by Stanley Meyer
WaterFuelCell Website
Imagine running your car on water!
That's correct, I said water.
Stanley Meyer may have done exactly that, modifying his dune buggy
to run on water alone using the hydrogen to run his dune buggy.
The goal of this web site is to explain the science behind Stanley
Meyers water fuel cell. As a group we will study his theory,
patents, and related information. The objective will be to replicate
the water fuel cell. The completion of our work will be proof to the
world of the validity of the water fuel cell.
Have you ever thought about water as a fuel source?
The atomic make up of water makes the molecule perfect for a fuel
source. The water molecule is composed of two atoms of hydrogen and
one atom of oxygen. When the water molecule is separated into its
component atoms (H and O) and oxidized as fuel, the resulting energy
is two and one half times more powerful than gasoline. The byproduct
of the combustion is water vapor. Making water as a fuel, powerful
and pollution free!
The problem has always been how to separate water economically.
Traditional methods of separating the bond of the water molecule
have resulted in failure. To power a car by these methods would not
move the car very far. The car's electrical system could not
recharge from the process quickly enough. The result would be a
quickly drained battery. For many years Stanley Meyer researched
this problem and found a way around it!
There are many people, as you could well imagine, who would not like
to see this technology appear in the market place.
Stanley A. Meyer died on March 27 1998 at the young age of 57. It is
vital that his research and resulting technological advances are not
lost, but rather that his work is continued.
More info
here (court case etc)
Join in the creative spirit and challenge (that is not driven by
greed) and help in an endeavor that will revolutionize the world.
This effort will provide an efficient fuel source which is
environmentally safe.
Join the Water Fuel Cell Forum
Introductory Video
Lecture Videos