by Anna Hodgekiss and Ben
23 February 2016
DailyMail Website
Spanish version
Patients are
and often given profitable
drugs with 'little proven benefits,'
leading doctors warn
Queen's former doctor, Sir
Richard Thompson, has backed new campaign
Experts calling for urgent public enquiry into drugs firms' 'murky'
They say too much medicine is doing more harm than good worldwide
And claim many drugs such as statins are less effective than thought
The Queen's former doctor has called for an urgent public enquiry
into drugs firms' 'murky' practices.
Sir Richard Thompson, former-president of the Royal College
of Physicians and personal doctor to the Queen for 21 years, warned
tonight that many medicines are less effective than thought.
The physician is one of a group of six eminent doctors who today
warn about the influence of pharmaceutical companies on drugs
The experts, led by NHS cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, claim
that too often patients are given useless - and sometimes harmful -
drugs that they do not need.
They maintain drugs companies are developing medicines they can
profit from, rather than those which are likely to be the most
And they accuse the NHS of failing to stand up to
the pharmaceutical giants.

Too much
medicine is doing more harm than good
- and costing
hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide, leading experts have
They maintain drugs
companies are developing medicines they can profit from,
rather than those
which are likely to be the most beneficial
Sir Richard said:
'The time has come for a full and
open public enquiry into the way evidence of the efficacy of
drugs is obtained and revealed.
'There is real danger that some current drug treatments are much
less effective than had previously been thought.'
He said the campaign highlights the,
'often weak and sometimes murky
basis on which the efficacy and use of drugs, particularly in
the elderly, are judged'.
Writing for MailOnline, Dr Malhotra says
commercial conflicts of interest are contributing to an,
'epidemic of misinformed doctors and
misinformed patients in the UK and beyond'.
Furthermore, he adds the NHS is
'over-treating' its patients, and claimed that the side effects of
too much medicine is leading to countless deaths.
And he claims the full trial data
on statins - cholesterol-lowering
drugs prescribed to millions - has never been published, and also
points to questions about the power
of Tamiflu, a drug that has cost
the NHS nearly £500 million.
The group has called on Parliament's Public Accounts Committee to
conduct an independent enquiry into the safety of medicines.
They claim public funding is often allocated to medical research
because it is likely to be profitable, not because it will be
beneficial for patients.
Sir Richard Thompson, former-president of the Royal College of
and personal doctor
to the Queen for 21 years (left),
warned tonight that
many medicines are less effective than thought.
He is one of a group
of six eminent doctors,
led by NHS
cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra (right),
who are concerned
about the influence
of pharmaceutical
companies on drugs prescribing
Dr Malhotra said:
'There is no doubt that a "more
medicine is better" culture lies at the heart of healthcare,
exacerbated by financial incentives within the system to
prescribe more drugs and carry out more procedures.
'But there's a more sinister barrier to making progress to raise
awareness of - and thus tackle - such issues that we should be
most concerned about.
'And that's the information that is being provided to doctors
and patients to guide treatment decisions.'
He accused drugs companies of 'gaming
the system' by spending twice as much on marketing than on research.
Dr Malhotra says that prescription drugs often do more harm than
good, with the elderly particularly at risk.
One in three hospital admissions among the over-75s a result of an
adverse drug reaction, he claims.
In addition to Sir Richard, Dr Malhotra is backed by,
Professor John Ashton, president
of the Faculty of Public Health
psychiatrist Dr JS Bamrah,
chairman of the British Association of Physicians of Indian
cardiologist Professor Rita
Redberg, editor of medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine
Professor James McCormack, a
pharmaceutical scientist
Dr Malhotra, who is launching the
campaign in a personal capacity, is,
a trustee of the King's Fund
health think tank
a member of the Academy of
Medical Royal Colleges
advisor to the National Obesity
He is particularly critical of the
dramatic recent increase of the prescribing of statins.

