by Andrew Breznick
July 2012

from FreeEnergySystems Website

recovered through WayBackMachine Website





Part 1
July 8, 2012


For over forty years, since starting his own energy company at the age of 22 and after getting his Doctorate’s Degree in Philosophy from Milan University, Andrea Rossi has been interested in helping transform the way we generate and consume energy by looking for alternative fuel sources beyond traditional coal and oil.

In 1989, the US Department of Energy determined that commercially viable sources of energy would not result from cold fusion.


This declaration did not deter Rossi rather it fueled his commitment to furthering research in the Nickel-Hydrogen field and joining forces with other scientists to develop a sustainable cold fusion device.


This drive and further experiments lead to the introduction of the Energy Catalyzer in 2009. This technology that produces heat is also called low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) and advances alternative energy into the mainstream.


With the release of Rossi’s E-Cat residential device set for early 2013, thought it would be a good time to speak with Rossi about how the E-Cat device will work and what the future holds for cold fusion.


Free Energy Systems: First, I want to thank you for spending this time with us today. It is an honor to have this time with you. Thank you.

Andrea Rossi: No, thank you.


It is an honor for me to speak with you and with your readers. We are all just working for the best of possibilities for new energy, so I am glad to be here with you this morning.

FES: We have seen your interviews on your site, heard you on the radio and read other interviews that you have given.


In those interviews, you say that you consider the E-Cat to be a LENR unit and not Cold Fusion. You said that fusion might occur, however, you do not view the E-Cat as a Cold Fusion device.


My first question is what is the difference between Cold Fusion and LENR?

AR: Simply put, Cold Fusion means fusion of nuclea at a low temperature, while low energy nuclear reactions is a more widely understood definition. LENR includes nuclear effects, not necessarily fusions. For example gamma rays emission without any atomic fusion.

FES: How did you become aware that LENR existed and that it was even possible?

AR: Well, of course you know that in 1989, Fleischmann and Pons made their famous press conference and that day I received their information and I tried to repeat their experiment but I had not been able to repeat their results.


However, from that point on, I took it up to release LENR and tried to make my own research regarding cold fusion. This is how I began my experimentation. Their idea that it should be possible to get LENR was practical and logical to me.


That is why I decided to invest my time in this research.

FES: So the work actually started in 1989 and the culmination of the work is coming to fruition as we speak?

AR: Correct, yes it is correct. I started to make it professionally, investing money in 1990.

FES: Understanding that certain details are confidential, will you please explain in laymen’s terms exactly what the E-Cat does and why it is so significant?

AR: By means of LENRs, nickel and hydrogen with some additives we can create a reaction producing heat with a very high efficiency.

FES: We have read that the E-Cat reached 600 Celsius degrees (C) for over 45 days and that the E-Cat has reached self sustainability. Will you please explain what this means?

AR: The E-Cat of the last generation can reach 600 C, which will allow a more wide utilization, for example, to produce electric energy or heat. The self sustaining mode of the E-Cat is when it works without consuming energy.

FES: What will the E-Cat be made out of? What is the chamber/reactor made out of that it can withstand 600 C for any sustained period of time?

AR: Mainly stainless steel. It is made by a particular stainless steel alloy which is able to sustain the temperature. Basically, I can say that it is AISI 310 alloy.

FES: We have read that the E-Cat will start going on sale by year’s end to commercial clients and that it will go on sale to private customers in 2013. Is the E-Cat still on schedule to be sold at these times and do you have further release date information?

AR: The industrial version of the E-Cat is already for sale, while the domestic (or home) version is set for 2013. However, although the certification of the residential version is still on course we cannot foresee the scheduling because it does not depend on us.

FES: Who or what agency is currently reviewing the E-Cat for approval for home use in the United States and in other countries around the world?

AR: We have to get the certification from an official certifier for sale in the U.S.


We are under a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the certifier and all I can say is the U.S. certifier works for one of the most well-known worldwide certification companies and I can not say whom they are because we will be only be able to explain their name after the certification has been reached. This is based off of the contract that we have with them.

Now we have to put a distinction between the certification of the industrial plants, which are the plants of 1 megawatt per hour of energy and the domestic apparatuses.


The distinction is due to the fact that when you install the device in an industrial plant, you give it to certified operators, who have to take a course, and be examined by us and certified by us.


You know that industry is structured to penalize on safety issues in order to guarantee a proper operation. This is why that industrial certification will be granted to us very soon as we have been informed.

The situation is completely different for the domestic market, because when you sell a domestic apparatus, it goes directly from the manufacturer to the shop, and from the shop, to an apartment where there are not professional operators.


And also, most of the public will not even read the instructions, with the instructions book which will accompany every E-Cat. For this reason, the certification of the domestic apparatuses will take more time. And I confirm that how much time will be necessary is out of our control.


