James DeMeo, Ph.D.
15 January 2003
A 1950s Discovery Holds Promise to End Drought and Green Deserts in
Israel, Australia, the Horn of Africa, the USA, and Elsewhere.
An independent scientist and former university professor from
Oregon, among others, has in over 25 years of field research,
verified the method originally developed by the controversial
Wilhelm Reich, called "Cloudbusting".
Positive results have been observed in field experiments undertaken
in the USA and overseas, over many years. |

Reich Cloudbuster at
work in Namibia, Africa, 1993
An Environmental Scientist working at a private Institute in rural
Oregon claims to have a solution to the ancient plagues of drought
and famine. Dr. James DeMeo, formerly a geography professor at
Illinois State University and the University of Miami, and currently
Director of the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, has been
undertaking field experiments and a detailed study of the
controversial Reich cloudbuster.
"I read about Dr. Wilhelm Reich’s discoveries when I was a teenager
studying at Florida International University, in the early 1970s."
DeMeo said, "That was the time of the last big famine disaster in
the Horn of Africa, and newspapers and television were full of
horrible images of parched landscapes, starving children and dead
animals. I was studying methods for combating drought and
desertification or desert spreading, and basically learning that
very little could be done by using orthodox approaches. That’s when
I decided to make a more in-depth study of Reich’s cloudbuster
The cloudbuster, according to Reich’s descriptions, consists of a
special movable antenna resembling a large "pipe organ", which can
be aimed at different parts of the sky. The device taps into and
influences natural energy currents in the atmosphere and ground, and
when used in certain specific ways, wind and weather patterns
respond accordingly. DeMeo states,
"While the cloudbuster makes
little sense from the standpoint of classical meteorology, in fact
both Reich and several other scientists had published fairly
convincing reports of their field experiments since the 1950s. I
read those reports, and found them nothing less than amazing. Over
subsequent years, I met and trained with two of the scientists who
had closely followed Reich’s approach, Mr. Robert Morris and
Richard Blasband, and undertook a variety of laboratory experiments
to become familiar with his overall discovery. I observed the
experiments of others, using large cloudbuster devices, and could
hardly believe my eyes at the way the atmosphere responded. When I
was a graduate student at the University of Kansas, I finally was
able to make my first cautious steps and systematic research into
the question."
DeMeo’s subsequent 1979 study on the
cloudbuster at the University
of Kansas Geography-Meteorology Department, was a milestone in that
he was the first to openly research Wilhelm Reich’s biophysical work
within a mainstream university, and it provided positive results
confirming Reich’s claims.
"I studied the influence of the device
upon the dynamics of cumulus clouds, making photographs which were
then digitized and graphed on a computer, and also 12 different
experiments to increase rains. The study area was the entire state
of Kansas, given that Reich observed very widespread influences from
the cloudbuster. The device was operated for only a few hours on the
test days, and produced dramatic increases in the percentage of
cloud cover and measured precipitation over the entire state,
starting usually within an hour or two after the onset of
This element of widespread effects, DeMeo explained, was an expected
result from cloudbusting. Reich had discovered a basic energy which
he called the orgone energy and which was specific to living
organisms, but also existing in the atmosphere in a free form.
According to Reich, atmospheric orgone energy exists as a widespread
continuum, much like the "cosmological ether" of 19th Century
physics. DeMeo was emphatic:
"The old ’ether-theory’ of physics was
never disproven, but it fell out of favor around the same time Reich
discovered the atmospheric orgone continuum. Reich’s arguments
thereafter were received with skepticism as there were no parallel
concepts in modern physics. However, the old ’ether-theory’ is
making a come-back, and possibly that situation will change as well.
For now, I simply make note that Reich’s discovery was never
factually refuted by replication of his experiments with negative
results -- in fact, I was the first academic scientist to actually
attempt such experiments, and got positive results.
Reich was
attacked by his critics purely for theoretical disagreements -- they
could not believe it was possible, and so never bothered to attempt
the experiments. This was exactly what Galileo’s critics did, when
they refused to ’look into the telescope’ to confirm his
observations. With Reich, however, there has been a long line of
scientists and naturalists outside the universities who have
confirmed his findings -- I was simply the first university academic
to do so, and so I owe a big debt to both Reich and also the others
who kept his work alive over these many years."
Unlike the better-known method of "cloud-seeding" where
stimulants are dispersed into the atmosphere to affect a small
region, cloudbusting uses no chemicals whatsoever, and has both
long-distance and persisting effects. It functions by excitation and
triggering motion within the large energy continuum surrounding the
Earth, and in which localized energy potentials are observed to
create clouds and weather fronts.
