by Richard Wilcox, PhD
November 07, 2014
Rense Website
Richard Wilcox is a
Tokyo-based teacher and writer who holds a Ph.D. in
environmental studies and is a regular contributor to
the world's leading website exposing
the Fukushima
nuclear disaster, Rense.com.
He is a contributing editor
and co-author of the book: Fukushima: Dispossession or
Denuclearization? (2014).
His radio interviews and
articles are archived at http://wilcoxrb99.wordpress.com
and he can be reached by email for radio or internet
podcast interviews to discuss the Fukushima crisis at
wilcoxrb2013@gmail.com. |
"Lies, lies and MORE
- Radio Host, Jeff Rense
referring to the media handling of Fukushima
- A popular motto on T-shirts in
Japan and elsewhere
I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. I'm
going to shout out my window at the jackhammer across the street to
drown it out.
In Japan where I live you would probably get in
trouble for public disturbance but endless construction noise is
perfectly acceptable: day, night, weekends, holidays and Christmas.
The other day some of my Japanese university students were shocked
when I showed them the classic documentary film which is available
on YouTube: "911 Mysteries."
Before viewing the film they told me that politics is
"boring" but once they watched it and learned how
911 was a blatant
false flag operation, they were energized with curiosity and nearly
jumped out of their seats. They mentioned that Japan had used false
flag terror in the 1930s in order to invade Manchuria and claim it
as its own.
These students were making connections, creating
mental patterns based on the substantially unbiased evidence I had
presented to them - they were learning.
Since many still accept the official story of 911 it is important
for us to spread understanding as 911 has hastened
the New World
Order of domestic and international oppression.
It also represents the cognitive dissonance in the
public mind which in the same way accepts that nuclear energy is a
benefit for mankind.
Because of media blackout and government propaganda, most Japanese
are in a state of amnesia regarding the Fukushima nuclear disaster
and its radioactive consequences. One older student who was taking
my class insisted that it was good to buy radioactive food from
Fukushima in order to support the farmers (my idea would be to send
them a donation, yes, but don't give yourself cancer).
She also insisted that the nuclear disaster could not
have been averted.
When I recited ample evidence that it could have been
she huffed "I don't believe it."
David Lockbaum of the Union of Concerned Scientists listed
many ways the damaging affects from the tsunami to the Fukushima
Nuclear Power Plant #1 (FNPP#1) accident could have been largely
avoided had Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power Company) taken some simple
steps (1).
Many people I encounter believe that small amounts of radiation are
nothing to worry about.
Very small amounts of incidental radiation
(not to mention the innumerable other synthetic toxins in our mad
made environment) may not be immediately life threatening - but at
what point does the bioaccumulation of the ongoing flood of
contaminants in our global environment create havoc for the transgenerational health of diverse species including humans?
At least in Taiwan, another nuclear powered country, they are
double-checking products from Japan to make sure they pass the
radiation test (2).
Japan's Ambivalence
I won't address the complex history of Japanese international
relations, but we can safely say that Japan is caught between a rock
and a hard place, or would that be between
the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia,
India, China and South Africa) and the US/British/Israeli-Zionist nuclear hammer?
In my opinion Japan would be better off maintaining
good relations with both power blocks.
However, Japan with the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party
- the CIA's party of choice) and Prime Minister Shinzo "I
love nukes" Abe as obedient puppet to the US-Zio Power
Configuration is coerced into continuing to promote nuclear power as
a technical and political agenda, even if Japanese citizens are
opposed. Abe and the right wing loonies also have a dream of
avenging the bitter defeat in WWII.
In the same way that Japan is both imperialist (to Asia) and
occupied nation (to US military bases), Okinawa became a Japanese
prefecture in 1872 (3) and is today both a US and
Japanese colony that suffers under their double hammer of military
and political hegemony (4).
Okinawa has even been "nuked" - the US lost a
hydrogen bomb that slipped off an aircraft carrier that still lies
on the bottom of the ocean off Okinawa's coast (5).
Fukushima - Dispossession Or
The sad story of the dispossession of the Japanese people from their
country by the nuclear industry, coupled with the challenge of
denuclearization is spelled out in our excellent new book entitled:
Fukushima: Dispossession or Denuclearization? (6).