But, I think, and I have record statistics from the certifiers that after the industrial plants will be in operation and we'll have accumulated hours of operation, it will be easier to predict all the statistics that will allow certification for the domestic apparatuses.


So, this is exactly the situation.

FES: Now, with regards to the certification process, you say that it's an independent organization that is certifying it. Does the E-Cat also have to get some type of certification from the U.S. government?

AR: No, as far as we know, there are no government certifications that are requested for this apparatus.


We already had a contact with government persons, but, due to the characteristics of our apparatuses, which does not use radioactive material, does not produce radioactive waste, and does not emit radiations outside of the apparatuses doing the operation there are no reasons to request any government observation.


This is what has emerged so far. So, the certification made by a third party, specialized certification company is enough by law as of today. Of course, we do not know the future because I cannot predict this at all.


I can only answer based on what is the situation today.

FES: Now, we have also read that people have had difficulty in the past, going many years back, getting these LENR and Cold Fusion devices patented. Has the E-Cat been patented yet, or where are you in the process of getting it patented?

AR: Yes, we have many patents pending, in the U.S. and in the international circuit.


We already have been granted the basic patent in Italy, and this is important because this forbids any attempt to make or to patent the same thing in any part of the world. But, the patents outside Italy are still pending and our attorneys are working on them. And, there is nothing more I can say.


You know, the procedure of patenting is based on the fact that between our attorneys and the patent officers, there is a patent of course on papers based on the requests of more information, and so on.


The patent job is going on.



Part 2
July 12, 2012

In the final segment of our two part interview with Andrea Rossi, the inventor of the E-Cat, we continue our discussion on the residential applications of Cold Fusion.


We dive deeper into how we will use LENR in our homes and what the future holds for this break through technology.

Free Energy Sysyems: For people’s homes, what will the first released version of the E-Cat be able to do?

Andrea Rossi: Provide heat.

FES: Could one unit heat a whole home?

AR: Yes. Of course it depends on the surface and the volume of the house. You know, every E-Cat gives a certain amount of energy.


But, total amount needed by a house depends on the volume of the rooms you have to heat up. So, there is a calculation that our connectors will make, and so maybe you will need one or more E-Cats to cover your heating demand.

FES: And so, would someone keep their E-Cat where there water heater would be currently, in the basement, or something along those lines?

AR: The location of our apparatus would be exactly where the apparatus already exists because we will just attach our apparatus to the existing boiler or heater and nothing has to be changed or displaced.


We have just to connect and bypass the output of the water from the existing boiler or heater to the inlet of the E-Cat. And, the outlet of the E-Cat goes to a circuit. So, it is a very simple connection.

FES: Now, moving forward to people being able to purchase the E-Cat for their homes, do you envision this being sold at a retail location such as E-Cat stores, or is it your goal to bring it to existing retail outlets?

AR: Yes. Our goal is to bring it to Home Depot in the United States. We already have contacts, and they are waiting for the certification to be done. But, we will sell it through the Home Depot chain.

FES: How much do you anticipate that the first home E-Cat will cost?

AR: Around $1,000 USD.

FES: How big are the home E-Cat units going to be?

AR: First of all, I must start to answer to this question saying that we will know exactly the shape and the characteristics of the domestic apparatuses only after the certifier has finished his work, because we are waiting for all the requirements that the apparatus will have to respect be certified.


So we are waiting, on these requirements, you see.

But, as the situation is right now, the domestic apparatus which we have already manufactured in some prototypes, which we are testing in our factory is about 12 inches by 12 inches by 6 inches of dimension (30 centimeters by 30 centimeters by 15 centimeters about).


It is kind of a box and it is applied to any kind of existing heating apparatus in bypasses so that it can get its energy to the circuits, so that the sensors of temperature of the existing heating system, becomes a sort of a pick-up will sense the temperature and regulate, if you will, flow depending on the temperature that the apparatus will be able to produce.


So that automatically, during the operation of the E-Cat, the consumption of a fuel, of a traditional fuel, will be automatically reduced.

FES: When a consumer goes to their local store, buys the E-Cat, brings it home, do they have to get someone to install it for them, or is this something where they'll be able to plug it in or install it themselves?

AR: They will need a professional operator that will install it properly, and respecting the requirements, and at that point, also, the operator will give the main instructions so it will force in a certain way, the customer to read the main topics of the instruction book.

FES: And will it be the type of situation that once the consumer brings it home, the operator comes and installs it and gives the instructions? Will the consumer then be able to just leave it running?

AR: Exactly. The consumer has to do absolutely nothing.


And because every six months, the operator will go to change the charger, which is a very simple operation, like to change the refill in a pen.


The consumer has just to do nothing, and call the operator if he needs to. But mainly, the main instruction is just to call the operator. The instructions will be how to turn it off, and how to turn it on and that's all that the customer will have to do.

