by Barbara H. Peterson
October 16, 2013
FarmWars Website

Yes, life as we know it is ending.
It is
being replaced by designer genes constructed in a lab and set loose
on the environment with reckless abandon. We eat them, breathe them,
drink them, absorb them through our skin, and pass the genetic
changes on to our children.
We are the experiment...
Some think that coexistence with
Monsanto’s genetically engineered pseudo life forms is the answer,
but in the end, one must realize that there is no coexistence with
genetically engineered organisms. They contaminate, pollute, and
change our environment in ways that we cannot even imagine.
If only
the ones who choose to coexist would at least admit to the fact that
organic does not contaminate biotech, biotech contaminates organic,
and get a clue instead of casting their lot with the purveyors of
death who so blithely spread the carnage.
Any supposed "coexistence"
turns out to be a wholesale invasion by biotech, and that isn’t
coexistence at all. It is a hostile takeover.
Look at the alfalfa issue.
genetics sold seeds in 2010 to a farmer whose field was contaminated
by GMO alfalfa before GMO alfalfa was approved in 2011, and those
seeds were most likely contaminated with GMOs from 2005.
Roundup Ready alfalfa was initially
approved by USDA in 2005.
But environmental groups and some seed
companies sued USDA in 2006 and successfully forced the agency
to rescind its approval after a federal court found USDA had not
conducted a thorough environmental review as required before
approving the product.
The USDA and Forage Genetics said,
basically, so what... Expect contamination...
USDA said the detection of Monsanto
Co’s patented Roundup Ready herbicide-tolerant trait in the
Washington farmer’s non-GMO alfalfa crop should be addressed by
the marketplace and not the government.
The amount of GMO contamination that
might be present in conventional alfalfa is not known.
But a
December 2011 report by Stephanie Greene, a geneticist with the
USDA Agricultural Research Service, ARS, said that after Roundup
Ready alfalfa was first deregulated in 2005 industry testing of
conventional seed lots found levels of contamination as high as
2 percent.
The biotech industry and the USDA are
fully aware of this issue, but somehow, coexistence promoters don’t
seem to have a grip on this very real threat to any type of organic
existence, or if they do, they have sold out completely to biotech
They just don’t want their money base to figure that out.
And so coexistence supporters assist the
promoters of self directed eugenics in spreading the pollution and
getting us to poison ourselves and our own children with,
And as long as we just keep our eyes on the shiny object (pretty
packaging, advertising, PR rhetoric), we will keep on coexisting and
stuffing our pie holes with GMO garbage until we croak.
They set out
the bait and we go for it like hungry rodents, scurrying back to our
dens and feeding the bounty to our families and friends. It really
couldn’t get any easier for them.
It is absolutely pathetic that those who
see the big picture and actually care about this have to beg and ask
pretty please for biotech polluting companies to let us know where
they are planting their filth and to please, pretty please, put up a
buffer to try and keep their pesticides from polluting our bodies.
And to please label the stuff, but noooooo. We aren’t entitled to
Just eat, breathe, drink your poison and shut up.
A ban? Out
of the question.
But do you think it stops at merely
producing the poison and distributing it? No, that is not nearly
enough for the likes of Monsanto and the biotech industry.
Total control is the goal, and that is
on its way to being accomplished through a few strategic
acquisitions on the part of Monsanto.
Monsanto buys Climate Corporation
agri-giant Monsanto is dipping its massive hands in a different type of
The company, known for its focus on herbicides and
genetically modified seeds, recently spent nearly $1 billion to
Climate Corporation, a
climate data research company.
The move allows Monsanto to have
control over tools that allow farmers to predict local weather
so that they can make better farm management decisions.
The last sentence should actually read
like this:
The move allows Monsanto to have control
over tools that allow the company to predict local weather so that
it can enforce control of seeds and make it so that the only choices
farmers have who are facing tough weather are their biotech
stress resistant seeds.
Monsanto infiltrates Food and
Chemical Toxicology journal
Fast forward to September 2012, when
the scientific journal Food and
Chemical Toxicology (FCT)
published a study that caused an international storm (Long
Term Toxicity of a Roundup Herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant
Genetically Modified Maize).
