ByAmerican Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
also at
Wackenut's Security Force Website's Digital Signatures
on Fraudulent
Messages being placed on ACC's Website by Hackers, who
had allegedly
engaged in months of interference in ACC's operations.
Suggests that
Wackenhut might be operating a CYBER-TERRORISM TEAM on
the WEB. |
Cranford, NJ. April 25, 1997
After discovering digital signatures it couldn't identify on its
web server in bulletin board messages and access records, ACC
installed updated remote host detection code in an effort to
determine who or what was behind a concerted effort to interfere
with its operations, and that of its Publication Department's
On-Line Investigation into the Science of Space Travel,
Aerospace Science, and such interesting commentary topics as the
alleged 1947 Roswell, NM crash of a UFO, and public reaction to
it, and theories about the tragic Kennedy, King and Rabin
Round the clock surveillance of its own equipment for three
months finally paid off when, after isolating the pattern of
fraudulent access to its servers, a message left by a member of
the group of hackers engaging in what ACC called "pre-planned,
well organized harassment of ACC by wire fraud, email fraud and
telephonic threatening", revealed the original digital signature
of that user's WEB HOST, and what is now believed to be the
origins of the entire group hacking ACC's equipment.
The message, one of hundreds from the same small group of
hackers, originated on the servers maintained by Wackenhut
International Corporation's "Mail1" server, part of the
Gateway used by
a billion dollar International Security Force provider to the US
Government, to gain access to the Internet.
Wackenhut's equipment is not set up
for Public Anonymous usage, and has extensive security,
precluding the possibility that the hackers had hacked into
Wackenhut's equipment to use it as a shield, stated an Internet
Security Expert employed by ACC.
"This is consistent with a
pattern of deliberate abuse of ACC's Web Servers and Email
accounts: employees at Wackenhut, using its internal Web
Server access accounts and equipment, have apparently been
SPAMMING and TERRORIZING the American Computer Company
'Publications Department' which has been pursuing a
journalistic investigation of the issues regarding Wackenhut
CLIENT's involvement in an alleged cover-up of the capture
of a Crashed UFO, kept supposedly at Area 51, which
Wackenhut provides inside security services to for the US
Air Force," stated a forum supervisor known to the Internet
Public only as 'Morpheus' through the On-Line "Alien Science
and Technologies Forum", maintained by ACC's Publications
"The real question is, which of Wackenhut's very visible
CLIENTs may have commissioned this alleged CYBERWAR against
ACC," he added.
The Alien Science and Technology
Forum is a light, satiric, educational investigation of
scientific issues involving space travel, aerospace science,
electronic science, physics, and other areas of research,
politics, commerce and human sociology. Among its topics are the
infamous Roswell UFO Crash, in the public spotlight recently due
to the 50th Anniversary of Roswell held during the Summer of
During the period, ACC issued a light commentary about the
allegations made by one Lt. Col. Philip Corso, Nuclear
Physicist Stanton Friedman and an anonymous Consultant,
that started an inquiry as to whether they were correct or not
in suggesting such 1940's engineering marvels as the Bell
Transistor, were in reality derived from Alien Technology taken
off the allegedly downed Roswell UFO.
Within a week of publishing its original story, ACC indicated,
its offices had been broken into, it had received classified
materials leaked it deliberately by a "consultant" and faxed to
it without solicitation, and extensive sabotage of its Web
Equipment was already underway.
"We got a reaction to what we
thought would be responded to as a humorous story, that we
did not expect!" stated ACC President Jack Shulman.
"In fact, we have had millions
of visitors come to our web site to find out more (HERE
is the strange story of Roswell 1947 is posted) and have by
investigation found inconsistencies in the stories about
technology transfer both at the Bell System in 1947
surrounding the origins of the Transistor, and at the
operation of the Z-Division - which today consists of our
Nuclear Defense programs, plus Sandia Corporation, and a
half dozen National Laboratories, including Lawrence
Livermore, Alamagordo, Sandia, Berkeley, Oak Ridge, Hanford
and others. The whole thing has become an exceedingly
strange story. The more we try to look away from the odd
allegations by Corso, Friedman and others of strange goings
on at the National Labs, the more the story draws us back."
"During the time period, the web warfare against ACC by what
looked for all the world like a concerted group of fanatical
hackers, took on global proportions, including the illegal
use of multiple proxies by the hackers to hide their
identities from us as they alternately tried to topple our
equipment, tie up our staff and equipment, and harassed us
with insults, defamation, libel, out and out nonsense, and
telephonic and electronic death threats.
