by Mark Sircus
11 July 2012
IMVA Website

Cesium-137 - mimics potassium
Strontium-90 - mimics calcium
Iodine-131 - mimics iodine
The most hazardous isotopes normally released in nuclear accidents
are known to be
cesium-137 (Cs-137),
iodine-131 (I-131) and
strontium-90 (Sr-90).
These isotopes have half-lives
sufficiently long to allow them to migrate into the body or, in the
case of iodine, have the tendency to accumulate in the thyroid
These radioactive particles readily fill the nutritional
holes left by deficiencies of,
Radiation damages our bodies by breaking the chemical bonds in our
cells. The amount of damage done depends not only on how much
radiation we are exposed to but also very much on how mineral
deficient we are.
This is a crucial point our government
and doctors hate to address because it undermines the prevailing
medical paradigm, a paradigm that puts you and your loved ones in
your graves rather than promoting your health and longevity.
Radionuclides are known to accumulate in particular organs.
Thousands of Belarusan autopsies already
show that cesium settles in heart and optical muscles[1],
speeding their degeneration. Strontium-90 likes teeth and snuggles
into bone marrow, irradiating the stem cells responsible for our
blood and immune systems. Both Sr-90 and I-131 migrate to vital
organs in the body where they are almost impossible to remove,
serving as a constant source of unnecessary radiation and as a cause
of cancer or other diseases.
Radioactive elements are similar in structure to their
nonradioactive counterparts, differing only in the number of
neutrons the atoms contain. Because of this, nutrition plays an
important role in protecting the body from damage caused by
Deficiencies of calcium, potassium and
other minerals make the body more likely to absorb radioactive
The fact is that minerals are as important to us as they are to
plants and without them taking up their correct positions in our
cells it is impossible to remain strong and healthy for long.
We wilt just like plants wilt, and if we
add dehydration to the list, a commonplace medical condition, then
we and our children have great difficulty clearing heavy metal and
radioactive contamination from our bodies.
Without enough minerals our cells become like Swiss cheese - full of
holes that can be filled with heavy metals like mercury that is
everywhere, even in our teeth, thanks to dentists, and in some of
the vaccines given to our children - an absolute medical
With today’s pollution of chemicals and heavy metals, the increasing
radiation coming from Japan and other nuclear threats - toxic
medical and dental treatments - combined with the vastly decreased
quality of our foods, it is vitally important that we learn how to
confront these threats with some new medical principles and
According to the National Foundation for Cancer Research the value
of minerals as part of an anticancer diet is frequently overlooked.
Minerals play a vital role in fighting cancer. A prime example is
the mineral selenium (Se), an essential micronutrient with important
biological and biochemical functions in organisms because of its
unique and powerful antioxidant properties and its ability to
regulate thyroid gland metabolism.
It is well known that Se is an
antagonist that moderates the toxic effects of many heavy metals
such as,
...in organisms.
This same
capacity to mitigate heavy metal toxicity crosses over into
radioactive particles giving us a measure of increased protection
via increases in selenium-dependent glutathione.
It is important to remember that whatever protects us against cancer
protects us from radiation exposure.
We can make this general statement
because there is a direct mathematical relationship between
radiation exposures and cancer rates.
Magnesium & Calcium
Dr. Chris Busby is recommending
magnesium and calcium
supplementation to everyone concerned about the radiation exposure
from Fukushima.
Nuclear particles do have a strong
propensity to bind with DNA and that is why we see cancers develop,
even after low exposure, and that is also why we see drops in
fertility and the onset of sterility. Busby though is new to the
health area and is being confronted for his product line and
certainly needs to be for his recommended dosages of 800 mg of
calcium and 450 mg of magnesium taken daily.
One should be taking much more
Magnesium repletion produced
disappearance of the periosteal tumors.[2]
Magnesium is a vital mineral whose lack leaves us open to not only
radioactive damages but also those from heavy metals and thousands
of chemicals that we are commonly exposed to.
