by CIDP Foundation
Rense Website
There is now strong data indicating that this disorder is associated
with nanotechnology, specifically nanomachines in the form of
nanofibers. The National Science Foundation (NSF) defines
as having at least one dimension of 100 nanometer (nm) or less.
samples, taken from the skin of a Morgellons sufferer, when exposed
to heat, did not burn until it has been heated to 1700 degrees F. As
well, under examination with an electron microscope, fiber samples
appear not to be organic. They have no eukaryotic cells, no cell
membrane. Meaning that Morgellons is not a parasite, it is not
biological, it is a machine.
In March and April 2007, Jeff Rense
published and broadcast some capable research based on scientific
techniques including electron microscopy, energy dispersive
spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and Fourier
transform Raman spectroscopy. The Team Leader of the research unit
was Dr Hilgegarde Staninger of Integrative Health International at
Lakewood, California.
The preliminary findings were disturbing. Morgellons appears to be a
communicable nanotechnology invasion of human tissue in the form of
self-assembling, self-replicating nanotubes, nanowires, and
nanoarrays with sensors.
Other nanoconfigurations associated with Morgellons disease carry
genetically-altered and spliced DNA or RNA. The nanomachines which
precipitate Morgellons thrive in alkaline ph conditions and use the
body's bio-electric energy and other (unidentified) elements for
power. There is evidence that certain of the tiny machines possess
their own internal batteries as well. The Morgellons nanomachines
are configured to receive specific tuned microwave, EMF and ELF
signals and radio data.
At this point, why this is happening is anyone's guess. We do know
that Morgellons is commonly found in all body fluids, orifices and
often even hair follicles, and are believed to routinely achieve
total body systemic penetration.
If these findings are correct, and Morgellons is nanotechnology
capable of taking over biological systems, the question remains
whether or not these nanomachines were the result of an accident, or
a deliberate release with the intention of infecting people for some
unknown purpose.
It is almost as if Morgellons is in the process of reconstructing
people into an entirely different life form; a cyborg-like creature,
both biological and machine. As well, with the reports that the Morgellons nanomachines are capable of receiving radio signals, this
could indicate that each infected person/system would be able to
communicate with other Morgellon sufferers, creating the potential
that each person would be like a single brain-cell of a larger,
artificial intelligence.
Are we facing an invasion by machine intelligence, or is this a
twisted attempt by some unknown group or government to achieve the
ultimate control of humankind? Considering the current world
situation, it would not be unreasonable to imagine that someone
could stoop to such evil as releasing something such as Morgellons
upon an unsuspecting planet. Sometimes the smallest thing can cause
the biggest problems.
We have to take a deeper look, beyond the
affliction itself, before we will find any substantial answers
Morgellons Defined Again
by Jeff Rense
November 2008
Rense Website
Morgellons is a communicable invasion or syndrome that afflicts the
entire human body (it is not a 'skin disease') in the form of
self-assembling, self-replicating, visible colored fibers,
wires-like items, tiny black specks and other formations some
containing what seem to be sensors or 'antennae'. Other small
objects are 'fluorescent' or metallic in color.
These (potentially nanotech-triggered) fiber 'machines' thrive in
the human body and apparently use the host body's bio-electric
energy, its minerals and other elements for power and to physically
replicate themselves. It is also speculated by some that these
fibers may be able to receive microwave, EMF, ELF or some other
modality of signals and information. To what end is not known.
It is
also reported by many Morgellons victims that the fibers and other
Morgellons items exhibit a kind of collective intelligence within
the bodies they have parasitized.

The fibers are motile and can be easily observed to move and to
reach out for nearby objects with a 10x to 30x scope. They are not
bacterial or viral and can withstand blowtorch temperatures of 1400
The symptoms of Morgellons vary widely from easily recognized skin
lesions which can appear over wide areas on the body - and sometimes
over the entire body - which do not scab normally. Strangely,
Morgellons lesions have not been reported to become
bacterially-infected. These lesions heal extremely slowly and leave
white, pigment-free scars.
The mental and neurological effects of
the Morgellons syndrome include:
Morgellons victims also suffer:
It is established that Morgellons fibers are commonly found in all
body fluids and orifices.
They have been found in bone joints, and
are believed to routinely achieve full body systemic
penetration... from major organs to the brain. It is very simple to
find Morgellons fibers on the skin of victims and their clothing and
often throughout their homes... which many believe become permanently
infested and pose a clear and present danger to any uninfected
people who come into the homes of Morgellons victims.
Communicability appears to be easy and probable via all normal
bacterial or viral vectors, including all forms of direct contact,
self-inoculation and even breathing in or consuming fibers with
food are all believed viable transmission routes. Entire families
and extended families are now infected. However, the spreading of
Morgellons does not occur in all who come into contact with the
afflicted. There may be some form of 'immunity' some people possess.
