by Tech Zombie Volunteer October 2012 from Indiegogo Website
If Nikola Tesla were alive today ...
We all have this opportunity now today with a modern day Tesla.
What would happen if we, the people supported the work of Eric Dollard?
Vindicate Tesla, Save the work of Eric Dollard
As a fifteen year old he got his first job with Americas biggest Radio corporation RCA, as a 16 year old he graduated high-school as a full fledged engineer and began working for Bell Labs and then went on to conquer every technical challenge the US Navy threw at him.
Eric Dollard is without a doubt the Greatest Hacker Alive, much as Tesla was the greatest Hacker who ever lived.
Eric Dollard has dedicated his life to discovering scientific truth to better humanity. He succeeded beyond all expectations and even surpassed Nikola Tesla. His reward has been tyranny and poverty.
The work of Eric Dollard was the very pinnacle of any available material. As I got closer to his work I began to wonder what he was up to. I was shocked and horrified to learn that he was now homeless. His last lab having been destroyed and all his work stolen. They even took his dog this time. Eric is a true champion of truth and a warrior scientist if there ever was one. It is a miracle he is still alive.
The story of Eric Dollard is the story of humanity.
Eric has been working hard to get this critical information to the public.
What We Need & What You Get
There are active agents of suppression working against people like Eric Dollard and Tesla before him.
These agents are shadowy and have great power. They can shatter the best laid plans of the individual. My hope is that we the people working together can triumph over them. Those that don't believe that such powers exist should look for another worthy campaign to aid.
Those looking at this as an investment, look elsewhere as this is not a mere charity campaign but a bold declaration of defiance to the powers that be!
All the funds will go to Eric Dollard. If we do not meet the goal all the funds also go to Eric Dollard. The goal is just my humble estimation of how much the legal proceedings will be for a few months and hopefully to get Eric off the street. The more we get the closer we can get Eric back his lab or setup a new lab.
One of the most respected venture capitalists in this field said that,
This is what caught my eye and it is very true.
Eric can make do with very little but I estimate it will take around $200,000 to set him up with a functioning bare bones lab again.
The Impact, True People Power
The magnitude of what is possible and what has already been done is more than most choose to believe.
This is not for most, but the elite few with the faith to believe in a worldview of abundance and natural wonder, the world Tesla tried to bring into the open 120 years ago. Eric Dollard has made Tesla's mission his own and he has been at it alone for over 50 years fighting against the powers that be.
I have never done such a thing before, make a campaign to fund a project like this. My experience is limited but I can wear many hats thanks to being an entrepreneur, coder, designer, and marketer. I am just a normal guy trying to help accomplish something that could rock the whole world.
I am very excited about this because it is like walking into a world of endless possibilities. We the people could setup our own mobile communications service, our own democratic internet and our own radio stations. I get to learn this amazing new field of science from the Yoda of the field and play a part in it's birth! I feel like a kid again and my sense of wonder, long since dormant since childhood is back!!
This is the best part of being an Angel investor. The investments you truly love you give your money, time and heart. The 'powers that be' want to protect their cash cows and keep those fat bills coming in every month.
Lets show them what people power can really do.
Other Ways You Can Help
YES, AN ACTUAL PAPER LETTER IN THE POSTAL MAIL. GASP! real envelope and stamps and all.
Write to him here:
The Only Scientist Alive to Have Recreated The
Work of Nikola Tesla - from Jinnwe Website
As the pinnacle of the evolution of the Victorian scientists Tesla aspired to create a system that would light up the entire world without wires. In the end a combination of his own wreck less decisions and the agenda of the moneyed elite brought upon his downfall and banishment.
Undaunted by this, Eric's set out to recreate all of Tesla's technology and to design a system of self powering, faster than light and lossless communication.
Eric was successful in rediscovering Tesla's core work, yet he is now living out in the desert. His laboratory and all of his possessions taken were from him. Eric's story is the story of all those who fight for truth in defiance of power.