Dr Malhotra also
points to questions
about the efficacy of
Tamiflu - a flu drug the NHS spent £473m stockpiling.
A 2014 report by a
panel of eminent experts
concluded it was no
more effective than paracetamol
NICE - the NHS drugs rationing
watchdog - lowered the threshold for prescribing statins in 2014 to
encourage GPs to prescribe the drugs to more people.
But it later emerged that six of the 12-strong panel received
funding from drugs manufacturers - either by being paid directly to
give speeches or 'advice', or through funding for research.
Dr Malhotra claims that the full data on the power of statins and
their side effects have never been published. He also points to
questions about the efficacy of Tamiflu - a flu drug that the NHS
spent £473million stockpiling.
A 2014 report by a panel of eminent scientists concluded that
Tamiflu was no more effective than
Dr Malhotra also cites an investigation by the BMJ medical journal,
which earlier this month suggested that major blood thinning drug
Rivaroxaban is not as safe as its
trial data suggests, although the regulator stands by the drug.
He writes:
'For the sake of our future health
and the sustainability of the NHS it's time for real collective
action against "too much medicine", starting with the Public
Accounts Committee launching a full independent inquiry into the
efficacy and safety of medicines.'
Professor Ashton added:
'Public health relies on a
comprehensive, accurate and cost effective evidence base to
ensure we make decisions based on the best available research
that improve and protect people's health, as well as prioritize
care in the best way for patients.'
A spokesman for the Association of the British Pharmaceutical
Industry said:
'All medicines undergo rigorous testing for
quality, safety and efficacy by global regulators.
'The data is also subject to
continuous scrutiny during trials, once licensed and
throughout the life of the medicine, including after a
patent has expired.'
The spokesman added:
'The assessment of a medicine -
the benefits and risks it brings to patients as well as the
value it provides to healthcare - is an ongoing process.
'Innovating companies discover and develop new uses for
these medicines over the life of these products, and
regulators and health technology assessors continue to
update their assessments based on new information.
'None of these procedures are "weak" or "murky" but by and
large published for public scrutiny.'
'However, we recognize that the discussion on the evaluation
of medicines is timely, and we were pleased to contribute
together with many other stakeholders to the "Evaluating
Evidence" policy program of the Academy of Medical
'This dialogue is critical to achieve a shared constructive
and progressive framework for the assessment of medicines.'
A spokesman for NHS England last night
declined to comment on the allegations.
There is no doubt that a 'more medicine is better' culture lies at
the heart of modern healthcare.
This is exacerbated by financial incentives within the system to
prescribe more drugs and carry out more procedures - regardless of
whether it benefits patients, it seems.
But there's a more sinister barrier to making progress that we
should be most concerned about. And that's the information being
provided to doctors and patients to guide treatment decisions.
Several weeks ago I was a speaker the annual British Association of
Physicians of Indian Origin medical conference in Birmingham. Other
speakers included the chair of the Royal College of General
Practitioners, the chair of the BMA and the chief executive of NHS
England, Simon Stevens.
In my speech, I warned of several things that deeply concern me
about the state of medicine today.
In short, these are:
Biased funding of research -
funded because it is likely to be profitable, not beneficial
for patients
Biased reporting in medical
Commercial conflicts of
interests and an inability of doctors and patients to
understand health statistics and risk

Over-medication is 'causing unnecessary suffering
of millions and
costing billions to our national economies'
All of the above are contributing to an epidemic of misinformed
doctors and misinformed patients in the UK and beyond.
But most concerning of all, this desperate situation is costing tens
of thousands of lives around the world. And not only that, it is
causing unnecessary suffering of millions and costing billions to
our national economies.
A few months ago, the medical director of NHS England, Sir Bruce
Keogh, admitted that one in seven NHS treatments - including
operations - are unnecessary and should not have been carried out on
And in the US, it is estimated that one third of all healthcare
activity brings no benefit to patients. This is further backed up by
a point made by former editor of the New England Journal of
Medicine, Dr Marcia Angell.
In a talk given at the University of Montana, in 2009, she revealed
that of the 667 new drugs approved by the FDA between 2000 and 2007,
only 11 per cent were were considered to be innovative or
improvements on existing medications.
And three quarters were essentially just copies of old ones.

