Panchamukha Yantra
A machine of this name contains doors in east, south, west, north
and top. Weighs 170 Ratals. Carries one thousand Ratals. By the help
of electricity it can travel five Kroshas per hour. It is used as
conveyance for men and in wars. Since the machine is conducted by
the power of a spirit called Gaja it is named as Gajaakarshana
Panchamukha Ratha.
Mrugaakasrshana Yantra
These are the machines drawn by such animals as oxen, asses, horses,
camels, elephants and so on.
Chaturmukha Ratha Yantra
This machine has faces or openings on four sides. Weighs 120 Ratals.
It can be conducted with any oil, preferably that of coconut shells,
or with the help of electricity. Travels six Kroshas per hour. Used
for traveling, wars, and transporting things.
Trimukha Ratha Yantra
This Machine weighs 116 Ratals. It has three doors, downwards,
upwards and on one side. It can carry a weight of 600 Ratals. It is
conducted with the help of oil extracted from knotted root of
Simha-Krantha, and from that extracted out of the stalks of a kind
of grass. If such oils are not available, electricity may be made
use of. It is used for the purposes that the above machine, viz.
Cahkra-mukha-Ratha Yantra is used.
Dwimukha Yantra
It weights 80 Ratals. Doors to east and west. Conducted by a wheel
fitted with screws. Travels three Koshas per hour. Can carry a
weight of three hundred Ratals. Used for the above purposes.
Ekamukha Ratha Yantra
This machine has only one door. Weighs 48 Ratals. Carries two
hundred Ratals of weight. Travels with the help of oil extracted
from the seeds of Kancha-Thoola or Sovlaalika or by electricity:
speed 1 Keosha per hour. Used for the above purposes.
Simhaasya Ratha Yantra
This machine presents a front of a lion’s appearance. Possesses two
doors. 75 Ratals in weight. Carries a weight of 50 Ratals. It can
travel both on land and air. It has the quality of expanding and
contracting. Used for the above purposes.
Vyaaghraasya Ratha Yantra
This is modeled after a tiger. Possesses wings. Weighs 64 Ratals.
Carries 200 Ratals of weight. It travels in air expanding its wings
with electric power, but contracting its wings with steam power. It
is used for the above purposes.

Dolamukha Yantra
This is modeled after a litter. Contains two doors. Weights 50
Ratals. Carries 148 Ratals. Travels three Kroshas per hour.
Conducted with the help of the electricity and an oil, viz Shilyusha
extracted from wine.
Kurmamukha Ratha Yantra
This is modeled after a tortoise. Contains small doors. Weighs 32
Ratals. Used for only spying.
Ayah – Prasaarana Yantra
Out of those that are conducted by electricity this is one which
travels on iron line spread on earth. It may be constructed to
contain from 40 to 80 wheels. It resembles the railway train
somewhat, weighs 4000 Ratals. Carries twenty-five thousand Ratals.
Travels three Kroshas per hour with the power of electricity. It is
used in transporting men and goods from place to place.
Panchamukee Yantra
This machine has five faces. Weighs 115 Ratals. Carries twelve
thousand Ratals. Carries twelve thousand Ratals. Has another machine
which enables the five doors to open or shut. Conducted with
electricity. Speed four Kroshas per hour. Used for the above
Eka Chakra Yantra
This contains only one wheel. It is modeled after a trap. Weights
105 Ratals. Carries 800 Ratals. It is given motion and kept in
motion by its wheels being worked by bellows. Travels three Kroshas
per hour.
Trimukhi Yantram
This machine has three faces. Contains three compartments which can
be separated. Weights one thousand Ratals. Travels on water. The
three compartments are so arrayed that it can travel with the second
compartment if the first is damaged, and if the second also gets
damaged, the third compartment can safeguard the contents, by
separating them as may be necessary. Should the topmost apartment be
in a dangerous predicament, it can rise into heavens and travel in
the air. Uses as above.
