January 27, 2011
PreventDisease Website
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The following research demonstrates some
evidence that time is limited to the physical realm and that there
is no time in the greater reality follow.
Your view of reality is
unique and your own.
In Connections Through Time, Issue 3: April - June 1999,
"Intuition Precognition - Information from the Future", the
researchers knew that it has been clearly demonstrated that
information about the future can be shared with the present.
They felt that independent confirmation
studies were critical for demonstrating the reality of precognition.
The Princeton Engineering Anomalies
Research (PEAR) group conducted a series of studies of whether
people can know about events before they happen.
"Their results confirm that...
many of the phenomena that were referred to as "anomalies"
are a normal part of the way the universe operates."
Why does the universe permit information to be retrieved from
the future? Why not?
Scientific research has demonstrated
that information about the future can be shared with the
present... PEAR has duplicated the initial SRI
Remote Viewing
experiments including successful predictions of target sites
before they were randomly chosen, i.e. precognition.
PEAR calls their work "Remote
Perception" and they showed probabilities against chance ranging
from 1 out of a million to 1 out of a trillion. Details are
An abstract of the precognitive work
concludes that,
"Overall results are unlikely by chance to the
order of 10E-10."
Their conclusion concerning replication,
using their experimental database, follows from a paper entitled,
Precognitive Remote Perception: Replication of Remote Viewing:
Thus, these databases, comprising
one of the largest accumulations of relevant experiments
performed under consistent and well controlled experimental
protocols, have already provided robust evidence that the
findings in the SRI/SAIC Remote Viewing experiments can be
replicated in independent, but essentially similar designs.
Human consciousness (and the more subtle subconscious) has
capabilities far greater than previously imagined by science.
Science has now shown this capability and is very uncertain on
how to proceed.
Helmut Schmidt designed a machine
to test the existence of precognition.
The machine had four lamps of different
colors, which were the "targets." Participants attempted to predict
which lamp would light up next by pressing one of four buttons. The
machine was designed so that the target displays were completely
random. Shortly after pressing, one of the lamps would light up to
indicate whether or not the participant had guessed correctly.
Counters in the machine registered the number of attempts and number
of correct hits.
Schmidt tested approximately 100 people. It was found that a few
individuals were able to predict the target correctly a lot more
often than would be expected by chance.
Schmidt designed a second experiment in which the participants had
the option of either constantly predicting which lamp would light
next (to obtain a high score), or to constantly choose a lamp that
they thought wouldn’t light next (aiming for a low score). 20,000
trials were made in total. The number of successful predictions was
410 above what would be expected by chance, which is odds of greater
than 10 to the power 10 against chance (Hansel, 1980).
Dr. Bierman is a university lecturer, computer laboratory,
University of Cambridge. fellow and director of studies at St John's
College, Cambridge. Director of studies at Sidney Sussex College,
Cambridge. Click the blue link to see more details.
Dr. Bierman studied precognition by having subjects involved in
brain scan experiments. The subjects had their brains scanned while
they were shown randomly mixed images, some emotionally stimulating
(either violent or erotic), and others neutral. The result was that
their brains were reacting to the pictures before they were being
fMRI is a type of brain scan used to highlight activity of the brain
cells that give rise to perceptions and emotions. It is often used
to measure emotional reactions to specific stimuli. Where Bierman’s
research differs from the conventional studies is that he is
interested in emotional response before the participant is subjected
to the stimulus.
Ten participants had their brains scanned while they were shown
randomly mixed images, some emotionally stimulating (either violent
or erotic), and others neutral.
The fMRI scans were then analyzed
for a reaction of some kind. Bierman found that areas of the brain
that responded to emotional stimuli reacted about 4 seconds before
the image was presented - and that this reaction was greater when
the image was emotionally stimulating. This phenomenon has appeared
often in existing, published research.
One of the most influential books on the topic of time was Jeremy
Time Wars. In this book, first published in 1989, Rifkin
drew a parallel between the way we treat the environment (as a
resource to be manipulated and dominated) and the way we treat time
(as a resource to be manipulated and dominated).
He championed the folks he calls time
heretics, and counted in that group all sorts of people who
challenge existing notions of time, including holistic health
practitioners, organic farmers, home schoolers, slow foodies, simple
living advocates, etc.
