by Brendan D. Murphy
extracted from "Science
Meets Spirituality"
Spanish version
Perceiving and Generating Thought-Forms
Thought-forms occupy two planes or "implicate orders" in occult
thought: the astral and the lower mental (rupic) planes.
They are
perceptible to anyone who has developed the faculties of astral
plane and/or mental plane perception, and are therefore not articles
of belief but observable fact, exhibiting correlations with the
physical, mental, and emotional realities of the beings they pertain
This is true to a significant enough extent that such assertions
can be brought into the realm of empirical verification and therefore
objectivity. Our prominent personal thought-forms can be
clairvoyantly observed hovering around us in our energy field(s).
Late American physicist Michael Talbot recorded some fascinating
clairvoyant observations in his excellent book
The Holographic
For example, once during a reading, American "human energy
field consultant" Carol Dryer saw a bunch of potatoes whirling around
a woman's head. She was at first dumbfounded but summoned her courage
and asked the woman if potatoes had any special meaning for her.
it turned out, the woman was from the Idaho Potato Board, or
something roughly equivalent. In other words, potatoes were a very
significant and meaningful part of her life.
Such images don't always just hover around the person in their aura,
but sometimes appear as extensions of the body or proximal layer of
the auric field - a fact not so surprising when we consider some of the
evidence marshaled in my book
The Grand Illusion - Book 1 (TGI 1).

Telepathically generated triangular electro-photonic aura
around the right index finger of Uri Geller. This image was generated in a controlled experiment (run by James L.
Hickman) by the mental intention of a small group of observers
"willing" the shape of a triangle to Geller's mind.
The result (at
bottom) is an obviously triangular electro-photonic glow surrounding
the finger, captured using Kirlian photography. The two regular glows
above were control images. Other forms produced in this fashion were
a circle and a straight line. Courtesy: H.S. Dakin, High Voltage Photography (second edition).
Dakin, 1975.
Another of Dryer's clients had a hologram-like layer of mud clinging
to her hands and arms.
This baffled Dryer (pictured below), given the
woman's immaculate presentation, so she asked if the woman could
understand the image. Affirmative: she was a sculptor and the new
medium she tested out that morning did
indeed cling to her arms and hands just as Dryer described.176

Carol Dryer
Image from a Thinking
interview with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove
Psychics of Dryer's advanced abilities (of which there appear to be
comparatively few) are also able to see movie-like sequences playing
in people's energy fields.
The most emotionally powerful memories or
precious thoughts manifest in this fashion. Likewise, illness can
also be detected by psychics such as Dryer and Brennan, a notion
with considerable scientific support now.177
Jay Alfred explains that our holographic dark plasma/subtle bodies
generate and project holographic images in real-time in response to
thoughts and feelings. The unique properties of
Carol Dryer. Image from a Thinking Allowed interview with Dr.
Jeffrey Mishlove "magnetic plasma" fields - which can be reorganized or
by the will - provide these fields with all the components needed to
build a "holographic machine." 178
Gravitational lensing - the way light bends as it passes through a
gravitational field - also plays a role in generating images in our
mind's eye, according to Alfred. Leadbeater claimed in The Inner
Life that an "atom" allows us to view images originating in our
higher vehicles.
Tackling this statement almost a century later - with
gravitational lensing long since a well established scientific
phenomenon - Alfred proposes that a physical-etheric atom, uses
gravitational lensing to focus multi-dimensional images generated
from higher vehicles to a place in front of our eyes as 3D
Thus, we experience thoughts not in the brain, but in our
subtle bodies via the brain. In point of fact, outstanding
clairvoyant and theosophist Dora Kunz has explained that to
clairvoyant sight, visualization uses the power of the brow/ third
eye chakra, speeding its rotation and also affecting the crown
In the yogic systems thought-forms are referred to as
pratyaya: the
content of the mind functioning through a particular vehicle (or
what I sometimes refer to as a "torsion-plasma body").
For someone
in the ordinary waking state working through their mental body, the pratyaya in their case will be the mental image in their mind.
Anyone with clairvoyance operating at the appropriate level can see
this mental image and gain knowledge of that mind ("mind
Functioning in this way, the seer is able to detect
form but not necessarily the intent or emotion that caused the form.
That is why even the best clairvoyants will often conduct readings
in a question-based format.
Hence, Dryer asked one client, despite
her reluctance, if potatoes had any special significance for her.
