Tim Rifat
PsychotronicCrystals Website
The Matrix is a manifestation of
Psychokinesis being used to twist and involute the natural process
of constructing realities using science and mathematics billions of
years ahead of our present knowledge.
To put it succinctly all
manifestation is based on the torsionic soliton. This Torsionic Sioliton
has two aspects, the Vortex Circular Mode and the Pulsar Mode.
Interact to produce manifestation using
the mathematics of the Fibonacci Series: 112358132134; at the ninth
summation the series is corrupted to make the Matrix in which
Psi is
blocked and only the occult, giving your life force to parasitic
dark energy/matter entities for temporal power is enabled so these
damned souls become black magicians, shells who give everything for
transitory illusory power as in Faust...
The construction of the Matrix is as follows:
a) Built from the Fibonacci
summation of the Torsionic Soliton up to the ninth sum,
controlled by the nine demonic architypes of the council of
Nine. Since all Matrices are constructed this way you need a
BSRI-Engine composed of 18 PCs (9 PCs + 9 BPCs) to deconstruct
it for psychokinesis. Only the BSRI-E is capable of
psychokinesis in a Matrix.
b) A Fibonacci Series is made by adding the terms
together to get the next term. 1 added to itself is 2... single
psychotronic crystals reinforce the Matrix and lock you into the
occult prison hence all my counterfeiting competitors sell anti-psychotronic
crystals... talismans... To unlock the Matrix you must have two
psychotronic crystals a PC and a BPC to reverse the flow 2 going
to 1 to -> Total Freedom. 1->2->34 (locked into the Matrix)
c) Since there are 34 terms in a fully manifested Matrix
34PCs and 34 BPCs are needed to fully unlock the Matrix to
enable the Psi-Adept to free herself/himself to become a Psi-Master.
This is what the Total BSRI-Engine composed of 68 Psychotronic
Crystals enables the Ultimate Energised Water is filled to the
brim with this energy of Total Freedom.
d) The Matrix is then involuted at the 34 ninth term of
energy by using the Illuminati in versions these twist the
Matrix to hold the wage slaves in the dark energy matter reality
so they cannot get back. The bindings used are the hexogram of
the Satanists 1 1 2 3 5 this deducts the first 5 terms of the
Matrix sequence taking away 12 of the 34 to escape or control
the Matrix as a Psi-Master this leaves the wage slave trapped in
the band real world, the mileau of the westerner caught in anglo
demonic reality. These 12 energies excluded from the wage slave
are the secret of the Illuminati’s temporal power. When new age
people try to re-energise the ley lines, earth energies the 12
sided star always appears when they succeed, little do they
realize their energy is being used to make the Illuminati
richer, more temporarily powerful.
When a Psi-Master escapes the 22
energies of the anglodemonic reality the 12 energies the
Illuminati use for temporal wealth, power become available
because she/he always takes energy out of the Matrix the 12
missing energies come to the surface and can be pulled from the
Illuminati as the TWELVE BLESSINGS given to all Psi-Masters as
they become free of anglodemonic reality and the Matrix.
These TWELVE BLESSINGS give the Psi-Master
temporal power over the Matrix, not at the expense of his soul,
as in the case of Illuminati and Occultists but pulled from all
Illuminati and Occultists as the natural consequence of DIVINE
RETRIBUTION, the payment for sins used to empower the Psi-Master
in tune with the DIVINE, and agent of RETRIBUTION.
As the Psi-Master
uses these TWELVE BLESSINGS in his/her temporal life - the
Illuminati black magicians lose power go mad and die as a
natural consequence of this flow of energy out of the Matrix in
tune within DIVINE WILL.