I played a role in organizing and contributing to the
book, and am proud of the wide range of talented minds that have
come together to tackle the issue. *
(Proceeds from the book will be donated to the
lawyer's fund to help fight for the rights of Fukushima children who
have been displaced by the disaster, tossed aside like disposable
human garbage by Tepco and the government.)
Our lead editor Majia Nadesan wrote a synopsis of the anthology book
in an article for Veterans Today:
"We pose the question starkly: Humanity must
choose between denuclearization or dispossession.
We document that nuclear power and weapons are
connected and their complex fundamentally dispossesses citizens
of liberal guarantees, including rights to property, free
speech, and the pursuit of happiness.
We explore crisis management of the Fukushima
disaster to demonstrate dispossession of rights of property,
free speech, and the pursuit of happiness, through examples that
include lost livelihoods and Fukushima children’s rising rates
of thyroid cancer, among other topics....
We disclose strong public support in Japan and elsewhere for
decentralized alternative energy production and we describe
oligarchic energy industries’ efforts to maintain centralized
control when challenged by the decentralizing production
tendencies of alternative energy, such as solar...
We are concerned that in the absence of public
activism the choices made by governments and industry will
prioritize short term profits and vested interests.
'Dispossession' is the cumulative effect of these decision
criteria in action.
Nuclear remains seductive in our Hobbesian world
of vying nation-states, despite myriad acknowledged hazards,
including aging and decaying infrastructures, recurrent nuclear
'accidents,' unceasing contamination, and terrorism.
Nuclear seduces even when its effluents threaten
the ecosystem and, perhaps, even the human genome" (7).
Decommissioning Fukushima
in 40 Years?
In the wake of the 3.11 nuclear disaster, Japan immediately shut
down all of its approximately 50 reactors out of safety concerns.
But today the government is intent on restarting as many as possible
to reduce their oil import costs.
The question remains, if you are a chronic alcoholic, how can you
regain health by drinking a bottle of vodka for breakfast? I know a
Russian man whose father lives in Moscow and is 80 years old, drinks
vodka and smokes chronically - yet is doing well living in his
run-down hovel. Maybe excessive drinking is the solution.
Presumably, if Japan were safe for nuclear reactors, the initial
accident would have been solved and confidence restored, but in
fact, the,
"Fukushima cleanup [is] going painfully slow" (8).
For example,
"[r]emoval of melted fuel from Fukushima No. 1
reactor [will be] delayed until 2025" but this number of "2025"
is just a ballpark estimate (9).
If we compare the situation of Fukushima with
Chernobyl, it is obvious that the Fukushima is going to be no
I have never seen an understandable (or honest) analysis of how
Tepco expects to remove the melted fuel from the three destroyed
reactors. In 2012, the radiation was 10 sieverts per hour near the
reactor buildings and it still is today.
If you gauge progress by the half life of cesium 137
you are looking at 90 years before it is decreased to 1.25 sv pr hr
- is that low enough for human workers to go in there and play
around with?
A simple comparison of Chernobyl shows that the 40 years estimate is
pure poppycock. While there are time tables for removing fuel from
units 4, 5 and 6; units 1, 2 and 3 (where extensive damage occurred)
are in a much worse situation.
Assuming Japan can remove the fuel rods from the
pools of the three destroyed reactors (1, 2, 3) where there is
massive ambient radiation at the buildings,
How will they remove the corium that that has
melted through the containments?
If the Ukrainians can't remove the corium
from its one destroyed reactor, according to what logic will
Japan be able to?
If the technology exists (it doesn't), why
isn't it being shared?
Is national security more important that
international security for all humanity and the planet?
Does Chernobyl's "safe confinement" of corium
actually makes it so?
"The sarcophagus [at Chernobyl] locked in 200
tons of radioactive corium, 30 tons of highly contaminated dust
and 16 tons of uranium and plutonium.
In 1996 it was deemed impossible to repair the
inside of the sarcophagus as radiation levels were estimated to
be as high as 10,000 rontgens per hour (normal background
radiation in cities is usually around 20-50 microröntgens per
hour, and a lethal dose is 500 röntgens over 5 hours).