This was accompanied by the
posting of libelous email to millions of email boxes, all of
it very well orchestrated, with, at its epicenter, one or
two people using phony names who claimed to be 'UFO
investigators', whose source web sites have one unique
attribute: the hackers possess extremely rare links to the
old-style inward Darpa-net that can not be communicated with
by those of us in the outside world easier, perhaps linking
them to some unknown Defense Advanced Research Projects site
of which we and the Public are unfamiliar, perhaps one used
to surveillance and coordinate their efforts on the Internet."
"It wasn't until we finally were able to penetrate a web of
proxy misdirection, that we began to get suspicious of
WACKENHUT, as they provide security services to the
Area 51 and commercial providers such as Bell
Labs, Rockwell and others, and to the Armed Services and
Correctional Centers throughout the US."
"Fortunately for us, their employees got clumsy this week,
and when posting the usual round of Cyberwar Transmissions,
our equipment was able to identify, for the first time, that
these hackers were operating from WACKENHUT's WEB SYSTEMS,
hosted for them by Florida Internet (FLINET) near
WACKENHUT's West Palm Beach, Florida Mega-Corporate
At this moment it is not clear
to what extent Wackenhut's management is involved, were
aware, or whether Wackenhut's close affiliation with its
client's computer equipment was simply being used as a
vantage point to harass ACC from."
"We have asked the Justice Department and the National
Security Agency to look into the hacking and intrusion for
the possibility that Wackenhut should have its 'sensitive
top secret' security clearance revoked until we get to the
bottom of this, as the security violations also included one
breach into our passwords file by what appear to be a
security operative directed by Wackenhut, along with
depictions of our executives on the Internet with rifle
sight cross hairs added to their images, filing of false
registrations with the Internic, and sending of threatening
audio transmissions to our voice mail.
It appears likely that
intrusions into our web server from what we determined are
Classified websites at Wright Patterson Air Force base
during the past few months, may also have involved the
company's personnel. We commenced a lengthy criminal
investigation of the harassment when the individuals
involved started posting the telephone numbers and names of
Family Members of ACC's executives, encouraging others to
harass what turned out to be 80 year old senior citizens and
spouses and children. At that point we decided to catch the
harassers and seek punitive damages."
"If it turns out that Wackenhut did this thing for a client
of theirs, we are going to seek State or Federal punitive
damages against Mr. George Wackenhut, the company's
chairman, as I am going to hold him personally accountable
for the millions of dollars in financial damages he may have
caused ACC and for the emotional impact of the threats on my
elderly parents, who are in their late 70's and 80's,
enfeebled and ill, and I am sure others here who have been
harmed by the Hackers are going to do likewise." added Mr.
"Its one thing to respond to a humorous look at the lighter
side of technology, Space Science and UFOlogy, by posting
equivalent information on the Web in your own name. Its
another thing to use anonymous user names to go about
deliberately trying to destroy someone, and that's what
these hackers are trying to do. It became quite clear that
these were no ordinary group of typical 'hacker youth' -
they have been too disciplined, too regimented and too well
advised on using psychology to try to set their opposition
off balance.
To some degree they have
recruited a few hacker youth to assist them, but that's been
done through a SPIDERWEB of lies and deceit. We have been
gauging and studying them for a long time, and we have
coined a new phrase to describe what may ultimately turn out
to be Wackenhut's alleged INTERNET Hacker Team:
Cybermercenaries, or CyberMercs for short.
Of course, we want to give
Wackenhut a chance to respond in their own defense, perhaps
in Court, but since this may involve one of their 'Sensitive
Military Area' clients disinterested in our Probe into the
Science of UFOlogy and Space Flight and the Science of the
US Nuclear Defense Program, we are doubtful they, Wackenhut,
will do anything but remain silent or threaten us further.
Last week, someone cloned one of
our WEB ADDRESSES using libelous terms in the registration,
and one of the Suspected WACKENHUT hackers then posted it to
millions of Web Users in an effort to further harass ACC and
suppress people publicizing about us.
The Internic transferred the
fraudulent registration to our control, but has yet to
change its defamatory content, despite our legal protests.
This could get very ugly, if ACC has to take further strong
legal action and could ROCK the Internet."
American Computer is located at "http://american-computer.com"
on the Internet. Its products include advanced PCs, Laptops,
Supercomputers and Web Servers.
Contact: Jim Peterson
American Computer Company
6 Commerce Drive
Cranford, NJ 07016
(908) 272-3330