from the files at
'Franklin County Probate Court Court
Farmington, Maine 04938
Orgone Website
Last Will
I WILHELM REICH, residing at Orgonon,
Rangeley, Maine hereby make, publish and declare this as My Last
Will and Testament:
No personal revenge nor disregard
for the many kindnesses I enjoyed during my lifetime determine
my decisions in this Will. Being in full possession of my
judgment of people and social matters and being clear of mind, I
made the consideration of secure transmission to future
generations of a vast empire of scientific accomplishment the
guide in my last dispositions. To my mind the foremost task to
be fulfilled was to safeguard the truth about my life and work
against distortion and slander after my death.
I hereby revoke all prior Wills by
me at any time made.
I direct that all my just debts and
funeral expenses be paid with the exception of the specific
requests hereinafter made; I hereby give, devise and bequeath
all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and
personal, of every nature and kind whatsoever and wheresoever's
situated, of which I may die seized and possessed or to which I
shall then be entitled, to my Trustee hereinafter named, and to
such successor trustees as may be appointed to administer the
same, to have and to hold the said property and to manage, sell,
invest the same and to collect the interest, income, dividends
and proceeds arising from the said property for the uses and
purposes herein set forth:
The Trust shall be held and
administered hereunder under the name of the Wilhelm Reich
Infant Trust Fund.
The administrative expenses of
the said Trust shall never exceed 20% of the total income.
To operate and maintain the
property at Orgonon under the name and style of the Wilhelm
Reich Museum.
During the years following 1949 my life was running its
course within and around the walls of the Orgone Energy
Observatory. I supervised the building myself for two
summers; I paid out upwards of $35,000 from my privately
earned possessions for the construction. I have collected
all of the pertinent materials such as instruments which
served the Discovery of the Life Energy, the documents which
were witnesses to labors of some 30 years and the library of
a few thousand volumes, collected painstakingly over the
same stretch of time and amply used in my researches and
writings, the paintings, some 25 of them, small items which
I loved and cherished during my lifetime such as the carved
African stick given me by Malinowski, the Sigmund Freud
picture, a few inexpensive but meaningful vases, the "Rock
Woman" by Jo Jenks, the "Zaenn't Weh' Bauer" carved 12,000
feet above sea level on some mountain refuge in Austria --
all of these things and similar things should remain where
they are now in order to preserve some of the atmosphere in
which the Discovery of the Life Energy has taken place over
the decades.
The grounds should be kept neat and clean and repairs should
not be neglected. The costs of maintenance, repairs,
services and salaries should be paid from this trust.
In order to enable the future
ENERGY discovered and developed by me, to obtain a true
picture of my accomplishments, mistakes, wrong assumptions,
pioneering basic trends, my private life, my childhood,
etc., I hereby direct that under no circumstances and under
no pretext whatsoever shall any of the documents,
manuscripts or diaries, found in my library among the
archives or anywhere else be altered, omitted, destroyed,
added to or falsified in any other imaginable way.
The tendency of man, born from
fear, to "get along with his fellow man" at any price, and
to hide unpleasant matters is overpoweringly strong. To
guard against this trend, disastrous to historical truth, my
study including the library and archives, shall be sealed
right after my death by the proper legal authorities and no
one shall be permitted to look into my papers until my
Trustee, hereinafter named, is duly appointed and qualified
and takes control and custody thereof.
These documents are of crucial importance to the future of
newborn generations. There are many emotionally sick people
who will try to damage my reputation regardless of what
happens to infants, if only their personal lives would
remain hidden in the darkness of a forsaken age of the
Stalins and Hitlers.
I therefore direct my Trustee
and his successors that nothing whatsoever must be changed
in any of the documents and that they should be put away and
stored for 50 years to secure their safety from destruction
and falsification by anyone interested in the falsification
and destruction of historical truth.
These directives are established
by me solely for the preservation of documented truth as I
lived it during my lifetime.
I have throughout all of my
lifetime loved infants and children and adolescents, and I
also was always loved and understood by them. Infants used
to smile at me because I had deep contact with them and
children of two or three very often used to become
thoughtful and serious when they looked at me. This was one
of the great happy privileges of my life, and I want to
express in some manner my thanks for that love bestowed upon
me by my little friends. May Fate and the great Ocean of
Living Energy, from whence they came and into which they
must return sooner or later, bless them with happiness and
contentment and freedom during their life times. I hope to
have contributed my good share to their future happiness. To this end the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust Fund should be
mainly devoted and safely directed.
I bequeath the cabin below the
road opposite the Student's Laboratory at Orgonon to my
daughter Dr. Eva Reich.