Powell explained in occult terms that a thought-form is a kind of
living entity of high energy which is animated by the idea that
spawned it. The finer the matter it is composed of, the greater the
energy and power it possesses.182
Modern mystic and clairvoyant Robert Bruce states that astral matter
reacts to thought just as physical matter responds to force. Thus,
it can be molded in ways only limited by the imagination. The most
convincing thought-constructs can be indistinguishable from
The kind of higher-dimensional matter out of which thought-forms are
made is
referred to in theosophical doctrine as "elemental," a "strange
semi-intelligent life" (to use theosophist A.E. Powell's
terminology) that surrounds us. Because it is so easily molded by
thought, every impulse emanating from one's mental body immediately
draws around itself a temporary vehicle composed of "elemental."
same principle applies to both the astral and mental densities,
though the mental matter is even faster in responding to thought as
it is a higher energy, lower density medium in this schema.184
Yogi Ramacharaka explained in 1904 that a strongly charged
thought - perhaps one strongly willed and motivated by positive
intent - also takes with it a certain amount of
prana proportional to
the intensity with which the thought was propelled.
"Such thoughts
are often sent like a bullet to the mark," he stated.185
A thought, then, is a kind of living creature:
the thought-force, or
torsion/scalar energy, is the "soul," while the plasmoidal elemental
essence (particles) comprises the "body" of the thought. Such
thought-forms are sometimes referred to as artificial elementals,
temporary mental constructs.186
There are reports of self-aware thought-forms (tulpas) being
generated through ritual and intention.
The poet W.B. Yeats
reputedly managed to create one, a "white Jester," with
enough independent vitality to become visible to a few of his
Alexandra David-Néel also achieved something similar through
sustained effort and mystical rites over a period of months, though
her tulpa gradually turned lean and sinister from its originally
plump and jolly state and, with much difficulty, had to be
Lt. Col.
Tom Bearden readily accounts for such tulpoidal phenomena in a highly scientific (and somewhat technical)
manner in his impressive
Excalibur Briefing.
The variety of possible thought-forms is essentially infinite, being
limited only by the imaginations of the universe's sentient
inhabitants. If a thought has in it something of self or personal
desire (lower frequency/vibration), its composition will include
astral matter in addition to the mental.
Such a "thought-emotion-form" is then capable of affecting both the mental
and the astral torsion-plasma bodies of other people.
This is
overwhelmingly the most common type, as few thoughts of men and
women at this point in history are completely devoid of desire,
passion, or emotion.189
The generation of a purely mental thought-form results from the
mental body throwing off a vibrating portion of itself which is
shaped by the nature of the thought, and which then draws around
itself matter of the corresponding grade of fineness from the
surrounding "elemental" substance of the mental plane.190
From the perspective of
Edgar Cayce, thoughts are literally deeds in
the mental realm that have an influence on the material world.
Rudolph Steiner had much the same outlook, advising mindfulness of
one's thoughts, as they react on one another in the "thought
"wrong" thoughts having a "devastating effect on others in
the mental environ." 191
Thoughts are real hyperspatial aetheric
energy, not merely internal neural impulses that we experience
quietly in our heads - they are not even generated by our brains.
Every definite thought produces two effects in the subtle vehicle/s:
first, a radiating vibration which operates on a wider, more influential
scale; second, a floating form with less reach and a more targeted,
narrower influence. The vibration set up in and radiating from the
mental body tends to reproduce its own frequency in any mental body
on which it impacts: that is, to produce thoughts of the same type.
The radiating vibration carries, not the subject of the thought, but
the character.192
Empirical evidence and magic windows
Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences,
told us in Far Journeys that he and a group of some twenty or so
participants in his Gateway Program conducted an experiment in
visualization (creating thought-forms) at night, with some
spectacular results.
[W]hen the signal came at the proper time, we looked very
eagerly…Suddenly our electronics engineer yelled excitedly,
higher, look higher!"…
Now we looked far up into the sky in
Against the starlit night there were soft, red, neon-like waves. They resembled nothing so much as trickling water
moving across an arc of the sky directly atop the roof of the motel.
At exactly the time the exercise called for the light to be shut
off, it suddenly disappeared.193
What is impressive about this experiment is that the strength of the
mental energy generated was sufficient that all of the observers
could see it.
Such was their combined strength that the group
managed to create a light show in the ordinary, visible section of
the electromagnetic spectrum. They generated enough collective
energy at the mental level to excite from the aether/ZPF visible
physical light in the form of a plasma-like phenomenon! Thus, their
thought-forms in "virtual reality"/hyperspace/aether became
objectively real, meaning anyone could see them.