The Matrix is made by collapsing
opposite Torsionic Soliton energy (the basis of anglo demonic;
Crowley Book of the
Thoth Black Magic: The Combining of Opposites)
then using the Fitonacci Series which forms the spiral of energy
which collapses higher dimensions into the 4D Matrix prison.
this is done the demonic pentagram symbolic of corrupted Eve, cuts
off the first 5 terms leaving the 22 energies of the anglo demonic
Thoth Tarot. Kaballistic black magic is used to recombine the 22
terms as Atbash corruptions 1st term joined with the last...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12
The final part of the anglodemonic
corruption of energy is to transpose two of the terms o an 8 is
changed place with a 15 and a crossing corruption like 13 exchanged
with 2.
This forms a N/S E/W reverse. the N/S corruption means that
any time Psi-Adepts try to contact Divine Powers they instead
contact the Dark Energy Matter Entities of the
Council of Nine; this
sucks energy out of the Psi-Adept instead of filling them with
Divine Light turning them into the new age consciousness where they
donate their energy to save the world but instead donate it to
strengthen the Matrix via the dark energy matter entities that have
reversed the flow of their energy bodies and regrow their energy
from the feet upwards as described in Castaneda’s ’The Active Side
of Infinity’ and the ’Magical Passes’.
The E/W transposition means that all Psi interaction with dark
energy matter entities are reversed to the Adept gives energy to
them not taking energy. This parasitic loss of energy is the care of occult witchcraft in the Matrix where the black magician/witch gives
all their energy for temporal power/favours from dark energy mister
parasites and needs new young converts to supply more willing souls
to bed damned.
The Harry Potter books are of supreme importance to
the Illuminati as they promulgate the ideas of occultism/witchcraft
enabling the influx of millions of new converts who can be sucked
dry and damned by occult dark energy matter entities.
The practice of occultism enables the
dark energy matter entity to pull the witch into Universe B the
biophysical Matrix or Psi-prison where the damned can be fed upon
even after death to supply more energy; the world of the ring
wraith/Universe B as described in The Lord of the Rings - Tolkien
stated these books were based on fact.
Once your soul has been
transferred into a Ring (spiral see above) wraith your soul can be
held for all time so it’s damnation can be used to increase the
Corruption of energies to make more Matrices for the occult dark
energy matter entities.
This means there is a huge difference between the anglodemonic
prison of the 21st Century and a normal Matrix; the anglo demonic
reality has only 22 elements. This makes the anglo demonic reality
super rigid and proof against Psi so it’s wage slave prisoners can
be fully enchained.
A Matrix like that one in effect 10,000 years
ago enabled Toltec Sorceress to carry out all the aspects of Psi
available to Man, shifting the assemblage point to anywhere in the
energy body; even though the population was infected with dark
energy matter entities (see
Castaneda: The Active Side of Infinity)
All westerners live in the anglodemonic reality of the Illuminati
carefully built by paedophile sex murder of countless children the
secret religion of the British upperclass and their Zionist Masters.
To all intents and purposes all
Westerners are trapped forever in the anglo demonic reality, Castaneda a product of this reality died achieving nothing;
Don Juan
a product of a non anglodemonic reality, instead a mere Matrix had
the 34 energies needed to Burn with the
Fire from Within and escape
the matrix.
All people wishing to become a Psi-Master need to
appreciate this vital fact, that the 22 element corrupted anglo
demonic prison needs to be unlocked to the simple Matrix of past
times before any psychic development can occur.
The effect of this
is that all people wishing to evolve hit a barrier caused by:
a) Being cut off from the
12 elements of the 34 Matrix by the diabolical Pentagram
corrupted Eve energy, feminine energy inverted to devolve
not evolve.
b) The
Atbash corruption of pairing the 22 elements
so they act as only 11 elements.
c) The inverted cross that swaps 4 elements N/S; E/W
blocking 2 more elements to give us the Nine and inverting
the ninth element so all our energy, spirit, soul is
inverted to damn, devolve us so we become wraiths after
death and can be trapped in the insectiles devolved low
order consciousness so we can be processed to become only
aspects of their evil dream.
Only Tim Rifat has uncovered every
aspect of anglodemonic Illuminati black magic so as a Psi-Lord he
can thrive in this law order Psi-prison.