A decision to replace the sarcophagus with the
New Safe Confinement was taken, and a project to reconstruct the
enclosure is underway" (10).
* Chernobyl: one reactor destroyed, corium still
hot to handle 28 years later and the plant is on solid
granite foundation;
* Fukushima: three reactors destroyed, corium emitting 10
sieverts per hour near the reactor buildings and the plant is
built on soft fill - over a flowing aquifer and near the ocean!
Volcanic Dangers
In addition to ongoing uncertainty and constant leakages of
radiation at FNPP#1 (157 billion becquerels per day into the ocean),
there is volcanic activity threatening the nationwide reactor
restart agenda.
Volcanoes are pesky geological formations that do not follow free
market neo-liberal logic, given that the Earth was bestowed to the
top 0.01 percent of the world's people to make money from, this is
an inconvenience.
Volcanoes may be credited for creating the
archipelago of Japan itself, so the Shinto Gods must be thanked of
giving us a place to live, even though it is seismically unstable
one. While Japanese Prime Malefactor Shinzo "I never met a nuke
disaster I didn't love" Abe is certain nuclear power is completely
safe - others differ.
The Japan Weather Agency noted that the,
"[v]olcano near Sendai nuclear plant is shaking
and may erupt" (11).
Earthquakes, tsunami, volcanoes, all safe.
The mayor of the town that is set to restart the reactors claims
that his reactors are "100 percent" safe. "
"I believe the plant can 100 percent cope with a
tsunami and earthquake on the scale that hit Fukushima as well
as a possible nuclear accident, Iwakiri said... His assurance
that the Sendai plant is absolutely safe is at odds with the
NRA's opinion" (12).
The fact that there was a powerfully destructive
volcanic eruption recently at Mount Ontake in Nagano prefecture and
that there is a pattern of seismic unrest and volcanic eruptions
around the world in recent times, and that many geologists do worry
about the mixture of nuclear power plants, volcanoes and earthquakes
is cause for concern (13;14).
But like a crazy driver barreling around a 45 degree
turn at full speed with his eyes shut, our leaders seem hell-bent on
having another accident.
The Tohoku
Non-Reconstruction Destruction Industry
The Northeast region of Japan that was flattened by the 3.11 tsunami
was featured in a new documentary film called "3.11 - Surviving
Japan" (15).
I give the documentary 3 out of 5 stars (making an
independent film must be tremendously difficult) and although some
of it recycles video images from the destroyed city escape scenery
and is overly melodramatic, the film also brought to light original
information and interviews about the difficulties of the clean up
and impact from the tsunami and nuclear disaster on people's lives.
This hardship is documented in a new report:
"Tsunami evacuees caught in $30 billion Japan
money trap."
Three and a half years after the disaster thousands
of refugees are still living in cramped and inadequate temporary
housing units.
"Thirty billion dollars in funding for roads,
bridges and thousands of new homes in areas devastated by the
tsunami in Japan three and a half years ago is still languishing
unspent in the bank" (16).
It is understandable that logistical and bureaucratic
issues will have hampered rapid progress with a problem of this
magnitude (17).
Houses are not being built quickly enough due to
rising costs and labor shortages. I wonder if the government's
initial underestimate of the cost of housing is not due to
profiteering among those that might be able to make a buck on
other's misery.
What shadowy interests and agendas are at play here?
The entire construction industry (Doken Kokka, or "Construction
State") is a triad between,
The revelation that Japan Atomic Power Co., secretly
donated 1.54 billion yen to a city government is just one instance
of the financial corruption that inhabits the country (18).
The Fukushima disaster could be an opportunity to develop renewable
energy and greener construction practices but the government as so
far squandered it.
Freelance journalist Winifred Bird who lives in Japan
reports with a keen environmental perspective about the construction
industry's monstrously anti-environmental practices:
"In the years leading up to the massive tsunami
of March 11, 2011, it seemed that Japan’s coastal ecosystems
could hardly decline in health any further.
Decades of coastal engineering had divided land
from ocean, turned quaint seaside towns grey with concrete, and
pushed once-familiar species like loggerhead sea turtles and
common orient clams towards extinction.
Nearly half of the
island nation’s perimeter was modified in some way; cliffs
comprised most of what remained untouched....