The 80% of all income, profits
or proceeds due me and the Trust from royalties and tools
originating in my discoveries shall be devoted to the care
of infants everywhere, towards legal security of infants,
children and adolescents in
emotional, social, parental, medical, legal, educational,
professional or other distress. Part of the proceeds may be
used for basic orgonomic research.
Should the Wilhelm Reich Infant
Trust Fund fail of purpose, then my Trustee after careful
deliberation of the matter shall transfer all of the assets
of the said Trust Fund to an appropriate agency designed and
capable to handle such affairs.
My son Peter will need financial
support for many years in his education to adult social
activity. I therefore direct that:
All Treasury Bonds of the United
States of America, bought and made out in Peter's name,
should not be used before the bonds fully mature.
I hereby specifically give,
devise and bequeath certain bonds made out in my name, my
son Peter Reich as receiver after my death, to Ilse
Ollendorff in trust nevertheless, or in the event of her
death to Eva Reich in trust nevertheless, to have and to
hold the same and receive the income and profits thereof and
pay out to Peter the income, proceeds and principal thereof
at the rate of $150. per month.
I hereby give, devise and
bequeath to Peter any two of my rifles which he may choose,
and together with those rifles such accessories as cartridge
belt and cleaning material as he desires; my photographic
equipment; such of my clothes as he may choose. For his life
and until he decides not to use it personally, prior to his
death, possession of the so-called "lower-cabin" at Orgonon
with its furniture, together with surrounding acreage of
about 10 acres, more or less, subject to a license in Eva
Reich to use the cabin if she wishes; upon the death of
Peter or upon his deciding not to use it personally, or upon
his having not used it personally for a period of three
years, the lower cabin shall revert to the Wilhelm Reich
Infant Trust Fund for use by the Fund as a summer home for
children; under no circumstances shall such summer home be
in the possession, custody or control of any person other
than Peter, or Eva Reich, if she likes, as hereinbefore set
I hereby give, devise and bequeath
to my daughter Eva $10,000, any of my personal furniture she may
desire to possess.
I hereby give, devise and bequeath
to Aurora Karrer $4,000 and my Chrysler 300, 1955 automobile.
I hereby give, devise and bequeath
to my daughter Eva and my son Peter, share and share alike each
10% of all royalties which may be due at the time of my death or
thereafter, which such royalties mean income from my
discoveries, books or translations of books.
I hereby nominate, constitute and
appoint Eva Reich M. D. as the Trustee of this My Last Will and
Testament and as my Trustee direct that he or she shall be
required to file no bond as such Executor or Trustee, any law to
the contrary notwithstanding;' and I further direct that in the
execution of the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust Fund, my said
Trustee by an instrument in writing may appoint a successor, in
the event my Trustee resigns or becomes incapacitated, or by a
testamentary instrument may appoint a successor upon his death,
which said successor and all of my trustees shall thereafter
successively have the same power; it being my sole direction in
this regard that such successor trustees shall make appointments
consistent with my expressed purposes.
I harbor no ill will against my
relatives. Most of them I have not met for many decades. Since I
know of no relative of mine who would be able to serve the main
purposes of this will, namely the Safeguarding of the Full Truth
about my Life and Work, I disinherit for all future and in every
respect ALL my relatives by blood and by marriage (both legal
and common) on both my father's and my mother's line. They
should have no claim whatsoever, no matter who, in what form or
under whatever pretext to any of my present or future
possessions, or to the possessions of the Wilhelm Reich
Foundation which carries my name and was founded to preserve my
discoveries; no claim on any ground and at no time whatever.
This includes my own children with the exceptions mentioned
This Will and all of the provisions
herein shall not be wholly or partially revoked or rendered or
rendered wholly or partially ineffective or otherwise affected
by the subsequent birth of a child or children to me.
I do not wish to be buried in any
cemetery, but on Orgonon under the open porch, facing East, or
at Rock Cove in the South. My Jo Jenks bust should be put on top
of my grave. The inscription should be on granite and should
contain the following words: Wilhelm Reich, born March 24, 1897,
died___________, ________. No religious ceremonies should be
performed. The "Ave Maria" of Schubert, sung by Marian Anderson,
should be played.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto
set hand and seal this 8th day of March, 1957.
Wilhelm Reich (L.S.)
Witnesses: William Moise Michael Silvert William Steig
Signed, Sealed, PUBLISHED AND
DECLARED by the above named Testator as his Last Will and
Testament, and we, at his request and in his presence and in the
presence of each other, have hereunto signed our names as
subscribing witnesses this ____ day of March, 1957.