Jrumbhala Yantra
This machine has the door below. It is modeled after a shut
umbrella. The covering is made of thick water-proof cloth which is
manufactured out of the juice of the five trees or Pachavarga
Kasheeree Vruksha. Weighs 42 Ratals. Carries 300 Ratals. It can
expand into the shape of a tent by working a screw inside. So also
it can contract into the former shape by working another screw.
Appears like a flag. Used for secret wanderers like spying. With
electric power or with the help of its wheels turned by bellows it
can travel six Kroshas per hour.
Goodha Gamana Yantra
This machine can accommodate only three persons. Weighs half a maund.
Appears like an ordinary tower. Contains five keys. Can travel on
land as well as air. Its motion is almost invisible. Can travel eight
Kroshas per hour with the power of an oil called Sinjurika. Used for
secret travels.
Wyrajika Yantra
This machine is made of glasses of abhraka or mica. There are
sixteen doors. Weights three Ratals. Carries five Ratals. Appears
like a sparking light and as such none can know that it is a
machine. Should anyone go near it, the sparkling light produced by
turning an inner key will kill him. Can travel on water as well as
on land. With the electric power of solar rays it can travel twelve
Kroshas per hour. Used for journeys, in wars and in dispatching
Indranee Yantra
This machine is constructed with paper, manufactured out of grass
belonging to Maunjavarga; the 3rd, 9th, 11th, 22nd, 30th and 42nd
classes of grass are known as Pishangamunja, Pingala Munja,
Rajjumnunja and son on. This machine cannot be destroyed by fire or
water. It is exceedingly light and strong. It can travel 15 Kroshas
per hour with the help of wind-worked wheels. Carries 100 Ratals.
Vishwaavasu Yantra
This machine has two doors. Weighs 148 Ratals. Carries three
thousand Ratals. With the help of steam it travels two and a half
Kroshas per hour. It can go both forward and backward. It can be
expanded or contracted. Contains seven keys. Used for the above
Sourambhaka Yantra
This machine has three storey. There are secret seats for 400
people to sit in each of the three storeys. The seats are not
ordinarily visible. The storeys can alone be perceived. Weights 230
Ratals. Carries thirty-six thousand Ratals. It travels with the help
of electricity or steam, or with the help of spirits of seventh kind
of wine. Can go 32 Kroshas per hour. Useful in carrying men and
things in warfare.
Sphotanee Yantram
This machine has only one door, weighs 50 Ratals. Carries 200 Ratals.
Sails on water. Just like a bubble of water, sometimes it can rise
above water and at times it can dive underneath water. Moves with
the power of steam or of spirits of Kanajala Kshaara. Travels four
Kroshas per hour. Used by marine spies.

Kamatha Yantram
This is modeled after a tortoise. Weights 500 Ratals. Carries eight
thousand Ratals. Contains two doors. Travels under the surface of
water. Used for the above purposes.
Parvathee Yantram
This is modeled after a lotus. Contains four doors. Weighs 69 Ratals.
Carries 800 Ratals. A pole is fixed in the middle to contain keys
inside to expand and contract the machine just like a lotus opens
and shuts. With the help of the power of steam or electricity it
cant travel 24 Kroshas per hour. Used in voyages to distant islands.
Thaaraamuckha Yantram
This contains a face of seven keys, sparkling like stars. Twelve
doors. Weights two thousand Ratals. Carries twenty-five thousand
Ratals. Out of the seven keys, if the first is pressed, a melodious
music accompanied with every kind of musical instrument will be
heard by those that are inside: if the second is pressed, dramatic
scenery and action will be visible: by pressing the third, a stream
of fresh water flows amidst the occupants, so that they may make use
of water as they please: by pressing the fourth, plates with
flowers, scents, plantains, camphor etc. will be ready before the
occupants so that they may worship God.
By pressing the fifth,
plates of excellent food will be ready before them; while they are
taking their dinner, the plates turn round through wires: by
pressing the sixth: by pressing the seventh beds will be ready for
all. Should the keys be kept as they were everything will vanish.
With the help of steam or electricity it can travel four Kroshas per
hour. Used for the above purposes.