Then came the once-in-a-thousand-year tsunami. Walls of water
swept over the coast of northeastern Japan, claiming more than
15,000 lives and destroying hundreds of thousands of buildings,
together with 60 percent of seawalls. In the rubble-covered
wasteland that remained, scholars, activists, and fishermen
alike saw a chance to rethink how people live on the coast.
Instead, national and regional government bodies are moving to
recreate the concrete coastline that existed before.
Reconstruction plans in heavily damaged Iwate, Miyagi, and
Fukushima prefectures call for a string of stunningly tall and
wide seawalls. Some have already been built; many others are in
the final stages of planning.
A second layer of raised earthen banks topped
with pine trees is also planned in many places.
And with Shinzo Abe’s Liberal Democratic
administration promising a major infusion of funding for
disaster prevention projects nationwide, new seawalls are in the
works well beyond northeastern Japan.
The goal is to protect human communities along the coast.
But ecologists, environmentalists, and some
coastal residents say the plans are an environmental calamity"
So while thousands of people are being forgotten in
their temporary housing, money is being prioritized to pour concrete
and repaint the coastline in gray.
This supplies jobs to construction workers and large
payouts to heavy industry. We see the same mistake being repeated as
with the opportunity to rethink energy policy.
There is a clear lack of creativity and forward
thinking on the part of with the old boy network lining their
pockets with taxpayer largesse.
Insult To Injury - Tepco
Pillage the public with the other hand and with the other block to
guard against liabilities.
Tepco and the government practice a hard hearted
niggardliness (in Japanese: "ketchi" to be a mean spirited cheap
skate) for anyone seeking economic compensation for their losses. In
one case a woman has been,
"urged to repay nuke disaster compensation after
she enters college outside Fukushima" (20).
This is nominally to prevent brain drain, but you
can't blame people whose towns have been destroyed for seeking
opportunities elsewhere.
In the meantime Tepco predicts a 1.3 billion dollar pretax profit
for the year even though they have been heavily subsidized
(quasi-nationalized) by the government (21). In
the real world criminals are punished for their bad behavior but in
the world of "too big to fail" corporate crimes are rewarded and the
bigger the crime the bigger the reward. We have seen this with the
multi-trillion dollar Wall Street bailouts and too many other
examples to mention.
The costs of Tepco's incompetence at Fukushima are passed onto
taxpayers, so why not give them the ultra-pleasant double shaft by
upping their electricity rates as well (22).
It matters not that democratization and free
competition from solar and other renewable sources could contribute
to the national energy solution (23). Life style,
housing, work, energy, they're all related.
Olympian Monument to Greed
A billion dollars here, a billion there, pretty soon we're talkin'
real money.
The 2012 British Olympic stadium was built for about
one quarter to just a fifth the proposed cost of the new Tokyo
Olympic stadium. The new "Tokyo stadium for 2020 Olympics could cost
up to ¥300 billion," 3 billion dollars (24).
A famous Japanese architect I saw on TV said the
original 1964 Olympic stadium could meet the needs of the games by
being refurbished for just a fraction of the cost of a new stadium.
The Tokyo Shimbun documented the estimated cost increases from the
time the Olympics was decided upon to the present day.
In order to
persuade Tokyoites that the original cost was not so formidable, the
real plans to line the pockets of construction companies and
investors were kept secret and only gradually unveiled.
" 'New National Stadium' "Total Construction Cost
- increased another 90 billion yen.
Changes in New National Sports Stadium Total
Construction Cost:
Spring 2012 - 100 billion yen (estimate at
the time of start of planning)
July 2012 - 130 billion yen (rough
calculation for start of design competition)
Oct. 2013 - 300 billion yen (rough
calculation if constructed according to design, it was
Nov. 2013 - 178.5 billion yen (announcement
of plan for a roughly 20% downsize)
May 2014 - 162.5 billion yen (announcement of
basic draft plan)
Now - 250 billion yen (rough calculation by
Maki Fumihiko)
For contrast, main London Olympic stadium cost
about 63 billion yen (486 million pounds at the yen-pound rate
at the time of construction) (25; Translated by Tony Boys).