Researchers from Japan’s National Cancer
Center in Tokyo have found that an increased intake of magnesium
reduces a man’s risk of colon cancer by over 50%. Aleksandrowicz et
al in Poland conclude that inadequacy of magnesium and antioxidants
are important risk factors in predisposing to leukemias.[3]
Other researchers found that 46% of the
patients admitted to an ICU in a tertiary cancer center presented
with hypomagnesemia. They concluded that the incidence of
hypomagnesemia in critically ill cancer patients is high.[4]
Magnesium deficiency is carcinogenic, and in the case of solid
tumors, a high level of supplemented magnesium inhibits
Magnesium ions stabilize structures of
proteins, nucleic acids, and cell membranes by binding to the
macromolecule’s surface and promote specific structural or catalytic
activities of proteins, enzymes, or ribozymes.
Magnesium plays a critical role
in vital DNA repair proteins.
Magnesium ions’ synergetic effects on the active site
geometry may affect the polymerase closing/opening trends.
Distinct structural features of DNA, such as the curvature of dA
tracts, are important in the recognition, packaging, and regulation
of DNA.
Physiologically relevant concentrations
of magnesium have been found to enhance the curvature of dA tract
DNAs. Magnesium, an essential metal that is important in the normal
functioning of DNA alters the tumorigenic [tumor-causing] process
when it interacts with heavy metals, which are damaging DNA
The anti-colon-cancer effects of calcium are linked to magnesium
levels, reports a 2008 study.
Researchers from Vanderbilt University
found that low ratios of the minerals were associated with reduced
risk of colorectal cancer, according to findings presented at the
Seventh Annual American Association for Cancer Research
International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research.[7]
Several studies have shown an increased cancer rate in regions with
low magnesium levels in soil and drinking water, and the same for
selenium. In Egypt the cancer rate was only about 10% of that in
Europe and America. In the rural fellah it was practically
The main difference was an extremely
high magnesium intake of 2.5 to 3g in these cancer-free populations,
ten times more than in most western countries.[8]
Special Note on Calcium & Cancer
Dr. Carmen Rodriguez, senior epidemiologist in the
epidemiology and surveillance research department of the American
Cancer Society, says that a 1998 Harvard School of Public Health
study of 47,781 men found those consuming between 1,500 and 1,999 mg
of calcium per day had about double the risk of being diagnosed with
metastatic (cancer that has spread to other parts of the body)
prostate cancer as those getting 500 mg per day or less.
And those taking in 2,000 mg or more had
over four times the risk of developing metastatic prostate cancer as
those taking in less than 500 mg.
Later in 1998, Harvard researchers published a study of dairy
product intake among 526 men diagnosed with prostate cancer and 536
similar men not diagnosed with the disease. That study found a 50%
increase in prostate cancer risk and a near doubling of risk of
metastatic prostate cancer among men consuming high amounts of dairy
products, likely due, say the researchers, to the high total amount
of calcium in such a diet.
The most recent Harvard study on the
topic, published in October 2001, looked at dairy product intake
among 20,885 men and found men consuming the most dairy products had
about 32% higher risk of developing prostate cancer than those
consuming the least.
A decrease in iodine intake coupled with
an increased
consumption of competing halogens, fluoride and bromide,
has created an epidemic of iodine deficiency in America.
Dr. David Brownstein and I have made a universal call for
heavy iodine supplementation because the nutritive type of iodine
protects the thyroid from the radioactive type of iodine.
One has to be a fool not to be taking
iodine because approximately 95% of us are deficient in iodine, thus
making our thyroids sitting ducks (sponges) for the radioactive type
of iodine. Talking about mineral holes, a thyroid deficient in
iodine becomes like an intense vacuum cleaner hungry for anything
even looking like a halogen (fluoride, bromide, chlorine, or rocket
Because so much blood goes through the
thyroid it has a fantastic capacity to concentrate radioactive
iodine and these halogens no matter how low the concentration of
them is in the blood.