Rohinee Yantram
This is modeled after a hollow bamboo and is of bamboo color. Weighs
three thousand Ratals. Carries fifty thousand Ratals. Contains five
hundred compartments in which gun-powder, bullets, weapons etc. can
be preserved. Though fire breaks out nothing will be burnt or
damaged, because the fire is suppressed by the nature of the metal
with which it is composed. With the help of steam or electricity, it
can run six kroshas per hour. It is used chiefly in wars.
Raakaasya Yantram
From the machine a glorious light will flow out just like moon-light
once in three hours. This light illuminates a distance of sixty four
Kroshas by which everything that lies in its range will be made
clearly visible. Weights one ratal. In the machine there is a wheel
turning to right round and round just like the Sun. Can travel on
land, water and in air. Useful in finding out objects from afar off.
With the help of spirits of sixteenth kind of wine it can travel
four Kroshas per hour on land, eight kroshas on water and twelve
Kroshas in air.
Chandramukha Yantram
This machine has a front like the moon’s disk: it is dark in the
middle and bright all round. Weighs 400 Ratals. Contains sixteen
doors. Carries sixteen thousand ratals. Contains five storeys and
sixty-eight cylinders. These cylinders are useful in filling the
five kinds of smokes, the seven powers, thirty-two kinds of powders
and forty-eight kinds of gas. When they are in those cylinders no
harm is done to them. This travels in paths dug out inside the
earth. Travels with the help of spirits of 13th quality of wine.
Speed sixteen kroshas per hour. Used in wars.
Anthaschakra Ratham
This is modeled after the crooked rod of a litter. This rod,
resembling the two angularly bent rods of an oil mill, will be
turning round and round always. There are thirty two screwed wheels.
This machine must be fixed to the earth. It is used in transporting
elephants, camels, horses, men, conveyances and son, or binging them
near from a distance. This can be done by working at the screws
inside. This must be fixed in the fifth circle of the warfield.
Panchanaala Yantram
This is fitted by joining five cylinders. There are distillery
machines in each of these cylinders. These distilleries are used in
manufacturing not only oils, spirits, etc. but also smokes, powders
and so on. Weighs 230 Ratals. Travels three Kroshas per hour with
the help of spirits of 9th class of wine.
Thanthreemukha Yantram
The front of this machine appears like a trap of wires. Inside the
machine there is a magnetic wheel in the center. Behind this, there
are exact representations of lions, tigers and other fierce animals
all made of wires. In front there is a magnifying glass of 103rd
class. By working at the keys, these iron lions, tigers and so on
can be made to roar and pounce upon people that come near it. By
doing so, none can go near it. Weights 80 Ratals. Carries thousand
Ratals. With the help of the powers of spirits of the third class
wine, it can travel four kroshas per hour. Useful in wars.
Vegineee Yantram
This is modeled after an umbrella. It can run very fast by turning
the screws at the junction of wheels. Can accommodate only three
persons. Travels 8 kroshas per hour.
Shaktyudgama Yantram
This is a machine which spreads the electricity in sky. It has five
storey. Contains big glass vessels (containers) in each of them. In
the first storey, the glass vessels will be filled with tar mixed
with coal. In the second, the glass vessels will be filled with
sea-foam or lather with the extract of tin. In the vessels of the
third storey, sulphur with the oil of the seeds of Visha mushti will
be filled.
Those of the 4th, will be filled with the five essences
of oils of the Pranaksharas. The five balls along with mercury, are
fitted in those of the fifth. Wires from these five vessels are
united as per shastraic principles. The vessels of the first storey
must be filled with electricity and through this the vessels of
other storey must be filled. Through this it can spread in the sky.
The machine weighs 32 Ratals. Used in constructing airplanes.
Mandalaavartha Yantram
This is modeled after a spinning top. Contains six faces and
sixty-four screws inside. Weighs 68 Ratals. Carries eight thousand
Ratals. Like a top it turns round the armies and crowds of people,
round and round. It can turn round thrice, a distance of two kroshas
in an hour, with the help of electricity and spirit of eleventh of
class of wine. Useful in wars and in mutinies of people.
