March 8, 2012
BrazilWeirdNews Website
Spanish version
In the remote Kamchatka peninsula (map
below), 200 km from Tigil, University of St. Petersburg
archaeologists discovered a strange fossil.

The authenticity of the find has been
According archaeologist Yuri Golubev,
occurs that, in this case the discovery surprised scientists by its
nature, at least - unusual, able to change history (or pre-history).
It is not the first time that is an artifact, an ancient object,
something like this is found in that region.
But, surprisingly conserved, this
specific artifact is - at first glance, inlaid in rock (which is
understandable since the peninsula is home to numerous volcanoes).
Subjected to analysis, the conjunct showed to be made of metal parts
that seem to form a mechanism, a gear which may be of a type of
watch or computer.
The astonishing is that all the pieces
were dated in 400 million! of years.
Yuri Gobulev commented:
We got a call from the mayor of
Tigil. He told us that hikers that were walking in place, found
these remains in rock. We went to the place indicated, and
initially we not understand what we saw. There were - hundreds
of toothed cylinders which appeared to be parts of a machine.
They were in perfect state of conservation, as if they were
frozen in a short period of time. It was necessary control the
area, because soon the curious began to appear in large numbers.
Other scientists, Americans geologists, defined the piece as an
amazing and mysterious artifact.
Nobody could believe that 400 million years ago could have
existed on Earth even a man [even more a machine]. At that time,
the forms of life were very simple, but the finding, [simply] -
clearly suggests the existence of intelligent beings capable of
such technology.
Certainly, such beings would had
come from other planets. It is possible that a spaceship can had
was damaged [or there was an accident] and it was abandoned in

It was found also that the parts have
reached to the fossilization state in a period of time historically
and geologically short. Possibly, the "machine" fell into a swamp.
Despite the findings, cautious,
scientists prefer to consider that the evidences are not definitive
- yet.
And Gobulev ponders:
Refuse the existence of technology
[even in past as indented] is a serious mistake because
evolution is not linear.
Misterioso Fossile in Russia:
Astronave Antica? - Italy, published in 06 /03/2012
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 11:55 AM
nome = Muller
cognome = Stefan
email =
provenienza = Switzerland
messaggio = March 17 - Machine Dated at 400 Million Years Found
in Russia: This must be a hoax, because you can find the image
used in the article in Wikipedia:
- describing a fossil.
Best regards