Why that is the case remains unknown.
Since the fibers can withstand temperatures in excess of 1400° F,
assured sterilization of medical/dental reusable medical equipment
and instruments is moot. Some have tried to link
Chemtrail aerosol
spraying to the spread of Morgellons fibers, although proof of
transmission through aerial spraying remains anecdotal and dubious.
The current CDC 'Morgellons study' being carried out by a
Kaiser-Permanente group in Northern California is considered to be a
cover-up and a farce.
Morgellons Destroys Relationships,
Families & Happiness
by Cliff Mickelson
Rense Website
Hi Jeff
Per your request for further information about the impact
of Morgellons on the mind.
As you know, I've had it for over 10
years and offer this information based on all of that experience
and, as you well know, many years of intense research into this
catastrophic affliction. Your 8th Morgellons Special -
Psychological, Emotional, Personality and Relationship Impacts -
should also be listened carefully by all Morgellons victims.
I sincerely hope the below helps.
- Cliff
Morgellons Destroys Relationships, Families & Happiness
It has long been common knowledge among Morgellons researchers that
the effects of this emerging plague are not limited to simple
physical manifestations.
As do many other new and emerging diseases, Morgellons attacks the mind of all victims as well as their body. In
so doing, it is at once both obvious and subtle in it's symptomology.
Perhaps the most pervasive and common baseline defining this duel
attack is a form of Depression that often makes its appearance
during the early onset of the condition.
Depression is an insidious condition that debilitates a victim while
often leaving them completely clueless as to the process that is
affecting them. Of course, as we know, depression is not the sole
domain of Morgellons victims.
It is an "umbrella" condition and
finds fertile ground in many traumatic life-events as well as

It is important at this juncture to emphasize that the demonstrative
behavioral effects upon the personality of a subject afflicted with
Morgellons, (and to some extent, Lyme) generally go beyond the
normal behavioral parameters that define classical depression. We
can call it depression with a "twist".... It is a curious phenomena
and one that is still poorly recognized and/or understood.
For lack of more concise terminology, the "twist" can be roughly
described as "selective negative personality trait enhancement."
It is an extremely novel and subtle effect but one that is part and
parcel of the Morgellons personality profile.
The denial that accompanies this behavioral modification is
commensurate with that of depression. The victim rarely notices
their own negative enhancements. However, such changes do not often
escape the notice of those closest to the victim. They in turn,
often find themselves increasingly powerless to negotiate a
relationship where the rules they formerly co-existed by no longer
apply or are being arbitrarily changed.
As a result, many Morgellons victims unwittingly engage in a form of
relationship 'suicide' where relationships are almost invariably
destroyed by stealth personality traits that target the very people
closest to them and who form their primary support system.
Behavioral modification in a Morgellons victim generally occurs in
the initial stages of the disease. These appear to be changes that
are always rooted in the natural proclivities that existed in the
makeup of the personality prior to affliction. However, prior to
Morgellons onset these personal and socially counterproductive
personality traits are ones that were usually partially or
completely controlled, regulated or suppressed.
Morgellons appears to create in its victims a condition which allows
a certain number of these formerly sub-dominant behaviors to become
"enhanced" to varying degrees. During the high season of initial
onset, a victim, (Even if he or she is made aware of the issue) will
be unlikely to be able to exert effective self-control or to take
personal responsibility for modified behaviors in question.
The forms and types of negative behavioral examples available for
impartial examination are legion. Judgmental excesses as well as
compulsive completion and procrastination issues are usually but not
always the locus of these matters.
Fault projection in a relationship, (especially if the tendency was
pre-existing) is also quite common. This particular enhancement is
usually directed at a spouse or significant other. It is one of the
more personally destructive effects of Morgellons and has been the
ruination of many formerly healthy and rewarding relationships.
It is worth noting that most Morgellons victims who have weathered
the first few years of affliction have slowly come to an awareness
of this phenomenon and it's effect upon their lives and the lives of
those around them. With the dawning of this awareness comes a
belated self-understanding and the beginning of the painful journey
toward a compromise/solution that enables the Morgellons patient to
engage in a functional or semi-functional life once again.
It is
long and difficult struggle but one that is its own reward in the
Regards, -Cliff Mickelson
Psychological, Emotional, Personality
And Relationship Impacts Cliff Mickelson, Jan Smith Guests
This was very helpful for me. I am fighting to keep my relationships
intact. I do not feel or think the same as I used to. I am so
different now, and I cannot seem to get my old jolly self back and
everyone does not understand.