by Montalk
July 22, 2010
Montalk Website
Research reveals that the
Philosopher’s Stone is not just a metaphor representing
something intangible that catalyzes spiritual evolution, but an
actual physical substance that transmutes lead or mercury into gold.
The Stone is a product of Alchemy. Unlike chemistry, Alchemy makes
use of etheric and astral energies to engender reactions that
reconfigure matter at the quantum level.
Alchemy is to chemistry what a cube is
to the square; it is a superset of chemistry and is capable of so
much more.
How Etheric
Energy Overrides Physical Laws
Alchemical achievements are predicated on the successful gathering,
concentrating, and multiplying of etheric energy.
When this energy reaches a critical
threshold, it overpowers the normal laws of physics and allows
seemingly miraculous processes to take place. I believe it does this
by biasing probability so that minor quantum effects normally
restricted to the subatomic scale get amplified in probability and
manifest on the larger molecular scale.
The world around us is made of subatomic particles that regularly
undergo unpredictable jumps,
teleportation, bilocation,
superposition, and other strange quantum behaviors.
Why don’t everyday solid objects do
likewise? Because the random quantum jittering of their constituent
subatomic particles collectively average out to zero.
Think of a large crowd of people; seen
from the air, the crowd as a whole is stationary, even though
individuals within the crowd move in seemingly random directions.
It’s because their movements are random and uncoordinated that they
average to zero net movement on the whole.
The world we see around us is merely a crowd of subatomic particles
whose individual quantum jumps aren’t apparent to us because they
average to collective stillness. Physical laws that govern our
everyday world, known as the deterministic laws of classical
physics, are merely the laws of the crowd; they are what’s left of
quantum physics after the unpredictability is removed through
statistical averaging.
They are not absolute laws; they are
just the most probable manner in which matter and energy behave.
Physical laws can be bent.
While the probability is incredibly low
that enough coordination and coherence develops among the quantum
jitters to manifest on a collective scale, that is exactly what
etheric energy does. It alters probability and thereby skews the
laws of thermodynamics, gravity, electromagnetism, and chemistry.
Alchemy does not violate the laws of physics, nor does
it always follow them, rather it bends them as needed.
It operates upon the quantum foundation
from which these laws arise in the first place, and it does so
through etheric energy affecting the probability of quantum events.
The Alchemy of
Alchemy uses the code names salt, mercury, and
sulphur to denote the different components of a substance.
Salt denotes the physical
component, the seat, base, matrix, anchor, or ark of the
nonphysical aspects.
Mercury is the etheric component
and represents the dynamic, vital, transmutative, vivifying
energy present within the substance.
Sulphur denotes the archetypal
identity or pure vibrational essence, analogous to the human
astral body and spirit because it contains the “Idea” unique
to that substance.
Therefore, in Alchemy an element like
gold is seen to have three components:
the salt of gold
mercury of gold
sulphur of gold
These respectively denote the physical,
etheric, and archetypal aspects of gold.
Same goes for other materials employed
in Alchemy, they also have their salt, mercury, and sulphur
Now, the goal of transmutation is to impress the archetypal
signature of one element upon another in order to change it to that
element. By changing an element’s archetypal signature it cannot
remain the same element.
So what Alchemy does in the case of transmutation of lead into gold,
is to gather mercury harvested and concentrated from potent sources,
imbue it with the sulphur of gold, and store the combination in a
suitable salt. The result is then ready to impress its archetypal
essence of “goldness” upon a different element responsive to
This is the Philosopher’s Stone, or
rather one form of it called the Red Stone because it is made with
gold and assumes a red color.
Making the
Philosopher’s Stone
Instructions for making the Stone may be found in the writings of
Fulcanelli and Nicholas D.
Collette, two modern Alchemists who have done a great service in
revealing what the pre-existing Alchemical literature only obscured.
Additionally, Robert Bartlett has
authored two good books on specific laboratory techniques and
terminology. The following is my own tentative interpolation based
on these sources.