The National Cancer Institute found that individuals who ate the
most allium vegetables (red onions, scallions, garlic, chives and
leeks) had a nearly 50% lower cancer risk than those who ate the
A large-scale epidemiological Iowa
Women’s Health Study looked at the garlic consumption in 41,000
middle-aged women.
Results showed that women who regularly
consumed garlic had 35% lower risk of developing colon cancer.[9]
In another study greater intake of
allium vegetables (more than 10 g
per day vs. less than 2.2 g per day) was associated with an
approximately 50% reduction in prostate cancer risk.
A Japanese study showed that even low concentrations of sulfur had
radio-protective effects through the facilitation of DNA
double-strand break repair, providing protection against radiation
damage at all cellular levels in the whole body. Boosting your
body’s antioxidant levels is a key to survive cancer. In my Natural
Allopathic protocol I suggest men, women and children supplement
heavily with organic sulfur.
Since sulfur bonds are required for proteins to maintain their
shape, and these bonds determine the biological activity of the
proteins, it is critical for health and life itself. There is no
doubt that sulfur helps us battle cancer so it’s a good time to
become more familiar with this basic element.
Medicine does not get any more basic than treating the body with
sulfur. Sulfur is also required for the proper structure and
biological activity of enzymes. If you don’t have sufficient amounts
of sulfur in your body, the enzymes cannot function properly.
This can cascade into a number of health
problems since, without biologically active enzymes, your metabolic
processes cannot function properly.
Sulfur enables the transport of
oxygen across cell membranes.
Because sulfur is directly below oxygen
in the periodic table, these elements have similar electron
Sulfur forms many compounds that are
analogs of oxygen compounds and has a unique action on body tissues.
It decreases the pressure inside the cell. In removing fluids and
toxins, sulfur affects the cell membrane. Sulfur is present in all
cells and forms sulfate compounds with sodium, potassium, magnesium,
and selenium.
Organic sulfur, in addition to
eliminating heavy metals, regenerates, repairs and rebuilds all the
cells in the body.
Data suggests that a diet rich in selenium protects against cancers
of the stomach, breast, esophagus, lung, prostate, colon, and
According to Dr. Harold Foster,
death rates in the USA for cancer are lower when blood selenium
levels are high.[10] One important study found that a
high blood level of selenium is associated with a 4-5-fold decrease
in the risk of prostate cancer. Scientists at Stanford University
studied 52 men who had prostate cancer and compared them to 96 men
who didn’t.
One surprising finding was that blood
levels of selenium generally decreased with age. It is well known
that the risk of prostate cancer increases dramatically as one ages.
Those who have studied geographical differences have seen that in
low-selenium regions, higher death rates occurred from malignant
lymphomas and cancers of the tongue, esophagus, stomach, colon,
rectum, liver, pancreas, larynx, lung, kidneys and bladder. In
addition, cancer patients with low selenium levels tend to have a
wider spread of the disease, more recurrences and die sooner.[11]
In a China study Dr. Shu-Yu Yu classified the regions as
high-selenium, medium-selenium, and low-selenium. They then compared
death rates from cancer to the selenium rates and found there was an
exact correlation. In the low-selenium classification, three times
as many people died from cancer as in the high-selenium
Selenium, especially when used in conjunction with vitamin C,
vitamin E and beta-carotene, works to block chemical reactions that
create free radicals in the body (which can damage DNA and cause
degenerative change in cells, leading to cancer). Selenium also
binds strongly with mercury, protecting us from its damaging
Selenium helps stop damaged DNA molecules from reproducing, meaning
it acts to prevent tumors from developing.
“It contributes towards the death of
cancerous and pre-cancer cells. Their death appears to occur
before they replicate, thus helping stop cancer before it gets
started,” says Dr. James Howenstine in A Physician’s Guide to
Natural Health Products That Work.
Epidemiologic studies suggest that zinc deficiency may be associated
with increased risk of cancer.[12]
Zinc supplementation is associated with
decreased oxidative stress and improved immune function, which may
be among the possible mechanisms for its cancer preventive activity.
