impact on our biosphere from ion beams, could disrupt all the
elemental changes that are used to date rocks.
Earth could be much younger than
the billions of years commonly ascribed to it, or much older.
Electric Universe concepts are
found to be more reasonable than previous theories, that cataclysmic
events completely overturned the familiar environment that older
peoples experienced, then we have no “clocks” and no “calendars” to
use, except those that have recently come into being.
One of the principle tenets of Electric Universe theory is that
Earth and the Solar System have experienced catastrophic
reordering and resurfacing perhaps as little as 5000 years ago.
The time varies, but most adherents to the theory consider 10,000
years ago to be as far back as we need to look for the events to
have occurred.
Prevailing geological theories state that it took millions, if not
billions, of years to arrange the scenery on our planet. Mountains
rise in response to mechanisms that are so slow as to be
undetectable over all the millennia of human history: the Himalayas,
the Alps, and the Rocky Mountains, for example, retain the shapes
that were visible to ancient nomadic tribes that wandered the
continents in ages past.
The seas, it is said, have not left their basins in time spans that
have no meaning to the human mind. The Atlantic Ocean has bridged
the distance between Africa, Europe, and the Americas for a period
greater than the human species has existed on Earth.
Rivers, deserts, canyons - all appear to our modern eyes just as
they would have appeared to Alexander the Great, Goyathlay, Sargon,
or Khufu.
Erosion or sediment deposition are the
same today as they were long ago. Most of the current methods for
dating artifacts, geologic layers, or fossils are dependent on that
hypothesis of gradual, uniform action.
What if the uniformitarian
hypothesis is incorrect?
What would be the ramifications
if carbon dating, potassium-argon decay rates, or the
so-called “geologic column” were not reliable windows to the
What if the topography of Earth
was created in a period of time so short that ancient
civilizations were able to record it?
What meaning would the
Neolithic, or the Jurassic, or the Precambrian eras have?
Coal beds cover millions of square
kilometers all over the world.
Insects, leaves, trees, rocks, and
animal bones are found inside them, although hardly any intact forms
exist. The majority are disarticulated, shredded, or crushed.
Carbonized trees are sometimes found standing upright in a few coal
seams, extending down through many layers that are said to span 250
to 500 million years.
Mineralized trees, called “petrified wood,” cover large areas of the
American prairie. The prairie, itself, rests on top of gravel
deposits in some cases hundreds of meters deep.
There are,
palm trees
fir trees
preserved for what is said to be millions, hundreds of millions,
and even billions of years in a variety of minerals.
Some are entangled in mountain-high
piles, with multitudes of different species from every era mixed
together in a splintered mass.
When did these plants and
animals, all strong, all “fit,” all perfectly adapted to
their environments, meet their dooms?
What caused the forests to burn,
or freeze, and then succumb to petrification?
Once again, the primary assumption in
the development of dating systems is that the Earth is an
isolated planet that does not interact with other celestial
Planetary scientists do say that there
have been meteor impacts of staggering size, but nothing like that
has taken place for the aforementioned millions of years. The large
craters, such as
Popigai or
Chicxulub, are reported to date
back as far as the
Jurassic Age.
An additional aspect to the
uniformitarian hypothesis is that
radioactive decay rates have never changed since the radioactive
elements were formed, and no alteration to Earth’s electric or
magnetic fields have taken place.
Geologists rely on a smooth, continuous
clock ticking off the millennia at a measurable rate.
If that is not the case, then the Age of
the Dinosaurs, or the formation of the ocean basins, could have
occurred at any point in the past, or over any length of time...