I wonder if the reason the Japanese public is so easily
hoodwinked is because of the greater participation of civil
society in the UK which managed to minimize the Olympics Rip-Off
(ORO) through oversight and regulation. In Japan civil society
is marginalized and kept weak and inept.
ORO is an old scam:
The "[n]egative impact of 1964 Olympics [was]
profound... The 1964 Tokyo Olympics had a profound impact on
the capital city and the nation [including] the
environmental and human impact that resulted from hosting
the event" (26).
People in our neighborhood in central Tokyo have
complained that they think the Olympics construction will pull funds
and labor away from needed projects such as building parks, schools,
bicycle parking lots, community centers and other badly needed
public facilities (not to mention the cleaning up of Fukushima) that
the public has already paid for with tax money.
Floundering Economy
Efforts to solve the Fukushima nuclear crisis and rebuild Tohoku
have been less than stellar thus far if not appallingly lacking.
Even though the 2020 Olympics are many years off, the
LDP led by Prime Malefactor Abe is hoping the Olympics tax payer
Feeding Frenzy For Crony Criminals (FFFCC) will help revive the
economy. In the meantime the Bank of Japan inject 80 trillion yen
(800 billion dollars) a year into the stock market mainly through
bond sales (27).
This bout of money printing was meant to stave off
deflation and justify a higher sales tax.
Anyone familiar with the way central banks operate in recent years
will be wary of such recklessness. So called "Abenomics" was
determined to be a flop back in the summer of this year (28)
as the public has grown increasingly skeptical of progress due to
rising consumer prices not met with salary increases.
Financial analyst Charles Hugh Smith writes in "Anatomy of a Failing
State: Japan's Budgetary Nightmare":
"Once the global economy rolls over into
contraction, the tide will recede and Japan's fiscal and
monetary bankruptcy will become painfully apparent.
What do you get after 25 years of stagnation and
Keynesian Cargo Cult monetary stimulus? A failing state, that's
what. The intellectually bankrupt ruling Elites of Japan have no
solution for Japan's slow stagnation, as real reform would
diminish their wealth and power.
So their only 'solution' is to double-down on
monetary stimulus: flood the enfeebled Japanese economy with
more credit and fiscal stimulus, a.k.a. building bridges to
But reality isn't as immobile as failed policies.
While Japan's ruling Elites fiddled away the past 25 years
propping up sclerotic cartels and phantom loans, Japan's
population has aged and its primary sources of wealth creation
have atrophied" (29).
The goose that laid the golden egg is dying of
radioactive cancer.
Even as Abe's "ministers [are predictably] hit by more scandals" and
his "political ratings fade" the rampage against the Japanese middle
class and the enfeebled democracy of the country continues
(30; 31).
I like what someone in the comment section at the
Japan Times wrote for its pithiness:
"rossdorn: The huge majority of Japanese will
never vote Abe out of office. First, because it is rude to
criticize authorities. If someone becomes Prime Minister, he
must deserve it. Second, Japan is a one party democracy, there
is no alternative. And third, Abe will already have been out of
his office for some time, by the time the next election happens"
Minamisoma city council member Koichi Oyama voiced
some deep secrets about Japanese cultural traits after the Fukushima
disaster had doused his town's children with avoidable plumes of
"I would like to explain something historical to
better your understanding.
Japan used to be ruled by a king, the emperor.
Parents and teachers told children the best thing they could do
was die for their country. Kamikaze pilots in the war embodied
this spirit. In World War II they always told us we were winning
every battle.
No one knew about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The
same thing is happening now. The current government not telling
people what is happening is the same we have had since World War
II. Keep your country alive by killing yourself.
I think the way to save the children at Fukushima
is to get the world involved. If we don't protect our children
now, it will be too late when we are the second Chernobyl.
Not allowing the children to escape is murder"
Just in case the media were to get too bold, the
government is happy to censor information vital to nuclear damage
victims while Abe carries out his "Assault On Press Freedom"
(34; 35).
While the Japanese parliament focuses on important
matters such as proper dress code for women (36)
(how dare women get involved in politics anyway), the country's
infrastructure is in dire need of maintaining and rebuilding
(37; 38; 39).
But Abe's Caligulian dream of an extravagant Olympics
stadium must be achieved.
