by Clifford E Carnicom
September 27, 2009
from Carnicom Website


I am not offering any medical advice or diagnosis with the presentation of this information. I am acting solely as an independent researcher providing the results of extended observation and analysis of unusual biological conditions that are evident.



A partial summary of the research accumulated though this site on the so-called "Morgellons" issue is as follows:

  1. The internal filament repeatedly described, as in the dental extraction samples, appears to be a primary pathogenic form. These internal biological filaments have been identified, to a varying degree, in essentially all individuals that have participated in the testing process thus far.


    The blood of participating individuals also displays, to a high correspondence, anomalies in structural integrity. A sub-micron spherical structure, to be assessed in further detail at a later point, also commonly occurs within the erythrocytes.


  2. The morphology, size, structure and chemistry of these internal filaments appears to be highly similar to that of certain environmental filament samples, notably that which has been refused by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for identification.


    In addition, numerous research papers over the last ten years document the repeated detection of unusual biological components within a series of environmental samples, including that of erythrocytic (red blood cell) forms.


  3. Numerous cultures have been developed from the internal filaments on agar and in wine based mediums. These cultures are essentially identical in form and chemistry with that of the original internal biological filament samples.


  4. The cultures produced from the internal biological filaments (dental samples) have been shown to produce an erythocytic form. These cultures have produced a positive result for the existence of hemoglobin by two separate forensic level tests. The determination of the erythrocytic form is also repeatedly evidenced by direct observation, measurement and biconcave morphology.


  5. The production of erythrotic forms within direct biological filament samples and by culture is completely outside the known boundaries of conventional science and biology. It is repeatedly evident that these same erythrocytic forms can withstand (and even flourish in) extremely adverse environmental, chemical and thermal conditions.


    The evidence thus far indicates the original erythrocytic form is dessicated or spore-like and a reconstitution process is required to bring the cellular structures to full form and activity.


  6. A method has been developed to break down the outer casing of the internal biological dental filaments. The internal components of these filamaments have been examined in detail upon repeated occasions.


    Two main structures emerge: an erythrocytic form and a sub-micron spherical form. The best current assessment of the sub-micron spherical form is that of being Chlamydia-like, with a special interest in Chlamydia Pneuomonia. Mycoplasma forms are also strong candidates of consideration as a "tertiary form" that is also frequently observed.


    Please also refer to the the paper entitled Pathogens and the General Population, April 2008, for the introduction of the Chlamydia-like structure as a primary topic of interest; the rationale of identification for this candidate remains. In addition, recent size measurements and the response of the Chlamydia-like structure to Giemsa stain further solidifies that rationale.



  7. There is a strong consideration that the internal structures from the internal biological filaments are of a synthetic or artificial nature. This assessment is based upon an observed unifomity in geometry as well as the hostile chemical environment under which reconstitution takes place.


  8. The internal biological filaments and the cultured form of the filaments has been subjected to the same chemical and thermal breakdown process. The same two internal sturctures are evident and observed in each case, that of an erthyocytic form and a Chlamydia-like form.


  9. The existence of the internal biological filaments, the existence of introduced or modified erthrocytic forms, the Chlamydia-like strructure and the tertiary form are interpreted by this researcher to be critical and central aspects of the " Morgellons" condition.


    It is accepted that numerous symptom manifestations are reported in association with the condition; this report simply enumerates that which exists as a common denominator within all studies conducted thus far.


  10. The source of the erythrocytic forms and the Chlamyidia-like organism is the filament under study, either in the direct biological internal form or identically from the cultured source. This assessment is reached through direct observation.


  11. Success has been achieved in developing a solution based culture that originates from the decomposition (chemical and thermal) of the cultured filaments. An aqueous or solution based culture development has numerous advantages in the development and application of experimental procedures.


    This culture work is based upon the following sequence:

    1. Original filament form (biological or cultured)

    2. Decomposition of the filament through chemical and thermal processes

    3. A single drop of the resultingsolutionis sufficient to reproduce the entire cycle

    4. The decomposed filament solution is cultured in a wine medium

    5. Two structures appear simultaneously over a period of several days within the solution when observed under the micrsocope: The Chlamydia-like form and the pleomorophic form (Mycloplasma candidate). Visually this material has an appearance similar to that of the original dental filament extractions

    6. Lastly, the original filament form (white in color) appears on the surface of the solution, completing the full cycle of development and growth.