My goal is not to give a detailed
recipe, but to explain key features of the process because they are
relevant to my thesis concerning the Demiurge.
Natural etheric energy is cosmic or biological in origin, both
sources deriving it from a higher dimension. The center of stars
including our Sun are dimensional windows through which physical and
nonphysical energy enters our universe.
This energy includes electromagnetic
radiation, neutrinos, gravitons, and etheric energy.1
The Moon modulates and reflects what it
receives from the Sun.2
Sun and Moon are therefore our nearest
cosmic source of etheric energy, which accompany sunlight and
moonlight and enter into the atmosphere’s water vapor before
condensing as rain or morning dew.
Alchemists capture this energy directly or indirectly. To do so,
they either employ a substance that is already highly charged or
else find something capable of absorbing it when exposed to its
emanations. Exposing a suitable substance to sunlight and moonlight
is one way to charge it. The best material for this task is salt,
and to a lesser degree, water.
Water is an attractor of etheric energy. So is chemical salt.
The oceans contain it, our blood is
saturated with it. We know from the psychic self-defense writings of
Robert Bruce that sea salt or
epsom salts dissolved in a warm
bath makes an effective cleanser of one’s etheric body because salt
and water have an affinity for etheric energy. In folk superstition
or ritual magick, lines of salt are drawn on the ground to function
as barriers against undesirable entities, and likewise such entities
are drained when attempting to cross over running water.
Salt is not just a mundane substance, but something that has
paranormal properties. Salt is an excellent sponge for life-force or
etheric energy.
Table salt, sodium chloride, is only one
kind of salt. By definition, salt is just the chemical
product of an acid reacting with a base. Other salts used in Alchemy
iron disulfide,
ammonium chloride, and
potassium bitartrate, to name a
Sources of salt already charged with
etheric energy include,
morning dew
fresh clay
sea salt
marcasite or pyrite
Otherwise, a deliquescent salt may be
exposed to humid nighttime air, or placed in a bowl and buried in
the ground, so that it absorbs the etherically charged moisture from
the ground or atmosphere. These are the raw materials gathered by
Alchemists for the production of the Philosopher’s Stone.
Once collected, the saline solution is placed in a sealed flask and
kept warm at 102°-120°F for at least one month so that it putrefies.
Putrefaction happens when moisture
breaks down the material and microorganisms begin digesting it. This
step employs biological agents to assist in the etheric charging and
preparatory transmutation of the raw material. French scientist
Louis Kervran wrote about
biological transmutations, whereby
plants, animals, and humans internally transmute one element into
another, or combine elements to form a third, to supplement
necessary biological functions.
Kervran theorized that enzymes and
bacterial action were responsible for these sub-chemical processes,
and that the absorption and emission of neutrinos or gravitons
played a part. In other words, biological activity does have a role
in Alchemy and can supply additional energy needed for
Therefore, the stage of putrefaction serves, at the very least, of
charging the flask’s contents with further etheric energy due to
biological activity, and it may carry the additional benefit of
transmuting some of the salt and other minerals into byproducts
necessary for later stages.
Biological putrefaction is unnecessary
for salts that are already the product of biological activity and
therefore highly charged, such as pyrite which comes from bacterial
action producing hydrogen sulfide which acts on iron to produce iron
After putrefaction, methods diverge onto several possible tracks.
Generally, the putrefied solution is distilled and the distillate
poured back into the dried matter left behind, then what does not
dissolve is filtered out, and the process is repeated. In the end,
all the insoluble matter is thrown away, and one is left with a
purified solution supersaturated with salt, which itself is
supersaturated with etheric energy.
This supercharged solution is
traditionally called the “Alkahest” or “Universal Solvent” or
“Common Mercury”.
It has the power to dissolve metals at
the quantum level by virtue of its etheric potency.
At this point, the solution can either be crystallized and only the
solid salt crystals kept for the so-called “Dry Path” of making the
Stone, or else it can be left in solution form for the so-called
“Wet Path”.