research has linked psychiatric drugs
to thousands of
deaths due to suicides and drowsiness
Given the fact that drug companies' primary responsibility is to
provide profit for shareholders - rather than patient health - this
is far from surprising.
But apart from the colossal financial wastage that results from
companies having go at flogging a drug twice - and therefore
spending twice as much marketing drugs than they do on research and
development - it's the considerable harm to patients and the public
that should concern us the most.
The Food and Drug Administration reports that adverse events from
prescribed medications have more than tripled in the past decade in
the United States. This has resulted in more than 123,000 deaths in
2014 and 800,000 total serious patient outcomes - including
hospitalizations and life threatening disability.
But this is likely to represent a gross underestimate.
One person who has long been outspoken on the dangers of modern
medication is Peter Gotzsche, professor of research design
and analysis at the University of Copenhagen.
He estimates prescription drugs are the third most common cause of
death after heart disease and cancer. In particular, he is deeply
concerned about the impact of psychiatric drugs including
antidepressants and dementia drugs.
Writing in the BMJ, he calculated they are responsible for more than
half a million deaths in those aged over 65 in the US and European
union. This is due to suicides but also because patients are
over-medicated and drowsy.
In fact, it is the elderly who are most at risk of so-called
polypharmacy - where a patient is
taking multiple drugs.
The problem with polypharmacy is that the more drugs you take, the
more likely you are to experience side-effects that are then
misinterpreted by a doctor or nurse as a symptom of disease that
needs treating with additional medicine.
I have lost count of the number of over-medicated elderly patients I
have treated, with sometimes three or four blood pressure
medications making them dizzy and fall over.
It's a vicious cycle and one that costs lives each year.
The elderly are particularly vulnerable to polypharmacy with one in
three hospital admissions in the over 75s the result of an adverse
drug reaction. Many of these patients will fall and suffer a hip
fracture because of medication side effects and a quarter of these
will die as a result.
But what is most disturbing is that Professor Gotzsche claims much
of the behavior of the pharmaceutical industry that drives this
over-prescription fulfils the criteria for 'organized crime' under
US law.

'I have lost count of the number of over-medicated elderly patients
I have treated,
with sometimes three
or four blood pressure medications
making them dizzy and
fall over,' Dr Malhotra told MailOnline
Between 2007 and 2012 the majority of the largest ten pharmaceutical
companies all paid considerable fines for various misdemeanors that
included marketing drugs for off-label uses, misrepresentation of
research results, and hiding data on harm.
But whether such fines act as deterrent is debatable when profit is
the primary motivator.
In 2012
GSK landed a $3 billion fine - the
largest healthcare fraud settlement in US history - for illegally
marketing several drugs including an anti-depressant, a diabetes
drug and one for epilepsy.
But in the period covered by the settlement, it posted profits of
more than $25 billion in the sales of these drugs.
Medical journals and the media can also be manipulated to serve not
only as marketing vehicles for the industry but be complicit in
silencing those who call for greater transparency and more
independent scrutiny of scientific data.
Take a paper published by the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA)
last June.
This claimed that a program that aired in 2013 - which questioned
the benefits of prescribing statins to those at low risk of heart
disease - may have resulted in up to 2,900 people suffering a heart
attack or death from stopping their medication.
The problem with polypharmacy is that the more drugs you take, the
more likely you are to experience side-effects that are then
misinterpreted by a doctor or nurse as a symptom of disease that
needs treating with additional medicine
I was asked to go on ABC News Australia to discuss this but
unfortunately just 30 minutes before my interview was cancelled.
Had I had the opportunity, I would have given my view - that the
paper provided no robust evidence of increasing hospital admissions
or recorded deaths to support such claims.
On the contrary, the Catalyst documentary under scrutiny is one of
the most brilliant pieces of medical journalism I have seen in
recent times.
A view shared by the vice president of the faculty of public health
Professor Simon Capewell, who described it as 'informative,
transparent, and raised legitimate concerns',
As he and I point out in an editorial published two weeks ago in
medical journal BMC Medicine, community based studies reveal that
almost 75 per cent of new users will stop taking their statin within
a year of prescription with 62 per cent citing side effects as a
In fact, the emerging evidence suggests at best, the benefits of
statins have been grossly exaggerated and side effects underplayed.
In recent weeks, two separate research groups in Japan and France
have, independently of each other, questioned the reliability of
many of the earlier industry sponsored studies that show the benefit
of statins.
In fact the Japanese research went as far to even suggests that
statins may be a cause of the increasing population burden of heart

