by Celia Fenn
StarChild Website
"Indigo Children" is the name given to a
very special group of beings who have chosen to incarnate on our
planet with a specific mission and purpose.
The name "indigo Child" refers to the soul color of Indigo, which
indicates a Master Soul who serves as a teacher or healer. Every
Indigo Child will undertake this mission of teaching or healing in
some way, often merely by being who he or she is.
Indigos have been coming to our planet for a long time. Some argue
that Jesus and Buddha were Indigos, since their
mission, on a global scale, was to teach and heal, and to shift the
consciousness of humanity.
In the recent past, Indigos began to incarnate on the planet in
increasing numbers after World War II, in preparation for the global
shift that we are now experiencing. They incarnated among the "baby
boom" generation of the fifties and were born to the "flower
children" of the sixties. However, at this stage there was not a
sufficient number of them on the planet to create significant
Then, in the 1970s, the first generational "wave" of Indigo Children
arrived. These beings are now in their late twenties and early
thirties, and are the real "warrior" generation who have begun the
process of challenging and shifting old systems.
They were followed in the eighties and nineties by Indigos of
increasing sensitivity and refinement, until the late 1990s and
early 2000s when they were joined by the Crystal Children, a
different kind of spiritual warrior.
How to
Recognize an Indigo
I am often asked in the course of my work how to recognize an
The obvious answer would be to check the aura color. But no,
not all Indigos have dark blue auras all the time. The term "Indigo"
refers to a soul state and not to an aura color, which in the
average human changes from day to day depending on mood and
interest. Clairvoyants who read soul states may be able to identify
However, it is easy to identify an Indigo by their sensitivity,
creativity, spirituality and general behavioral patterns.
As children, they look much like other children, although they are
often physically beautiful with penetrating eyes. They are always
highly intelligent and full of questions and demands. They are
energetic and active and have strong wills and a strong sense of
their own value and importance. They know that they are special and
that they are here to do something significant.
They are right-brain oriented, and are generally attracted to
right-brain pursuits such as music, art, writing and spirituality.
They love crystals and reiki and meditation and yoga.
They are very passionate and intensely loyal to their friends, of
whom they often have many. They believe in honesty and communication
in relationships. They are often baffled by dishonesty and
manipulation and other forms of selfish behavior deemed normal by
their elders.
Their attitude towards money is either to reject it as unnecessary
or to be very aware of its power and to seek, often successfully, to
create affluence for themselves.
A key feature of Indigos is often anger. They will not be ordered
around by so-called "authority figures". On a deep level,
Indigos do
not recognize "authority". They know we are all equal, and so they
are enraged by those who assume authority and behave dictatorially,
whether they are parents, teachers or bosses.
This is where they are important as teachers - they are teaching us
to own our own power and to respect ourselves, by not giving away
our power to those who demand it.
They are teaching us further to value
our creative and spiritual selves and not to place so much value on
material success.
The Indigo
The Indigo as child is active, energetic and imaginative. They can
entertain themselves and play in their own worlds for hours. They
often have imaginary friends, and they love fairies and dolphins.
The boys often have more of a tendency towards hyperactive and
disruptive behavior. This is probably culturally determined by our
society's need to express male dominance, which is picked up by them
at an early stage.
The exceptional intelligence of Indigos can be exasperating to
adults. They will not be "told what to do", but will want to debate
and negotiate every instruction. Until the parent learns that they
are being taught to respect the child's right to choice, and honor
that choice, they will continue to be confronted at every turn with
power struggles and battles of will.
The correct way to handle an Indigo is to be willing to,
offer choices
Bald instructions to "do as you are
told" will only produce hostility or indifference.
Indigos often dislike school intensely. They are bored by the (to
them) slow pace and repetitive tasks deemed suitable for children by
teachers who do not understand their intelligence.
They battle with authority and peer pressure, which can be quite
overwhelming to a young Indigo soul with little real understanding
of the "power over others", dominance and submission states common
to Earth society.
Problems experienced at school include ADD and ADHT, a result of
boredom and irritation. Learning disabilities such as dyslexia often
also reflect alternative ways of being and thinking used by Indigos.
The Indigo
Like most adolescents, the Indigo will reach the state of puberty
transition and become moody and inward as the body changes. However,
at this stage, young Indigos often begin to see through the intense
materialism and the victim dramas that form the basis of most adults
lives in the modern world.
At this point they often "disconnect" from these lifestyles and opt
for "alternatives" which they deem more meaningful or more fun or
just plain challenging to adults.
Unfortunately, many of these include the drug culture and various
trance parties that include chemically induced states of bliss that
are short-lived and addictive.
At this point, the adolescent is expressing his or her anger and
rejection of a system that offers nothing of value to the Indigo
soul. Parents can take their children to Rehabilitation programs,
but they really need to question why such intelligent and creative
beings often seem to want to self-destruct.
Another form of self-destructive adolescent behavior occurs when the
child takes on the values of the parents and seeks to overachieve.
This can be frightening, as Indigos are by nature exceptionally
gifted and talented.