In either case, the next step is to
dissolve gold leaf into it.
The gold dissolves not in a usual
chemical way, but rather disintegrates at the atomic level due to
the etheric power of the universal solvent. To do this according to
the Dry Path, one mixes the dried Alkahest salt with gold leaf and
heats them in a crucible, while in the Wet Path, one stirs gold leaf
into the Universal Solvent and lets the mixture digest fully, which
takes considerably longer.
The resulting product is what Fulcanelli
terms the “Philosophical Mercury”.
After all the gold is dissolved, this “Philosophical Mercury” then
only needs to be refined and multiplied in power to produce the
final Philosopher’s Stone. As Fulcanelli points out, by this
point it already is the Stone, except in a weak and unrefined form.
Refinements are done in the Wet Path by distilling away all
the moisture, adding more fresh Universal Solvent (which is a
donor of etheric energy) to the remains, letting it digest at gentle
warmth for another couple weeks, and distilling away the moisture
once more. This can be repeated any number of times, and each time a
fresh dose of etheric energy impregnates the solid or oily remains,
which in their final coagulated form comprise the Philosopher’s
In the Dry Path, more dry “common
mercury” is mixed with the dry “philosophical mercury” and heated in
the crucible.
Each time the refinement sequence is repeated, the product becomes
purer and more highly charged with energy, and the process takes
less time. Alchemists term each repetition a multiplication, so that
if repeated once, the result is a Stone multiplied to the first
The Alchemist’s own etheric and astral energies may come into play
here, augmenting the multiplication, and that without this, the
refinements don’t achieve sufficient power levels to allow for
transmutation. If true, then not just anyone can do it, since not
everyone is equally etherically and astrally potent, nor can this be
done on an industrial scale. Alchemy is somewhat dependent on the
state of the operator and the local etheric energy concentrations.
That is why Alchemists are advised to
practice divine devotion, carry out the timing of their experiments
according to astrological conditions, and collect their morning dew
during Spring when seasonal etheric energy concentrations are
highest. Unlike chemistry where reactions take place independent of
observation and environment, Alchemy is an open system and the
conscious quality of the observer plays a role.
This underscores once more the quantum
nature of Alchemy.4
It also highlights the role of “Inner
Alchemy” in the success of outer physical Alchemy. In “Inner
Alchemy”, one’s own base nature is transmuted into spiritual “gold”
through the cultivation of etheric energy tinged with divine, noble,
and virtuous impulses.
Upon attaining success, the final result is a dense stone, red and
translucent like a ruby, that is water-soluble, melts like wax,
flows like quicksilver when melted, does not burn at any
temperature, yet volatizes when thrown into the molten metal it aims
to transmute. It is a physical substance supersaturated with etheric
energy and imprinted with the vibrational fingerprint of gold.
This is the Philosopher’s Stone,
or rather one version of it called the Red Stone. When pulverized,
mixed into beeswax, and cast into molten lead, it transmutes a
certain multiple of its weight of lead into gold. It can also
transmute quicksilver the same way. The higher the order of
multiplication of the Stone, the more lead or quicksilver it can
As stated, it does so by dissolving lead
at the quantum level and allowing the gold vibration to reconfigure
it accordingly.
The details above don’t spell out all the minor technicalities
involved in the process, so if you’re committed to learning more,
I’d recommend the books by Nicholas Collette, Fulcanelli, and Robert
Again, here I only give a general and
limited interpolation of the process for the sake of illustrating
the underlying dynamics involved, as they are pertinent to my
exposition on the Demiurge.
Applications of the Stone
At the first order of multiplication, a miniscule portion of the
Stone may be dissolved in water or wine, and thereof a small portion
ingested daily.
Nicholas Collette speaks highly
of this “Elixir of Life,” and describes it as a substance that
strongly energizes one’s etheric body, although he uses the term
astral instead of etheric. With a reinforced etheric body, the
physical body is less impacted by entropy and may even reverse
aging. This “Universal Medicine” takes on great importance in
Alchemy, because it represents a true panacea, something that cures
all ills by charging the diseased organs with vital energy so that
it regains its rightful health.
