by James Delingpole
September 17, 2010
Telegraph Website

Holdren: yep,
a total
President Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren
is worried about global warming.
Having noticed that there hasn’t actually been any global warming
since 1998, he feels it ought to be called “global climate
disruption” instead.
That way whether it gets warmer or
colder, wetter or drier, less climatically eventful or more
climatically eventful, the result will be the same: it can all be
put down to “global climate disruption.”
And that will be good, because it will give Holdren the excuse to
introduce all the draconian measures he has long believed necessary
if “global climate disruption” is to be averted:
viz, state-enforced population
a rewriting of the legal code so
that trees are able to sue people
the wholesale destruction of the
US economy (“de-development”
as he put it in the 1973 eco-fascist textbook he co-wrote
Paul and Anne Ehrlich 'Human Ecology: Global Problems
And Solutions')
Holdren is not the only person having
problems with the “world not warming and everyone growing
increasingly skeptical” issue. So too is Dave “Grocer” Cameron’s
excuse for a government.
Its solution? Work out ways of
brainwashing the populace with state-funded propaganda.
One solution, proposed by some bright spark at Bristol Poly -
whoops, the “University of the West of England” as it now
grandiosely refers to itself - is to have all climate skeptics
classed as delusional freaks.
His name is Professor Paul Hoggett
and, as Dennis Ambler recalls in
an excellent new report for the
SPPI, last year he organized a whole conference on this theme:
Conference - Facing Climate Change,
Climate Change Denial
University of the West of
7 March 2009
Man-made climate change poses an unprecedented threat to the
global ecosystem and yet the response, from national policy
makers right through to individual consumers, remains tragically
The Centre for Psycho-Social Studies
at the University of the West of England is organizing a major
interdisciplinary event Facing Climate Change on this topic at
UWE on 7 March 2009.
Facing Climate Change is the first national conference to
specifically explore ‘climate change denial’.
This conference aims to strengthen our awareness of the
challenge facing us and to enhance our capacity for effective
decision-making and action. It will do this by bringing together
a group of people - climate change activists, eco-psychologists,
psychotherapists and social researchers - who are uniquely
qualified to assess the human dimensions of this human-made
Professor Paul Hoggett is helping to organize the
conference, he said,
“We will examine denial from a
variety of different perspectives - as the product of
addiction to consumption, as the outcome of diffusion of
responsibility and the idea that someone else will sort it
out and as the consequence of living in a perverse culture
which encourages collusion, complacency, irresponsibility.”
Scarier still, though, is this new
report from the Climate Change Communication Advisory Group - an
“independent” body part financed by the government’s Economic and
Social Research Council - called
Communicating Climate Change To Mass Public
Essentially, it is a propaganda advisory document designed to help
the government correct its populace’s false consciousness.
Dr Goebbels, I’m sure, would have been
full of admiration for sections like this:
Encourage public demonstrations of
frustration at the limited pace of government action… Climate
change communication could (and should) be used to encourage
people to demonstrate (for example through public
demonstrations) about how they would like structural barriers to
behavioral/societal change to be removed.
Can this be for real?
Here the government is being advised by
one of its own think tanks how to railroad through its climate
policies by encouraging mobs of activists to stage ’spontaneous’
protests demanding action which the majority of the electorate don’t
actually want.
I know this sort of thing happens all
the time in Pyongyang, Teheran and Caracas.
But in Britain?