Sheryl Jackson
Rense Website
My grandson and I are anaphylactically allergic to all
GM FrankenFoods. The itching and neurotoxicity of these patented
consumables by the Monsters of Monsanto should be forced on to all
of the creators and their families.
The GM patented molecules were identified and isolated by a team of
Swiss, Swedish and Dutch scientists in the year 2000.
At that time,
it was determined that the three molecules that the
Monsters of
Monsanto had spliced into the food were:
from a pansy plant
from a cockroach and the third though isolated could not be
The excitotoxins of these FrankenFoods cause so many
multiple diseases, that they have become the stuff of fiction.
the reality is that no one has been allowed to develop tests for
allergies to these now known neurotoxins because they are patented
and Monsanto refuses to allow the tests to be developed.
My grandson and I have learned by hit and miss what foods we cannot
consume. And that has been a horror in itself. To have a six year
old who has never eaten at fast food. Or been able to have the
snacks that are regularly fed to so many children, but the sad fact
is that most children with ADHD as a diagnosis are being fed
medication that in the long term creates its own horrifying brain
problems and masks the allergies.
It is so widespread that to combat consumer awareness , schools have
been allowed to prescribe medications for children that TEACHERS
claim to be ADHD. The medical societies and pharmaceuticals pushed
this legislation into effect to guarantee that the allergies will
not be discovered, while Korporations are allowed to keep up their
profit margins, while further guaranteeing that testing not become
available to help consumers make vital decisions about their
children's health or future.
The Monsters of Monsanto have put the same three molecules in all of
their foods. With those foods creating the same reaction to me and
my grandson. The first time I became aware of GM foods was in 1980,
when I had purchased a jar of Roasted Soy Nuts. I had eaten soynuts
in the early seventies with no reactions.
Then I stopped eating them
because they were too inconsistent in their products. Too salty in
one jar and not enough in another. So for about six years I did not
consume soy products.
When I ate from the new jar in l980, I felt a euphoria that rapidly
diminished and became dizziness, that was followed immediately with
an out break of the largest hives I have ever seen on anyone. The
itching and painful swelling extended through my entire body and I
knew that I should never eat them again.
Soon I started itching when I ate out. Itching that was unbearable
in my hands and feet, which moved into my arms and legs after
several years. But I still was not paying attention until I took
nutrition classes and found that GM's were in more than I had ever
imagined and especially in the foods for children.
The first three things that Monsanto created were Soya,
sugar beets
(cheapest sugar found in most candy) and corn.
Again, corn syrup was
in most candies and cookies. The packaged foods contained soy
protein isolate, the most devastating for us to consume, and it was
in all of the milk products mixed with carrageenan, quar gum, and
guargeenan. These three are seaweed that is added to dairy products
mixed with 50% soya. That does not have to be put on the labels. You
only have access on the package to what the ingredients that are
used by the distributing manufacturer, and not what the ingredients
are that are in the ingredients. We have to know the ingredients in
the ingredients and that makes finding food especially hard.
Make no mistake about it, we are being forced to eat Soya. It is in
toothpaste, all processed American foods, medications and anything
that Americans consume. Under many other names. And they will
continue to be in the foods, with new names to confuse the buying
Monsanto states unequivocally that it is not their job to assure the
efficacy and safety of their products, that this falls under the
heading of the FDA. The FDA states they do not have the capacity to
test any of the products introduced to them for approval, that they
trust the studies provided by the companies that want the approval.
And further, that the FDA trusts the companies implicitly.
For more bad news about soya, go to this site
www.westonaprice.org/soy/soy_alert.html (please note there is an
underscore between the second soy and alert, i.e.. soy_alert.)
It is
maintained by doctors who spoke to a Deaf AmeriKan Kongress in April
of 2002. They presented the worldwide studies done and the harm that
the neurotoxins were creating in an unsuspecting population. Cancer
is pandemic to America at this time and the neurotoxicity of these
Frankenfoods is carefully documented outside the US, which is why in
April of 2003, India, Pakistan, and several states in Africa sent
the GM foods they were given by the US back to the US.
They all
stated they would rather starve to death than be forced to eat the
GM foods.
Europe marches in 48 hours, and they can get millions of their
people to amass and protest the introduction of GM crops into their
foods. However, many of the readily available consumables of
TraderJoes and other European foodstuffs are made with American
flour that is 10-12% soya, and then made into foods that are sold
back to Americans on the cheap.
Most people are not aware that all animal farms feed the neurotoxins
of soya and corn to animals. We are what we eat and so are the
animals. The neurotoxin does not breakdown in the animals, but is
indeed passed on to the consumer as the danger that it is. Along
with GM synthetically produced animal growth hormone. This also does
not breakdown but is passed along to the consumer in all of its
hideous glory. I suspect that this is the real underlying cause of
so much obesity in Americans at this time. consuming the growth
hormone makes us grow also. It turns to fat in humans, rather than
Like second hand smoke, second hand neurotoxins and excitotoxins are
just as deadly as they are in their undigested state. No one
questions this, and Monsanto is not allowing anyone to test their
genetically modified consumables.
The second known and highly visible neurotoxin is aspartame, most
people are now aware of the consequences of using this artificial
sweetener that include addiction. Like Michael J. Fox, who claims
his addiction to Diet Pepsi, rather than stopping and eliminating so
many of his Parkinsonian symptoms.
People all over the world have
written and told him the truth, but he prefers to keep the addiction
rather than the cure which would be never drinking Diet Pepsi again
in this life.
Now we are being sold on
Splenda when you go to
www.askjeeves.com comes up even worse than aspartame.
Splenda has
ten times the recommended and allowed arsenic that is specified by
the FDA, that has now lowered so many of its standards to facilitate
the continued profit making by the Klanking Korporate Klaw. The
government now kowtows to the KKK, because they are allowed their
war machine.
At every turn, the AmeriKan Sleeple are being poisoned. The
anger/rage reaction, depression, tossing and turning all night,
falling asleep but not being able to stay asleep are all symptoms of
neurotoxic accumulation. When you eat it every day, you cannot sleep
every night. People need to become aware of the horrors they ingest
every single day of their lives in this country and they need to
know this info NOW.
All of the above information can be confirmed by going to Google.com
or to www.askjeeves.com or to the Westonaprice.org address.
Keywords, GM food allergies, medical testing for GM food allergies
or asking the ingredients of anything that is listed on a package.
Soya is forced on us in many forms.
The names are numerous and
include but are not limited to:
It is up to each of us to make
ourselves and our friends aware by looking up the information and
sending it to them.
United we stand, divided we fall and die of cancers that were
previously considered anomalous and rare, brain tumors, body tumors,
Parkinsonian symptoms and murder and suicide.