He described these folks as seeking a,
“more empathetic union with the
rhythm of nature.”
Many of the problems that plague us have
to do with our unswerving belief in the reality of artificial time.
Natural time glides from one phase to another gradually rather than
having an abrupt edge, like the bell that rings at the end of a
classroom hour. And natural time is cyclic. It circles through
distinctly different phases, from bright to dark, from winter to
summer, from high to low, and it always returns.
Artificial time is measured as if each unit was exactly the same. Each day occupies the same space on the
calendar. Each hour on a weekly planner is allotted one line. This
perpetuates the notion that time is a resource we can actually
calculate and manage.
We’ve all experienced minutes that seem to
stretch out for an hour and hours that flash by in a minute. Natural
time has rhythm and flow but it’s not exact. The daffodils bloomed
on March 1 this year but April 27 last year and March 3 the year
before that.
The mechanism that controls the internal 24-hour clock of all forms
of life from human cells to algae has recently been identified by
Not only does the research provide important insight into
health-related problems linked to individuals with disrupted clocks
- such as pilots and shift workers - it also indicates that the
24-hour circadian clock found in human cells is the same as that
found in algae and dates back millions of years to early life on
Two new studies in the journal Nature from the Universities of
Cambridge and Edinburgh give insight into the circadian clock which
controls patterns of daily and seasonal activity, from sleep cycles
to butterfly migrations to flower opening.
One study, from the University of Cambridge's Institute of Metabolic
Science, has for the first time identified 24-hour rhythms in red
blood cells.
This is significant because
circadian rhythms have
always been assumed to be linked to DNA and gene activity, but -
unlike most of the other cells in the body - red blood cells do not
have DNA:
The only cells which lack DNA are
the mature red blood cells (erythrocytes).
This is because they lack a
nucleus, which is where the DNA is found in other cells. Red
blood cells also lack mitochondria which themselves have DNA.
Therefore they not only lack nuclear DNA, but mitochondrial DNA
as well.
Red blood cells develop in your bone marrow from special cells
stem cells. These do have a
nucleus, but as the red blood cell develops the nucleus is
squeezed out.
This makes more room for the red
pigment hemoglobin, which is needed to carry the oxygen in the
red cells.
Akhilesh Reddy, from the University of Cambridge and lead author of
the study, said:
"We know that clocks exist in all our cells;
they're hard-wired into the cell. Imagine what we'd be like without
a clock to guide us through our days. The cell would be in the same position
if it didn't have a clock to coordinate its daily activities.
"The implications of this for health
are manifold. We already know that disrupted clocks - for
example, caused by shift-work and jet-lag - are associated with
metabolic disorders such as diabetes, mental health problems and
even cancer.
By furthering our knowledge of how
the 24-hour clock in cells works, we hope that the links to
these disorders - and others - will be made clearer. This will,
in the longer term, lead to new therapies that we couldn't even
have thought about a couple of years ago."
For the study, the scientists, funded by
Wellcome Trust, incubated purified red blood cells from healthy
volunteers in the dark and at body temperature, and sampled them at
regular intervals for several days.
They then examined the levels of
biochemical markers - proteins called
peroxiredoxins - that are
produced in high levels in blood and found that they underwent a
24-hour cycle. Peroxiredoxins are found in virtually all known
A further study, by scientists working together at the Universities
of Edinburgh and Cambridge, and the Observatoire Oceanologique in
Banyuls, France, found a similar 24-hour cycle in marine algae,
indicating that internal body clocks have always been important,
even for ancient forms of life.
The researchers in this study found the rhythms by sampling the
peroxiredoxins in algae at regular intervals over several days.
When the algae were kept in darkness,
their DNA was no longer active, but the algae kept their circadian
clocks ticking without active genes. Scientists had thought that the
circadian clock was driven by gene activity, but both the algae and
the red blood cells kept time without it.
Andrew Millar of the University of Edinburgh's School of Biological
Sciences, who led the study, said:
"This groundbreaking research shows
that body clocks are ancient mechanisms that have stayed with us
through a billion years of evolution. They must be far more
important and sophisticated than we previously realized.
work is needed to determine how and why these clocks developed
in people - and most likely all other living things on earth -
and what role they play in controlling our bodies."