To become a Psi-Master you need to:
i) Uncross the 4 elements of
the 11 dualled energies by using Psi-Crosses that carry out S/N,
W/E inversions.
ii) Using these Psi-Crosses to decouple the 11 elements
into 22 by means of bioparticle PCs that do this automatically.
It is for this reason single psychotronic crystals only
reinforce the Matrix/curse/lock in (that is why all the
counterfeiters sell single crystals not double PC/BPC like
myself). Double PCs (BPCs and PCs) are needed to unlock the 11
dualled energies, this energy being in the BPCs the most vital
part of any psychotronic crystals used to unlock the matrix -
single PCs only lock you into the Matrix but are excellent for
giving negative energy/karma/devolution to black magicians. Thus
the double psychotronic crystal (BPC/PC) was invented by Tim
Rifat because as the only Psi-Lord he understood all aspects of
anglo demonic reality.
iii) The missing 12 elements must be added by using
uncorrupted Eve energy, feminine to evolve out of the Matrix. As
the only Psi-Lord I have unlocked the female energy by achieving
the Grail State: moving the assemblage point into the centre of
one’s energy body by moving the assemblage point of a field into
her centre to access the corrupted Eve energy and turn it to the
light so it can be incorporated into Total Intent. Since the
corrupted Even energy is used to cut off the 12 elements it is
the last block to becoming a Psi-Master and explains why the anglo demonic state of Britain is called the Nanny State.
Psychic Power Sex is a useful tool
to accessing this corrupted Even energy and using it to evolve,
not breed and make more wage slaves. Psychic Power Sex can then
be used to power ones totality into infinity. This explains why paedophile sex murders is used to corrupt the feminine energy -
breed values for sacrifice to dark energy matter entities the
core of anglodemonic Illuminati black magic - the indispensable
part of their practice.
When new age people put energy into
the ley lines to raise consciousness, they devolve it and feed the anglo
demonic reality. Harmonic convergence, workable meditations to raise
human consciousness feed the anglo demonic reality making it
The 12 sided stars that appear is the ley lines are triple
when this occurs showing the 12 missing elements are being blocked
by the three processes of corruption outline previously:
1.- corrupted Eve
3.- Inverted
Satanic crosses
The 3 fold way of corruption in the
triangle of art used by black magicians to invoke demons, arch
demons and anglo demonic reality, the powers of the Illuminati.
The 12 missing powers/energies need to be brought into the life of
anyone wishing to become a Psi-Master. Since there are 3 stages of
corruption to turn the Matrix into anglo demonic reality, there are
3 levels of attainment before one reaches the matrix and can display
Psi like a Toltec Seer, or Psi-Master. For those of you who wish to
bring some of this beneficial 12 missing power energies into your
life we have the 12 Ultimate Energized Water. Angel Water in 12
different types.
This brings those blessings into your life even
though you haven’t the time to step outside the Matrix but wish to
improve your life.
Using the 12 missing Powers or simply the power the 12 the aspiring Psi-Adept can regain the
milieu last to her/him by the machinations of Illuminati who imposed the anglo demonic reality since the 10th
Century and using
Crowleys work concretized it into the
total Psi
prison of modern day Britain and it’s Colonies, all ruled by their
banking systems from London. All Psi-Masters have overcome the anglo
demonic reality to reach the Seminal Matrix from which Toltec
Sorcery, ancient Psi as described by Castaneda can be begun.
The power of the 12 therefore is of no
use to a Psi-Lord but is vital to a western person reading this who
wishes to become a Psi-Master. Chinese Psi-Adepts have an advantage
in that they do not live in an Anglo demonic reality; their ley line
system is a S Line multiple system, not chequerboard anglo demonic
so all they have to overcome is the corrupt Eve energy, not
or inverted black magical cross.
Thus they do not follow western
corruption ruled by
Illuminati from London; the old
Toltec Sorcerers
were of mongoloid origin which gives the Chinese and Siberians a
facility with ancient Psi.