"We don’t try to ’milk’ one or
another cloud for rains, like the cloud-seeders do, but rather
undertake to restore natural energetic pulsation, which as Reich
discovered is a fundament for good cloud growth and development. In
this sense, cloudbusting takes more of its theoretical background
from the biological sciences than from mainstream physics, which
only speaks of a dead atmosphere and ’empty space’. From the Reichian perspective, we view the
atmosphere, Earth, and cosmos as
being filled with a living pulsatory energy, somewhat in keeping
with the ’living Earth / Gaia Hypothesis’ of
Lovelock, except that
Reich’s orgone is an objectively demonstrable energy, and not merely
a theoretical speculation.
Reich described the healthy atmosphere as
characterized by cycles of rain-dry-rain-dry, which were caused by
natural energetic pulsation and self-regulatory properties of the orgone energy itself. Hard deserts and drought regions had lost this pulsatory capacity, as
Reich described it, becoming energetically
stagnant and immobilized. With the cloudbuster we have a means to
re-invigorate and mobilize the atmospheric energy, and thereby
restore energetic pulsation. Once this is done, like restoring a
heart-beat to someone whose heart has stopped, natural rainfall
cycles resume and we put away our equipment and do no additional
work. It is only used for brief periods."
In this context, DeMeo
explained, the cloudbusting method is like a form of atmospheric
acupuncture, where the "acupuncture needle" or "cloudbuster" is used
for brief periods to stimulate and restore a flow or movement of
energy, after which the "symptoms" of atmospheric blocking and
"illness" -- drought -- is eliminated. DeMeo noted that, with both
acupuncture and cloudbusting, classical science has a hard time to
understand them, as the background energy of Chinese medicine and of
cloudbusting, is not generally known or accepted by those who
haven’t studied them. "Nevertheless" DeMeo said, "they both work."

Figure 1: Results of 12
Cloudbusting Operations in Kansas.
Data has
been averaged together over a period of one week,
showing the rains
and percent cloud cover for three days before operations, the day of
and three days after operations.
There is a peaking of
rainfall starting immediately after the onset of operations,
with a
secondary peak two days later.
Cloud cover remains higher during the
days after operations as compared to before.
From: James DeMeo,
Preliminary Analysis of Changes in Kansas
Weather Coincidental to
Experimental Operations With a Reich Cloudbuster,
Thesis, University
of Kansas, Geography-Meteorology Department, Lawrence, 1979.
"After my work at the University of Kansas, I had the opportunity to
test out the cloudbuster in several severe drought regions in the
USA, all of which produced positive results. In 1986, a severe
drought of historical proportions affected the Southeastern states.
I led a team of four scientists using two cloudbusters into that
region, and within a week, heavy saturating rains were falling all
over the region. A newspaper in Athens, Georgia reported on our
work, and I wrote a paper which was published by the South Carolina
Climatology Office, in a special Proceedings on that drought
situation. But hardly anyone noticed our work. In 1988, with help
from my assistant Theirrie Cook, I undertook work which restored
rains to much of the Midwest during a terrible drought, but the most
spectacular consequence was a ’surprise snowstorm’ which hit
Yellowstone Park shortly after we had worked in areas just to the
west of that location.
Those snowstorms made the international news,
but again, only a few persons took note of our work, which has
always been undertaken on a non-profit basis, without efforts to
commercialize it, or to seek media attention. In 1991, I directed a
team of workers using several different cloudbusters, which produced
the California ’Miracle March’ rains. These were widely celebrated
in all the newspapers, but we simply did not have time to go seeking
out newspaper reporters. I could give other examples of projects
undertaken in the USA to end drought, but these should be sufficient
for the moment. I do emphasize, however, that all these operations
were fully documented with film and videocamera, with many
witnesses, and published articles documenting the increased rains
and beneficial results with analyses using National Weather Service

Figure 2: Cloudbusting operation in mid-September 1988 during an
intensive drought affecting the Pacific Northwest USA.
After four
days of cloudbusting in Washington and Idaho,
Pacific storms began
entering the region moving west to east,
bringing exceptionally good
rains and extinguishing the fires which had devastated Yellowstone
The top line represents the percentage of cloud cover over the
State of Washington,
while the bottom line is the measured
precipitation over the state,
from 150 different National Weather
Service rain stations.
A strong peak in rains develops quickly after
with a second rainfall pulsation about a week
In fact, a pulsatory cycle of rains developed over the
entire Pacific NW after these operations,
and continued for several
months thereafter.
From James DeMeo, "CORE Progress Report #20:
Breaking the Drought Barriers in the Southwest and Northwest USA",
Journal of Orgonomy, 23(1):97-125, 1989.