They repeated the exercise successfully at another Gateway event in
California where an engineer was present with a special Polaroid
camera to take photos before, during, and after the experiment.
Monroe (pictured below) said that none of the five or six observers
present saw anything during the experiment, but when they examined
the photographs the "before" and "after" experiment shots were
blank, while the two taken during the exercise itself showed a
"round ball with a marbleized effect much like the earth seen from a
distance." 194
Physicists and photographers explain that the film can "see" light
that our eyes can't. The blank film before and after made the two
energy photographs more significant, being in the center of the film
pack - a highly unlikely place to be pre-exposed.
Here we have the reason that NASA film footage recorded from
satellites and shuttles in earth orbit
show many UFOs circling
around and interacting with this planet.
The cameras are "seeing" a
different frequency range which the eyes do not.
If a spacecraft's
frequency can be raised to the point where it is "made of light" it
could also appear invisible to the human eye and many cameras,
according to physicist and ufologist David Sereda.
"But NASA knows
all this," writes Sereda, "and they have video cameras aboard the
Space Shuttles and aboard satellites that can see into invisible
spectra of light, such as the infrared and the near ultraviolet.
confirmed the wavelengths of the shuttles video cameras with NASA
scientists back in 1998. They were looking where human eyes could
not see and that is where the UFOs were showing up." 195
These craft or objects must be highly quantized light craft,
according to Sereda.
NASA now has many cameras and satellites that
can peer into the invisible infrared and
ultraviolet (near, far, and extreme), X-rays and gamma ray
wavelengths of light.
According to Sereda,
"It is here that our ET
encounters can be found hidden from our eyes... Now we know where to
look and we are finding answers."196
These UFOs are largely
out of phase with our dimension (apparently inhabiting the etheric
plane/s), but they are close enough that the "signal strength" of
their emanations are detectable in Bearden's "magic windows": the
infrared and ultraviolet frequencies!

Robert Monroe
This essentially explains why we are oblivious to the abundant UFO
activity right above our heads.
The frequency range of photographic
cameras and video cameras can also explain why certain "ghosts" and
other anomalies such as orbs are sometimes caught on film while there
are no human witnesses who perceive them (again, most people's psi
faculties are undeveloped).
American abductee Lori Briggs was told
by the alien beings that they were able to turn themselves into
light (by means of which they could also levitate objects), but that
were unable to hold their own physical form for very long.197
Organized scientific remote
viewing of UFOs and advanced non-human intelligences usually
referred to as "aliens" has produced startling results, supporting
the physical evidence and witness testimony in favor of such
phenomena (albeit without the possibility of verifiable feedback).198
Co-developer of the US military's remote viewing program
Ingo Swann
recalls an (impromptu) occurrence similar to Monroe's, where
thought-forms were recorded on infrared film. It was at a social
event at a friend's place.
He remembers:
"A couple of intense
psychic types had come along to try to produce energies for the
film," but Swann was reluctant and professed cluelessness as to how
to do this. However, goaded by his new friends, a giggling and
reluctant Swann tried to make a ball of light about 3 feet above his
"I 'pictured' a ball of light about a foot in diameter. When
the film had been developed a few days later, Behold! A TINY orb of
light was above my head in three separate film shots.
And there were
other lights outlining my body that I had not 'pictured'."
No one else's photos had turned out.
His ad hoc group of friends and
acquaintances deemed Swann psychic (which he patently is, based on
his remote viewing output, which we look at in TGI 1), and so more
photos were taken - resulting in more "successes." 199
paranormal researcher Joshua P. Warren has indicated that digital
cameras are naturally sensitive to some infrared and ultraviolet
spectra, infrared frequencies being where ghostly orbs are often
It is an intriguing thought that much NASA UFO footage is derived
from the infrared spectrum where lower harmonics of tulpoidal
(mental) hyperspace energy can be photographed.
One might speculate
that perhaps much "abduction" phenomena occurs at etheric levels, in
the occult frequencies/planes close to us but out of phase and
normally invisible.
British inventor Harry Oldfield's data suggests
this, as his equipment is also capable of photographing a larger
range of frequencies than normal cameras and human eyes can see, and
guess what? He too can photograph UFOs with his PIP system, which is
able to "see" phase changes in light, making things that are
invisible or cloaked visible.201
Oldfield (pictured below) has been defended by Dr. Claude Swanson,
one of American's top physicists, with whom he has swapped physics
When Oldfield's
equipment and methods start spreading, the accumulation of data will
accelerate again and "we the people" will be able to force an end to
government secrecy on these topics.