Ghoshanee Yantram
This is modeled after an immense serpent. Contains three coverings
and 24 faces. It is filled with electricity. Contains also 148
cylindrical apartments to stock poisonous gas. By working at the
inner screws, it can produce a noise equal to 32 thunderbolts. Emits
poisonous gas as it travels. The sound thus produced will be heard
for a distance of 14 ¼ miles. People near it die of the mortal
effects of the deafening noise and poisonous gas. Those who are
beyond eight kroshas of it will swoon. Weighs 116 Ratals. Carries
six thousand Ratals. Can travel six kroshas per hour, with the help
of electricity and spirits of 13th kind of wine.
Ubhayamukha Yantram
This machine possesses the same symmetry on either side. Contains
sixty-four small holes or doors on either side. Contains a fresh
water stream inside. Above that stream, there flows another stream
of tar. In the middle there are oils belonging to seven varieties.
Contains 71 keys inside.
By working at these keys, the poisonous
gases, powers or anything of the kind that is injurious to lives,
will be swept off in the range of twelve miles (roughly) around the
machine and purifies the atmosphere. Weighs 48 Ratals. Carries 108
Ratals. Travels five Kroshas per hour with the help of electricity
or spirits of 27th class of wine. Use for purifying atmosphere
whenever and wherever necessary.
Thridala Yantram
This is modeled after a three-leafed Bilwa patra…. Having three
compartments. The first is square, the second is triangular, and the
third is a hexagon in shape. Each of these compartments has two
doors. Each compartment is provided with Peshanee Yantras. A
Peshanee Yantra is one which grinds grain such as wheat into powder.
Always filled with flour. This machine is conducted by electricity.
Thrikuta Yantram
This machine has two towers, like the peaks of a mountain. Each of
these towers is one hundred (bahu) or yards in height. Each of the
towers contains 32 keys inside. There are cylinders at every key.
Above the towers there are flags and wheels. In front there are
instruments to measure the cold. Indicates the weather, wind,
sun-light, rain, thunderbolt, fall of stars and other future
Thripeetha Yantram
This machine contains three bases. In the first, there is a machine
having three heads like the elephant’s, but possessing two trunks in
each head. In the second there is a three-headed instrument, each of
the heads having two trunks of Vyali animal. In the third there is
an instrument which has three heads, each of which has the
appearance of a rhinoceros with tusks. They can be fitted together
or separated as required.
The first of these Yantras can stop a
stream of water, suck up water of the stream and thus change the
direction of the stream. The second can tear mountain asunder and
thus create passage. The third can bore a hole in earth, suck up
water from down below, and jet the same out through the tusks above
its head. Weighs six thousand Ratals. Carries 80 Ratals. Travels and
works by the help of steam, electricity and spirits of 23rd class of
wine. This machine is used in constructing roads in water and
bridges, and in piercing tunnels across mountains and rocks.
Vishwamukha Yantram
This is a very spacious machine. In it there are twelve cylinders
containing magnifying glasses. These cylinders are very big and they
are fitted that they can be turned into any direction as may be
necessary. Weighs 1800 Ratals. Carries forty thousand Ratals. There
are two stories in it, which can be separated or joined together
with the help of keys. Travels twelve Yojanas with the help of
spirits of 32nd quality, steam or electricity. The upper storey can
be separated and can be soared into heavens. By fixing the cylinders
to it in the sky an area of 24 Yojanas with forests, countries,
seas, cities etc become clearly visible, and a picture/photo of the
same can be obtained. Used in traveling and so on.
Ghantaakaara Yantram
This machine appears as though seven almirahs are fixed together.
Various kinds of wires, the essence or dravaka of the 16th kind of
magnet, and many other dravakas are filled in it. There are two
bells of bell-metal or white brass in each of these almirahs, and
they are so fitted as to produce a terribly alarming sound just like
the alarm of a clock. By the waves produced news of the world at
large can be learned. Used in gathering information and in pictures.
Vishthrithaasya Yantram
The machine contains a widely open mouth. Weighs 76 Ratals. Carries
120 Ratals. In front of this machine there are five keys appearing
as turrets. In the first turret there is a vessel of Chandra Kantha
stone of the sixth class. As soon as the moon rises, water oozes in
this stone vessel and it is filled. The same water is used by the
men in the machine to drink. The other turrets attract the powers of
cloud, stars and so on. Travels three Yojanas per hour with the help
of spirits of the 14th class or electricity. Used in traveling. Etc.