This goal is far more important than the
transmutation of metals.
Additionally, psychic powers begin to manifest as a function of
increased etheric energy current output. So you can imagine what
became of Alchemical masters who succeeded in producing the Stone
and made full use of it. They became more than human. However, they
assumedly had the spiritual maturity to handle this, because any
ordinary person, in being more psychically fragile, would go
crazy, get sick and die from being unable to handle the increased
etheric current load.
In another application, by the seventh or eighth order of
multiplication, the Stone begins to physically glow, even more
brightly if multiplied again.
It glows continually without exhaustion.
This is what powers the fabled “eternal lamps” in occult lore. And
if multiplied beyond a certain point, it is said to eat through
glass and even explode in something akin to a matter-antimatter
reaction, which is obviously very dangerous. This shows that etheric
energy, concentrated beyond a certain point, may initiate an
outpouring of electromagnetic energy.
This make sense because ether is the
precursor and precipitator of matter, energy, space, and time.
Thus the Stone, in its full application, provides wealth, health,
psychic power, and light. No wonder it has been kept so secret
through the ages, mainly to keep it out of the hands of unscrupulous
individuals whose misuse of these powers would bring catastrophic
consequences upon the world.
That is not to say such catastrophes
haven’t happened.
Alchemy as
Demiurgic Technology
What we have here is Demiurgic technology.
Recall that the Demiurge shapes matter
according to an archetype, aka “vibrational pattern” in metaphysical
lingo, and that the Demiurge, in being soul, has an etheric body.
The Philosopher’s Stone - the Red Stone - is a physical object
charged with etheric energy, carrying the vibrational essence of
gold, that can reshape physical matter like lead or mercury into
conformance with that vibration.
The Stone is a physical object imbued
with Demiurgic power.
The most remarkable thing is that it’s made by human hands (with the
cooperation of Nature, of course) which is the closest thing to
hyper-dimensional technology that one person in an attic laboratory
can produce with everyday materials and uncommon techniques. But
even with all its purported greatness, the Philosopher’s Stone is
only an elementary demonstration of a science with far greater
Alchemy as we know it is a primitive
form of
hyper-dimensional science.
Producing the Stone is like wrapping a wire around a nail,
connecting it to a battery, and rejoicing in it becoming an
electromagnet, whereas higher forms of Demiurgic technology exist
that can produce something more on the level of a billion-dollar
Both the wire-wrapped nail and
supercollider employ the same basic principles, but the first is a
trivially simplistic version of the latter.
In the Philosopher’s Stone we have proof, through
circumstantial evidence and logicality of its existence, of what can
be scaled up to an even higher level. Remember, the power of the
Stone lies in its etheric potency, and its potency determines
the degree to which it can bias probability and influence
physicality. The archetypal fingerprint determines the qualitative
nature of this biasing.
The weakest etheric fields can only nudge an electron this way or
that. A bit stronger can nudge neurons and living cells. Even
stronger it can influence synchronicity.
Stronger, it can override chemical laws
and allow for elemental transmutation or spoon bending. You can
scale this up higher and higher until you reach a point where the
entire world, where our entire timeline, can be shifted,
reconfigured, reprogrammed, transmuted, all at the
quantum level that functions as the foundation of our
physical reality.
So what, then, is High Demiurgic Technology?
It is that which does to the universe
what Alchemy does to gold leaf and lead ingots. It can manufacture
an artifact charged with such unbelievable amounts of etheric energy
as to dissolve and reconfigure the world according to the intricate
latticework of archetypes programmed into it.
This object is a kind of “World Philosopher’s Stone”, the
macrocosmic equivalent to the microcosmic Philosopher’s Stone.
Two well-known examples of such High
Demiurgic Technology will be discussed in the articles to
Real Alchemy (3rd Ed., 2009,
Ibis) - by Robert Bartlett.
