by Carolanne Wright
March 07, 2013
NaturalNews Website
enthusiastically believes if we want to see change in
the world, we need to be the change.
As a nutritionist,
natural foods chef and wellness coach, Carolanne has
encouraged others to embrace a healthy lifestyle of
organic living, gratefulness and joyful orientation
for over 13 years.
Through her website
she looks forward to connecting with other like-minded
people who share a similar vision. |
the USDA has your back concerning
organics? Think again.
Behind closed doors, corporate interests
reign supreme where certified organic policy is concerned. A prime
example is the use of
carrageenan as a common ingredient.
Linked with cancer and inflammation,
this accepted additive opens a floodgate of serious health issues.
And consumers are generally unaware of the risks while savoring
their organic fare.
The Cornucopia Institute has
exposed the hypocrisy while providing resources for avoiding this
disturbing substance found in our favorite foods.
Nixon would be
Dubbed "The
Organic Watergate - White Paper," The Cornucopia
Institute is one of the first organizations to expose the many
instances of fraud regarding USDA organic certification.
It's no wonder the policy is rife with
abuse, just have a look at the following agribusinesses that
represent the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB):
Earthbound Farm (two
representatives have served, a handler and a consumer
General Mills (four
representatives have served, three handlers and a scientist)
Dean Foods (farmer slot)
Campbell Soup Company (handler
Grimmway Enterprises, Inc.
(farmer slot)
PurePak, Inc. (environmentalist
Campbell Soup Company (handler
Smucker's (handler slot)
CROPP/Organic Valley (three
representatives, all appointed to a farmer slot)
Purina Ralcorp (handler slot)
Driscoll's (farmer slot)
Phillips Mushrooms
(environmentalist slot)
This is the same board that created the
policy regarding the use of carrageenan in organic foods. A
controversial additive, its approval suggests the influence of
corporate interests.
According to the Institute:
"Carrageenan was reviewed in 1995 by
three scientists with professional relationships to corporate
agribusiness, and only one pointed out the potential human
health impacts of degraded carrageenan.
This is especially outrageous since
the scientific community had known for decades, based on an
abundance of peer-reviewed published literature, that degraded
carrageenan is an inflammatory agent and carcinogenic in lab
Read the label
Found in a wide variety of organic products, from almond and hemp
milk to cottage cheese and yogurt,
is an familiar ingredient.
Unfortunately, many are unaware that it
can wreak havoc on the intestinal tract and cause inflammation of
the gut - aggravating conditions such as IBS, Chron's disease and
ulcerative colitis. Carrageenan is also implicated in tumors and
lesions of the intestine along with other inflammatory conditions
like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and arteriosclerosis.
Lobbyists for the additive proclaim 'food grade' carrageenan is
completely safe, the only culprit is degraded carrageenan.
What proponents fail to address is the
likely conversion of food grade carrageenan into the
degraded form during digestion. Scientists have suspected this
to be the case since the 1980s.
To make the issue more complex, the
European Scientific Committee on Food discovered that products
containing food grade carrageenan were contaminated with up to 25
percent of the degraded variety.
Beth Buczynski, author of Non-Dairy Milk Additive Could
Make You Sick, states,
"... research funded by the National
Institutes of Health raises serious concerns about harmful
effects of carrageenan as an inflammatory agent on the human
gastrointestinal tract.
Even though carrageenan has been
used by the food industry for nearly 50 years, it 'so reliably
causes inflammation that scientists actually use it to induce
inflammation in biological experiments.'"
As a result of the corrupt USDA Organic
seal of approval, we can now enjoy this poisonous ingredient in a
vast assortment of organic and natural food products. Thankfully, a
choice is available once we are informed.
For those who would rather avoid
consuming carrageenan, browse
this helpful shopping guide.