The same problems essentially plague any modern "democracy" in the
West where money rules politics and governments are slaves to
special interests, central bankers and corporate power and the
people are cannon fodder for wars of aggression.
In line with recent decades of right wing politico-economic trends
that have swept the world in recent decades (eg., Reagan-Thatcher
era and beyond), Japan's once robust middle class is being
sacrificed as,
"Japan defense budget request highest ever as Abe
boosts military [while] [o]officials seek ¥5.05 trillion [over
50 billion dollars] amid Abe's security push" (40).
While small compared to the military budget of the
US, led by Zionist Neo-cons and their willing puppet and amateur
golf enthusiast, Barack "Nobel Peace Prize Winner and I
never met a war I didn't love" Obama, for Japan it is
their "biggest [military] budget ever."
Liberals who support Obama claim Republicans are
worse than Democrats, I say,
"Republicans are the worst, but Democrats are
just as bad."
"Obama [once] Promised a 'World Without Nuclear
Weapons,' but [he] May Now Spend $1 Trillion on Upgrades"
Collapsing Social Structure
The overall trends for Japan's middle class are not optimistic.
The Japan Times reports that,
"[i]rregular workers now account for 38 percent
of the workforce and the average salary of an irregular worker
is much lower than that of a regular full-time employee"
"[l]ow-wage part-time workers [are] increasing"
(43; 44).
The trend is common:
"[p]art-time work [is] dominating jobs in the
United States, Canada, and Japan" (45).
In the UK,
"[g]oing to work is more stressful than ever" due
to excessive work load and the threat of randomly being fired
Due to the Bank of Japan money printing, the
weakening yen has driven up prices five times faster than wages are
increasing (they aren't increasing at all).
In addition, increasing
sales taxes are walloping consumer's wallets when they go to the
shop (47; 48; 49).
Struggling Students
Because "Japan’s low education budget places financial burdens on
students" (50) "[p]oorer students [are] dropping
out in Japan."
"More and more students are being forced to drop
out of universities, colleges and vocational schools because
they cannot afford tuition, according to a new education
ministry survey.
The economic downturn means many young people can
no longer afford higher education. More students than ever
before, most of them from less well-off families, are finding
that the dream of studying must be given up because they cannot
pay for it.
The education ministry survey of 1,163 of 1,191
Japanese public and private universities, two-year colleges and
vocational schools found that nearly 80,000 students permanently
left higher education in 2013.
The number of students who left college
temporarily was nearly 70,000. Lack of money was the top reason
given by students who quit or took leave" (51).
Is this what Japanese people worked so hard for
during the decades of the "economic miracle" - to see it all whither
away? In the US not only is higher education absurdly overpriced, it
is largely an embarrassment of intellectual mediocrity if not
US university educator Anthony DiMaggio sums
it up in his essay "Academic Fraud and the Ponzi Scheme of 'Higher
Learning' ":
"Most research that is published is simply not
important enough to read, and this reality speaks to the
tremendous resources being wasted at public and private colleges
and universities" (52).
The modern university system rewards professors for
carrying out obscure, non threatening research into niche
specialization areas as opposed to socially and politically relevant
areas of inquiry.
Tenured professors have cushy - sit on your bum
positions - while the bulk of teaching is done by the underpaid and
job-insecure irregular teaching force.
Depleted Ecosystems
Our planetary ecosystems are being destroyed by the modern
capitalist system and by participant countries, companies and
Satellite photos from space show the destructive
effects of fishing by trawlers that are scrapping the bottom of the
oceans, while on land mindless Japanese and Chinese consumerism
promotes animal poaching and deforestation in Congo, one of the last
great rainforest ecosystems on Earth (53; 54).
It is more urgent than ever to wake up our fellow travelers to the
dire consequences we face.
How ironic that all the free energy we could ever
need is readily available if only we could set ourselves free
* Post script:
I have heard it said that
Israel sabotaged Fukushima to get revenge on the Japanese. According
to the Jerusalem Post (http://www.jpost.com/Defense/Israeli-firms-cameras-recording-Japanese-nuclear-core)
the Israeli Magna corporation provided security at Fukushima at the
time of the disaster.
I question the veracity of the
article (which may have been posted in order to spread confusion
among conspiracy researchers).