Basic primer on Alchemy, including
an explanation of the terminology, theory, and lab techniques.
Written in modern language, this is a very good introduction to
Covenant of Silence (2nd
Edition, 2010) - by Nicholas D. Collette.
This indispensable e-book lays it
out in simple language and makes reading other Alchemy
literature a lot easier. Contains numerous keys to unlocking the
secrets of Alchemy. Some would say it commits the Promethean
Crime, but I say there is no such crime when the world is about
to go up in flames anyway.
Dwellings of The Philosophers
(French Ed. 1964, Archive Press. English Ed. 1999, Archive
Press) - by Fulcanelli.
Straight from the horse’s mouth,
this lengthy treatise by the most famous Alchemist of the 20th
century goes to great lengths to compartmentalize, rearrange,
and obscure the secrets of Alchemy while simultaneously
revealing them to the world. So this dense book takes some work
to read and decipher and therefore won’t be everyone’s cup of
tea, but as far as instructions for producing the Stone goes,
it’s all in there, albeit encrypted. Fulcanelli also strays into
other topics like the mechanism behind the ending of World Ages
and how ours is ending right now.
Luminous World - Baron Karl Von
Reichenbach - excerpted from Lost Science by Gerry
Informative summary of Reichenbach’s
investigations into “Od Energy” - a subtle energy bearing much
similarity to chi, prana, etheric, and orgone energy.
Reichenbach was a scientist and employed his skills in
researching this energy. Read this interesting article to get a
better idea of how etheric energy behaves.
A Rosicrucian Notebook (English
Ed. 1992, Samuel Weiser Inc.) - by Willie Schrödter.
Not a notebook by a Rosicrucian, but
by a researcher into Rosicrucianism, an exoteric survey of
anecdotes and quotations concerning the real Rosicrucian order.
This is more a compendium of occultism, mysticism, and weird
science with tons of interesting tidbits concerning such topics
as ever-burning lamps, remote healing, clairvoyance, the Stone,
and other tools of Rosicrucian science. Everything is
documented, so this book is a useful reference to find other
sources on particular topics.
Biological Transmutations
(First English Ed. 1998, Beekman Publishers Inc.) - by Louis
Scientific investigations into
transmutations of elements within living things, including
bacteria, plants, and humans. Kervran explores the scientific
basis behind this transmutation, which is valuable in attempting
to understand how Alchemy may be explainable from a more
mainstream scientific perspective. Take note that the
temperatures Kervran cites for effective biological
transmutation and non-biological transmutation are respectively
the same as those used in the Wet and Dry Paths of Alchemy.
1 - The Growing Earth Theory makes a
strong case for the center of planets being dimensional windows
that emit matter and energy, causing planets (and the Moon) to
grow and expand over time.
For instance, Earth was
significantly smaller 65 million years ago, which is why
dinosaurs, plants, and insects were so large due to the lower
gravity. The main supporting evidence of the theory is that
continents fit together on all sides, which is only possible if
earth as a whole was smaller. Same goes for the continents of
Mars and plateaus on the Moon.
The growth of planets and moons also
correlates with Gurdjieff and Mouravieff writing about esoteric
planetary evolution, whereby the Moon grows and acquires an
atmosphere to become a planet, and planets likewise evolve in
their own ways to become stars. Additionally, the growth is not
constant but happens in sudden cataclysmic spurts, suggesting an
occasional external factor that triggers a profuse outpouring of
energy and matter from the planetary, solar, and lunar centers.
This phenomenon may have been behind
the destruction of the planet whose scattered remnants now form
the Asteroid Belt if the outpouring from its center was too
Regarding that exploded planet,
sources like Orfeo Angelucci and the
Cassiopaean Transcripts hint
that misuse of Demiurgic Technology by a civilization on
that planet was the factor. A similar but lesser replication of
that episode on Earth may have lead to the rising and sinking of
lands per the
Atlantis myths.