DeMeo’s most systematically-designed cloudbusting operation in the
USA was undertaken in Arizona in 1989, to test out the observations
of Wilhelm Reich that the cloudbuster could be used for more than
just drought-abatement, but actually had a desert-greening
capability. Reich used his cloudbusters in the dryland area near
Tucson in 1954, observing increases in atmospheric humidity, dew and
rains, with the development of prairie grasses on formerly barren
areas where older residents had no prior memory of grasses. Those
observations of Reich, published shortly after his death in 1957,
always fascinated DeMeo.
"This was the most dramatic claim of Reich, that the cloudbuster
could bring streams of energy and moisture off the ocean and deep
into the heart of desert regions, to prevent their spreading and to
even green them up somewhat. The implications are, of course,
enormous. In 1989, I had the opportunity to evaluate this claim, and
in fact verified that Reich was on solid ground. With help from
volunteers, I undertook five cloudbusting operations on pre-selected
dates over a period of five months. I sent telegrams to National
Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration offices in Washington
to document them, and made extensive video and photographic
documentation as well.
A German film-crew actually came along and
made a documentary on the first expedition. We drove one of our
large cloudbusters into the desert region along the Colorado River,
near Blythe, California, worked the device for a few days, and then
returned to home base in the San Francisco Bay area. This was done
five times on the pre-selected days, and we subsequently evaluated
the effects of those operations by reviewing official weather
records from over 400 National Weather Service rain-gathering
stations. Those official weather data showed that our operations had
created a ’rainfall doubling’ effect -- that is, rains during a
15-day period after our operations was twice what was observed for
an identical 15-day period ’before’ operations. This result was
similar to what we had observed and documented for the various
drought-abatement experiments, but it was both remarkable and
satisfying to see that it would also work in harsh dryland regions
as well."

Figure 3: Results of 5 different
cloudbusting experiments in the
Southwestern USA,
averaged together, for 15 days before and 15 days
after operations.
Data covers all of Arizona plus the southeastern
parts of California and southern Nevada,
with a total of 424
National Weather Service rain stations.
A "rainfall doubling" effect
is apparent in the graph for this entire region,
starting one day
after the onset of operations and lasting for a full week
From: James DeMeo,
"OROP Arizona 1989: A Cloudbusting
Experiment to Bring Rains in the Desert Southwest",
Pulse of the
Planet, 3:82-92, 1991.

Cloudbuster Icarus,
a large remotely-controlled apparatus
constructed by James DeMeo in 1978,
shown here at work on the banks
of the Colorado River
during the OROP Arizona 1989 project.
Reich observed a working cloudbuster could also have
biological effects upon the operator, and DeMeo has confirmed this
"Reich noted certain
symptoms of ’overcharge’ and other
problems which were at the very least a nuisance to this work. At
worst, they could be life-threatening. Several persons using cloudbusters have been made severely ill to the point they could no
longer do it. I take all kinds of precautions, including use of
electrical motors and a remote control so I can stand off by 100
feet and not get close to the device when it is working. We don’t
know what the long-term health effects are of this device upon the
operator, and it might be similar to what the early experimenters in
atomic energy suffered through."
DeMeo says he was sickened
temporarily on a few occasions, but feels confident about his
protective measures.
DeMeo was also invited to work overseas. In 1991-1992, with support
from a private foundation and the Israeli government, he and
Theirrie Cook went into Israel at the time of a 3-year drought which
had reduced all that nation’s water reservoirs to historically low
"The meteorologists and hydrological experts were told by
their superiors to assist our project, and we were given
carte-blanche access to any part of the nation where we felt the cloudbuster should be applied. Our contacts cleared the way with the
large water authority, Mekroth, and with the military, so that they
would not become alarmed at the sight of several Americans driving
around with such a large and strange-looking device, which might
otherwise be confused with a Katusha rocket-launcher."
referred to the appearance of the cloudbuster’s long tubes, which as
mounted on a trailer might be confused with a military-type of
"We worked from the northern part of
Israel near the Golan Heights,
down to the southern part, near the Red Sea port city of Eilat, over
a 10-day period. Immediately afterward, storm fronts began to move
inland off the Mediterranean Sea, with a vigor not seen over the
prior years. Heavy saturating rains, well above normal levels, fell
thereafter over all of Israel and many neighboring nations. And the
rains continued in a pulsatory cyclical manner, over the following
months of their rainy season, without any need for additional cloudbusting. The Sea of Galilee, or Lake Kinneret as the Israelis
call it, went from historical low levels to historical high
overflowing levels, with a lot of water flowing over the Deganya Dam
into the Dead Sea.