And by the way, the E-Cat will be sealed, and we will always control that seal so that it has not been broken, because in case we find the seals broken, which should mean that the customer has tried to open the reactor, I think that he has absolutely not to do.


In that case, of course, all the guarantees will be canceled.

FES: Is that to keep the proprietary technology confidential, or is that to protect the consumer?

AR: Basically to protect the consumer, because as it is well known in the science of reactors, that there are powders of nickel, and powders of nickel are toxic. You know, it is kind of like, in the batteries.


You know, in the normal use of batteries that you put inside your cell phone, or in a torch light, those very common batteries like Duracell, et cetera, if you open them, they are full of toxic materials. So, they are made in a way that you cannot open them accidentally but you have to want to break them and open them.


In that case, you come in contact with a toxic material.

This is the same with our reactors. They are sealed and closed and very robust so you have to want to break the seals and open them. And at that point, your fingers can be in contact with the toxic material like nickel powders, et cetera, and we have to prevent it.


And, this is the main issue, because you know the people that want to make reverse engineering will be professionals, and the professional will not bother very much to lose the guarantee and they will open it professionally, and in a safe mode.


So, our protection is just to guarantee the necessary safety.

FES: When someone brings the unit home, how much will the first E-Cat cost to operate and what can people anticipate in terms of its full functionality?

AR: The operation cost is irrelevant.

FES: Will an operator have to come though, once a year, to refuel the E-Cat?

AR: Yes, it is correct

FES: Okay, so they'll have to continue, every year on year to refuel it, and then it'll just continue to run throughout the year.

AR: Yes, because the refueling is also an occasion to check that everything is alright.


It is not just to refill, it is also to take a look. Like, you know in a normal gas heater, you have every year to get an inspection from a professional that has to come to check that all the connections are correct, et cetera.


So, our inspection, the inspection of our operators, every six months will have also the goal to control that everything is alright and to prevent misconnections.

FES: Do you envision a day, in the not to distant future, where fossil fuels are totally replaced by the E-Cat?

AR: No. I think that the different energy sources will be integrated.

FES: Moving forward do you envision a day where you will be not only able to heat your home with an E-Cat, but in addition to that, get electricity from the E-Cat as well?

AR: You know the electricity issue is bound to the temperature that we are able to bring to the wall of the reactor, to have good efficiency.


So, it will be very difficult to make this in the domestic apparatuses because it is very complex and when the reactor reaches certain temperatures. I also think that the certification will be very difficult, honestly.


And, while we already are ready to make electricity in the industrial plant, because in these days, we are making very thorough tests, with very high temperature reactors which will be able to produce steam at very high temperatures obtaining very good performances in terms of efficiency.


Therefore, it will be absolutely possible in a short term, but we make electricity by means of industrial plants, while to make electricity with a domestic client is a long shot, because there is a long road map.

First of all we need the certification done for the heating systems. Then, we will design how to make electricity, which will be also complicated technologically. Because you know, to make electricity, you need a turbine to have a good efficiency. You have to go to very high temperatures, at least.


You need a condenser. And you know, to put all this in a house, I think that is very, very, very difficult at the moment, honestly.

FES: Could you envision a day where we had Cold Fusion or LENR cars?

AR: You know, about the future, I can say that this technology will have many applications. I am not thinking to in this moment. It is very difficult to know what will happen in the future. I made this example in another situation. I want to repeat this example.


The inventors of the laser, when they invented it, they absolutely could not imagine that the lasers would have been the main telecommunication systems through the optic fibers.


You know, the inventors of the laser couldn't even think about that. So, you know, an analogy, in this moment, I cannot imagine how many applications will be there.


About the applications to the automotive, in a way, I would think that there will be difficult states to be overcome with the certification process. Because the application to engines for cars, et cetera, all this technology will not have easy issues for what goes to the certifications.

FES: From your colleagues or the media, possibly anyone for that matter, have you experienced negative feedback or has everybody really embraced this revolutionary and evolutionary change?

AR: You know, it is normal, also in physics, that a system always resists to any external force that is applied. This is a physical principle and it, as well, an industrial and political principle.


So, we are not an exception in this. But, in any case, I cannot complain because it is normal and we have received many sustained encouragements that have balanced the situation.


For example, what you are doing right now with me is trying to help our development. And, many journalists are involved. And, many persons, many politicians have, are trying to help out and of course there are also resistances, which are normal.

But, at the end, I think that what counts is that we make proper plans, working properly, and as a logical consequence, this technology will be difficult, but have the very simple reasons that customers vote with dollars. If a thing works, it goes through, and if it does not work, it does not go through.


Resistances are always overcome if you apply enough force to overcome them.

FES: That concludes our interview. Thank you so very much for your time.

AR: Thank you.

FES: We wish you tremendous success, because your success is all of our success. We all wish you the very best.

AR: Thank you.