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Washington, DC
April 4, 2007
AmericanChronicle Website
Almost one year ago on April 24, 2006
the Paradigm Clock, which tracks proximity to a formal
acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human
race, was reset to 11:59:45 - 15 seconds to midnight. Such an
acknowledgement is referred to as Disclosure and would mark
the end of a 60 year truth embargo imposed by
federal authorities.
The explanation for resetting the time
included this statement:
Based upon an analysis of multiple
circumstances within and outside the nation, PRG has concluded
that America is now facing an unprecedented crisis which has
opened a window to disclosure wider than at any previous time.
One of the circumstances referred to was
and remains an unprecedented breach between the military and
intelligence communities and the Executive Branch. As a consequence
of this breach PRG believed that should a disclosure effort emerge
from within the military/intelligence sector and the Executive moved
to block, it is more likely that blocking move would be rebuffed.
On the other hand an increasingly
isolated Executive facing a cascade of allegations and
investigations and lacking support from the military/intelligence
sector might see Disclosure as a means to "change the subject" on a
global scale. Thus a window for Disclosure was created, and one year
later that window remains open.
Furthermore, over the past 36 months the
following have taken place:
March 2007 - Former Arizona
governor, Fife Symington, revealed in an interview with
journalist and investigative director for the Coalition for
Freedom of Information, Leslie Kean, he had see a
massive black triangular fly overhead early in the evening of
March 17, 1997 - the first Phoenix Lights event.
Symington told CNN,
“The lights were really
brilliant. And it was just fascinating. I mean, it was
enormous. It just felt otherworldly. You know, in your gut,
you could just tell it was otherworldly.”
March 2007 - The French national
space agency, CNES, placed 1600 previously classified UFO
sighting reports into the public domain on the Internet.
November 2006 - A significant
sighting took place at O'Hare Airport in Chicago and received
worldwide attention and media coverage.
September 2005 - Former Apollo
astronaut, Dr. Brian O'Leary, wrote in a foreword to
Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge,
"These revelations underscore a
long, sordid history of governmental and media secrecy and
the acquisition of technologies such as microelectronics,
anti-gravity propulsion and zero-point, or "free" energy,
from our visitors. This massive cover-up has been going on
for almost six decades since the UFO crash near Roswell, New
Mexico in July 1947, an event which was certainly not caused
by balloons, as alleged by the U.S. Air force. Such myths
are only accepted by the ignorant or the powerful and their
September 2005 - Paul Hellyer,
Canada’s Defense Minister from 1963-67 under Nobel Peace Prize
Laureate Prime Minister Lester Pearson and deputy prime minister
under Pierre Trudeau, publicly stated,
May 2005 - The Brazilian Air Force (FAB),
almost certainly with the approval of Minister of Defense and
Vice President, José Alencar, entered into an agreement
with civilian researchers to release information and jointly
investigate UFO incidents
July 2004 - Governor of New Mexico
and current presidential candidate, Bill Richardson,
wrote in the foreword to The Roswell Dig Diaries,
"It would help everyone if the
U.S. government disclosed everything it knows. With full
disclosure and our best scientific investigation, we should
be able to find out what happened on that fateful day in
July of 1947. The American people can handle the truth no
matter how bizarre or mundane, and contrary to what you see
in the movies."
July 2004 - Producer, director,
writer and actor Dan Aykroyd became the first A-list
celebrity to allow his or her name and image to be used to
support extraterrestrial-related phenomena research. He endorsed
and agreed to be a spokesperson for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
May 2004 - The Department of Defense
of Mexico, with the approval of Mexican Secretary of Defense,
General Clemente Vega Garcia (and almost certainly
Mexican President Vicente Fox), held an international
press conference at the Hotel Sevilla Palace in Mexico City. The
Department of Defense released air surveillance evidence of an
unusual sighting to a civilian research team and confirmed a
joint investigative effort.
2004-2007 - The United Kingdom
conducted a series of releases of documents pertaining to
classified UFO sighting reports and UK government studies.
The U.S. Congress, news media and the
American people must prepare for the possibility that an event of
sufficient magnitude to trigger formal Disclosure could take
place at any time. Such an event could come from any number of
directions and take place in any of a dozen countries.
The 60-year truth embargo is