In August 1958, officials at Eglin Air Force base in Florida were
conducting experiments with a super-sensitive infrared camera which
could detect even minute thermal radiation from inanimate objects
(to within thousandths of a degree).
They wanted to see if they
could photograph events after they had occurred. Using the
super-sensitive camera, they photographed the base parking lot,
which at the time was empty.
However, when the film was developed, it
clearly showed cars that had been parked
there several hours beforehand.
"The report of this experiment was
carried by the Associated Press in an account published in the
Miami Herald.
Because the infrared camera was classified the Air
Force refused to say how far backward in time the camera was
able to go, or to release any of the pictures to the press…"

Harry Oldfield
This is a bizarre notion to conventional thinking - does the past
still exist right now in the infrared frequencies of the EM
Relativistic physics says the past still exists in the
space we occupy, as does occult doctrine, while it is known that
informational torsion fields can linger virtually indefinitely,
coupling with EM energies which then leave a detectable imprint of
the past in space (Poponin and Gariaev's experiments on
the DNA "phantom" [see Chapter 13 of TGI] speak directly to this concept).
Evidently, the infrared zone is indeed a "magic window" through
which we can view (to some extent at least) the Akashic record.
Improving on this, however, is (once again) Harry Oldfield's
Working in a cemetery with his imaging system, Oldfield
captured not only discarnate presences, but the presence of a
mausoleum and stone monument in the background that were no longer
standing, and which belonged to an earlier century (probably some
200 years ago, around the time of the Napoleonic wars, according to
an employee at the cemetery).203
Thus, the past is always present as static torsion fields coupled
with electromagnetically detectable light, just outside of our
normal perceptual range.
For me, this research lays waste to the
notion of time as a one-dimensional linear flow in which each present
moment fades into oblivion as it becomes the "past" - and it offers
strong support for the notion that the "Akashic records" of the past
can be perceived consciously and "read" by "sensitives" with the
necessary faculties.
Effectively this research appears to prove the
late American systems theorist Dewey Larson's theory that time is
actually three-dimensional - one dimension of time for each of space
(how can we exist in time if it is only one- dimensional?).
Moreover, such material also supports the holofractal universe
concept, since we can see now that the ever-present "past" is always
nested within the present moment, meaning that time is
It is interesting that Swami Panchadasi (real name William Walker
Atkinson) noted in his book Clairvoyance that while people can see
the mental conjuring of a Hindu magician,
cameras would not detect them.204
While the non-digital photographic technology from the
late 1800s to early 1900s appears to have had a more limited
frequency range than that employed during Monroe's time and beyond,
truly astral energies are not available for direct capture by
anything other than our own astral faculties.
For scalar
thought-forms to be captured by physical technology, they must
interact to some extent with our physical light, just as occultists
like Leadbeater have explained going back decades now.205
Quantum tunneling -
Ted Serios was a former Chicago bellhop, born November 27, 1918, who
discovered the ability to project photographic images onto camera
film by staring into the lens of a Polaroid camera.
He sometimes used
a piece of rolled cardboard (a "gizmo") to look into the camera lens
at the moment the picture was taken, probably to narrow the focus of
his attention. Serios also produced images using a camera without a
Parapsychologist Jule Eisenbud, conducted an extensive
investigation of Serios over three years, the results of which were
published in The World of Ted Serios: "Thoughtographic" Studies of
an Extraordinary Mind (1966).206
Among some of the extraordinary images produced by Serios with a
Polaroid camera were pictures of Mariner IV and Russian Vostok
rockets 207 (these could not be traced at all in the literature,
according to Colin Wilson, indicating that they were not even
produced by
Serios' own memory,208
but probably his subconscious mind interacting with the collective
The Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology
records that numerous images
produced by Serios were,
"ambiguous, in soft focus, or too vague to
identify. Some contained mistakes which would have been absent from
a picture of an object that had merely been reproduced via the inert
'gizmo'." 209
Serios had been,
"stripped to the skin, medically examined, X-rayed,
sewn into a restraint suit that allowed him to move nothing but his
head, and tested with cameras and film provided by independent and
critical observers," biologist Lyall Watson reported in Supernature.
"In spite of all precautions… he still succeeds in producing his thoughtographs."