There is no doubt, however, that if
the center of planets and large moons are dimensional windows,
then the Sun contains the largest window of all in our cosmic
vicinity. It’s well known in astrophysics that the Sun is a
potent emitter of neutrinos, and that these originate from the
Sun’s core.
Louis Kervran theorized the
neutrinos were the mediators of Alchemical transmutations in
biological matter. This would indicate a connection between
etheric energy and neutrinos if it weren’t for the fact that
neutrinos pass through matter easily and therefore cannot
reflect off the moon along with moonlight, therefore whatever
Alchemy harvests from moonlight is not neutrino radiation, but
rather something that accompanies photons.
These may instead be longitudinal
photons, i.e. gravitons or vector potential phonons, that impart
a kind of “temporal” or “hyper-dimensional” momentum to whatever
particle absorbs it, and that momentum may be what powers atomic
2 - See the works of Baron Karl von Reichenbach whose
experiments into etheric energy, which he called odic force,
yielded objective conclusions regarding its nature and behavior.
One focus of his studies was
moonlight and its ability to charge water and detrimentally
affect those prone to sleepwalking. He found that wool, among
other substances, could shield this energy effectively. Wool
fibers are hollow, meaning they are cylindrical non-linear
dielectrics, which, according to
Tom Bearden, is the proper
configuration to serve as a scalar shielding material.
3 - The root “pyr” is Greek for fire. The dynamic vitalizing
force of the soul, the Demiurgic energy so to speak, was called
“sacred fire” by the ancients. Therefore the root “pyr” is bound
with the concept of Demiurgic technology. Hence terms like
pyramid, Pyrenees, and pyrite, three terms that are very closely
related to Demiurgic technology.
As will be explained in another
article, the Great Pyramid is a channeler, collector, and
amplifier of etheric energy.
The Pyrenees are the mountain range
between France and Spain, where a conclave of powerful
Alchemists allegedly reside. And pyrite is a salt of sulfur and
iron that sparks when struck, and thus contains within it latent
fire, or so it appeared to the ancients. This brass or
bronze-colored mineral, or rather its starry variant known as
marcasite, was the raw material
preferred by Fulcanelli for production of the Philosopher’s
Note that
pyrite is also known as “Fool’s
Gold” because only dumb fools mistake it for real gold, but it
carries a hidden meaning: it is the true gold of Fools in the
esoteric sense, for they value it more than real gold; through
it, they can make as much gold as they require and produce the
Elixir of Life. Under putrefaction and processing, this iron
disulfide turns into green-colored copperas, which despite its
name does not contain any copper, and eventually disintegrates
into a white powder.
Thus the “Common Mercury” produced
from pyrite or marcasite results in an etherically charged white
liquid termed by Fulcanelli “Milk of Magnesia”: milk because it
is white, and magnesia because it is a magnet for etheric
“But what we ask for, along with
all the philosophers, is not the union of a metallic body
with a metallic spirit, but rather then condensation, the
agglomeration of this spirit into a coherent, tenacious and
refractory envelope, capable of coating it, impregnating all
its parts and guaranteeing it an efficacious protection.
This soul, spirit, or fire assembled, concentrated and
coagulated in the purest, the most resistant and the most
perfect of earthly matters, we call it our stone.”
(Fulcanelli, Dwellings of the
Philosophers, p. 139).
4 - The same is true for orgonomy,
Wilhelm Reich’s science of manipulating orgone energy for
healing and weather engineering purposes. Orgone energy is
synonymous with etheric energy.
As my experience shows, not everyone
can alter weather with an orgone cloudbuster; it seems the
conscious/etheric/astral qualities of the operator play a
crucial part.
Additionally, the local “orgone”
pressure, which is seasonal and climatic according to our
variational intersection with interstellar orgone currents,
makes it difficult to cloudbust successfully during times of low
orgone concentrations, or in regions on earth where such
conditions prevail.
If you are interested in orgonomy,
look into the works of
Wilhelm Reich, James DeMeo, and
Trevor James Constable.