Zinc is essential for health. It’s needed for the enzymes that
regulate cell division, growth, wound healing, and proper
functioning of the immune system. Zinc is an essential co-factor in
a variety of cellular processes including DNA synthesis, behavioral
responses, reproduction, bone formation, growth and wound healing.
Zinc is a component of insulin and it
plays a major role in the efficiency of most of the functions of the
body. Zinc is necessary for the free-radical quenching activity of
superoxide dismutase (SOD), a powerful antioxidant enzyme that
breaks down the free-radical superoxide to form hydrogen peroxide.
Zinc is required for the proper function of T-lymphocytes.
The mineral also plays a role in acuity
of taste and smell.
And zinc is required for proper
functioning of genetics, immunity, formation of red blood cells,
organ, muscle and bone function, cell membrane stability, cell
growth, division, differentiation and genetics.
Importantly, zinc is vital for the
metabolism of vitamin A.
The best medicines are all concentrated nutritional mineral
medicinals, not pharmaceuticals. What is going to keep
you alive and well nutritionally in difficult times are the basic
elements that strengthen us from the foundational level of
Pharmaceuticals pretty much just gum up
the works leading to outright destruction of healthy cells and
tissues and thus a decline in health.
[1] http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search/a?dbs+hsdb:@term+@DOCNO+7389
[2] Hunt, B.J., Belanger, L.F. Localized, multiform, sub-periosteal
hyperplasia and generalized osteomyelosclerosis in
magnesium-deficient rats. Calcif. Tiss. Res. 1972; 9:17-27.
[3]Aleksandrowicz, J., Blicharski, J., Dzigowska, A., Lisiewicz,
J. Leuko- and oncogenesis in the light of studies on metabolism
of magnesium and its turnover in biocenosis. Acta Med. Pol.
1970; 11:289-302. (abstr: Blood 1971; 37:245)
[4] D. Deheinzelin, E.M. Negri1, M.R. Tucci, M.Z. Salem1, V.M.
da Cruz1, R.M. Oliveira, I.N. Nishimoto and C. Hoelz.
Hypomagnesemia in critically ill cancer patients: a prospective
study of predictive factors. Braz J Med Biol Res, December 2000,
Volume 33(12) 1443-1448
[5] Durlach J, Bara M, Guiet-Bara A, Collery P. Relationship
between magnesium, cancer and carcinogenic or anticancer metals.
Anticancer Res. 1986 Nov-Dec;6(6):1353-61.
[6] N. A. Littlefield1, B. S. Hass1, S. J. James1 and L. A.
Poirier1(1) U.S. Public Health Service, Food and Drug
Administration, National Center for Toxicological Research,
Division of Nutritional Toxicology, Department of Health and
Human Services, 72079 Jefferson, AR, USA
[7] http://www.nutraingredients.com/Research/Magnesium-may-be-key-to-calcium-s-cancer-benefits-study
[8] May 19, 1931, Dr. P. Schrumpf-Pierron presented a paper
entitled "On the Cause Of the Rarity of Cancer in Egypt," which
was printed in the Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine, and the
Bulletin of the French Association for the Study of Cancer in
July, 1931.
[9] Steinmetz KA, Kushi LH, Bostick RM, Folsom AR, Potter JD.
Vegetables, fruit, and colon cancer in the Iowa Women’s Health
Study. Am J Epidemiol. 1994;139(1):1-15. Read more:
[10] Foster HD. “Landscapes of Longevity: The
Calcium-Selenium-Mercury Connection in Cancer and Heart
Disease,” Medical Hypothesis, Vol. 48, pp 361-366, 1997
[11] Foster HD. "Landscapes of Longevity: The
Calcium-Selenium-Mercury Connection in Cancer and Heart
Disease," Medical Hypothesis, Vol. 48, pp 361-366, 1997.
[12] Prasad AS, Kucuk O. Zinc in cancer prevention. Department
of Medicine (Division of Hematology-Oncology), Barbara Ann
Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University School of
Medicine Detroit, MI 48201, USA. Cancer Metastasis Rev.