by Ed Komarek
August 11, 2009
ExopoliticsBlogSpot Website
Our global civilization for the past 200
years has been founded upon and based on conventional materials
and electrical and magnetic technologies.
Almost everything we use today is based
on electrical circuits and magnetism. Our homes use electrical
current and circuits for lighting, heating, cooking while our
communication and transportation systems all rely on electrical and
magnetic fields.
In the 1700s, back in the horse and buggy days, static electricity
and lightning were anomalous strange and unusual unexplained
phenomena. The people at the time had no idea that in a mere couple
of hundred years, knowledge of these electrical phenomena would
completely transform human civilization on earth.
People in ancient times also witnessed other strange and unusual
anomalous phenomena associated with
UFOs and
Some of this knowledge was communicated
first in pictographs on cave walls, then to clay vessels and later
after the invention of writing into historical texts in clay and on
paper. Still UFOs and extraterrestrials were misunderstood and an
impossible enigma for mankind to unravel until recently.
But now in the past 60 years we are beginning to understand this
extraterrestrial enigma and are beginning to realize that humanity
has historic and genetic roots in other more technologically
advanced civilizations with which we co-exist but are largely
The reason we are unaware of these more
advanced civilizations is that these civilizations are based on
nanotechnology and torsion field
technologies. The citizens of these civilizations choose to
observe and interact with us using these technologies making them
largely invisible to us.
For instance these civilizations seem to use time compression
and other torsion technologies to place themselves in the
technologically advantageous situation by speeding up their time
in relation to our time. In a sense we are placed in stasis of
very slow time in relation to their activities so as to almost be at
a standstill in relation to them. In this manner their activities
and actions are too quick for us to observe or to affect them.
Its only when the extraterrestrial
activity slows down for one reason or another that we can observe
their activities.
Our civilization has now progressed to the point where we are
becoming technologically advanced enough to begin to observe and
understand anomalous aerial objects as spacecraft with real
extraterrestrial occupants. We are beginning to understand the
physics involved and how the propulsion systems of the craft
operate. All this in turn leads us to begin to understand the
technological basis of the civilizations that fly these spacecraft.
I find it interesting that the Russians
are much more willing to embrace torsion physics but even the
American scientists are beginning to begrudgingly admit the
existence of these fields as can be seen by this
skeptical Wikipedia torsion entry.
It’s now becoming clear to me that these extraterrestrial
civilizations are based on torsion field physics just as our
current civilization is based on electric and magnetic field
Torsion fields are just more
advanced forms of electricity and magnetism and so these more
advanced technological civilizations are just a quantum jump away
from us in their technological development.
We are now standing on the threshold from which we may quickly move
from where we now are to where they are in a very short period of
time. This fact is scaring the daylights out of the more fearful
among us who have in extreme secrecy and suppression obtained this
information in advance of the rest of us. There are daunting
challenges ahead that must be met and faced in an open and
transparent manner not clouded by secrecy and deception.
The national security challenges of trying to control public
and private introduction and access to these technologies are
If misused and in the wrong hands these
technologies can quickly and easily destroy our civilization. Yet if
these technologies can be used and properly controlled, our
civilization can quickly transform itself to an extraterrestrial
civilization on par with some of the civilizations with whom we
I find it interesting that the Russians are being much more
forthcoming than the Americans as to torsion theory, research and
the actual creation of working
torsion generators and other devices.
They are even now officially
disclosing the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrials in the
latest batch of declassified material.
I wonder what’s holding the Americans
Why do the Russians seem to be taking a
less reactionary and more progressive public approach to
torsion technological transformation
that the Americans?
My thinking is that we are going to have to have help in making this
transition and so must seek out ethical advanced civilizations with
a win-win approach to relationships. I believe this process of
sorting out of which civilizations would make favorable allies is
already developing in secret and will quickly accelerate with
It’s just going to take time and
experience just as we individuals sort out which personal
relationships are good for us and which are not.
There will be plenty of folks who will outline the challenges that
lie ahead. I would therefore like to try to outline some of the
benefits of a rapid transition to a more advanced civilization based
on torsion technological principles. I think we need to embrace
change rather than fear it. We need to ensure a balanced
conversation in the years ahead.
I have been following developments in the "New Physics" for many
years in a sporadic way. I have interfaced with Dr. Jack Sarfatti's
Internet physics network since the mid 1990s where these
developments have been discussed in a technical manner.
My interest accelerated when I had many
long phone discussions and email exchanges with scientist
Ray Stanford who is sitting on
a mountain of scientific data proving the existence of these torsion
technologies in regards to anomalous aerial objects.
This includes
time compression effects that cause the craft to become
transparent on film where the occupants of the craft can be observed
in detail.
(Ray Stanford takes
issue with my above statement and says,
"it is improper for you to
allege that the evidence I have shows the effects of 'torsion
field' technology, when you've never seen the evidence, and not
being a theoretical physicist you wouldn't know how to analyze
it even if you had.
In the first place, no
physicist who has seen my evidence has ever suggested that the
physics represented reveals 'torsion field' technology.