How his story ends is up to us.
RCA, America's biggest Radio station at the time was happy to grand the young prodigy complete access to all of their facilities for his research into high frequency alternating current. Eric wasn't on the payroll for legal reasons but those in the know were aware of how how great a competitive advantage Eric Dollard could give them.
Bell Telephone quickly snatched him up right out of High School and also gave him free reign to persue his experiments, while not officially on the payroll. Eric was still only sixteen. Eric left high school with three certifications as a full fledged engineer at the age of sixteen.
Bell Labs called him their "Golden boy" and "Angel of Electricity".
To pursue true science is to pursue truth and all truth seekers are to tested. Eric learned this a hard way at an early age when his parents wrecked his garage laboratory and kicked him out of the house. This was to be the first time his laboratory and work would be deliberately destroyed. In desperation he enlisted in the US Navy.
They gladly accepted the young recruit and after aptitude testing referred to him as "God's gift to the Navy". He solved their "impossible problems" with ease and later returned to RCA to save their network from the rapidly advancing threat of satellite communications.
Eric was happy to be back at the massive Bolinas station as he was beginning to see just how special it was among radio facilities. The great Bolinas Radio station, also called KPH was one of the oldest in the world and it held a secret that had been covered up for decades.
He began to see that much was being hidden about how radio really worked. With his free time he began peering into the forbidden history of radio. Then one day he read a copy of John O'Neill's book Prodigal Genius - The Life of Nikola Tesla.
The suppressed history of Nikola Tesla was laid before him. Eric began to see how the radio system as it was now was merely a shadow of what it was intended to be and once was.
Eric began reading all of Tesla's patents and lectures. What he discovered was that after reinventing alternating current in the 1890's Tesla then discovered an entirely new kind of electricity that was not electro magnetic in origin, hence completely different from the system we use today.
This was confirmed by reading the court transcripts from the patent trial between Tesla and Marconi, where Tesla stated many times that his technology was not electro magnetic, a statement that at the time fell on deaf ears.
Eric, however, heard him loud and clear.
What he discovered would come as a surprise to even the most learned Tesla fan.
Even the most avid Tesla fans build Telsa Coils for Halloween entertainment and completely miss the point of his invention.
Tesla's secret project was about far more than simply transmitting electricity without wires. It was about all communications at faster than light speeds and giving energy away to all humanity for nothing. Tesla figured it all out in theory and tested it at Colorado Springs but did not complete his system at Wardenclyffee. Eric Dollard has figured out how to implement the core of these ideas into a viable system.
The first major radio installation in the USA was at Bolinas California. The same station where Eric got his start as a fifteen year old engineer working for RCA. Bolinas was first built by Italian inventor Marconi in California in 1913. Marconi used 17 of Tesla's patents to build this system and it worked.
This station used massive plates in the ground, one buried in the ocean near the fault lines, to transmit radio waves that ALSO carried power, not enough to power homes but certainly enough to power radios. This is why the old crystal radio sets of the 20's and 30's had bright clear sound WITH NO BATTERY OR WIRE TO THE WALL OUTLET!
You can still make radio wave powered radios using bottles and wires that work with no batteries our wall outlet.
The science is very real.
This old crystal radio set from the 20s used to work LOUD and clear using the radio signals sent in that era, no wall outlet. Those radio stations have long since been taken down...
The Magic Antenna and the Secret of KPH
The Bolinas Tesla/Marconi radio station is also known as KPH by those old timers who still know of it's significance.
The secret this facility holds is the key to unlocking faster than light radio, wireless power transmission (Theory of Wireless Power) and free energy synthesis. Eric has dedicated 2/3rds of his life trying to save this secret and resurrect it for the benefit of mankind.
Thus we can now see that the first radio stations in the USA were leading back to Tesla's free power transmission system that sent radio waves using Tesla's method. Marconi did not go all the way and build it as Tesla envisioned which was to broadcast power to a network of such stations worldwide.