The study, led by Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini of
the University of Caen, France, suggested a Monsanto genetically
modified (GM) maize, and the Roundup herbicide it is grown with,
pose serious health risks. The two-year feeding study found that
rats fed both suffered severe organ damage and increased rates
of tumors and premature death.
the herbicide (Roundup) and
the GM maize are Monsanto products. Corinne Lepage, France’s
former environment minister, called the study "a bomb".
Subsequently, an
orchestrated campaign was launched to discredit the study in
the media and persuade the journal to retract it. Many of those
who wrote letters to FCT (which
is published by Elsevier) had conflicts of interest with the GM
industry and its lobby groups, though these were
publicly disclosed.
The journal did not retract the
study. But just a few months later, in early 2013 the
FCT editorial board acquired
a new "Associate
Editor for biotechnology", Richard E. Goodman. This was a
new position, seemingly established especially for Goodman in
the wake of the "Séralini affair".
Richard E. Goodman is professor at
the Food Allergy Research and Resource Program, University of
But he is also a former Monsanto employee, who worked
for the company between
1997 and 2004. While at Monsanto he assessed the
allergenicity of the company’s GM crops and published papers on
its behalf on allergenicity and safety issues relating to GM
food (Goodman and Leach 2004).
Goodman had no documented connection
to the journal until February 2013.
His fast-tracked
appointment, directly onto the upper editorial board raises
urgent questions.
Monsanto buys Beeologics
Beeologics LLC is an international
firm dedicated to restoring bee health and protecting the future
of honey bee pollination.
Beeologics’ mission is to become the
guardian of bee health worldwide. Through continuous research,
scientific innovation, and a focus on applicable solutions, Beeologics is developing a line of RNAi-based products to
specifically address the long-term well being of honey bees,
including the control of parasites and how they’re involved in
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).
RNA manipulation blocks gene
expression. Monsanto is currently working on a
new genetic engineering
technique that uses RNA. Also, coincidentally?
Ingram was working on the effects of Roundup on bees. His bees
were confiscated and lost… conveniently.
The Illinois Ag Dept. illegally seized privately
owned bees from renowned naturalist, Terrence Ingram, without
providing him with a search warrant and before the court hearing
on the matter, reports
Prairie Advocate News.
Behind the obvious violations of his Constitutional rights is
Ingram was researching Roundup’s effects on bees,
which he’s raised for 58 years.
"They ruined 15 years of my
research," he told Prairie Advocate, by stealing most of his
Ingram can prove his bees did not
have foulbrood, and planned to do so at a hearing set in April,
but the state seized his bees at the end of March. They have not
returned them and no one at the Ag Dept. seems to know where his
bees are.
The bees could have been destroyed,
or they could have been turned over to Monsanto to ascertain why
some of his bees are resistant to Roundup.
Without the bees as
evidence, Ingram simply cannot defend against the phony charges
of foulbrood.
Beeologics was doing important research
on bees.
Now that research belongs to Monsanto, the new
"guardian of
bee health worldwide," and quite possibly, so do Mr. Ingram’s bees.
In any event, there will be no more information coming from Beeologics to inform the public about what is really going on with a
possible link between Glyphosate and
bee die-offs.
Monsanto acquires conventional
seed companies
Corporate behemoth and GMO titan
Monsanto has been gobbling up the seed market faster than a
caterpillar can munch a tomato plant! With one fell swoop in
2005, Monsanto grabbed approximately 40% of the US vegetable
seed market with its acquisition of Seminis.
If you own the seed sources then you can
control what seeds are available and what seeds are not.
Guess which
seeds are more readily available to farmers? Yup, biotech.
Monsanto buys off universities
"When I approached professors to
discuss research projects addressing organic agriculture in
farmer’s markets, the first one told me that ‘no one cares about
people selling food in parking lots on the other side of the
train tracks,’" said a PhD student at a large land-grant
university who did not wish to be identified.
"My academic
adviser told me my best bet was to write a grant for Monsanto or
the Department of Homeland Security to fund my research on why
farmer’s markets were stocked with ‘black market vegetables’
that ‘are a bioterrorism threat waiting to happen.’
It was
communicated to me on more than one occasion throughout my
education that I should just study something Monsanto would fund
rather than ideas to which I was deeply committed.
I ended up studying what I wanted,
but received no financial support, and paid for my education out
of pocket."