Your statement about the evidence in my possession might mislead
persons to think that I have said that 'torsion' technology is
involved, and since that is quite incorrect.")
What had been holding me up in my
understanding over the years was a word and a concept that would
pull all these extraterrestrial technologies of this "New Physics"
I think the terms torsion, or
spin field physics, gives us this unified concept that I have
been trying to find and understand as a layman.
I have recently been having email conversations with
Richard Hoagland. Richard tells
me he has been on to Torsion Physics for over ten years and
seems to be one of the few people in public besides Ray Stanford who
realize that Torsion Physics forms the basis of
extraterrestrial civilizations now interacting with us.
Richard says,
"Enterprise has been investigating
HD/Torsion Physics for over a decade. I have been discussing it
almost nightly on Coast to Coast AM. We even have an extensive
survey of the field - including our own work (up to 2007) -
published in 'Dark
Mission, The Secret History of NASA,' Chapter Two."
Richard Hoagland further states in a
email to me in response to a rough draft of this article that I sent
to him for comment.
Richard says,
"One last point: the 'black' world
has been secretly using torsion-based Physics and technologies
for decades (how do you think their ships fly..?); they simply
do NOT want this Physics and technology known or researched in
the so-called, 'white world'; in fact, one source specifically
told me (about a year ago...) that they 'would rather lose a
major American city to nuclear terrorism... than give up this
The relevance being, torsion physics
can stop nuclear processes COLD... and, from a remote distance -
thus ELIMINATING any and all 'nuclear threats.'
This also applies, of course, to any incoming nuclear
warheads... N. Korean missiles... terrorist cargo containers...
home-made bombs, etc., etc.
Because of our confirmation of a
laboratory source of torsion field energy, we can now test ALL
these claims ourselves at Enterprise and are in the process of
extensively testing the first bona fide Torsion Generator
we have found, the implications are simply overwhelming. In
other words, you haven't gone NEARLY far enough in the
implications of the kind of planet we COULD have... if 'they'
wanted us to have it."
Let me give some examples as to how
torsion technologies may revolutionize society.
Anybody studying the torsion literature
can think up many more examples for themselves. Remember folks I am
just getting started researching the possibilities inherent in
Torsion Physics with this my first article on this subject.
Today we use an electrical motor and a compressor to run freezers
and refrigerators to preserve food, specimens and other things like
genetic material. Freezing and refrigeration slows down bacterial
processes that spoil food by lowering the temperature. A stasis
chamber using a torsion generator would put the food or other
material in a much slower time in relation to our time.
Perhaps only seconds would elapse with
the material in the chamber while days; months, years would have
passed outside of the chamber. So the food or other material would
stay fresh in relation to our time and our activities.
Think about how a stasis chamber and generator could be used
in the medical profession.
A traumatized individual at the scene of
an accident or crime could be put in stasis for as long as necessary
to get that person to the hospital and through surgery. Maybe a
person could even be operated on while in stasis.
If a kind of
torsion technology is used to walk through walls or even fly craft
through solid bedrock, then it might be possible to even operate on
a person without cutting into the body.
If today’s technology can’t handle the
job then maybe the person could be kept in stasis until such
technology is developed.
Such a thought then leads to
time travel capabilities where a
person is kept in stasis for ten, twenty, forty years and then
brought back to regular time. In the future with life extension
possibilities a person could even live for a very long time once
they came back to standard time.
This idea suggests the possibility
that if large numbers of people decided to go into stasis for
extended periods of time that might help solve the overpopulation
How about transportation technologies?
In a few decades we could be looking
back at cars and airplanes like we think about horses and buggies.
Atmospheric craft and spacecraft would be lifted and propelled by
torsion propulsion systems around the globe and into the vastness of
space. There would be no expensive infrastructure of roads and
bridges to build and maintain and no environmentally damaging
expensive fossil fuels to burn for propulsion.
With less materials needed for
infrastructure, and better and more efficient recycling of
materials, there would be less need for mining of the earth.
How about trash disposal? That which was not recycled could be
simply destroyed or decomposed by torsion field generators into
manageable recycled products.
How about creating new alloys, fabrics,
composite materials through use of torsion fields? Think of the
advancements in materials technology. Torsion fields and time
compression can make normally opaque substances transparent so this
would open up huge opportunities into seeing through normally opaque
objects or even into the earth itself.
The greatest impact that torsion field generators may have on
our civilization initially would be to make the environmentally
destructive fossil fuels industry obsolete almost overnight. Torsion
field generators would replace expensive polluting fossil fuels with
cheap, efficient non-polluting energy and so free up huge economic
resources for the feeding and housing of our ever expanding
We could end global warming very
Communication technologies would make a quantum jump in range and
speed making today's communications seem like that of the telegraph.
Torsion Physics even begins to explain
telepathy and even
Torsion technologies can be truly be called the technology
of the gods.
We now have this technology within our grasp if we
chose to embrace the technology constructively rather than destroy
ourselves with it. If we are to handle this technology
constructively we must openly and transparently discuss and develop
this technology.
We must not allow this technology to
fall into the hands of a secret autocratic elite to be used
to control and enslave the rest of us.