Rains fell everywhere, even in the Negev Desert,
and snow blanketed Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. It was
incredible. I have newspaper articles showing Jewish and Arab kids
having snowball fights, and laughing, having a fun time. Snow also
piled up on Mount Hermon and the Golan Heights, which looked like
Switzerland instead of the dry Middle East, and snow fell for the
first time in memory on the mountains surrounding Eilat in the
south. New lakes formed out in the middle of the desert. The Negev
was quickly covered with wildflowers, the likes of which nobody had
remembered, and tour busses began taking long-time Israeli residents
out to see them, because nobody had ever seen such a thing.
I also
got stories of some old dead peach trees in the middle of the Syrian
desert, where the tree orchard had been abandoned years earlier due
to lack of irrigation water, suddenly coming back to life and
growing big plump peaches! One can hardly imagine such things today,
but I saw much of this transformation with my own eyes, as did all
the people of the region. There were some complications to ordinary
life for awhile, but in fact the death rates due to highway
accidents actually declined because people were driving slower, and
farm yields also increased by the end of that year, in spite of many
water-logged fields, because the subsoils were recharged with
moisture, and accumulated salts washed out. "

Figure 4: A 10-day cloudbusting experiment in mid-November 1991
triggers the onset of an exceptionally rainy period in
Israel and
the eastern Mediterranean.
Pulsatory rains were triggered and
continued through the remainder of the winter rainy season
additional effort, by nature alone, to yield one of Israel’s largest
rainfalls on record.
Drought had afflicted the region for the
previous three years.
From: James DeMeo,
"OROP Israel 1991-1992: A
Cloudbusting Experiment to Restore Wintertime Rains to Israel
the Eastern Mediterranean During an Extended Period of Drought",
Pulse of the Planet 4:92-98, 1993.

Figure 5: A map of rainfall patterns in the eastern Mediterranean
from late-November to early-December 1991,
showing the percentage of
normal rainfall during the period immediately after cloudbusting
operations in Israel.
The highest percentage of rains, at 400
percent of normal, fell over Israel.
This map matches the first peak
of rainfall data as seen in Figure 3, above,
for this same
late-November early-December period.
From: James DeMeo,
"OROP Israel
1991-1992: A Cloudbusting Experiment to Restore Wintertime Rains
Israel and the Eastern Mediterranean During an Extended Period of
Pulse of the Planet 4:92-98, 1993.
Asked why, if such a positive and dramatic result occurred, has not
cloudbusting been accepted, DeMeo turned serious again.
"Our work
was opposed from the start by some of the same people who opposed
Reich in the 1950s, who worked so hard to have his books burned and
Reich imprisoned. They have no shame about what they did then, but
are good at disguising themselves as ’rational skeptics’, which they
most certainly are not. The nasty rumors they circulated about
Reich, they now also circulate about me. In addition, there is petty
professional jealousies often at work, where scientists working
inside a big institution may become very anxious against any
outsider who offers something new and unusual which challenges both
their bibliography and possibly their funding as well.
It is easier
for them to simply dismiss the entire matter as nonsense, than to
carefully take their time and review the matter seriously.
Specifically in Israel, the meteorologists and hydrologists
initially were interested, but eventually they became vocal
opponents after the unforecast rains started to fall. They could not
believe it, because it was totally outside of the weather forecasts,
and because they could not accept Reich’s theory. Basically, they
felt threatened. Eventually, one of them came up with the idea that
all the rains were the result of the eruption of ’Mt. Pinotubo’ in
the Philippines. That eruption had taken place many months before
our work, on the other side of the world, but that idea was a lot
easier for them to accept than the implication that all the
textbooks were dramatically incomplete, and that Wilhelm Reich’s
’crazy’ ideas were correct.
They used the Mt. Pinotubo idea as an
excuse to block any further support for our project, which we
believe could green the deserts of the entire region. We have always
had some people who supported our work, and for whom the theoretical
questions were not so important. Others have become highly emotional
about Reich’s orgone theory. We don’t push Reich’s ideas at people,
but neither do we feel it is appropriate or ethical to somehow hide
Reich’s foundational role in all of this."
DeMeo laughed when recounting one of his encounters with a
"In 1992-1993, a project was initiated with considerable
help from Dr. Manfred Metz and Prof. Dr. Bernd Senf in Germany, to
undertake drought-abatement work in the nation of Namibia in
southern Africa. Namibia was then suffering from a very hard drought
of 3-years’s duration, but also with a longer trend towards
increased dryness starting some 12 years earlier. We constructed a
new cloudbuster in Namibia and, with help from their hydrological
and agricultural ministry, undertook the necessary work, and brought
forth some excellent rains which ended their drought, and also ended
drought conditions across the whole of southern Africa.