  12. The recent solution-based culture work infers that four varying components comprise the basic pathogenic form:

    1. The encasing filament which appears to serve for the purpose of housing, transport and delivery of the internal components

    2. An ethryrocytic form (primarily internal to the filament)

    3. A Chlamydia-like structure ( primarily internal to the filament)

    4. An apparent pleomorphic form (primarily internal to the filament). The strongest candidate of identification at this time is a Mycoplasma variant

    5. All items listed require positive analytic, chemical and biological testing and identification; candidate identification is dependent upon resources available at this time. The ability of the structures to withstand hostile and adverse chemical and environmental conditions strongly indicates modification to originating organisms or structures


  13. It can now be shown directly by observation that the cultured filaments, after decomposition through chemical and thermal processes, appear to be the source of the blood anomalies first reported on by this researcher in November and December 2007. It is anticipated that the direct biological form of the filaments is likely to produce an identical result, as the cultured forms derive from the direct biological forms.


    Please also refer to the papers entitled Blood Testing and Morgellons - Airborne, Skin and Blood - A Match, for a partial background preparation on this subject. Three structures are observed in the process : erythrocytic, Chamydia-like, and a "pleomorphic (many form) ribbon or sausage-like form as shown in these original papers.


    A mycoplasma form is a viable candiate for the "pleomorphic" (tertiary) form.


  14. There are now strong parallels of interest (specifically Chlamyida Pneumonia and Mycoplasma) that have emerged between the current work and that of prominent research on the so-called "Gulf War Syndrome".


  15. Future immediate needs include a full protein and genetic analysis of the filament forms, cultures and components that have been repeatedly identified. Additional resources will be required to accomplish this.


  16. Growth inhibition studies, especially upon the culture forms that have been developed, also exist as an immediate requirement. Preliminary studies with prospect are in progress. Additional resources can accelerate this process.


  17. The available information indicates that the human condition is likely to have been affected en masse.


Additional Notes to be Incorporated

A match has been made between the internal structures of a filamentous dental sample and the internal structures from a culture developed from this same filamentous dental material.


The two samples, one from a direct biological sample and the other from a cultured medium, also behave identically under the same chemical conditions. The primary structure is again of erythrocytic (red blood cell) form. A secondary structure is again of sub-micron spherical shape, and it occurs commonly within the erythrocytic form.


Under the observational history and analysis that has been completed thus far, it is reasonable to characterize the secondary (sub-micron) structure as Chlamydia-like in nature (with a particular focus on Chlamydia Pneumonia). This paper should be studied in conjunction with all recent biological reports to recognize the uniformity of the findings related to the so-called "Morgellons" condition.

It is understood that there are likely many numerous variations of development, form and manifestation with respect to the " Morgellons" condition. This researcher has focused on, and continues to focus on, those elements that appear to exist as a common denominator in most (or all) subjects, regardless of any external symptoms that may or may not be present.


It remains the assessment of this researcher that the blood (and the alteration of it) and the existence of certain filament forms (INTERNAL to the body) are central to the condition. The existence of skin anomalies does not appear to be, in any way, a suitable criteria for establishing or denying the existence of the condition.


Thus far, essentially any individual that has been studied displays, to a varying degree, the common denominators of blood anomalies and filament existence that are a basis of this report.


Exceptions to this last statement in some fashion are presumed to exist (although not identified thus far) and they are an obvious desirable pursuit in the research.

Some of the primary functions of the blood include:

  1. Transports

    • Dissolved gases (e.g. oxygen, carbon dioxide)

    • Waste products of metabolism (e.g. water, urea)

    • Hormones

    • Enzymes

    • Nutrients (such as glucose, amino acids, micro-nutrients (vitamins & minerals), fatty acids, glycerol)

    • Plasma proteins (associated with defence, such as blood-clotting and anti-bodies)

    • Blood cells (incl. white blood cells 'leucocytes', and red blood cells 'erythrocytes')


  2. Maintains Body Temperature

  3. Controls pH
    The pH of blood must remain in the range 6.8 to 7.4, otherwise it begins to damage cells.

  4. Removes toxins from the body
    The kidneys filter all of the blood in the body (approx. 8 pints), 36 times every 24 hours. Toxins removed from the blood by the kidneys leave the body in the urine. (Toxins also leave the body in the form of sweat.)

  5. Regulation of Body Fluid Electrolytes
    Excess salt is removed from the body in urine, which may contain around 10g salt per day
    (such as in the cases of people on western diets containing more salt than the body requires)

Source: Structures and Functions of the Blood.



Additional Photographs to be Detailed


Original previously analyzed dental sample material in wine base. Essentially all individuals tested thus far produce varying degrees of this dental filament material.

Representative dental sample material, previously analyzed, placed onto a glass slide. This particular sample uses a wine-hydrogen peroxide base mix.

The culture of the dental filaments at the early stage. Characterized by a pure white color.

Microscopic and time lapse imagery of this development are available in more detail in the papers entitled

Culture Breakthrough (?), (Jul 2008)

Culture Work is Confirmed (Aug 2008)

Morgellons - Growth Captured (Aug 2008).


This is the culture material used in this test.

To be continued.


To be continued.

To be continued.


To be continued.

To be continued.


To be continued.

To be continued.

To be continued.


To be continued.

To be continued.

To be continued.

To be continued.