Monsanto in government
A report by Food & Water Watch
documents the efforts of US ambassadors acting as sales reps for
the biotech industry. They "twist the arms of countries" pushing
sales of GMO seeds, it says, at US taxpayer expense.
Besides Monsanto, the biggest
biotech companies are DuPont, Syngenta, Bayer and Dow Chemical.
The group obtained more than 900
State Department diplomatic cables spanning 100 countries
through WikiLeaks, which reveal pro-biotechnology public
relations campaigns and outright attempts to influence
government policies and laws that ignore,
biotechnology safeguards and rules - including opposing
genetically engineered food labeling laws."

The report says,
"The U.S. State
Department has launched a concerted strategy to promote
agricultural biotechnology, often over the opposition of the
public and governments, to the near exclusion of other more
sustainable, more appropriate agricultural policy alternatives."
"It really gets down to twisting the
arms of countries and working to undermine local democratic
movements that may be opposed to biotech crops, and pressuring
foreign governments to also reduce the oversight of biotech
crops," Wenonah Hauter, executive director of Food & Water
The State Department also works
with the US Trade Representative promoting these crops and
forcing nations to accept unwanted imports of US companies’ GMO
food and seed.
Known jointly as the Trans Pacific
Partnership (TPP) and the Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA),
these two stealth trade agreements, which are currently in the
process of being sold by the sitting administration to foreign
governments, would make it difficult, if not impossible, for
genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) to be labeled anywhere in
the world.
This is due to the fact that these agreements are
intended to harmonize the current U.S. model, which allows GMOs
to be secretly added to food without labeling or public
oversight, with the rest of the world.
Statewide Monsanto Protection
Senate Bill 863
Relating to preemption of the local regulation of agriculture;
declaring an emergency.
legislative finding and declaration that regulation of
agricultural seed, flower seed, nursery seed and vegetable seed
and products of agricultural seed, flower seed, nursery seed and
vegetable seed be reserved to state.
Several counties in Oregon were about to
get bills on the ballot that would ban the planting of GMOs in their
respective counties.
Can’t have that, so this bill effectively
banned local communities from being able to do that. Jackson county
already has something on the ballot, so that is allowed to go
through and get voted on…. at least for the time being.
And for all of it’s efforts in
manipulating and controlling the world’s food supply for profit,
Monsanto was recently awarded The World Food prize, along with two
other biotech interests:
By awarding this year’s prize to
three biotechnology pioneers, the nonprofit foundation
infuriated environmental groups and others opposed to
large-scale farming.
Two of the recipients hold prominent
positions at biotech companies - Mary-Dell Chilton, founder and
researcher at Syngenta Biotechnology, and Robert Fraley, chief
technology officer at Monsanto.
The third is Marc Van Montagu,
founder and chairman of the Institute of Plant Biotechnology
Outreach at Ghent University in Belgium.
This comes as no surprise considering
who funds this organization.
The following are some of the sponsors:
...to name a few.
Here is a link
to the rest:
I guess that eugenics is quite popular
in the "I’m too rich to care about the little people" set, but there
is one thing that these people, and I use the word loosely, haven’t
counted on.
And that is - a core group of die-hard individuals that
simply will not roll over for them.
A determined, and very vocal
minority who cry out to the true Creator each and every day for
relief from this scourge on the planet, and then put feet to their
cries and dig in.
These are those who won’t stop shouting at the top
of their lungs about the corruption in high places and the
adulteration of our planet with corrupt genetic material that will
never succeed in replacing what was put in place by the Creator of
heaven and earth. These biotech "geniuses" simply aren’t that smart.
Their efforts to remake the world and its inhabitants into a design
of their own choosing will only reap destruction that they will not
be able to escape.
When the Bible says "come
out of her my people" I believe it means to rid ourselves of
this decaying system of corporate filth. And that is the message I
would like to convey. We need to rid ourselves personally of every
bit of this filth in our lives and shun the system that puts it
That is the only way out. It is personal. Very personal. And
no one can do it for us. And when the time comes for restoration, we
will be right there, working hand in hand to restore that which was
stolen from us.
But first, we must take a stand against the beast.
Against the corrupt system of corporate filth that has invaded our
planet, and work every day to get rid of it. It really is up to us.
Unless, of course, you would rather keep your eyes on the shiny
object and continue down the path of coexistence and destruction.
Your choice.