by Mark Sircus
02 April 2012
IMVA Website
Spanish version
There has been a lot happening in the
world and in my work as of late so I would like to give an update.
First of all, for those of you who enjoy following me closely, my
daily communications continue on Facebook.
I have not been publishing as many newsletters as usual and one
reason is that I have been into my cancer writings. This week The
Changing Landscape of Cancer goes into final production and it will
serve as a primer for a suite of five books that cover the depth and
breadth of my work in oncology.
I am presently working on Breast & Prostate Cancer, which
will cover all sexual organ cancers as well as the soft underbelly
of cancer in general - the emotional, mental, spiritual and sexual
stresses and trauma people go through.
I will come out quickly with a second edition of,
...and these other books do not cover
With five books covering the subject of
cancer I will have a totally comprehensive medical approach to the
treatment of cancer.

In terms of medical marijuana, the
question is being asked,
“What more evidence does the U.S.
government need to understand that the current approach to
fighting the Mexican drug cartels is failing? All the evidence
suggests that the efforts to crush Mexico’s violent drug cartels
have failed. Why won’t the White House listen?”
They don’t listen because they are cruel
and psychopathic beings who have sold their souls to the system and
everything they receive from it.
It is clear beyond doubt that medical marijuana should be prescribed
in large oral dosages (hemp oil or raw cannabis) to everyone with
cancer (for those in search of complete cures) and that many of the
symptoms and even the stress of this disease can be addressed by
smoking, which, yes, means getting high.
3-Year-Old Uses

Marijuana is the best medicine for
3-year-old Cash Hyde of Missoula, Montana.
The boy’s parents defied doctor’s orders
- and Montana law - to get their hands on the medicinal treatment
their son needed after he was diagnosed with recurring brain tumors
at 22 months old.
“I’ve had law enforcement
threatening to kick my door down, but I would have done anything
to keep Cashy alive,” Mike Hyde, who said he has long been a
proponent of the drug, told
Missoula Police Sgt. Travis Welsh said,
“Obviously, this man’s intentions
are for his child.”
The Hydes and the doctors decided to
wean the toddler off a cocktail of drugs that included methadone,
ketamine and morphine. Their son went through 30 rounds of radiation
without one bout of nausea or any pain medication other than medical
marijuana, according to his father.
Dr. Allison Dering-Anderson, clinical assistant professor in the
college of pharmacy at University of Nebraska does not condone
breaking the law even if it’s to save a child’s life from cancer.
“It’s not acceptable to break the
law,” said Dering-Anderson. “I’m sorry for this child and for
this family and for all they’ve gone through, but… our licenses
depend upon upholding the law.”
Dering-Anderson said she has deep
concerns about children taking medication (medical marijuana) that
is not specified by a doctor and without clear oversight of their
From my perspective doctors are forced
to be more interested in their licenses and following the lockstep
of a type of medicine that hurts more people than it helps. I am
concerned for people who put blind trust in these card-carrying
doctors who refuse to look beyond what is mandated by the AMA and
the FDA.
Oncologists are cornered and have no choice but to
put the
law ahead of the wellbeing of their patients.
It is a sad state of affairs when
doctors are forced to abuse their patients because of laws and
governmental medical rules that dictate which treatments are legal
and which are not.
Today, to stand behind the law is to
become alien to the truth about how to best care for patients and
address their needs. We have cruel laws administered by cruel people
and aggressive institutions that have no right to accept
responsibility for the health and wellbeing of any human being.
Raw Michelle
published about other cases where medical marijuana is
the right choice for medical treatment.
At 16, Kristen Peskuski was
suffering from joint inflammation and an array of autoimmune
conditions which made her organs and other tissues swell,
including interstitial cystitis and lupus.
She was prescribed over 40 different
anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and painkilling medications to
combat the symptoms.
Still struggling to bring the symptoms
under control, Kristen developed steroid toxicity. She was told
that the most she could hope for was reduced discomfort, and
with luck, she might make it to her 30th birthday.
Seeking alternative treatments, she
began juicing raw cannabis leaves every day, and within two
months, Kristen’s back pain had been eliminated, and she had
stopped using any other painkillers.
At two years old, she was diagnosed with terminal brain tumors.
Her mother was told that with
treatment, Amber had a 10 percent chance of survival. After
surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, the tumors were still
spreading. Her parents were advised to take their child home,
make her comfortable, and prepare for the inevitable. A month
later, her parents reported a startling change. The tumors had
decreased in size and number.
The family had been juicing cannabis
leaves and feeding their baby a few ounces of the juice each