Between May 1964 and June 1967, Serios produced
over 400 such images.211
His strange gift resulted from an experiment in "do-it-yourself
hypnotism" involving a friend. George Johannes, a fellow bellhop at
Chicago's Conrad Hilton Hotel, inducted Serios into a deep trance
and implanted the suggestion that the contents of his mind could be
photographed - it was as simple as that.
His thought-forms had been
photographed from then on, though the resulting pictures were not
always things that were being visualized in his mind at all!
time Serios took a picture that no one could identify, himself
The only discernable clue was a sign identifying the
locale as a remote Canadian town. The examiners sent the picture to
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police of that village who identified it
as a clear photograph of one of the town's landmarks!
Margaret Waite recorded in The Mystic Sciences that while Serios'
thoughtographs usually depicted clearly identifiable buildings, such
as the Taj Mahal, he sometimes imaged historical figures, and even
prehistoric creatures.212
In one attempted experiment in which he
tried to produce an image of the Chicago Hilton, Serios accidentally
produced an image (in color, by the way) of the Denver Hilton
instead, muttering,
"Missed, damn it." 213

A Serios "thoughtograph".
Image source:
Erratic as it may have been, Serios' ability appears to be another
demonstration of the capacity of consciousness - acting via
torsion/scalar energy - to couple with (or create) and manipulate EM
light in as yet unexplained ways.
Our waveform thoughts can impress
themselves upon physical objects (hence psychometry), decoding, for
instance, on film as
objects or places that can be recognized. Eisenbud treats the
etheric body as a "serious hypothesis" in his book on Serios.214
Undoubtedly, Serios was utilizing his subtle vehicles in order to
generate or manipulate the light that was causing these images to
form on film.
It is noteworthy that tests under different conditions
seemed to eliminate any possibility that Serios was using any known
part of the electromagnetic spectrum in his thoughtography - no type
of barrier, whether magnetic, electrical, or physical prevented his
success,215 ergo the energy at work was torsion/scalar.

Serios in action projecting a thought form
Gerald R. Brimacombe, Time Life Pictures, Getty Images
As author John Violette notes, it often requires large amounts of
energy to mobilize
hyperdimensional forces, and it is therefore not
surprising that Serios had to work himself virtually into a state of
rage during these experiments.
Notably, Israeli "paranormalist" Uri
Geller has been able to achieve similar feats, taking photos of
himself on high-speed black and white film through a solid black lens
Chris Humphrey Ph.D. explains this is due to quantum tunneling:
if the (aetheric/time-space) de
Broglie probability (quantum) wave
exists on both sides of a barrier, then its particle (photons in
this case) can sometimes be on one side, and sometimes on the other,
without ever passing through the barrier.
Geller's mind-field altered
the probability that those photons could reach the other side of the
lens cap to non-zero.
Indeed, he pushed the probability high enough
that some photons actually did "get through" or manifest on the
other side - enough to show on the high-speed black and white
Presumably the same principles are at work in Serios' case also. In
Russia, PK
medium Nina Kulagina could reportedly produce the letters A or O on
photographic paper, or create even the silhouette of an image she
had seen.217
Physicist William Tiller conducted experiments with film in the 1970s
with a man named Stan whose photos kept producing strange lights and
illuminations based on the state of consciousness he was in at the
The occasions when the optical effects were most likely to be
obtained were,
at "spiritual rock concerts"
at religious
at high- energy metaphysical lectures
Whenever he
sensed a particular feeling in his seventh cervical (throat chakra
zone) and fourth thoracic vertebrae (heart chakra zone) and snapped
a picture, some anomaly invariably presented itself on the resultant
Over a fifteen-year period, out of 9,000 photographs taken, a
whopping 5,000 contained easily distinguishable anomalies. In a
series of studies Tiller carried out with Stan, two cameras were
used, one "sensitized" by him, the other not. Both were mounted on a
single tripod with a single shutter release.
Standard Kodak color
film and standard Kodak processing were used, and Stan was never
allowed to touch the film during loading or unloading.
"Most photo pairs showed very significant differences," reports
The sensitized camera's pictures,
"would often show one or
more people in the frame as somewhat transparent over a portion of
their body so that objects behind them could clearly been seen
through the transparent (translucent) portion," * while the photos
from the unsensitized camera produced no anomalies.
This is an effect that Oldfield’s technology has also achieved. For
example, the stones at Stonehenge became see-through to the PIP
system, which is sensitive to phase changes in light.
