by Ethan A. Huff
staff writer
June 27, 2012
NaturalNews Website
The Chinese government has officially amended its patent laws to
allow drug companies to reproduce generic, low-cost versions of
expensive, patented drugs, a daring move that is sure to shake up
the pharmaceutical industry.
According to Reuters Health,
information posted at China's State Intellectual Property Office
website explains that the Chinese government will now begin issuing
compulsory licenses that bypass drug patents during times of state
emergencies or other unusual circumstances, or when doing so
benefits the interests of the public.
Patent laws are the keys to the kingdom, so to speak, for
Big Pharma, as they ensure a steady
stream of exorbitant profits from "blockbuster" drugs for many
In the U.S., these patents last 20 years
from the time they are first filed, which results in drug companies
being able to mark-up the cost of drugs as much as 569,000 percent
higher than the cost of their actual raw materials (see "28
Senators vote to Maintain Big Pharma Monopoly over U.S. consumers;
Republicans Oppose Free Trade for Medicine".)
These unreasonably high drug costs leave many patients in a serious
financial bind, as the types of drugs administered for serious
conditions like cancer can cost upwards of $100,000 or more per
year. Many cancer patients who take the conventional treatment
route, for instance, either end up having to shuffle treatment costs
onto their insurance companies or taxpayers, or else agree to take
on the burden of enormous debt.
This type of situation has become particularly problematic in China
and several other countries in the East, where the average
individual makes far less than the average individual living in the
So to address this problem, China has
taken advantage of World Trade Organization (WTO) guidelines that
allow member countries to essentially bypass patent laws in special
"In May 2012, China created a change
in their IPR (intellectual property rights) legislation to be
able to issue compulsory licenses," said Bob Verbruggen, senior
advisor for the UNAIDS Asia Pacific office, to Reuters.
Verbruggen participated in a
recent drug access workshop hosted by the United Nations (UN) where
Chinese officials explained the changes to their country's patent
"China is considering further
strengthening its legal framework, so as to make use of legal
space to produce generic drugs. China's action plan at the
workshop seemed to confirm that it intends to become a generic
producer (of drugs) for the domestic and international market."
China plans to
export generic versions of patented drugs
What this means is that China will have the opportunity to produce
low-cost, generic versions of patented drugs, and export them to
other countries, including to America.
Expensive drugs like the cancer drug
tenofovir (Viread), for instance, could soon become available as a
much-cheaper "copy" of the original.
Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador, made a
similar move in his country back in 2009,
although Ecuador has not necessarily become a major exporter of
copycat drugs like China plans to do. President Correa declared
medicine to be a "human right" that should never be patented, and
decided to issue compulsory licenses to generic drug manufacturers.
"Open source" medicine is a concept we here at NaturalNews also
embrace. And this does not mean that all medicine should be free -
"free" just means that taxpayers are paying for it - but rather that
medicines should be open and available for anyone to produce and
sell without fear of infringing a patent.
Such a paradigm already largely exists
in the dietary and herbal supplement industries, which create
product formulas from individual plants, herbs, compounds, and other
substances that are not patented or owned by any single corporation
or entity.
Ecuador President Correa to Override Drug
Patents in Order to...
Provide Affordable Medications
by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
October 19, 2009
NaturalNews Website
The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, announced Sunday
that he planned to override a number of pharmaceutical patents in
order to provide more affordable medicines to the People of Ecuador.
In a statement, Correa explained that access to medicine is a "human
right" and that he intends to seek "compulsory licenses" to acquire
medications considered indispensible.
Under current World Trade Organization rules, countries have the
right to seek such "compulsory licenses" that override traditional
patent rights. Current WTO rules require that such countries
negotiate with the patent owners to determine fair compensation.
This action by Correa joins Ecuador's recent declaration that it
would not honor the illegitimate debt that had been placed on the
country by foreign banks (under previous administrations).
