by S.D. Wells
August 01, 2012
NaturalNews Website
Spanish version
Are you taking a multi-vitamin
that's killing you slowly?
Did you think you were doing the
right thing by jiggling that little pill out of its
container and washing it down your throat every day in the
name of health and wellness?
Which ones are you taking;
One-a-day, Centrum, Equate, or maybe you just picked up some
of Sam's club's "Members Mark Complete?"
Sounds like a real winner!
Wait a second, it could be even worse.
You might have gone and done the unthinkable, and you bought your
children Flintstones vitamins. Tell me it's not true.
Have you really read the label, researched any of the synthetic
additives, or checked out the "other ingredients," or did you just
figure that was irrelevant? If you are guilty of taking any of the
aforementioned supplements, it's time to buy some liver, kidney, and
colon detoxification, and you better educate yourself about those
too, because "The Man" wants you sick and dying, not avoiding toxic
vitamin imposters that are NOT ABSORBABLE by the body.
Dangerous, mind-blowing additives in
your crappy vitamins that are listed as "other ingredients" include:
talc, dyes, sodium benzoate, methylcellulose, carnauba wax, silicon
and/or titanium dioxide.
In all of these cases, what you don't
know WILL hurt you!
In the mid-1930s, multivitamins became available in grocery stores
and pharmacies. These supplements were made from natural, dried and
compressed vegetable and fruit concentrates, but then, in the early
1940s, certain brands began producing synthetic tablets, and that's
when the mayhem began.
Now, millions of Americans and people all over the world want to eat
right and take the right vitamins to help them live a long, healthy
life and be energetic all the while, but the majority of these
innocent, naive, and nutritionally uneducated beings have NO CLUE
that the big "brand name" vitamins on the shelves of most grocery
and drug stores are synthetic toxins which not only DO NOT foster
good health, but are mutagenic and carcinogenic.
This means they are basically poison for
the body, fueling disease and disorders, including arthritis,
osteoporosis, brittle bones, cancer, and yes, Alzheimer's disease.
Did you know Pfizer owns "Centrum?" Did
you know Bayer owns "One-a-Day?"
Walking into a nutritional nightmare is easy if you don't know the
"low down" on supplements. Dangerous supplements can reverse what
you are trying to accomplish.
Also, many multivitamins, especially the
chewable ones, contain Aspartame, one of the leading causes of
Fibromyalgia and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
ingredients" usually means animal parts and cancer causing
artificial sweeteners
If your vitamins come in the form of gelatin capsules, you are more
than likely consuming the skin, cartilage, connective tissues and
bones of diseased animals.
On top of that, if your vitamins contain
the artificial sweeteners Aspartame, Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose
or Sorbitol, you could be developing artificial sweetener disease
(cancer) and mutating your cells, your DNA, and passing that
mutagenic DNA along to future generations.
Don't feel dumb if you did not know that synthetic B-12 comes from
activated sewage sludge just don't be a repeat offender! Your
"corporate" made vitamins are made by pharmaceutical and chemical
companies who also concocted
chemotherapy. It's just another angle
to handle the threat of people getting healthy from nutritional
information, and so you've been deceived.
Synthetic vitamin B-12,
cyanocobalamin, is made from ground up toxic cow livers and
activated sewage sludge.
These cow livers are overloaded with
steroids and antibiotics, and the pesticides the cow assimilates
from eating GMO feed, and these cows are living in CAFO's (confined
animal feeding operations), where they often collapse and die
slowly, while lying in their own "sludge" or fecal matter.
Synthetic vitamin B also comes from coal
tar and petro-chemicals, known to depress the central nervous system
and cause respiratory ailments.
Those cheap, synthetic vitamins you're taking in hopes of
maintaining proper health are deteriorating your health as quickly
as fast food burgers and fries. Synthetic vitamin A comes from fish
liver juices loaded with toxic PCB's and mercury.
Synthetic vitamin C comes from acid
blends that irritate the lining of your digestive track. It's just a
chemical copy of naturally occurring ascorbic acid. This kind of
fractionated, chemical acid never grew in the ground or received
sunlight, but rather it's a sulfuric acid by-product. Once you
swallow that pill, it's just another carcinogenic drug in your body,
like MSG (monosodium glutamate) or
The bottom line is that the wrong vitamins are chemicals. More than
90 percent of the fake "vitamin C" in this country is manufactured
in New Jersey by Hoffman-LaRoche, one of the world's largest drug
manufacturers. (visit
Organic vitamin A has antioxidant properties, but synthetic vitamin
A accomplishes just the opposite. In one study, subjects who
received synthetic A - beta carotene had an eight percent higher
incidence of fatal heart attacks, strokes, and lung cancer than
those who got the placebo (sugar pill).
Vitamin D is derived from irradiated oil
Synthetic vitamin D is toxic and can result in permanent deposit of
minerals in the heart, lungs and kidneys.
How could this be true? Because it's
made from petroleum extracts, coal tar derivatives, and irradiated
cattle brains. It may even contain formaldehyde and ammonia! (see
The Truth About Vitamins in Nutritional
Routinely contained in nearly all
NON-ORGANIC vitamins are genetically engineered ingredients,
pesticides, and animal drug residues, pathogens, feces,
hormone-disrupting chemicals, toxic sludge, slaughterhouse waste,
chemical additives, preservatives, and chemical by-products.
The wrong kind
of calcium kills you slowly
The calcium myth must be dispelled right now.
If you eat and drink dairy products,
including milk, yogurt and cheese, you are loading up your body with
calcium, in fact, most likely, you are overloading your body with
calcium. True whole food vitamins don't leech the body of their
missing co-factors and don't cause a vitamin imbalance.
How does
Big Pharma make a fortune off your
sickness? Calcium supplements! If you think the staggering numbers
of people in the U.S. suffering from arthritis and osteoporosis are
somehow doing so just by chance, you are DEAD WRONG.
Want the good kind of calcium? Research
plant-based calcium like leafy greens, kale and spinach.
No matter what
the FDA says or wants you to believe, organic
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, and enzymes are
"MEDICINE," and synthetic vitamins are simply ANTI-MEDICINE -
disease and disorder breeding health criminals. Get smarter.
Read the labels. Ask questions...
If your vitamins are not organic, then
they're probably making you sick.