At the end
of our work, shortly before flying home, we visited the Namibian
Meteorological Service, and met the man who headed that department.
He was an old Afrikaner, and a religious fundamentalist we were
informed, who had opposed cloud-seeding methods as well anything
which had the appearance of modernity. After entering the room, I
had hardly introduced myself when he literally shouted at me: ’Only
God can make it rain, so GET THE HELL OUT OF MY OFFICE!’ After that,
it was pretty sure we would get no further support in Namibia."
"Some of the skepticism, I can understand"
DeMeo said, recounting
stories of several misguided individuals who had only limited
knowledge of Reich’s discovery.
"There are all sorts of people
building devices which they are calling ’cloudbusters’ but which in
reality have only a superficial resemblance to Reich’s original
discovery. They haven’t read his original publications, and mix up
Reich’s good science with a lot of funny things and fairy-tales, and
if you hear about Reich from them, you would naturally be very
DeMeo compares them to people strapping boards to their
arms and jumping off the barn roof, claiming they could fly.
admire their enthusiasm, but get frustrated when I learn that a
scientist or politician has generated a negative view of Reich, or
cloudbusting, based upon such nonsense. We have a group called the
’CORE Network USA’ which tries to apply this discovery in a rational
and scientific manner, keeping the record straight and offering
training to serious individuals."
DeMeo offers seminars every summer
at his institute, to educate students and professionals on the
relevant discoveries, and his internet web site
overflows with scientific information on Reich and his own work.
DeMeo’s most ambitious project to date was undertaken in Eritrea, at
the invitation of the Eritrean Ministry of Agriculture. Suffering
from a 30-year drought, the small nation of Eritrea had only
recently won its independence from Ethiopia, following a 30-year war
of independence which paralleled the drought conditions. Without a
change in the weather, there was little chance for this small nation
to develop or resurrect itself from the economic devastation of the
long war. With private donations, a cloudbusting experiment was
organized in 1994, and rains were restored to Eritrea and
surrounding regions as well, yielding above-normal levels for the
first time in decades. The Eritrean government was sufficiently
impressed to invite DeMeo back to conduct a 5-year research project,
which was ended in 1999. A Report on the Eritrean experiment was
recently published, showing an approximate 50% increase in rains
following DeMeo’s experiments. DeMeo explained:
"The invitation came from Dr. Aurelio Albini and
Carlo Albini, who
are part-Eritrean. They had good personal contacts with one of the
head meteorologists in Eritrea, as well as with the Research
Division of their Ministry of Agriculture. Together with their help,
and with assistance once again from Theirrie Cook and Bernd Senf, we
organized and carried forward the project over a 5-year period. We
had good rains every year we worked, and the Eritrean government
provided systematically-gathered rainfall data from across the
nation, as well as access to satellite images, a truck and driver,
and for other expenses. Once again, we witnessed a most incredible
results, year after year.
We knew from the work in Arizona that a
’rainfall doubling’ effect was possible, but the Arizona desert is
not anywhere near as dry or harsh as the Sahara Desert, which covers
the northern part of Eritrea. The work in Israel did show a strong
development of rains, but Israel’s drought was only 3 years
duration. In Eritrea, we were looking at 3 decades of dryness and
below-normal rains in an already dry region, where the Sahara Desert
had been slowly spreading southward over that same time period. Even
so, good saturating rains came quickly after our first operations,
and most every other operation thereafter. And the rains in Eritrea
were widespread and soaking, lasting all day into the evening, of a
kind that older residents confirmed they had not seen since

Figure 6: Results from three years of cloudbusting work in
with rainfall data averaged to show measured precipitation
data 15 days before operations,
as compared to 15 days after
A clear increase in rainfall after operations can be
seen on the graph,
which rose by an approximate 50%.
Systematically-collected data was not available in Eritrea
for the
first and last years of our work (1994 and 1999)
and no work
occurred in 1996 during a temporary cessation of operations.
James DeMeo,
"Green Sea Eritrea: A 5-Year Desert Greening CORE
in the SE African Sahel",
Pulse of the Planet, 5:183-211,
"By 1998, we had three separate cloudbusting stations operating in
Eritrea, receiving daily weather maps and satellite images from our
home-base in the USA, and with communication links for coordination
of operations in Eritrea by radiotelephone. That was the year of the
biggest observed rains, but also the year when another shooting war
started with Ethiopia."
This project would have continued, DeMeo
believes, had not the new border war develop in 1998. The Asmara
International Airport was bombed by Ethiopian jets, and there was a
massive exodus of Europeans and Americans.