This bold move allowed Ecuador to
renegotiate its debt for roughly 30 cents on the dollar. Much of
that debt was considered "predatory debt" by academics who
understand the way the World Bank and other first-world banking
interests attempt to place debt burdens on many smaller nations as a
tactic for exerting long-term influence over their economies.
The book
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
by John Perkins explains in great detail how first-world
nations have routinely interfered with the nations of Central and
South American through predatory lending practices.
Pharmaceutical pricing is also considered "predatory" by many
observers, including NaturalNews.
By definition, prices on brand-name
pharmaceuticals are "monopoly prices." That's because patent
protection grants drug companies a monopoly market for a period of
roughly 20 years.
During that time, drug companies extract
as much money as possible for their products, even from poorer
nations whose population can barely afford to pay such prices.
Opinion from
Mike Adams, current resident of Ecuador
As a full-time resident of Ecuador and a person who sees the
day-to-day medical needs of the population in the southern region of
Ecuador, I applaud Correa's bold action to bypass the predatory
patent practices of pharmaceutical companies.
I agree with Correa that access to
medicine, as well as access to an education, are basic human rights.
I've long stated on this website that medicine should not be pursued
for profit. The entire business of medicine, in my opinion, would
better serve the People if it were structured as a non-profit
industry, and medicines in particular should be made available to
people at or near their actual cost of production rather than a
profiteering prices.
Many price markups on pharmaceuticals are astronomical. Some pills
that cost literally two cents to manufacture are sold for over $100
each in the United States. That equates to a price markup of
Of course, drug companies have marketing
and research costs to cover in this equation, but even then, the
primary focus of the industry is to generate profit, not to generate
While some argue that drug companies need to earn huge profits to
continue finding "cures" for serious diseases, in reality drug
companies are far more focused now on inventing disease than
actually curing anything.
Vaccines, psychiatric medications,
cholesterol drugs and many other categories of medicines are now
being aggressively pushed onto people who frankly don't need them
(and who receive little or no medical benefit from them). Today, the
pharmaceutical industry is increasingly focused on selling drugs to
people who aren't even sick.
This is the core problem with the for-profit drug industry: As long
as profits can be made by selling drugs, these companies will always
try to find new ways to market more drugs to more people at higher
Medical necessity is replaced by a
profit motive, and the end result is that drug prices become
entirely unaffordable to all but the wealthiest nations in the
world. Even then, countries like the USA are going broke in large
part due to their out-of-control expenditures of patented
For any nation to protect itself from the predatory pricing
practices (and disease mongering tendencies) of the pharmaceutical
industry, it must do exactly what Ecuador's president Correa is now
attempting to do:
Stand up against the predatory
pricing practices of drug companies and take bold action to
protect the interests of the people against these profit-seeking
As an American living in Ecuador, I
applaud Correa's actions and hope that he finds success in pursuing
this course of action for the benefit of the People.
It's also worth noting, by the way, that if the People of Ecuador
would eat more traditional Ecuadorian diets and reject the influence
of American processed foods and fast foods, they would suffer from
far lower rates of cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart disease.
The American population is sick in large
part because it has followed the so-called "Standard American Diet."
Any nation that embraces a similar diet
will, within one generation, find itself experiencing similar rates
of degenerative disease.
China Changes Patent Law in...
Fight for Cheaper Drugs
by Tan Ee Lyn
from Hong Kong
June 8, 2012
Reuters Website
China has overhauled parts of its intellectual property laws to
allow its drug makers to make cheap copies of medicines still under
patent protection in an initiative likely to unnerve foreign
pharmaceutical companies.
The Chinese move, outlined in documents posted on its patent law
office website, comes within months of a similar move by India to
effectively end the monopoly on an expensive cancer drug made by
Bayer AG by issuing its first so-called "compulsory license".
The action by China will ring alarm bells in
Big Pharma, since the country is a
vital growth market at a time when sales in Western countries are
The amended Chinese patent law allows Beijing to issue compulsory
licenses to eligible companies to produce generic versions of
patented drugs during state emergencies, or unusual circumstances,
or in the interests of the public.