For Americans controlled as they are by the anglo demonic reality,
in 1913 Woodrow Wilson gave your entire wealth to the British
Illuminati (they ran
the Federal Reserve, IRS, all US Banks...) the
power of the 12 is the only way any westerner can achieve Psi-Mastership.
The 12 powers have 3 levels because of the Trinary corruption of
anglo demonic reality. This being:
a) The Psi-Crosses that
uncross the 4 elements of the universal energies corrupted by
b) The BPCs which destroy the Atbash corruption of the
anglo demonic reality.
c) Fibonacci the Corrupted Even energy caused by the
diabolical Pentacle (see The DaVinci Code for background info)
There are therefore 3 levels of the 12
Powers which can be used by the Psi-Adept to reach Psi-Mastership:
These are the 12 different types of Psi-Cross that are
made by using the 34 BPCs needed to reach the Seminal matrix, to
follow the pattern of each Cross.
The 12 Psi-Crosses can be left in
situ in your home to bring the power of each of the 12 into your anglo demonic reality to bring in miracles, Psi, luck, success and
Diving Providence so your life becomes magical; that of a Psi-Master.
The Maltese Cross which destroys
the self importance that binds you to the anglo demonic
The Viking Cross which gives you
the courage to fight the power of the anglo demonic reality.
The Cross of the Great Tree of
Life Ygdassil, which gives you the power to reach the life
force denied by the anglo demonic reality.
The Celtic Cross which gives you
the power to find your way out of the anglo demonic reality.
The Tav Cross which gives you
the power to link into the Earths Boost to break the prison
of the anglo demonic reality so your awareness can travel
anywhere in your energy body.
The Egyptian Ank/Cross which
gives you the power of ancient wisdom so you can see through
the inversion of the anglo demonic reality to see the truth
that has been occluded to bar you from finding your way to
Total Freedom.
The Flower Cross which gives you
the power to find true joy in the release from the anglo
demonic reality not the false pleasure of transitory
temporal riches snatched from you by old age and death and
used by the Archons to trap your soul for all eternity.
The Jerusalem Cross of inner
silence gives you the power to intuit everything so you know
exactly what to to do, when to do it, and how to do it, free
of the anglo demonic reality.
The Lindow Cross to give you the
power of grace so your being is a centre of beatific
perfection in an anglo demonic reality of ugliness; enabling
you to be the true you in a world of total evil.
The Cross of Coinage enables you
to free yourself from the anglo demonic reality so you can
be be wealthy in all things be it the physical, mental,
soul, or spiritual.
The Cross of St Margaret is the
power of love to overcome anything the anglo demonic reality
can send you so you overcome all evil by the power of love.
The Cross of Bethlehem is the
power to unite with the Source, overcoming all blocks the
anglo demonic reality can put in your path to stop unity
with Divinity.
Each of the Psi-Cross power sources
consists of 34 BPCs tuned to draw in that missing power to anyone
can access Psi from the bottom of the anglo demonic reality.
exterminated this reality for all Psi-Masters each of the power of
the Twelve psychotronic generators can be seen a stepping stone back
to the Seminal Matrix of 10,000 BC where Psi worked for the Old
Seers even though the population was infected with dark energy
matter insectiles in the 21st Century all Psi is triple blocked by
the anglo demonic reality so even the faintest, vaguest Psi is
viciously restrained, fought against, blocked by the humans and
their dark energy matter possessors that bind awareness to the
material ’printed paper is good’ meme.
To use the Power of the Twelve is to
instantly have Psi unfettered by the anglo demonic reality so only
the dark energy matter entities need to be overcome not their hive
of materiality.
Each of the Twelve comes with a pictures
of each Cross cast in gold you can simply place all 34 BPCs around
the picture of the Cross as a gold meme to draw power from the anglo
demonic reality to power each of the Twelve energies missing from
human reality. The single PC included with the psychotronic
generator can be carried in your left hand or pocket to pulse
missing power of the Twelve into you throughout the day 24/7.