In other
experiments with a single sensitized camera, an opaque lens cap was
placed over it while photos were taken, but it didn't matter:
"remarkably clear photographs" were obtained through the lens cap
Merely keeping the camera close to his body for several days
was enough for Stan to sensitize it, and though it could be passed
to someone else to take the anomalous pictures, the effect generally
wore off after an hour unless continuously "pumped" (energetically)
by him.
Is this another instance where "quantum tunneling" was being
triggered by a human's torsion-plasma/consciousness fields?
suggests that when human intention is,
"applied to unseen subtle
domains" (implicate orders or time-space/hyperspace realms) it is
the "driver
of events seen in the physical domain." 218
To occultists and mystics who can see thought-forms and auric fields, and execute PK phenomena, this is simply
Talbot, Michael. The Holographic Universe.
HarperCollins, 1996, p 180.
See Murphy, Brendan. The Grand Illusion –
Book 1, Balboa Press, 2012.
Alfred, Jay. Our Invisible Bodies: Scientific
Evidence for Subtle Bodies. Trafford Publishing, 2005, p 97.
Ibid., p 100.
Karagulla, Shafica & Dora Van Gelder Kunz.
The Chakras and the Human Energy Fields. Quest Books, 1998,
p 169.
Taimni, I.K. The Science of Yoga: The Yoga
Sutras of Patanjali. Theosophical Publishing House, n.d., p
Powell, Arthur E. The Mental Body. First
published by the Theosophical Society, 1927, Ch. 8.
See Bruce, Robert. Astral Dynamics. Hampton
Roads, 1999, Ch. 35.
Powell, The Mental Body, Ch. 8.
Ramacharaka, Yogi. Fourteen Lessons in Yogi
Philosophy and Oriental Occultism, p 85. Digital Version
1.00 by
created April 2003. Original version published in 1903 by
Yogi Publication Society.
Powell, The Mental Body, Ch. 8.
Pinchbeck, Daniel. 2012: The Return of
Quetzalcoatl. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2007, p 165.
Haughton, Brian. A Mystic in Tibet, New Dawn,
Special Issue No. 3, 2007.
Powell, The Mental Body, Ch. 8.
Powell, The Astral Body, Ch. 7.
Steiner, Knowledge of the Higher Worlds.
Powell, Arthur E. The Astral Body.
Theosophical Publishing House, 1927, Ch. 7.
Monroe, Robert A. Far Journeys. Main Street
Books, Double Day, 1985, p 28.
Ibid., 29.
The page I originally sourced this from can
no longer be found. These quotes can be found here instead
Hancock, Graham. Supernatural: Meetings with
the Ancient Teachers of Mankind, Revised Edition.
Disinformation Company Ltd, 2007, p 199.
See Marrs, Jim. Alien Agenda: Investigating
the Extraterrestrial Presence among Us. HarperPaperbacks,
Swann, Mrs. Zelda Suplee, 1971.
See Warren, Joshua P. How to Hunt Ghosts.
Fireside (Simon & Schuster), 2003.
Oldfield, Glastonbury Symposium Presentation.
Davis, W.E. The Black Box and Other Psychic
Generators, 1987.
www bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_psycho17.htm.
See under "Time… The 4th Dimension."
Oldfield, op. cit.
Swami Panchadasi. Clairvoyance and Occult
Powers, 1916, Lesson XV.
See Leadbeater, C.W. Man Visible and
Invisible. Adyar, 1902.
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsycholog,
ed. J. Gordon Melton. Gale Group, Inc., 2001, vol. 2, p
Wilson, Colin, The Occult. Watkins
Publishing, 2004, p 717.
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology,
op. cit.
Watson, Lyall. Supernature. Coronet Books,
Hodder Paperbacks Ltd, 1974, p 159.
Randall, John. Psychokinesis: A Study of
Paranormal Forces Through the Ages. Souvenir Press Ltd,
1982, p 157.
Waite, Margaret. The Mystic Sciences. Apollo
Books, 1971, Ch. 2.
Wilson, op. cit, p 668.
Ibid., p 717.
Watson, op. cit., p 160.
Humphrey, Christopher. UFOs, PSI and
Spiritual Evolution: A Journey through the Evolution of
Interstellar Travel. Adventures Unlimited Press, 2004, pp
Ostrander, Sheila, & Lynn Schroeder. Psychic
Discoveries: The Iron Curtain Lifted. Souvenir Press, 1997,
p 71.
Tiller, William. Subtle Energy Actions and
Physical Domain Correlations.
See also
www.tillerfoundation.com/subtle-energies.html for sample