For "reasons of public health", eligible drug makers can also ask to
export these medicines to other countries, including members of the
World Trade Organization.
Compulsory licenses are available to nations to issue under WTO
rules in certain cases where life-saving treatments are
"The revised version of Measures for
the Compulsory Licensing for Patent Implementation came into
effect from May 1, 2012," China's State Intellectual Property
Office said in a faxed statement to Reuters.
The changes can be found on the website
China's State Intellectual Property Office.
China is known to be looking at Gilead Sciences Inc's
tenofovir, which is recommended by
the World Health Organization as part of a first-line cocktail
treatment for AIDS patients, two sources with direct knowledge of
the matter said.
China's generic drug makers were getting ready to produce tenofovir,
they added. At a drug access workshop hosted by the United Nations
and health activists in Bangkok in early June, Chinese officials
spoke of the changes to its patent law.
Officials from,
the Philippines
...also participated in the meeting.
"In May 2012, China created a change
in their IPR (intellectual property rights) legislation to be
able to issue compulsory licenses. China is considering further
strengthening its legal framework, so as to make use of legal
space to produce generic drugs," said Bob Verbruggen, senior
adviser for the UNAIDS Asia Pacific office, who was present at
the workshop.
"China's action plan at the workshop
seemed to confirm that it intends to become a generic producer
for the domestic and international market," he told Reuters by
China's move follows India's granting of a compulsory license in
March to local generic drugs firm Natco Pharma to manufacture
Bayer's cancer drug
Nexavar, used for treating kidney
and liver cancer.
However, China had signaled interest in the idea from at least
2008-2009, when its State Intellectual Property Office invited
foreign experts to Beijing to show Chinese officials how to prepare
the legal grounds for issuing compulsory licenses.
"They wanted to know the legal
perspective... They wanted to know about Thailand's IP Act that
allowed us to make a CL (compulsory license) under the law for
public interests, in an emergency," said Vithaya Kulsomboon,
associate professor at Thailand's Chulalongkorn University, who
was invited to Beijing at the time.
Kajal Bhardwaj, a legal expert
from India who is working on health, HIV and human rights trade
laws, said China's move was well within the limits of international
trade agreements.
"CLs have previously been issued in
the region by Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and India. CLs have
also been issued on multiple occasions by developed countries
including the U.S. and EU member countries," Bhardwaj said.
"It is very encouraging that China is seeking to ensure that
this right... is reflected in its legal regime on intellectual
property," she added.
China's stable of generic drug makers has been producing the key
ingredients - or active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) - in
medicines for years, exporting them to foreign drug makers, which
then sell the patented finished products back to China at prices
which the average Chinese citizen often cannot afford.
In particular, the government is struggling to provide newer HIV
drugs, such as Gilead's tenofovir, known by its brand Viread and
which had worldwide sales last year of $737.9 million.
China's government, initially slow to acknowledge the problem of
HIV/AIDS in the 1990s, now admits to having a ballooning number of
HIV/AIDS cases.
Although Gilead moved to share its intellectual property rights on
its medicines in a patent pool with generic drug makers from many
countries last July in return for a small royalty, China was
excluded, which meant it had to continue paying high prices for
Since the change in China's patent law, Gilead has offered certain
concessions, including giving China a substantial donation of
tenofovir if it continues to buy the same amount, said Paul
Cawthorne, coordinator for Medecins Sans Frontieres' Access
Campaign in Asia.
"This is all a negotiation game;
this offer from Gilead came about once the news that the Chinese
was considering issuing a CL came out. The end game is okay, you
get a better deal or you use the CL, it's a strategy that many
countries use," he said.
Gilead in Hong Kong declined to comment.
No one was immediately available to comment at its head office in
All eyes are now trained on how China battles it out with big
foreign drug exporters, especially from 2013 when the Geneva-based
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria will no
longer give grants to China to 'fight'