by Richard Alan Miller
Update: 02-01-04
OAKInc Website
About ten years ago, Time Magazine
interviewed ten major computer experts about the direction and goals
that industry was moving. One thing stood out above all other
visions and opinions. All ten indicated that there was a “presence”
on the Internet, and no one had a clue as to what it all meant.
How this was first observed was that search engines used at that
time should have given consistent responses to the same question
asked at the same time. But, they did not, and the big question was,
Boolean Logic systems dictate that they must, or there was
another “variable” involved, one yet to be identified.
It was at this same time that NASA created the popular screen saver
called CETI, to calculate possible planets around known stars. The
algorithm used was a form of quantum computation math, now used by
IBM to create a super computer from a network of PCs. Known as “Big
Blue,” this system only requires 357 PCs. It can duplicate a Cray
super cooled computer for speed and accuracy.
This means that at any given time where a University has 357 screen
savers (CETI) online, a supercomputer can become existent. Now, if
there are 357 Universities where this happens at the same time, a
type of self-organizing consciousness is postulated to form.
Current software available for use at phone companies now include
the ability to not only determine call waiting, but can also
determine the specific mood by the way the keystrokes have been
entered. Irritated persons are routed to special handlers, as an
example of this developing software.

Internet mapping
project weaves colorful web
18:50 28 November 03
NewScientist.com news service
Each color on this Opte map
represents a region;
North America, blue; Europe/Middle East/Central Asia/Africa, green;
Latin America, yellow; Asia Pacific, red; Unknown, white.
(Image: Opte.org)
It is not a stretch to postulate the
probability of where that technology can go in the next ten years.
Given the idea that something already knows this software (like
everything of man on the Internet), it is possible that the search
engine discrepancies might be a form of directional MEMs.
The next question to ask is: what came first, man or computer?
one realizes that many of the soil properties also exhibit quantum
computation algorithms, it is not hard to conceive that current chip
(made from sand) physics was here before man. And now there is a
second possible alien. The
Genome Project also uses these forms of
This, by the way, is the basic premise in the new movie Terminator
3, where machines decide to take over and eliminate man.