"We continued with the
work into 1999, but the war was heating up, funding was no longer
possible, and it became impossible to continue working.
Nevertheless, some years later, we heard of even more remarkable
results from our work."
DeMeo showed satellite pictures of the
Sahara Desert near Aswan, Egypt, along the Nile River. There, in the
open desert, were four giant new lakes, formed from the overflow of
Lake Nasser along the Nile River. Lake Nasser, which was created by
the impoundment of Nile River water behind the Aswan High Dam,
filled to overflowing during the years of the cloudbusting project
in Eritrea, for the first time since the Dam’s construction in the
"I call this an ’unbelievable result’, because I still have
difficulties to believe it myself -- but the evidence is there. Our
project in Eritrea stimulated excellent above-normal rains across
not only Eritrea, but also across many parts of neighboring
and Ethiopia. In fact, the entire eastern Sahel zone benefited from
our work. This same area is also the catchment basin for the Nile
River, and the downstream effects of this increased rainfall were
most evident far downstream in Egypt. Lake Nasser, behind the Aswan
Dam, filled fairly quickly after our work in 1994, with overflows of
Lake Nasser starting in 1998, and forming the giant new lakes which
could be seen on satellite images by the year 2000."

click image to
Figure 7: Satellite image of the Nile River around
Lake Nasser and
the Aswan High Dam, Egypt.
The exceptional rainfalls in the Nile
River Basin after c.1994
slowly filled Lake Nasser to capacity, for
the first time in its 35-year history.
The excess waters were
diverted into the Toshka Depression, out in the open Sahara Desert,
where four giant overflow lakes were created for the first time
since the Sahara Wet Phase of c.5000 BCE.
(From the MODIS imaging
spectroradiometer, NASA, 10 October 2000,
posted on internet at:
Also see:
James DeMeo,
"Green Sea Eritrea: A 5-Year Desert Greening CORE
in the SE African Sahel",
Pulse of the Planet, 5:183-211,
Those four new lakes are now being exploited for agricultural
production by the Egyptian government, under their "New Valley"
program. Several of the lakes are so large one cannot see the other
side of the shore, the largest covering an area of 700 square
kilometers. Their combined capacity is roughly at 700 billion cubic
feet of water.
"Nothing like this has been seen in the Sahara for 6000 years! It is
an incredible support for Reich’s original findings, and supports
his vision from the 1950s, that the deserts of the world could be
greened with the cloudbuster. He wrote about this possibility when I
was only a child, and I feel humbled and privileged to have done the
work which provided factual support for his ideas."
DeMeo has presented his findings to various scholarly societies in
the USA, to include the
Association for Arid Lands Studies
Association of American Geographers,
American Association for the
Advancement of Science
International Society for Biometeorology
American College of Orgonomy and Internationally to the Congress on
Geo-Cosmic Relations in Amsterdam
Symposia on Relations of
Biological and Physicochemical Processes with Solar Activity and
Other Environmental Factors, in Pushchino, Russia
He has
additionally been invited to present on his work to the Namibian
Scientific Society, as well as at various European universities,
where the name of Wilhelm Reich attracts much positive interest.
DeMeo was less optimistic about the situation in the USA.
"Old prejudices die slowly, and there are too many American
scientist who bet their reputations that Reich was wrong. The same
thing was said about the Wright brothers, Goddard’s rocket, and a
whole long list of visionary inventors, I would point out. The
critics were wrong about Reich, for sure, but those same prejudiced
people still hold the keys to power and research funding in the USA,
and they are not going to change their minds, no matter what the
evidence. Max Planck once remarked that ’Science progresses, funeral
by funeral’, and that unfortunately describes the situation in the
"These problems aside, we always are looking for support to apply
this method against any one of several major droughts and
water-deficit situations, which seem to occur around the world with
depressing regularity. Australia was suffering badly from wildfires
in recent months, and the East-African region is also progressively
going dry once again. The drought in Ethiopia specifically will, by
all estimates, create a dramatic famine catastrophe unless they get
good rains this summer."
DeMeo estimates a relatively nominal sum
would be required to put his teams and equipment into the field in
any of these suffering regions, small by comparison to the $179
million recently spent by the US Government on food-aid to Ethiopia.
The recent shut-off of water to the State of California and lowering
of reservoir levels across the West also suggests applications of
the cloudbuster closer to home. DeMeo commented on these situations:
"We have a proposal to set up several
cloudbuster stations across
the Western states, to bring good winter rains and mountain snowpack
across the Colorado River Basin region, which would relieve the
pressures upon water resources to farmers, cities, and for natural
ecosystems alike. What is needed is some wealthy individual or a
private foundation concerned about these various drought situations
to step in and provide the needed funding.