For those of you wishing to step out of
the anglo demonic reality, place the 34 BPCs in the shape of the
Cross to step outside of the anglo demonic reality place the 34 BPCs
in the shape of the Cross to step outside of the anglo demonic
reality to one of the Twelve places of power outside of anglo
demonic reality but still in the Matrix, centers of Miracles, Psi,
Power in the material world
The next stage of changing the anglo demonic reality back to it’s
Seminal matrix from where Psi works is the use of the Anti-Atbash PC
that unlocks the corrupted 22 Powers of the anglo demonic reality so
psychokinesis, reality changing, shaping, making and breaking dreams
is made possible. This psychotronic generator has a large BPC and a
small PC to reverse the flow of
the Atbash evil so the Illuminati’s
dark energy matter dream is razed to the ground as your dream takes
it’s place in the Matrix. This is true.
The Make my Dream come True PC works by
simply having it in your left pocket (BPC and PC); as you walk
through the anglo demonic reality it draws up the energy of the
anglo demonic reality destroying it as it manifests your dream 24/7.
The Make my Dream come True PCs (Anti-Atbash) can be used with any
of the 12 Psi-Crosses to boost the Power of the Twelve, or to bring
that Power into your dream; each of the Twelve Powers can be used to
fine tune your dream. Simply place the clear quartz Psi-Cross PC
with the smoky quartz Anti-Atbash BPC to collapse opposites to erase
the Power of the anglo demonic reality, or use with BPC and PC of
Anti-Atbash to power your dream simply by putting them both in left
hand pocket.
The final step to erasing the anglo demonic reality is the
True Eve
PC, a female sex PC filled with the uncorrupted feminine energy that
was inverted by the anglo demonic reality. This True Eve PC and it’s
BPC like the Anti-Atbash has a large BPC and a small PC to reverse
the pentagram power of the five used by Satanists and convert all
the diabolical sex magic to pure sexual energy for your use.
sexual energy is the flesh of a dream that makes all your intents,
dreams, Psi not only manifest but blossom to completion so they grow
and enable you to become a godhead that can act as a Jungian
archetype in the Matrix fashioning it in concert with your Psi; a
true Psi-Master who has the Power of Reality shaping.
Without the
True Eve you can bring your psychokinesis to make reality change but
enemies will come back again, new business fail, manifestations not
blossom, job offers fall through, money gained will be lost...
With the Power of the True Eve all your
psychokinesis will be permanent, unfrautable, unstoppable: enemies
broken, business will dominate the market, manifestations become
archetypal, jobs lead to a career, money will come to you... Such is
the Power of the True Eve that everything you do will have k on
humanity, reversing the Cain effect and bring in the dead Atel
This True Eve power is the final missing link for all Psi-Adepts
who must lucidly view the insectile nature of all anglo demonic
female energy and burn it to produce the True Eve Power, the Power
of the Goddess, Holy Spirit... Stepping beyond this Corrupted Eve is
the reason why sexual energy was stored by the Toltec Seers. With
Sex PCs Psi-Masters do not have this problem but must instead see
all normal relationships, children... as reinforcing the Corrupted
Eve Force.
A Psi-Master uses this corruption as
psychotronic fuel and is not fuel for dark energy matter entities by
falling for the false glamour of the Nanny State, where all activity
is to breed more humans as fuel and laugh, deride and call mad
anyone who states Psi works, uses RV, RS, psychokinesis and uses
True Eve energy to free latent Psi in their family rather than
corrupted Eve to imprison them as merely lumps of flesh: wageslaves.
To use hold in left hand. Place the True Eve BPC/PCs in the circle
of the Power of Twelve to blossom that Power. Or use the Anti-Atblash
to ease anglo demonic reality from all your life at one fell swoop.