These Indigos often develop phenomenal
academic and technical abilities to gain recognition and success,
but sacrifice emotional development which can be hugely damaging in
later life when they seek to create meaningful partnerships.
The Young
Indigo Adult
In their twenties and early thirties, Indigos usually fall into one
of two groups.
The first group follows a "yuppie" path and creates affluence,
usually through a career in IT or the Arts. They seek stable
relationships and to have children and create families. But they
battle with the demands and norms of the systems of marriage, family
and employment. Their Indigo souls strive to express their essence
and remain true to who they are while still achieving "success" as
dictated by our culture.
The second group opts to "drop out", and often the individuals
travel extensively, becoming a "global citizen" and battling to
settle in any one place. These people often have no fixed career or
work, and live an alternative lifestyle that includes drugs. While
they often claim to be happy, they are also frustrated by their
inability to be able economically to pursue the "normal" activities
of creating a family and contributing to a community.
Both groups are attempting to redefine what it means to be an adult
in the contemporary world, and to find ways of living their truth
while still finding happiness and stability as adults.
They are the generation that is defining
new choices and new options for adult life on the New Earth.
Busting - Indigos and the Education System
The area of community life where Indigos have had the most effect is
the education system. As mentioned earlier, Indigos are mostly
right-brainers who are energetic and active. They dislike sitting
still for long periods, being told what to do and being bored by
repetitive tasks that fail to challenge them. Since this generally
defines the school experience, it is obvious that Indigos will have
problems and will cause problems.
The right-brain orientation means many indigos struggle to maintain
interest and focus in a school curriculum designed for left-brain
activity. Their need to express their energy in movement and to
relieve their boredom means they are restless and can be disruptive.
When they begin to fall behind their peers, they can become stressed
and anxious.
The usual diagnoses given to Indigos are ADD (Attention
Deficit Disorder) and ADHT (Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder), which are regarded as "minimal brain
dysfunction" disorders by medicine. The parent needs to choose
between defining their child with a pathological label, or accepting
that the child represents the next step in human evolution, and
neither needs nor wants to spend 6 or 7 hours a day sitting behind a
desk being told what to think.
Lets face it - the school system is dated and dysfunctional.
Schools were originally designed to educate the children of the
upper classes, who had the wealth and time to devote to mental
pursuits as a sign of their superiority. Gradually, in the 19th and
early 20th century, education became universal.
But what does the school system really do? Most Indigos agree that
what is taught in school is rarely relevant to real life. It
confines them to mental or "head" experience, and most Indigos want
real life experience to be their teacher.
In addition, sitting behind a school desk for 6 hours a day is seen
as no more than training to sit behind and office desk for 8 hours a
day or more, and most Indigos have no interest in that life path.
Modern school classes in South Africa usually consist of 30 or so
children and one teacher. The system functions because the children
agree to be controlled by the teacher. However, as more and more
Indigos say no, the system begins to falter.
Perhaps indigos are teaching us that there are better ways to learn.
Perhaps, beyond a few hours a day of basic literacy and numeracy,
the child of the future will choose projects to be pursued in the
community under supervision of parents or teachers. These could be
"real life" oriented, and be of benefit to both the learner and the
Meanwhile, more and more Indigos are saying no to formal school
Indigo Stories
These are real life experiences drawn from my work with Indigos.
I met Alison when she was 15 and had just dropped out of school. She
was attractive, intelligent and sensitive. She came from an affluent
family, her father being a respected medical practitioner.
Alison absolutely refused to go to school, and had become involved
with drugs. Her parents, not knowing how to cope, were forced to
allow her to leave school and to deal with her drug problem and her
rebellion. She was placed in a drug rehab program.
She wanted to study Reiki and Healing with crystals, but was really
too immature to be a healer.
Eventually she became a model, and was able to get work in London
and Tokyo. She earned large sums of money and was able to travel the
world. Being attractive, she had no shortage of male companions in
her life.
How does one tell an Indigo like Alison that she needed to go the
school? She plainly did not. She was able to live a life beyond what
most people aspire to without spending years at school and
This is typical of Indigos: they work out the system and
then use it to their advantage rather than being controlled by it.
Peter, on the other hand, went into a deep depression in his final
year of school. He dropped out, not because of work pressure, but
because he was able to see the futility and the illusion of the
school system. His father was opposed, but his mother with whom he
lived, was willing to allow his journey.
After several months of dealing with his depression, Peter decided
not to return to school, but to pursue a technical diploma for which
he did not need a school certificate.
This option gave him the time to research his other interests in
life, alternative healing and healthier lifestyles.
A more tragic story is that of Jamila, a young Asian South African
girl who also dropped out in her final year of school. In Jamila's
case, her parents were academic high achievers, and Jamila in fact
did buckle under the pressure to perform as well as the suppressed
anger at her parents "absence" from her life while pursuing their
She is immensely gifted, sensitive, and loving, as well as
beautiful. But she developed an eating disorder as a signal that all
was not right in her world.