The Tesla Marconi station sent out radio waves using Tesla's longitudinal wave technology. These waves provided enough power to amplify the signals it sent without any external electricity, even worse the existence of such technology left the door wide open for others to naturally pursue the transmission of energy via radio.
This was far too threatening for the energy industry and they had Marconi's station shut down and replaced with an inferior system of electro magnetic waves, which is what we use today.
The Alexanderson Antennas MTA's hold the secret to electrostatic non wave length radio technology. Faster than light, lossless and long suppressed.
Ernest Alexanderson was the protégé of Charles Steinmetz. His generators based on Tesla tech are extremely advanced even today.
The true value of the Bolinas Radio station can now be seen.
Not only did RCA bury it's significance but other shadowy NGO's such as Commonweal of Bolinas, California made it there prime directive to literally bury the facility under a pile of dirt and garbage.
Commonweal poses as a harmless NGO but this belies it's true purpose as a front of the central banking cartel to suppress forbidden technologies.
Commonweal presents itself as an non profit organization dedicated to the environment and health, with a focus on cancer. Ironically they were the prime agents in the vandalization of the Bolinas Facility. By aiding in the suppression of Tesla's radio technology which is perfectly safe, unlike the current electro magnetic technology which has been proven to cause cancer, they have shown themselves to be an organization against the environment and against fighting cancer. Commonweal is another Rockerfeller front.
Tesla is now wrapped within the cloak of a deep mystique as a flawless genius who invented AC current, radio, electricity and pretty much everything else.
Tesla was indeed a magnificent genius but he was far from perfect.
People blame J.P. Morgan for crushing his dream at Wardenclyffe but they fail to do their research, read the book Empire of Lights, and see that Tesla had received monies from Morgan to develop telegraphic radio and from Astor for the florescent light bulk yet Tesla in his own idealistic way spent the money instead to further his own theoretical research, which lead not to the promised deliverables but to a lack of confidence amongst him and his investors instead.
The mystique buries Tesla under a mountain of sugar and keeps his admirers from seeing the true and revolutionary nature of his work.
Eric Dollard claims that the vast majority of Tesla societies are dis-information fronts funded and controlled by the very same interests that suppressed Tesla's work. Eric gave several long and deep presentations on the truth of Tesla's work at the San Francisco Tesla Society.
To this day these video presentations and even a book that Eric had written are being withheld from the Public by the San Francisco Tesla Society, a now revealed to be a front for the Lawrence Livermore National Labs.
Those who wish to know the truth about radio and Tesla's real work should connect Eric Dollard with an attorney willing to sue the San Francisco Tesla Society in court to retrieve the videos and book.
Lawrence Livermore Labs feigns alternative energy research but is simply a front for high finance to make certain no real energy solutions ever enter the market. They sponsor Tesla Societies throughout the country in an effort to obscure the truth about Tesla and keep us looking at ineffective solutions like solar.
Eric made an excellent video about the truth of the Tesla Marconi radio station and why it was shut down. When this video was made Eric still did not know the full extent of the suppression. The books of Gerry Vassilatos, Secrets of Cold war Technology and the Vril Compendium, showed him just how far RCA and the shadowy organizations funded by the central banking cartel went to suppress Tesla's longitudinal wave technology.
All of Tesla's work with this new type of electricity and wave form had been actively suppressed. Despite this new type of energy wave being far more cost efficient and effective it was banned from all commercial use and banished from textbooks as well.
The scientific community has
disavowed any knowledge of it, why?
Tesla believed that
his system of longitudinal electricity worked because of the ether.
powers that be had to completely destroy the very idea of the ether
and ensure that free energy would never again threaten their
Many other scientists support him and there is a growing movement to liberate physics from pseudo psychics and the high priests of nebulous pseudoscientific banker funded dogma.
Time magazine, The NY Times and many other publications have recently published articles citing the evidence that Einstein was wrong. Einstein was proven wrong the moment he introduced his theory and has been proven wrong countless times since, yet we still hail him as a saint of science.
