by Peter Staheli
October 2005
RoyalRife Website
Static Electricity is an unaware lethal
Static electricity interferes with the human bioelectrical
life process causing nervous complaints, degeneration
illness such as Cancer.
Static electricity is not an official science and therefore,
still a very 'mystical' field. Any accident in that static
electricity is involved is excused as an "Act of God".
Peter Staheli a
qualified electrical engineer researched static electricity,
made it an open science and is able to resolve any static
electricity problem.
There is simply nothing anymore that can
not be fully explained.
New science reveals, not radiation, but static electricity produced
by power lines interferes with the bioelectrical life process
causing illnesses cancer and premature aging.
New science about the real danger of power lines, which is not EMF-radiation, but static electricity that interferes with the
nervous system and the bio-chemical life process of the human
organism causing diseases.
Research has identified a harmful but ignored energy that is emitted
from high tension power lines. Not radiation is the culprit, but an
energy known as Positive Static Electricity.
High-tension power
lines are prolific producers of positive ions, and such positive ion
clouds can cause diseases. Suffering diseases by living close to
power lines is a known fact and wrongly radiation is blamed for it.
All over the world, people dispute the adverse side effects of
overhead high-tension power lines.
Individuals argue that electric
radiation from power lines is to blame for diseases to those living
near overhead power lines
The electricity supplying authorities claim that radiation from
power lines are not to blame for causing diseases
Research reveals
that both parties are misguided in their views
Static electricity
is the culprit for the experienced diseases
High-tension power lines are essentially nothing else but man-made
Chinooks or Foehns, which knowingly carry positive charged air that
pesters peoples nervous system.
Chinook (wind) or Foehn, strong wind
which blows on the lee side of a mountain range, such as the Alps
(where it is known as foehn), when stable air is made to flow over
the range by a large-scale pressure gradient.
The air is dry and warm at the foot of the mountains; the wind
undergoes further heating and drying as it descends the slopes. Such
dry air masses are positive charged and feared by people with
nervous system is affected through it. Exactly the same
characteristic have the positive ion clouds released by power lines.
Also is the suffering the same.
How do overhead power lines produce positive ions?
A high tension wire carries an alternating voltage and an
alternating current. However, tension and current are never
analogous, as there is always a phase shift between them.
The tension amplitude is first, followed by the current amplitude.
As a result of this phase shift the surface of the wire is
statically positive charged 100 times per second, (USA 120 times a
second). This periodic static charge on the surface of the wire
milks electrons out of the air that surrounds the wire. The ionic
wind that is produced by this ionization process, positive ions only
are repelled.
The static charge of the wire is only positive and but never
negative as assumed. Measurements on the high tension power lines
have revealed that the wire produces enormous numbers of positive
ions. Even the electrical power industry is unaware of such an
electrostatic occurrence, which causes considerable loss of
electrical energy.
As a means to scientifically confirm the above static electricity
claim, a miniature three-phase system of 4,000 Volt was built and
the following observations were made:
The negative probe of the multi-meter is connected to Earth.
Starting from a distance of one meter the positive probe is slowly
moved closer towards one live wire. What followed was a positive
reading on the multi-meter, showing a DC current, which means an
energetic electron flow towards the wire. The closer the positive
probe is moved to the live wire, the stronger the electron flow
towards the wire.
This experiment has been carried out on all three wires and all
three showed continuous electron flow on the multi-meter.
Naturally, if the positive probe would touch one of the live wires,
nature’s static electricity rules would stop and be replaced by the
man-made ‘alternating current and closed circuit technology’. This,
as you can imagine, would be fatal for the multi-meter and its
The above experiment shows and confirms the part that nature plays
in the man-made high-tension installations.
It is an absolute
‘direct current event’ and ‘open circuit’ matter. In a second
experiment, a person sat at a distance of one meter from a miniature
three-phase installation. The air moisture was 10% and the person
was well insulated from Earth.
Astoundingly the person carried a positive static charge of close to
4,000 Volt. It can only be left to imagination what the potential
static charge of that person would be when living in close proximity
of 400,000 Volt power lines.
Peter Staeheli's research has shown that a person
lying in bed (asleep or resting) that is insulated from Earth (when
the air is dry) always takes on a positive charge. Also the above
experiments with the miniature test power lines and the overhead
high tension power lines, people and matter always take on a
positive electrical charge.
Life that is naturally Earthed and with it carrying the Bioelectric
Null has nothing to fear about power lines. A farmer has nothing to
fear if livestock is grazing under or in the proximity of high
tension power lines. Livestock, animals or humans walking on
agricultural land are constantly on contact with earth (electrically
grounded) and therefore, are naturally and absolutely protected from
any electro static influence from the atmosphere.
However, by living our modern civilized lifestyle off Earth, well
insulated from Earth, such a person lives certainly without the
bioelectric null and exposed to uncontrolled energy off the
Further experimenting shows how this bioelectric null can change to
a lethal voltage. A motor vehicle parked under high tension power
lines of 400,000 Volt has shown a considerable positive charge. We
know that a motor vehicle is well insulated from Earth by its rubber
tires. On days with low air moisture such a cars metal body carried
up to 300 000 Volt positive charge.
Surely not deadly at all, but a nice surprise for the one that opens
the door of the car. An earthed gadget has been installed close to
the car towards that every three minutes a discharge spark evolved.
It can now only be left to the imagination what charges people can
carry who live in close proximity to high tension power lines when
for example, asleep in bed and well insulated from Earth in bed.
Such person would certainly not carry the natural bioelectric null
for a long time.
A complex investigation about high tension power lines was published
in the ASEA-ATOM Engineering Journal POWER (November 1987). However,
the whole investigation was centered on electromagnetic radiation.
Static electricity was completely overlooked. There was also a
mention of a car that is charged when stationed near high tension
power lines and it is pictured in this Journal.
However, the text
makes out that this car is charged with alternating polarity.
Wrong! This is an assumption and not a measured fact!
In our research, the charge measured on any insulated object near
power lines showed only a positive charge and nothing else!
The report also offered a Russian contribution. The Russian
observance touched on the real problem and supports Peter Staeheli's
research. Also for the first time, there was a mention of nervous
As quoted here from this Journal.
In 1972, a well published report
from Russia said, 'people working in high-voltage substations showed
a number of symptoms mainly associated with fatigue'. Unfortunately,
no one took the article serious enough to investigate what caused
this so-called fatigue, as the Russian experiments were attributed
to reasons other than electrically related reasons.
Peter Staeheli researched the conditions
in high tension installations. A enclosed high tension substation
with transformers that heat and with it dry up the surrounding air.
As a result, the relative air moisture in such surroundings can be
as low as 10%. The workmen wear well insulated footwear (rubber
boots) to protect them from possible accidents.
However, such footwear makes the workmen even more susceptible to a
charge. Positive ion clouds are continuously produced by such a bare
(non insulated) high tension means. A multi-meter indicates that the
workmen always carry a positive charge on their body. If they
touched an earthed protection railing, a spark discharged over and
over again.
The bodies of the workmen never carried the bioelectric null while
working in said high tension sub station. All of them have had
experiences in matters headache or other nervous oddities.
All their experiences matched and supported the Russian