Kravyaada Yantram
This machine contains three faces. Weighs a hundred Ratals. Carries
ten thousand Ratals. With the help of steam it can travel nine
Yojanas per hour. Used in traveling and in carrying goods.
Shankhamukha Yantram
A machine containing a five faced boring instrument and resembling a
conch shell is called Shankha mukha Yantram. There are keys to
expand or contract the machine whenever or wherever necessary.
Weighs a thousand Ratals. Used in constructing wells, digging, deep
pits or boring holes in mines. It can dig 213 bahus or yards in an
Used also for the purposes contained in the description.
Gomukha Yantram
This is modeled after the face of a cow. Weighs 80 Ratals. Carries
700 Ratals. There is a constant flow of water through this mouth.
Travels two Yojanas per hour with the help of spirits of the 20th
class. Used in supplying water.
Ambaraasya Yantram
This machine appears like sky for those who look at it. Weighs 180
Ratals. Carries 2400 Ratals. Used in transporting elephants, camels,
and so on. Travels 3 Yojanas per hour with the help of steam and
Sumukha Yantram
This machine presents a beautiful face of a crab. Weights 118 Ratals.
Carries 1150 Ratals. Can travel with the help of spirits of the 14th
class, steam or electricity. Travels two Yojanas on land, four
Yojanas in air, and three Yojanas in water, per hour. Used in
traveling and transporting goods from place to place.
Thaaraamukha Yantram
The balls that are made out of the metal found where stars fall, are
called Thaaraamanies. A machine which contains such balls is called
Thaaraamukha Yantram. There are three big cylindrical pillars in it.
There is another smaller machine inside this machine. The smaller
machine contains some draavakas or acids, electricity, some glasses
and so on. There are keys at the bottom of the three pillars, above
By working the first key a brilliant light just like the
rainbow will be produced. By working the second key a brilliancy
light just like sun-light covered by clouds will be given out. By
working the third key smoke will be issued out like dew. When this
machine sails on sea, it can take the photos/pictures of all
machines and animals that travel or stay both on and under the
surface of the sea. Used in finding out objects that are both on and
under the surface of the sea.
Manigarbha Yantram
This machine is round or circular in formation. Inside the machine
there are balls called Souraka, Paavaka, and so on which attract the
heat of solar rays. Weights 64 Ratals. Carries seventy thousand
Ratals. Contains twelve faces to allow solar rays in. Travels three
kroshas per hour with the help of the spirits of the third class.
Used in traveling and attracting the heat of the sun-light.
Vahinee Yantram
This machine contains 16 keys and twelve metallic cylinders. Is 32
feet in height and 11 feet in circumference. Underneath there are 48
boring instruments. There are 96 wheels which throw off the mud dug.
There are 22 keys which dig up rocks. There are twelve instruments
sucking water up. This is a machine to be fixed in earth firmly. The
water thus sucked up flows like streams. This machine can dig earth
as far as 82 thousand feet deep. Used in digging earth and sucking
water up.
Chakranga Yantram
This machine is modeled after a trap. There are wheels with stones
throughout this machine. By turning one wheel plenty of wind blows
out. By turning one wheel plenty of wind blows out. By turning
another water flows down. In this way there are wheels by turning
which fire, steam, poisonous gas, dew, power, colors and so on are
issued. By the turning of the wheels it travels two kroshas per
hour. Used in many ways.
Chaitraka Yantram
This machine is modeled after a scorpion. There are 24 joints
inside. There is a key at every joint. Every key is numbered and
colored differently. Music, melodious instruments, conversation,
photos and many other wonders will be produced according to the
definite key that is pressed. Those who go near it to enjoy these
wonders will be not only photographed of their appearance but also
of their mind. Used in Bhedopaya or in conquering enemies of deceit.