The suppression is inter generational and Einstein was only the first pillar of the deception. Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and most recently Michio Kaku have taken up the flag of obfuscated mysticism in a desperate effort to suppress aether theory.
All this at the bidding of the same central banking giants which sprang from the Rothchilds and Rockefellers.
Knowing this and knowing the fate of Tesla and all those that tried after him to recreate his work was not enough to stop Mr. Dollard. Eric went about his work and peered even more deeply into the past.
Einstein, Tesla and Steinmetz. One is a fraud, plagiarist and pillar of disinformation, one is a brilliant scientist whose true work has been ruthlessly suppressed and the other a brilliant mathematician whose work has been buried. From left to right, Einstein, Tesla, Steinmetz.
Stephen Hawking is one of the main pillars of the establishments corruption of physics. Theorizers such as himself are praised and lauded while those who actively work to implement true physics for the betterment of humanity are left destitute in the wild
Eric Dollard is not the only one fighting against the hijack of science by the stooges of international finance and social control. There is a growing movement to liberate psychics from the lies and to resurrect the work of natural scientists such as Tesla.
Tesla scared the central bankers senseless. They knew what his plan meant. Energy independence meant an almost complete loss of control of the people. They are doing the same thing today through nebulously named ngo's such a Commonweal.
Eric looked to the legendary mathematician Charles P Steinmetz and to Oliver Heaviside for answers. Their censored writings revealed that they too had taken this battle for truth upon themselves and were met with the same resistance.
In their mathematics and Tesla's experiments lie the key
to unlocking the ether but there was one element missing to
decipher the riddle.
The ether and the energy it produced was not some mechanical construct and thus pure mechanics and mathematics alone could not represent it. The ether was an organic energy matrix and it was as responsible for the static electricity in the air as it was for the plants that grow from the ground and the animals that walk the earth. Eric had begun to step out of the world of pure science and into the metaphysical.
Eric noticed in his experiments that when he ran this special electricity of Tesla's through wood or other organic matter that it would burn tree like etchings into it.
They looked like the branches of trees and their dimensions reflected the golden ratio. Going a step further Eric noticed that when this energy was transmitted within vacuum bulbs that galactic formations and cosmic arrangements would form within the bulbs. It was as if he was looking through the Hubble telescope through a light bulb on his lab bench.
Further experiments revealed the fractal organic nature of all matter. The ether theory became all the stronger the more one compared the cosmic and organic.
Eric would progress even further into the study of the ether. The more he experimented with channeling dielectricty through various enclosed spaces the more he uncovered the truth behind the "Theory of Creation".
The Big Bang was a big Hoax and Einstein, Darwin and the whole lot of them were crushed by his experiments.
Eric Dollard now became a very dangerous man to the establishment as his scientifically proven and tested research could destroy the web of lies which they had carefully built for over the past three hundred years.
The ether was ever present and could project it's formative powers to any proportions. The deeper he went into true science the more that he saw that science and spirituality were one and the same. He began to see quantum physics as a misinformation campaign for true etheric science.
The mystics of the past knew more of true science than the quantum physics of today.
The shape on the left has been burned into wood by a Tesla coil. The right is the special kind of electricity Tesla discovered in its pure raw form. Notice the organic shape.
This was the last research laboratory Eric had and was located at Landers California.
A wealthy investor in the alternative science scene once commented that,
This kind of praise was not an understatement as Eric single handedly transformed the long abandoned Landers facility into a radio base to serve the country of San Bernardino and the 29 Palms Marine Corp Base as a civil defense station and earthquake warning system.
On a shoestring budget Eric had taken Telluric ,relating to the study of electricity within the earth, research to new heights and his facility could even detect underground nuclear blasts from North Korea.
The Landers plant could be scaled to serve the entire country with free, loss less, faster than light radio, save lives via earth quake detection and potentially far more. Upon the completion of this modern day wonder, the powers that be swooped, shut it down and destroyed it.