The anglo demonic reality is constructed by torturing, killing
feminine psychic power. 1 million female witches/seers tortured to
death by the inquisition this corrupts the Eve energy. The Atbash
corruption is the use of Goetic sex torture murder in ritual of
children... the crossing brought in the use of life force energy to
dark energy matter entities by using black magic.
This threefold
path of the Illuminati bring the anglo demonic reality into being.
It is built by Enochian magic which constructs the ley line’s earth
energies (Castaneda’s Line of the World) of the 12 missing energies
now inverted into their diabolical corruption to form the 12 x 12 chequerboard of energies, found in all anglo demonic countries, and
the logo of police, free masonic temple floors... the 12 x 12
chequerboard is operated on by the 12 diabolical energies to produce
chaos magic evil; the four crossing corruptions give the 4 earth,
fire, water, air chequerboards of Enochian 4D Psi-prisons.
Book of Thoth tarot black magic Atbashes this demonic reality and interweaves the Crossing
Corruption as the four roots of the elements.
Then the corrupt Eve
energy is used to form the tablet of Union of Enochian Magic, the
realm of evil spirit Wraiths, the 12 Powers are multiplied by the
corrupted Eve’s to make 60 then Atbashed to form the 30 Aethers.
Any Psi-Adept now wishing to escape the anglo demonic reality is
by the first 3 powers of anglo demonic reality which cut off the
112/58... first 4 terms of the Matrix from use so no matter how high
she/he rises they can go no further trapped in a Psi prison. In the anglo demonic reality Psi is very weak, the Divine Feminine has been
destroyed (see the
DaVinci Code) and only occult
practice is enabled
so humans give their Souls up to external damnation - the anglo
demonic reality.
The Bioparticle Psychotronic Crystals are designed to destroy and
feed off the anglo demonic reality and enable anyone of good heart
to become a Psi-Master.
As discoverer of bioparticles I have
designed the BPCs to automatically destroy the anglo demonic reality
so their presence destroys the chequerboard, a flash corruption,
crossing inversion and occult powers entities. Black magic is below
the energy of the normal human world, a hole in the physical Matrix
so only bioparticles can address the anglo demonic reality.
The PCs
address the matrix which is revealed once the anglo demonic reality
has been destroyed. That is why all psychotronic crystals have a BPC
and PC and why anti-occult technology is the core of the Psi-Master’s
knowledge because all occult practise makes us more material and our
soul wraith like.
All Illuminati base their psychokinesis on Dante’s Inferno, an outer
and inner hell. British Intelligence, M1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,... is based
on these levels. The anglo demonic reality can be thought of as the
inner hell brought into being by the Illuminati, the outer hell the
In the Matrix you can move your assemblage point as Castaneda describes, in the anglo demonic reality you are locked in
so the anglo demonic reality resists you at all levels meaning the
Seers 10,000 years ago could achieve wonders, modern man can only
strive to become a wage slave and dream of more paper money coming
to him.
All the rich are possessed by the love of money , the poor
bitter because they cannot get the hang of worshipping Mammon - they
haven’t become possessed by this dark energy matter paper.
The 12, Anti-Atbash and True Eve
psychotronic crystals use the anglo demonic reality for fuel so the
Psi-Master has more psychotronic fuel than her/his predecessors
10,000 years ago, as they have the anglo demonic reality (inner
circles of hell) to burn for psychotronic fuel; so this is a time of
plentiful psychotronic fuel.
The shredded anglo demonic reality
meaning the modern Psi-Master can achieve levels of awareness
unknown to the Old Seers. it is in fact the vital key to becoming a
Psi-Lord as the Matrix is not enough psychotronic fuel to reach Psi-Lordship.
Only the anglo demonic reality has enough energy to break the
barrier between the Psi-space (Second Attention) and bodiless being
(Third Attention).