Chanchupata Yantram
This machine is modeled after a bird with its mouth open. Contains
four wings. There are five keys to each of these wings. Wires are to
be connected to earth from its open mouth. As long as these wires
extend in earth, so long the earth will have acquired a peculiar
power by which people, if standing in this area will be benumbed. By
working the keys attached to the wings the people who stand in the
infected area will faint, or the earth will crack and so on,
according to the work allotted to be done by the keys.
Pingaaksha Yantram
This is modeled after a litter.
Throughout the body of this machine it is full of green eyes. There
is a button in every one of these eyes. This is to be firmly fixed
on the summit of a mountain. It is 60 ft. long and 14 ft. in
circumference. This is to be fixed in a town or city when it is
surrounded by enemies. From this machine keys are arranged and fixed
through wires underneath the surface of the earth to the extent of
twenty-four miles, around the place. Inside the machine buttons are
arranged and numbered for all these keys outside.
By pressing the
first button it will act upon the particular key and the gates of
the fort will be shut. By pressing another the moats will get filled
with water. In this way, by pressing the other buttons wonderful
phenomena such as tremendous fumes of fire, floods of water,
cyclones etc. will be created according to the defined work of each
key. This machine is used in defending a city or country against
strong enemies when offensive and defensive actions are at an end.
Puruhootha Yantram
This is modeled after a mrindanga, or musical instrument. It is 25
feet in height and as much in circumference. There is a machine
called Shabda-sphota Yantra inside the machine. When the key is
worked a tremendous noise bursts out equal to the simultaneous roar
of 63 fierce lions. Used as per the nature of its work.

Ambareesga Yantram
This is modeled after an inverted earthen pot. 46 ft in height and
23 ft. in circumference. Contains keys resembling the feet of
tortoise on all four sides. Travels in water 6 kroshas per hour with
the help of Chakra Bhastrika. Used in finding the things on land
under the surface of the seas and bringing them up.
Bhadraashwa Yantram
This is modeled after a horse. It possesses a tail of 38 ft. in
length. Weighs 54 Ratals. It gallops like a horse with the help of
spirits of 32nd class. Possesses three horses’ speed. At the top of
there are three-faced keys. When it is set to work by the key it
goes on galloping just like a horse in a circular way. Circles a
distance of twelve Yojanas per hour. While in gallops, brilliant
sparks of light will come out and destroy all dew or fog covering
that area and clear the atmosphere. Used in places and times of dew,
where and when the dew obstructs the view.
Virinchi Yantram
This is like a globe in appearance. Around it there are 32 wires of
80 ft long and 40 ft in circumference, both in front and back of the
machine. There are three keys to these wires. By working the first
key, it becomes loaded with powder and bullets. By working the
second it gets ready to the aim. By working the third it fires. It
rends the mountains asunder to an extent of 24 feet per shot. Used
in constructing tunnels in mountains and rocks.
Kuladhar Yantram
This is modeled after a crow. Contains three beaks like those of
crows. Inside there is machinery of electricity and so on. At the
top there are keys resembling small snuff boxes in which round
buttons are inserted. When this machine is fixed on rocks and set to
work it expels with the help of its beaks, slabs of stone as per
desired dimensions. Cuts out 22 ft. stone in an hour. It is used in
cutting stones.
Balabhadra Yantram
This is modeled after an inverted metal boiler. 64 feet long and 16
feet wide. On either side there are 16 ploughs 16 ft by 4 ft. wide,
fixed. Each plough contains two wings. At the beginning and end of
them there are turning screws. Inside there is electricity or steam
boiler. There are 24 keys above the machine. At the bottom of
everyone of these keys are wheels. By the side there are 32 screws.
As soon as they are pressed the machine goes on ploughing land. When
the above 24 keys are set, the machine begins to run. Goes 3 Yojanas
per hour. Ploughs an area of 3 Yojanas by 64 feet, per hour. The
depth of the mud turned up in the land is 3 feet. Used in tilling
the land.
Shaalmali Yantram
This machine is square in shape and white in color as of the flower
of acaria Shireesha. At the top there are sixteen keys each intended
for a definite work. By turning the first key, there appear a pair
of hands the trunks of elephants and they can hold a weight of
hundred Ratals. By working the second key that weight will be placed
wherever necessary. The other keys are intended to carry up weights
from deep water, and to arrange pieces of stone, timber or the like
in or above water in constructing bridges or so. It can also bring
down weights from a height of 200 feet.
