by Zen Gardner
December 23, 2012
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version

Shifting the Mystic Morphic Field
Researchers found within the computer informational field what
appears to be
proof of foreknowledge of 9/11.
The huge spike in chatter regarding the
events immediately prior to the strikes is completely anomalous. In
other words, it goes on to say, for it to be just a coincidence is
next to impossible.
No big surprise. But what about this informational field?
They call this computer information world a type of "morphic field"
or "information field" and it seems to be a virtual manifestation of
the global mind. Not all of it of course, but the informational
global mind, which at this point in history is a massive amount of
generated information that's accelerating by the hour.
Something the globalists are tracking
closely, trying to predict as well as direct human responses.
Research in this field is also being investigated by other
visionaries. By tracing trends in language using
webbots that crawl the Internet
reading data with assigned values to various words, they've been
able to often predict not only major events, trends and changes, but
the specific nature and sometimes locations of future phenomena.
It's not an exact science by any means, but this whole field starts
to show the power of the literal electromagnetic, vibrational
informational mind as evidence of, or a reflection of, human
consciousness, and we should pay close attention.
Language as a
Manifestation of Consciousness
Language shared is clearly consciousness at work.
This is our current fundamental method
of communication. Perhaps general telepathy is on the horizon, but
for now words backed by intention and no doubt other influences is
how we understand communication.
Whichever, it only stands to reason that the greater the body of
consciousness manifested, the greater the effect on the present, and
hence the future.
In the words of
Roger D. Nelson, founder of the
Global Consciousness Project (GCP):
My own 'model' is that consciousness
or mind is the source or seat of a non-local, active information
field (this is not a standard, well defined physical construct).
Such fields interact, usually with
random phase relationship and no detectable product.
When some or many consciousness
(information) fields are driven in common, or for whatever
reason become coherent and resonant, they interact in phase, and
create a new, highly structured information field… that becomes
the source of the effects we measure.
Pretty profound...
When the accumulated consciousness
fields are driven in common or show coherency or resonance, they
create a new information field.
Sound interactive?
That's the whole point… we need to get
busy manifesting Truth and Love within this field.
Resonance and Quantum Physics
Taking this field changing empowerment even further, morphic field
theory is the "discovery" (coming into consciousness) that there's a
dynamic at work akin to the concept of non-separability and total
connectivity that quantum physics has discovered.
Reminiscent of Plato's
Theory of Forms, these interactive
force fields give form to not just plants, animals, crystals,
planets and the like, but to behavioral and social patterns. This is
similar to the evolving informational field concept described above
but even more profound.
It is much like Carl Jung's
collective unconscious understanding, but even broader while on a
somewhat more so-called "scientific" footing.
It is essentially touching on the effect of
Universal Consciousness coming into
our experiential realm and our interaction with it. But again,
morphic field study is the attempt to pursue this intuitive
knowledge scientifically, so called, in a quantifiable way.
All part of the continued awakening of mankind, despite the
manipulations, masking and withholding of knowledge by the
controllers. Now you can see why so much is hidden from us - it's
fuel for our flux capacitors!
No worries, we're dis-covering Truth at a rate of consciousness they
can't even track.
"Hypothesis" of Morphic Fields
The fields responsible for the
development and maintenance of bodily form in plants and animals
are called morphogenetic fields.
In animals, the organization of
behavior and mental activity depends on behavioral and mental
fields. The organization of societies and cultures depends on
social and cultural fields. All these kinds of organizing fields
are morphic fields.
Morphic fields are located
within and around the systems they organize. Like quantum
fields, they work probabilistically. They restrict, or impose
order upon, the inherent indeterminism of the systems under
their influence.
Thus, for example, a protein field
organizes the way in which the chain of amino acids (the
"primary structure" determined by the genes) coils and folds up
to give the characteristic three-dimensional form of the
protein, "choosing" from among many possible structures, all
equally possible from an energetic point of view.
Social fields coordinate the
behavior of individuals within social groups, for example, the
behavior of fish in schools or birds in flocks.
Pretty amazing...
Whatever the explanation of its
origin, once a new morphic field - a new pattern of organization
- has come into being, its field becomes stronger through
repetition. The same pattern becomes more likely to happen
The more often patterns are
repeated, the more probable they become.