Government institutions
could do it also, and sometimes they can move quickly on such
matters, but this is only possible when the top people have the
courage to act, as we saw in Israel and Eritrea. More typically,
elected leaders and officials are overly cautious, even timid
creatures, moving much more slowly than a drought or wildfire does.
I am always forced to ask, how many years, and how many catastrophes
will have to occur, before the world of science and government takes
this work seriously? How big do the disasters and tragedies have to
DeMeo provides a shocking example of the consequences of academic
and governmental lethargy.
"I tried to convince the Governors of two
states, Arizona and Colorado, about the potentials of
to end drought and bring rains this last summer, 2002, when their
states were burning up from all the wildfires -- you will remember
that terrible situation which cost billions of dollars, burned down
numerous homes and entire forests, and claimed dozens of lives.
course, I could not speak with those Governors directly, but their
senior aides and secretaries were contacted. In the case of Arizona,
a well-known professional friend of mine made the contact with the
Governor’s aide, who was alerted to a forthcoming express-mail
package of information and documentation, with a cover letter
outlining a simple proposal to bring our equipment into the fire
areas and get to work, basically for expenses and some logistical
However, only silence followed afterward. They did not
even have the courtesy to write or call back, and I know my package
of information got into their hands. And so, the fires raged on
until winter rains finally developed. I estimate about half of the
fire damage last summer could have been averted, if they had taken
my proposal seriously. I think, in the USA, the nasty rumors about
Reich have done a tremendous damage, but this is no excuse, because
the scientific professionals and politicians have a responsibility
to examine such proposals in a more open and serious manner.
know, the wildland firefighters have a joke they tell: ’How does the
US Forest Service fight a wildfire? They pour money on it until it
rains!’ Well, that’s really not a funny joke, but it carries an
element of truth. Most big wildfires are put out by the rains, and
are only confined, with luck, by all the hard and difficult work of
the firefighters. My work demonstrates that Reich was entirely
correct in his assertions, and with a cautious application of this
methodology, we can do more than just simply ’wait for rain’, but
there’s got to be some recognition of the possibilities by
responsible public officials, and some open funding and assistance,
before the full potentials and benefits of this discovery will be
Dr. James DeMeo’s institute, the
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, is
a non-profit science research and educational foundation, set up for
tax-deductible donations.

The most recent Earth
Plasmasphere (Orgone Energy Field?)
ARTICLES (Posted to
* "OROP Arizona 1989: A Cloudbusting
Experiment To Bring Rains in the Desert Southwest"
This paper documents a 200% "rainfall doubling" effect over a
very large area of the Southwestern desert regions of the USA,
following 5 cloudbusting operations undertaken on pre-selected
dates in 1989.
* "OROP Israel 1991-1992: A Cloudbusting Experiment to Restore
Wintertime Rains to Israel and the Eastern Mediterranean During
an Extended Period of Drought"
This paper documents a the dramatic ending of drought conditions
in Israel, with record-breaking rains following cloudbuster work
over a 10-day period at the start of the natural rainy season.
Reservoirs across the region were filled to overflowing.
* "Cloudbusting: Growing Evidence for a New Method of Ending
Drought and Greening Deserts"
This paper summarizes DeMeo’s work into the early 1990s, and
also gives some brief theoretical discussion.
Selected Citations on Atmospheric Problems and Cloudbusting, by
James DeMeo, Ph.D.:
Preliminary Analysis of Changes in Kansas Weather Coincidental
to Experimental Operations with a Reich Cloudbuster, James DeMeo,
M.A. Thesis, Univ. of Kansas, Geography-Meteorology Dept., Univ.
Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1979. (High
quality xerographic edition available -- UMI version not
recommended due to poor quality); Chapter 1 reprinted in Int.
Journal of Life Energy, 2(2):35-48, 1980, and in Planetary Assn.
for Clean Energy Newsletter, 2(2):6-8, 1980. Abstract of work in
Masters Abstracts, 18(1), 1980 (below).
"Field Experiments with the Reich Cloudbuster: 1977-1983",
Journal of Orgonomy, 19(1):57-79, 1985; Greek translation in the
Hellenic Orgonomic Association Journal, Thessaloniki, 1990.
Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
...with R. Morris: "CORE Progress Report #14: Possible Slowing
and Warming of an Arctic Air Mass through Cloudbusting", Journal
of Orgonomy, 20(1):120-125, 1986. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint
...with R. Morris: "CORE Progress Report #15: Breaking the
1986 Drought in the Eastern U.S., Phase 3: A Cloudbusting
Expedition Into the Southeastern Drought Zone", Journal of
Orgonomy, 21(1):27-41, 1987; Greek translation, Hellenic
Orgonomic Association Journal, 2:30-46, 1988.