Pushpak Yantram
This is crescent in formation. It is provided with many cradles
suspended to it. There are 14 of them on each of the sideways and 8
in the middle, suspended. In those of the right hand side there are
machines resembling pigs, while in those of the left wing there are
sawing machines. In those of the middle there are screwed wheels
suspended to chains. There are two wheels. This machine is to be in
a place where timber is to be cut and sawn. If the first key of the
upper wheel is turned, the above said pigs come down one by one.
working the second screw the pigs fall at the trunk of trees, beat
them and cut them with tremendous noise and produce enormous
quantity of smoke and fire. This fire spreads to the extent of 16
miles around, burns up all waste matter on land and clears the area.
By the action of the fire on trees, the oil and so on will be
extracted and stored up in bottles placed at the bottom of those
trees. The heat of the fumes on the fire renders all the trees in
that area soft like a plantain. The leaves of the trees fall down.
By working the third key some more pigs come down and roam about
that place exhaling tremendous breaths. Owing to this wind blown the
ashes of that area will be swept off and the land cleared. In the
same way, if the key on left side be turned, the saws from the
cradles come down one by one. By turning the first screw of that
wheel the saws will get themselves ready at the place. of the trees
where they are to be sawn. By working the 3rd screw, the saws will
go back to their cradles and from them pairs of hands like the
trunks of elephants will come down. These pairs of hands will
collect the pieces of timber that are sawn down. This machine weighs
180 Ratals. Can travel in forest with the help of steam power. It is
a machine to be fixed to the earth. It can saw 3200 ratals of weight
of timber per hour. Used in hewing and sawing timber in large
Ashtadla Yantram
This machine is modeled after a lotus containing 8 petals. Under
each of these petals there will be an enclosure. In each of these
enclosures. In each of these enclosures there will be the 8 things
viz. smoke, electricity, water-vapor, air, Rushakam, Vishasaram,
Manjusham and Katusaram which are described in Meghotpati Prakaranam.
There is the key in the center of the lotus. In it there are eight
screws for the 8 petals. By working any screw the things that are in
the connected petal will go high above and form a cloud. By working
the central key fumes like solar rays will be given out. As soon as
the heat of these fumes acts upon those clouds formed before, they
begin to rain. This machine is specialized to get rain.
Souryayana Yantram
This is like a pillar 116 feet high and 58 feet in circumference. At
the top there is a sieve containing holes and made of glass of the
96th class called Somapa. From this sieve in this pillar there are
twelve machines in order. Above the sieve there is a covering of
97th class of glass called Somasya Darpana.
Above this covering
there is a glass wheel called Kumudinee containing spokes made of
98th class of glass called Chandrika Darpana. In the twelve points
of this machine there are twelve upper screws and twelve lower
screws. Bu turning the first screw, the contents of the machine such
as electricity, cold fluid, Shaitya Drava, Sudha Mushee, Soonruta,
Pushkalee, Pranada, Dravinaamrutha, Sooraneee, Jambaalee, Lulita,
Vaachaklavee, Gacyoosha, rise up in the definite proportions.
Through the cylindrical tubes which are fixed to the wheels of the
sieve these powers pass and touch the glass covering above. By
turning the electric screw then, the wheel turns 1192 rounds in a
minute. Then a power called Someeya of the lunar rays is attracted
by this wheel and it gets down through the sieve.
Thus the power
fills in the bottle below in the form of gas. It must be kept
air-tight. Its use is this. When such limbs as head, hands, feet, of
a person are cut off, the limbs are fixed to the right place of the
body and the body kept in a box. The body must be wrapped in a
covering of the bark of a plant called Vaarshneeka Valkala. When to
such a body the above Somadrava gas is injuncted 5 Rajanikas, the
body is resuscitated. This must be done within five minutes after
the injury is done. Used in setting the cut limbs right, or
resuscitating the persons killed, in the above manner.