A certain Roy McGee and Olin Bates worked together to cheat Eric out of the property and even confiscated all his notes, gear and work.
After losing this, his last laboratory and being so close to implementing a system that would revolutionize communication for the community, Navy and possibly the entire country Eric has realized that his work shall always be marked for destruction.
Eric wants those that truly desire the advancement of science to step forward and support a campaign to sue the guilty parties in court and get back his life's work.
The potential
for the advancement of humanity is tremendous. Eric inherited a radio station in Landers, CA from a friend. He spent years building it up and turned it into the an advanced ground radio station that could detect earthquakes before they occur, transmit faster than light radio with no losses and potentially far more. The "far more" part sent the powers that be scrambling to destroy it and they did.
He has been assaulted many times and
suffered serious injuries. He has had his home and lab's raided
repeatedly and been driven to homelessness. All of his friends have
betrayed him, all of his possessions taken from him and worse still
all of his notes and work burned. In this last scenario they even
took his pet dog away from him.
An NGO posing as a charitable foundation but in actuality being a front of the energy brokers was what did him in this time. They knew he was close to releasing something monumental and they swooped in and took everything but his life.
You would be harder pressed to find a scientist who has gone through more destroyed laboratories than Eric P Dollard.
Eric has not given up. While he has rebuilt his lab many times and rallied to the finish line alone, this time it is different.
Now in his sixties, black listed and without a penny to his name we cannot ask this man to try and bless the human race with the gift of free natural energy yet again, not without our help.
Eric Dollard has fought for the truth his entire life. His reward has been tyranny and poverty. Eric is now homeless and on welfare. It is miracle he is even alive.
Barbara Boxer is a senator in California. She has steadily and forcefully pushed a thinly veiled communist agenda upon the state and according to her FBI file has been linked to the suppression of the work of Eric Dollard. Powerful forces are always against those who fight for truth. They do not always send the men in black but instead opt for the women in white when they think you are a truly serious threat.
The facility that held the secrets of Tesla technology has been vandalized, gutted, and now destroyed. The suppression of energy technologies is very real.
George Gadboury is the President of the Tesla Society of San Francisco. He has been holding onto Eric's presentations and even his book. First he demanded a ransom then when people offered to pay he refused to even answer. A confirmed agent of suppression
Hells Angel Chris Wayne Hudson is up on drug running and murder charges. He also has the added notoriety of having stolen Eric's pet coyote. Eric would like his pet and friend back. Great scientists shouldn't have to engage in battles with Hells' angels.
I would be the one to stand by him and support him when everyone left. I would be the friend that inspired him and brought other allies to his cause. I would be the one to help pick him up when they knocked him down and I would also be there at the party to celebrate the energy independence of all humanity.
Energy barons, central bankers? To hell with them.
If you have the will then anything is possible.
This is why I am writing this article. It took 5 months of research before I finally discovered Eric Dollard, what he had accomplished and what had been done to him. His entire story has been hidden even within the niche of the alternative science community, such is how desperate the powers that be are to bury his work.
I believe in him 100% and I believe that
energy for all humanity is not only natural but our God given right.
Eric Dollard has given many lectures around the USA. Many of them have not been released but the ones that we have offer immense insight into the truth of electrical engineering.
He hopes that someone can continue the work in his place but imagine if we could give Eric the chance to finish his mission.
Epic Win for Professor Eric Dollard and WE the People! March 22, 2013 from ZenGardner Website
An Epic Win and proof we are the change and are ready for action!
I am so honored to be a part of this.
For the first time in my life I feel like something REAL is
happening and it is something BIG! Sky’s the limit, but we’ll
probably get around that too eventually.
We just WON and in EPIC fashion. We are a million times stronger than them and when we work together no force on earth can stop us. They never saw this coming and they are SCARED senseless.
What we do next will leave them begging
for mercy.