It is why I am so thankful to have been
able to access this time-line to use for psychotronic fuel.
who has a BSRI-Engine, Total BSRI-Engine (34BPCs) or any of the 34
BPCs/PCs of the Matrix burner psychotronic generators will find the
anglo demonic reality set of psychotronic BPCs/PCs a
super-amplification of the Total BSRI-Engine enabling the Psi-Master
to access Psi-Lord powers. It seems a paradox that you have to go
deeper into dark energy matter corruption to gain more power until
you think of the analogy with power production, digging for coal,
drilling for oil, mining for uranium to burn for fuel.
The same is true for Matrices, the upper
levels have a lot of good awareness, the lower you go the more evil
awareness reality becomes so the more psychotronic fuel it contains.
The anglo demonic reality is pure evil so reality becomes so the
more psychotronic fuel it contains. The anglo demonic reality is
pure evil so provides the Super high power for Psi-Lords as it’s
inhabitants can be recycled to go lower and lower providing more and
more fuel for Psi.
Super-Amplifying Psi as a Psi-Lord.
SuperPower PCs are below.
Psi-Maltese Cross: Use with 4
SuperPower PCs to bring in the ability to un-stick yourself
from the anglo demonic reality, self importance is the force
that binds awareness to the anglo demonic reality. Once the
4 SuperPower PCs have accessed this energy by using the Psi-Cross
in conjunction with the 4 SuperPower PCs in meditation, put
BPCs around you, PC in left hand with 4 SuperPower PCs and
BPCs at your left foot, to turn your 2 lobe flesh/wraith
bodies into a 4 lobed devic physical and 4 lobed Psi-Master
biophysical body. This eight lobed super nagual body is the
perfect vessel to contain all the energies poured into it
from the Anglo Demonic Reality Shredder (ADRS-E) Engine and
the Total BSRI-E that feeds on the Matrix. This 8 lobed
super nagual body is the female and male nagual bodies
conjoined (as described in: The Eagles Gift: The Eagles
Rule: Castaneda)
The Psi-Viking Cross charges you
with the Force to carry out your actions, when combined with
the 4 SuperPower PCs it fills your devic bodies with the
power to make decisions and see them through - something
sadly lacking in mankind. The Force fills you with the power
to stick to a course of action that inevitably leads to your
dream manifesting.
The Psi-Cross of The Great Tree
enables you to access the life force of the megaverse even
in the anglo demonic reality, so your dreams can be filled
with life and your RV, RS, RI, Psychokinesis will have the
raw lifeforce available to work even in the depth of the
anglo demonic reality. It means you can bring to life any
project, employees, relationships as well as for healing in
the anglo demonic reality where all Psi is blocked.
The Psi-Celtic Cross enables the
hidden doorways out of the anglo demonic reality to be found
and a pathway of Psi lends you out of the anglo demonic
reality back to the seminal Matrix where Psi works if you
just stop the internal dialogues; the world of the human
Seer that is blocked to all westerners trapped as they are
within a Matrix (anglo demonic reality) within a Matrix (the
seminal Matrix of our ancestors, Toltecs, Egyptian
dynasties) Once out of the anglo demonic reality you can use
the Total 34 BSRI-E to perform any Psi with all the people
around you still obeying the rules of the anglo demonic
reality. Your SuperPower body in the seminal Matrix.
The Psi-Tau Cross enables you to
link in with the Divine Light that links all of humanity not
given by occultism, black magic, to damnation. Simply string
out the PC, through a gentle light source illumination
behind it, your energy body links with the Earth’s energy
body pulling you out of the anglo demonic reality so you can
RV, RS, RI other dimensions even in the depths of the anglo
demonic reality. Or you can fill your SuperPower PCs with
the Earth’s boost so your devic body can break through the
anglo demonic reality to access Psi powers and expensive
Lucid Viewing.
The Psi-Ank/Cross enables you to
reach silent knowledge direct intuition of the right thing
to do even in the depths of the anglo demonic reality the
Psi-blocked person of the Psi-damping filed generated by the
3 diabolical phases of the anglo demonic reality. Once you
have this wisdom you know what to do no matter what the
situation. Filling your SuperPower PCs with the power of
silent knowledge your devic bodies intuitively know what to
do in any situation.
