by Kate A. Spreckley
12 May, 2008
SpiritPathways Website

For years science has recognized that we have two active physical
strands of DNA.
We also have a further ten energetic
DNA strands which have been dormant within the Human Being for
many centuries. These dormant strands of DNA have been discovered by
scientists, who not knowing the function of these strands, have
identified them as 'junk'
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains all the
genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all
known living things.
The main role of DNA is the long-term
storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints
since it contains the instructions needed to construct other
components of cells.
The DNA segments that carry genetic
information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have
structural purposes or are involved in regulating the use of genetic
Our DNA is therefore our personal blueprint and as such
contains all our mental, physical, emotional and Spiritual
The original Human Being had 12 Strands of DNA actively
working and maintaining the full function of the Human as a
Spiritual Being. With our over preoccupation with left brained
thinking and the closing down of our heart centers, these 'extra'
DNA strands have been lost.
The consequences of this loss are that
we live in a spiritually deficient society and our intuitive
and healing abilities have been hugely reduced. It has also resulted
in us only accessing and using a very small part of our brains.
The human body is the most valuable thing we will ever own.
It stores and holds a wealth of
information, wisdom and knowledge on every aspect of ourselves, our
world and all of life. Combinations of intelligence are stored
within the Human and a great amount of data is stored inside the
body. Inside our bodies are the formulas required to replicate other
forms of intelligence throughout the Universe.
At conception, we receive, from our two different bloodlines (our
parents) certain matched and paired recessive genes.
These genes hold light codes that give
us the highest opportunity for accessing and developing our
Spiritual abilities and for healing the damaged and wounded aspects
of our Soul.
At the same time these genes hold memories which have created blocks
to our path to oneness and initiated our deep-rooted feelings of
separation, separation from our true essence.
This memory of separation has forced us
to created experiences and situations where we are given the
opportunity to heal ourselves, our world and our separations.
As a Soul we carefully picked and chose our parents
and their bloodlines in order to facilitate experiences and
situations that will enable us to heal ourselves. We have therefore
handpicked our own DNA structures and the possible opportunities to
activate and awaken further strands of DNA.
The energy of our Earth is moving through major vibrational shifts
and into higher levels of consciousness.
As the Earth raises Her vibration, we as
Human Beings are being given many opportunities to raise our
vibration. This shift is being referred to as the Ascension and
there are many people around the world who are experiencing
confusion and chaos in their worlds.
Yet in this seeming chaos and confusion
lie great opportunities for us to grow, expand and evolve.
One of the most exciting aspects of our evolutionary process is the
retooling of our DNA. Cosmic light encoded rays from the
creator have been coming into our Earth stimulating change and
reordering our Human bodies.
As the light encoded filaments are
absorbed into our being our scattered DNA is being activated and
reformed into new helixes or strands of DNA and being reordered into
As this rebundling and reordering progresses we create a more
evolved nervous system that facilitates new information and data to
move into
our consciousness. Many of our
dormant brain cells are being awoken and we are being able to access
our full body potential.
As our bodies fill with more light so
our memories are opened and we evolve as our DNA evolves into
Multidimensional Beings.
Our 12 strands of DNA activate and connect to
our 12 Chakra points, energy
doorways through which we access our Spiritual heritage. The 12
strands of DNA serve as links through the 12 chakras to the energy
web outside of our bodies. The 12 chakras act as energetic doorways
into our body connecting us to the vital forces of existence.
It is through opening and activating
these portals of energy that we can begin to truly know ourselves.
As all 12 strands of DNA are now forming, whatever issues we have
not dealt with and peacefully cleared in our personal history, will
create chaos. Feelings and memories are emerging offering us an
opportunity to experience the fabric of our being and revealing who
we are through the events and beliefs that are intricately woven
into us.
Our task is to awaken, activate and unite all 12 creating the
spinning of the 12.
This spinning of the 12 strands of DNA
and 12 chakra points will draw to us energies that will intermingle
and move throughout our beings activating and awakening the many
different aspects of ourselves. This will trigger new versions,
understandings and meanings to all the events in our lives and our
Our 12 chakras are collections of energy where events can emerge.
They hold memory and identity and each corresponds to a strand of
DNA. These 12 energy centers must be accessed from within where we
can feel the data corresponding with and translating our experiences
within the context of our minds.
By opening our hearts and minds all the answers to the great
mysteries will be found within.
We are required to step out of our
current belief systems and to create new belief systems as the mind
is structured to evolve and form our experiences based on what we
command. Our mind is not our master; we are the masters of our own
mind is but a tool to be used to create
reality and nothing more.
By consciously working with the waves of energy and light moving
into our Earth, we are able to realize and understand that the
transformation of this planet is based upon the healing and power of
our minds.
Activating the full 12 DNA strands will create a connection between
our human genetic coding and give us access to all knowledge and
wisdom. This is the awareness and understanding of who we
truly are.
In activating all 12 strands of DNA we create an alignment within
ourselves allowing us to gently shift into much higher vibrational
levels and frequency of light, helping our ascension process by
further awakening our human consciousness.