Dr Malhotra claims emerging evidence
suggests the benefits
of statins have been grossly exaggerated
and side effects
Meanwhile the reputed French cardiologist Dr Michel De Lorgeril
has claimed all studies published after 2006 reveal 'no benefit' of
statins for cardiovascular prevention in all groups of patients.
I fully support his calls for a full reassessment of all the statin
studies and until then 'physicians should be aware that the present
claims about the efficacy and safety of statins is not evidence
Furthermore we must demand that the Clinical Trial Service Unit
at Oxford University releases the raw data on statins for
independent scrutiny.
It is these industry- sponsored studies that have resulted in the
prescription of statins to millions worldwide, driving a
multi-billion industry.
But back to the wider the picture.
It has been just over 10 years since John Ioannidis,
professor of medicine and health policy at Stanford University,
published a landmark paper explaining why most published medical
research is likely to be false.
But it's not just about studies being poorly designed or stats being
He went as far to claim,
'the greater the financial interests
in a given field, the less likely the research findings are to
be true'.
Unfortunately, there are multiple recent
examples exposing that our so-called guardians and regulators, NICE
and the MHRA, are not only ill-equipped to deal with these issues.
Now, when a patient comes to see me with any new symptom my first
thought is could this be a medication side effect?
Or, as the immediate past president of the Royal College of
Physicians Sir Richard Thompson told me,
'are "part of the problem rather
than the solution".'
NICE was called out when several leading
doctors, including Sir Richard, wrote to the Secretary of State for
health raising major concerns over the impartiality of the guideline
development group on statins with 8 of its 12 members declaring
financial ties to companies manufacturing statins and related drugs.
And in April 2014 independent scientists of the Cochrane
Collaboration - considered the gold standard body of independent
scientists - concluded that Britain wasted more than £500 million on
the influenza drug Tamiflu.

Many clinical trials have provided flawed data, argues Dr Malhotra,
and patients have
been incorrectly medicated accordingly
After gaining access to withheld clinical trials data, the body
found Tamiflu was no better that paracetamol in relieving flu
symptoms and had potentially serious side effects including kidney
problems and psychiatric disturbance.
NICE was criticized for failing to call for the full data to be
released by the pharmaceutical company manufacturing the drug before
giving its hasty approval.
At the time, however, manufacturer Roche said it stood behind the
wealth of data for Tamiflu.
Meanwhile an investigation by the BMJ revealed that the blood
clotting test device used in a trial published in the New England
Journal of Medicine was faulty giving falsely low blood thinning
readings in the comparator drug warfarin.
'casting doubt onto outcomes used to
support the use of the World's best-selling new oral
anti-coagulant' Rivoroxaban, the journal said.
Of course NICE wouldn't have known about
the faulty device but one has to question their judgment on
recommending the use of the drug based upon one pharmaceutical
company funded trial where there are now calls for the paper to be
The fact that prescriptions are at an all time high with more than 1
billion handed out every year - the figure has doubled in the past
decade - should be regarded as a public health crisis in itself.
Now, when a patient comes to see me with any new symptom my first
thought is could this be a medication side effect? The system is
broken and cannot be fixed by just pouring in more money
Corporate greed and systematic political
failure has brought the NHS to its knees.
Without full transparency and accountability no doctor can provide
what we slogged through medical school and devote our heart and
souls to - providing the best quality care for our patients.
Last week, responding to a series of recent scandals - including
failure of institutions and universities in the UK to tackle
research misconduct - former editor of the BMJ, Richard Smith,
'something is rotten in the state of
British Medicine and has been for a long time'.
For the sake of our future health and
the sustainability of the NHS it's time for real collective action
against 'too much medicine'.
This can start with the public accounts committee launching a full
independent inquiry into the efficacy and safety of medicines. I
believe it is an underlying scandal that may likely to dwarf that of
Mid Staffordshire NHS scandal -
where scores of patients died due to poor care, a public enquiry
Medical science has taken a turn towards darkness.
And sunlight will be its only disinfectant...