The fields contain a kind of
cumulative memory and become increasingly habitual. Fields
evolve in time and form the basis of habits. From this point of
view, nature is essentially habitual.
Even the so-called laws of nature
may be more like habits.
This Is How
The Lying Matrix Thrives - and How We Can Dissolve It
Social engineers for eons have known this underlying dynamic in
their own terms.
The latest rash of modern psychopathic
societal designers identified these causal and potentially
liberating or captivating trends at whatever level of understanding,
and set in place educational and society-modifying mechanisms to
keep humanity from spontaneous, self-supporting growth centuries
Left to our own we would naturally be drawing from consciousness new
and beneficial "memes" or morphic fields to develop and help
humanity, and not extinguish and control it like our current
overlords of darkness.
In other words:
we've been sterilized, castrated, knee-capped,
lobotomized and asphyxiated from the Truth and Knowledge of who we
truly are and our incredible power to manifest and shape a loving,
conscious world around us.
As long as we let them fill the airwaves, ground waves and mind
waves with their limiting, manipulative, oppressive and distracting
propaganda and electromagnetic crap and don't activate vibrational
Truth to reverse the trend, society is literally being pushed off
the map of true human awareness into the maw of a mental and social
meat grinder.
It's Up to Us
It's entirely up to each of us what we do with this amazing
energetic system.
We can harm or we can heal. We can go
along with the status quo or we change it. It will simply reflect
whatever is put into it in its own fascinating way, and is doing its
job at all times whether we acknowledge it or not.
It's there for intentional use if you choose. We're eternal
consciousness connected to everything, yet we're free agents to
choose good and Truth and Love, or darkness, selfishness, hate and
The beauty of this knowledge is the realization that every letter
you write, every item you blog, every word you speak, every thought
you think, every prayer or intention you utter, every loving or
non-loving deed, every decision to do the right thing or not…
EVERYTHING… is forming the world in which we live… societal,
informational and the underlying morphic world which we all share.
Every time someone watches mindless TV, gets spellbound by things
like Hollywood or war programming, or entertains
the Matrix meme in any way, they are supporting and
perpetrating the death-dealing, humanity perverting lie.
While on the contrary…
The Internet
Highway of Information and Transformation
Every time you blog with good and helpful information, forward an
inspiring or truth-revealing article, post an idea or uplifting
message, encourage a fellow activist in their efforts, do a kind or
loving deed or reach out and shake someone up, or maybe gather with
your local community to enact meaningful change… EVERY TIME… you are
changing the morphic field… for the better!
All while subtracting from a negative
imprint by other influences.
It's a continual choice.
There's no standing still. Either way we
all affect it. It's that simple.
That serious, that real… and that
Put Your
Shoulder to the Shift
Hopefully this awareness of how pervasive the dynamics of intention,
attraction, information, communication and consciousness are will
spur you on.
It has me. I've known this dynamic was
at work but to see it in this light is empowering.
Participating and really making a difference that matters couldn't
be any easier than it is today. You can do gobs of damage to the
oppressors' constructs and help establish the righteous rule of
Truth, Love and Consciousness by just putting it out there and
living a conscious life.
Manifest it in the morphic field in any
and every way you can and it goes to work immediately and affects
Even according to nerdy quantum physics, intelligent life on this
planet now knows everything you do affects everywhere in
mind-blowing, non-linear or even spatially limited ways. We are all
interconnected with everything and what we give our attention and
intention to is what manifests.
What more stirring and empowering information could there be?
As we change these informational morphic fields we'll also
immediately set a better precedent for present as well as future
change as these fields replicate themselves.
This is why we have to keep the
fields morphing towards more and more Truth and a
loving reality continually. As we resonate together with the
Truth vibes being amplified around us, anything false will crack and
crumble into ruins.
Now you see why they try to keep us drugged, distracted and asleep?
It's time to take spaceship earth back and manifest.
Take action, in word, deed and spirit. Be a resonant voice however
you can. Just do it, and if you're already doing it, turn
it up. It's working even if you can't see the full extent of it
yet. And as you do you'll get such a rush of confirmation and
satisfaction you'll do even more, as well as get others on board.
Power to the people? It's been there all along! But you have to
throw the switch.
And once on, keep on...