Unfortunately, her parents adopted the "child as problem" approach,
and sought to find someone to "cure" her. They were unable to
understand that their own behavior and the system in which they
thrived was inimical to their Indigo daughter and her gentle and
sensitive approach to life
Then, on the lighter side, is the story of 4 year old Kim, who
informed her mother that she was not going to go to school. She
intended to be a mother when she grew up, and for that, she told
Mom, she didn't need to go to school. Mother tended not to agree,
and Kim was enrolled at the local Waldorf School.
The Waldorf and Montessori systems of
education see to be the best available to Indigos at the moment.
Many Indigo parents are also going for
the home schooling option, which allows for more flexibility of
approach while still ensuring that the child gets the necessary
Busting - Indigos and the Medical System
Another area where Indigos are making their presence felt is with
the medical system. This is as a result of the medical diagnoses of
ADD and Hyperactivity, or "minimal brain dysfunction". Medical
science's answer is a drug - usually
Ritalin, sometimes
I have seen a child as young as seven on a medically prescribed
anti-depressant. I have heard a respected pediatrician recommend
that children as young as three be put on Ritalin.
There is much debate about the pros and cons of Ritalin, and I am
not going to go into that here. Suffice to say that Ritalin is a
drug of the amphetamine stimulant class. It has side effects and
withdrawal symptoms, and is also addictive if misused.
The significance of this debate in terms of Indigos, is that many
people are now questioning a medical system that drugs small
children with stimulant drugs that alter brain chemistry as a way of
coping with behavior that doesn't conform to the "norm" of the
"average child".
In my work with children I have encountered children that range from
gifted and "brilliant" to those who are autistic and learning
disabled. In this journey, I have come to believe that there is no
such thing as the "average child". Each child is like a snowflake -
unique and individual, with its own needs and desires.
Yet the education system is geared to the "average child", and if a
child does not conform to this model they are drugged into
Dr Peter Breggin, an American psychiatrist who is
anti the use of Ritalin, points out that what is defined as ADD or
ADHD is just the manifestation of a child that functions at "one end
of the energy spectrum" - the high end!
People who work with Indigos prefer to call these children
"kinesthetic learners", and to suggest that they need modes of
learning suited to their energy levels, rather than Ritalin.
Diet has also been shown to have a major effect on children. The
stimulants in caffeine, refined sugars and food additives, all have
a negative effect on children who are already high in energy.
Eliminating these foods and concentrating on fresh and organic foods
has been known to help to balance over-stimulated Indigos. Many
Indigos, in fact, prefer this kind of diet if they are allowed
access to it. But, busy parents often aggravate the problems by
feeding their children processed and convenience foods which upset
their sensitive systems.
Indigos are teaching us once again of the importance of holistic
living, natural therapies and healing, and natural, unprocessed
They are also challenging a medical
system that sees pharmaceutical drugs as "magic bullets", regardless
of the consequences and side-effects.
The Unhappy
If Indigos are given the opportunity to express who they are, if
they are honored and respected, they can become highly sensitive,
loving and gifted people. If not, they tend to become
self-destructive and dysfunctional.
The high incidence of drug abuse, eating disorders and dysfunctional
behavior among Indigos is an indicator that the way we live is
Please, Never Tell them they're Not Good Enough.....
Indigos are born with a strong sense of "mission". They are
spiritual warriors of the Indigo Ray. They know they have something
really special to do on this planet.
Yet, from the moment they arrive, they are bombarded with negative
messages that affect their self-worth. From the time they begin to
walk, there is a constant "don't do this/don't do that", to messages
that say "you are stupid". I have seen a four year old who informed
me that she was, unfortunately, stupid. How damaging this is,
especially to an Indigo.
If an Indigo is made to feel worthless and not good enough, they
tend to feel that they are failures. They have failed at their
mission, and this makes them depressed, angry, neurotic and self
So please, if you parent or care for an Indigo, make sure you are
affirming of their value and worth. Respect them for who they are,
no matter how different they are to you. Children are not meant to
be clones of their parents, or to carry the aspirations of the
Allow them to be who they are, and they
will flourish and thrive.
More Indigo
I have worked with many Indigos, to help them to balance their lives
and be successful.
Nine year old Sonya came to me with intense eczema all over her
body. She was sleeping badly and was anxious and depressed. I
referred her to a homeopath for treatment for the eczema. The
homeopath used homeopathic and naturopathic treatments together with
When I worked with Sonya I used Energy Balancing,
crystals and
visualization techniques to help her. After several months, her
mother reported that the eczema was nearly completely cleared, and
that she was happy and enjoying her life.
Twenty-four year old Lara came to me in a deeply depressed state.
She was unemployed, despite being a qualified artist. She wept her
way through our initial sessions. I worked with her intensively over
a period of a bout 18 months, seeing her once a month. We used
Emotional Clearing and Regression techniques, together with
Energy Balancing and Crystal therapy.
Lara found a job that suited her talents, and eventually moved on to
one that included traveling.
She was thrilled at the shifts and
changes in her life as a result of the spiritual work. In addition,
her social life improved and she left her mother's home and began
sharing a house with a friend.