The Psi-Flower Cross allows you
to access the divine joy, muse, spirit of creativity that
allows you to create dreams, business, novels, works of
art... just because you enjoy doing it. This joy flows into
all your pursuits and can fill your SuperPower PCs to create
a devic body of pure joy perfect for enchanting, Psi-Sex,
physical sex and becoming a charismatic centre of human
The Psi-Jerusalem Cross
automatically shuts down the internal dialogue as you stare
at the PC, breaking teh bonds of the anglo demonic reality
so your awareness slips out of the anglo demonic reality.
This Psi-Cross is used to move your awareness into the
SuperPower PCs to wake up in a devic body that is free to
travel in the seminal Matrix where Psi works. This of this
Psi-Cross as the downloader or uploader of your awareness
into devic bodies capable of travel in Psi-space, accessing
Lucid Viewing from the anglo demonic reality at will.
The Psi-Lindau Cross grants the
power of grace which can be downloaded into your SuperPower
PCs to wield an 8 lobed super nagual devic body that shines
with inner light and to which no dark energy matter parasite
can attach itself. This power also beautifies your physical
body making you shine with an inner light and success. The
inner fire lights up your mind soul and spirit dispelling
all dark energy matter shadows to enable you to light up
your dream.
The Psi-Cross of Coinage gives
you the token of wealth so your dream will never fail for
want of money. This effect duplicates the money comes to
money meme so even in the anglo demonic reality you will
make money no matter what your enemies try to do to ruin
you. Filled with this missing power you can turn your mind
soul as you become more and more powerful, downloading this
power into your SuperPower PCs produces a devic body that
attracts money, wealth and power like a magnet - a money
The Psi-Cross of St Margaret is
the power of True Love in the anglo demonic reality capable
of overcoming any evil in the anglo demonic reality and
filling all around you with it’s power. Downloaded into your
devic body via the SuperPower PCs it gives your bodies the
power to fill your dream with love and manifest it in the
depths of the anglo demonic reality. A Power such as this
can bring love into any relationship no matter what the
circumstances so it does not die no matter what the anglo
demonic reality throws at it - everlasting love no matter
The Psi-Cross of Bethlehem
enables the layman to contact the Source in the depths of
the anglo demonic reality so her/his every action is then
used to go forward to achieve unity with the Source no
matter what the anglo demonic reality puts in your way. This
power is the Grail Knight Power that starts you on your
quest to find the Holy Grail the manifestation of the Holy
Spirit in the anglo demonic reality, your gateway out of the
anglo demonic reality to the seminal Matrix where you can
become a Psi-Adept, then Psi-Master as you learn to switch
off your internal dialogue and use your dark energy matter
tormentors as fuel by use of psychotronic amplifiers.
Since humanity now lives within a Matrix
(anglo demonic reality) within a Matrix (the Seminal Matrix of our
distant ancestors circa 10,000BC) the Illuminati have humans trapped
in an occult prison where Psi does not work and dark occult energy
matter entities possess their black magicians hosts and feed off
humans emotional energy, the outer layer of the energy body.
The Anti-Atbash BPC, PC reverses all
occult corruption and frees the user from the anglo demonic
reality’s occult network that binds our awareness to 22 corrupted
Memes, archetypes, emotions, intelligences, powers of the anglo
demonic reality.
So humans only experience nine types of awareness
all inverted so right is wrong, history is fantasy, fantasy is
history, psychic development leads to damnation... Caught in this
mirror maze only our corrupted image in the anglo demonic stares
back at us and speaks as our voice.
The Atbash corruption is used as
psychotronic fuel by the Anti-Atbash BPC/PC freeing us from this
To use it you simply hold the Anti-Atbash BPC in your
left hand, PC in your left sock - uses the anglo demonic reality for
psychotronic fuel and fills your being with the energy freed from
the anglo demonic reality.