...with R. Morris: "Preliminary Report on a Cloudbusting
Experiment in the Southeastern Drought Zone, August 1986",
Southeastern Drought Symposium Proceedings, March 4-5, 1987,
South Carolina State Climatology Office Publication G-30,
Columbia, SC, 1987. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
"Reduction of Rainwater Acidity Following the End of the 1986
Drought: An Effect of Cloudbusting?", Journal of Orgonomy,
21(2):249-251, 1987. Contained in the DeMeo Reprint Package.
"Field Experiments with the Reich Cloudbuster: Positive
Evidence for a New Technique to Lessen Atmospheric Stagnation
and Bring Rains in Droughty or Arid Atmospheres", Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Association for Arid Lands Studies,
April 1987, Western Social Science Association, El Paso, Texas,
see Abstracts of Papers, p.6.
"A Dynamic Biological-Atmospheric-Cosmic Energy Continuum:
Some Old and New Evidence", Presented at the 11th International
Congress of Biometeorology, International Society for
Biometeorology, Purdue University, September, 1987, Abstracts,
"A Dynamic Biological-Atmospheric-Cosmic Energy Continuum:
Some Old and New Evidence", Geo-Cosmic Relations: The Earth and
its Macro-Environment, Proceedings, First International Congress
on Geo-Cosmic Relations, 19-22 April 1989, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, G.J.M. Tomassen, et al, Editors, PUDOC Science
Publishers, Wageningen, 1989.
"The Orgone Energy Continuum: Some Old and New Evidence",
Pulse of the Planet, 1(2):3-8, 1989; German translation "Alte
und neue Beweise fur das Orgon Energie Kontinuum", Lebensenergie,
2:13-20, 1991.
"Cloudbusting, A New Approach to Drought", Pulse of the
Planet, 1(1):1-3, 1989.
"OROP Arizona 1989: A Cloudbusting Experiment to Bring Rains
in the Desert Southwest", Pulse of the Planet, 3:82-92, 1991;
also published as a Special Report, Orgone Biophysical Research
Laboratory, 1991.
"Research Progress Report: Desert-Greening Program, CORE
Operations in the Western USA, CORE Research and Field
Operations Overseas: Greece 1990, Germany 1989-1990 Orgonomisches Projekt Waldheilung, Core Breakthrough in
California Rains, March 1991, Cloudbuster Icarus", Pulse of the
Planet, 3:110-116, 1991.
"OROP Israel 1991-1992: A Cloudbusting Experiment to Restore
Wintertime Rains to Israel and the Eastern Mediterranean During
an Extended Period of Drought", Pulse of the Planet 4:92-98,
"Research Reports and Observations: Orgonomic Project
Waldheilung 1989 - 1993, OROP Namibia 1992-1993, Cloudbusting is
Not ’Weather Modification’, Healing Lakes with Life Energy?",
Pulse of the Planet 4:114-116, 1993.
"Weather Anomalies and Nuclear Testing: The Oakland Wildfires
of October 1991, Report on Nuclear Accident at Tomsk, Russia, 6
April 1993", Pulse of the Planet 4:117-120, 1993.
"Desert-Greening Cloudbusting Experiments in Israel, Namibia
and the Horn of Africa: 1991-1994," Presented to the Annual
Meeting of the Association of Arid Lands Studies, Western Social
Science Association, Oakland, California, Session on "Climate,
Climatic Change and Environmental Quality", April 1995,
Abstracts of Papers, p.21.
"Global Desert Haze/Dust Transport: An Interconnecting Common
Denominator for Deserts, Droughts and El Niño?", Presented to
the Annual Meeting of the Association of Arid Lands Studies,
Western Social Science Association, Oakland, California, Session
on "Climate, Climatic Change and Environmental Quality", April
1995, Abstracts of Papers, p.21.
"Cloudbusting: Growing Evidence for a New Method of Ending
Drought and Greening Deserts", AIBC Newsletter, American
Institute of Biomedical Climatology, Sept. 1996, #20, p.1-4.
"Wilhelm Reich’s Atmospheric Research - Empirical
Confirmations", Society for Scientific Exploration annual
meeting, La Jolla, California, June 2001, Abstract in The
Explorer: Newsletter of the SSE, Vol.17, Winter-Spring-Summer
2001, p.8.
"OROP Eritrea: A 5-Year Desert Greening Experiment in the East
African Sahara-Sahel", Pulse of the Planet, 5:183-211, 2002.
"Origin of the Tropic Easterles: An Orgone-Energetic
Perspective", Pulse of the Planet, 5:212-218, 2002.