My guess is it is a lie!
would Japan need to employ Israelis when Japan is one of the most
high-tech countries in the world and their nuclear power program is
so carefully guarded against prying eyes? I have never seen a
reference to this Israeli presence at Fukushima in either the
Japanese or American press. Japan may not have refuted it publicly
because they fear the Zionists.
I stand to be corrected and
welcome independent verification of this story.
However, the Israeli Mossad
live by deception, muddying the waters, divide and conquer and
confusion-causing tactics. Most of what "intelligence operatives" do
is not very intelligent, but is the deliberate spreading of lies for
geopolitical ends.
1. David Lockbaum,
Another Unsurprising Surprise (Day 1) -
2. Green tea
products from Japan to be tested for radiation in Taiwan -
3. Ryukyu/Okinawa, From
Disposal to Resistance -
4. Agent Orange
ingredients found at Okinawa military dumpsite -
5. H-Bomb Lost at Sea
in '65 Off Okinawa, U.S. Admits -
6. Fukushima:
Dispossession or Denuclearization? -
7. Denuclearize or
lose our species: Multigenerational effects of exposure to
radiation -
8. Fukushima cleanup
going painfully slow -
10. Chernobyl
Nuclear Power Plant Sarcophagus
11. Volcano near
Sendai nuclear plant is shaking and may erupt -
12. Mayor says Sendai
plant able to withstand any disaster, despite misgivings -
13. Mount Ontake -
14. The Number Of Volcanic
Eruptions Is Increasing And That Could Lead to An Extremely Cold
Winter -
15. 3.11 Surviving Japan -
16. Tsunami
evacuees caught in $30 billion Japan money trap -
Construction crunch slows
Japan tsunami rebuilding -
18. Cash-strapped
nuclear power company secretly donates 1.54 billion yen to city
19. In Post-Tsunami
Japan, A Push To Rebuild Coast in Concrete -
20. Woman urged to repay nuke
disaster compensation after she enters college outside - Fukushimahttp://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20141023p2a00m0na013000c.html
21. Tepco projects
¥130 billion pretax profit for year -
22. Tepco posts
solid first-half profit sans reactors, rate hikes -
23. Japan's power failure: Bid
to forge national power grid stumbles -
24. New Tokyo stadium for 2020
Olympics could cost up to ¥300 billion -
Tokyo Shimbun, 05 October
2014, Page 1 "New National Stadium"
26. Negative impact
of 1964 Olympics profound -
27. Bank of Japan to
inject 80 trillion yen into its economy -
28. Why Abenomics
Flopped -
29. Anatomy of a Failing
State: Japan's Budgetary Nightmare -
30. Abe ministers
hit by more scandals -
31. Abe's political ratings
fade -
32. Too soon for a nuclear
restart -
33. It's murder not allowing
children to escape - It will be too late when we are the 2nd
Ministry withholds minutes from nuclear accident compensation
resolution meetings
35. Abe’s
Assault On Press Freedom Aims At Social Militarization
36. Japanese parliament sees
red over minister’s scarf worn in chamber
The waterworks are wearing out
38. Sorry state of
39. Who’ll repair
Japan’s roads?
40. Japan defense budget
request highest ever as Abe boosts military
41. Obama Promised a
'World Without Nuclear Weapons,"' but May Now Spend $1 Trillion
on Upgrades
42. Proposed temp
law bad for workers
43. Low-wage part-time workers
44. Japan Press Weekly,
"Economy" News Archive
45. The
trend for part-time work sweeping the world: Part-time
work dominating jobs in the United States, Canada, and Japan
46. Going to work is more
stressful than ever, poll reveals
47. Weak yen puts
Japan at risk of recession, says ex-BOJ deputy -
48. As yen gets
weaker, consumers writhe -
49. Japan Consumer Prices Seen
Rising Five Times as Fast as Wages -
50. Japan’s low education
budget places financial burdens on students -
51. Poorer students dropping out in Japan -
52. Academic Fraud and the
Ponzi Scheme of "Higher Learning" -
53. Trails of Destruction: The
Impact of Bottom Trawling as Seen from Space -
54. Congolese
conservationist says Japan can help reduce deforestation,
poaching -
55. Forbidden
Knowledge TV, Daily Videos from the Edges of Science -