The “Energy Source” The Wands of Horus & the Structures of Deep
For long millennia the great pyramids preserved the mystery of a
“secret room” containing, according to legend, either secrets of a
special kind or some sort of knowledge that would give the finder
power over the world.
Men have been searching for that knowledge for
many centuries already. They looked for it within the twin-humped
rock on which the body of the pyramid rests
(11) .They also looked
for beneath the pyramid. But the room is not where they were looking
but in the upper part of the pyramid, at a point defined by the
ratio 0.118:0.882. That chamber contains the “Energy Source” which
the Ancient Egyptians inherited from the people of
Atlantis who had
come to northern Africa long before the heyday of Egyptian
civilization. (See “Appendix 2” ) .
This source takes the form of a cylinder within which is a special
crystal with a lattice structure close in parameters to that of
quartz crystals.
(12) . Almost all the most astonishing phenomena
observed in and around the pyramid are connected with the presence
of this very device.(13) . The sense of creating and using the
“Energy Source” lies in its capacity to affect the structure of time
and space in the vicinity of its location. The shape of the pyramid
serves to intensify this effect and disperses the incoming energy in
the area of the pyramid.
Besides that, though, the “Energy Source”
affects human psychological and physical structure.

Pick up any book about Ancient Egyptian culture and take a close
look at the statues of the pharaohs: you will see that they are all
clasping cylinder-like objects in their hands. The “Energy Source”
that was constructed in the proportions of the Golden Section
entered into resonant interaction with the cylinders held in the
hands because they too were created in the proportions of the Golden
Apart from that, however, both these devices were
constructed, one might say, in a single image and likeness — as a
kind of miniature model of certain energy processes that arise
cyclically in the biosphere and the space around a human being.
That, in turn, determines yet another level of interaction between

Those cylinders, with which the pharaohs never
parted throughout their lives, were harmonizers of the two basic
flows of energy which the Ancient Egyptians called BA and KA,
corresponding to Yin and Yang in the Oriental tradition. For the
Ancient Egyptians BA and KA were the two component elements of the
human entity, the two sources of vital energy.
While they are
interacting properly, the vital functions of the organism are
maintained and the person lives without any particular problems. To
regulate the energy balance in the body the Ancient Egyptians used
“Wands of Horus” — cylinders with various contents.
This sculptural group symbolically reflects this phenomenon. The
KA cylinder is in the right hand of the god Heru (Horus).
(15) The
male figure symbolizes the flow of Yang energy (the male principle).
The deity is an embodiment of the energy plane. The Yin cylinder is
in the left hand of the goddess Aset (Isis), who represents the
female principle, that is to say the flow of BA energy. In the
centre is Asar (Osiris) with two energy-giving hands directed
towards him.(16)
The use of these cylinders to a considerable extent
helped the pharaoh (or other user) to perfect his nervous, energetic
and (as a consequence) immune systems, to improve his health and
physical condition, since the cylinders had a beneficial effect on
those areas.(17) The correct and systematic use of the cylinders
enabled the pharaoh or priestly user to prepare himself for
“Intercourse with the Gods”.
The cylinder for the
right hand was made from copper and associated
with the sun (Yang). The cylinder for the left hand was made from
zinc and associated with the moon (Yin). Placed within the cylinders
were minerals that were changed as the pharaoh made advances in the
process of self-perfection. The filling in the initial phase was a
special kind of white sand.
Cylinders containing white sand have a
positive effect on a person’s energy channels, activating them. As
the transformational processes progressed, large-grained quartzite
was added to the cylinders.
This photograph, taken in the
Metropolitan Museum, New York,
in the autumn of 1999 shows the cylinders of Pharaoh Pepi II. To
reinforce the properties of the cylinders gold was added to the
copper in the appropriate proportion, on account of which the “Sun
Cylinder” was also called the Gold Cylinder. Silver was added to the
“Moon Cylinder”, which was accordingly called the Silver Cylinder.
These cylinders were produced in the proportions of the Golden
Section, while their dimensions were determined on the basis of the
state of the given person’s energy system and health, and the tasks
being pursued.
To give an example, in the event of disharmony where the BA or Yin
type of energy was clearly dominant, to restore balance and harmony
the Ancient Egyptians used only the copper Yang cylinder, which was
held in the right hand.
These two sculptures depict a situation of this kind. The men
represented here evidently had problems connected with a imbalance,
an excess of Yin energy (the female principle), which in males can
lead, for example, to metabolic disorders, reduced sexual activity
and a number of other fairly serious disorders.
For proper harmonization it is better to use both cylinders at the
same time, but the Yang one should be larger than the Yin one,
making it possible to bring the Yang up to the necessary level.
Subsequent use of identical cylinders makes it possible to harmonize
the two flows of energy.
If a person has an excess of Yang, which is quite often the case
with women in particular (leading possibly to certain hormonal
disturbances), then the use of the cylinders (a larger Yin and a
smaller Yang) produces an evening-out, after which identically sized
cylinders should be used
for subsequent harmonization. But that is not all.
A pharaoh wears a
rather strange elongated head-dress that is customarily taken to be
a crown. This head-dress is actually a special concentrator, focused
on the hypophysis and the hypothalamus — more precisely on their
energetic projections, and tuned to the pyramid and the “energy
source” within it. (See “Appendix 3”)
The whole complex — the energy source within the pyramid, the
cylinders held in the hands,(18) and the concentrator (on the
pharaoh’s head) — is directly connected on certain days (cycles) of
the year with the pyramids and their effect..
The pyramid, being simultaneously both antenna and resonator, is a re-transmitter of certain energy flows arising from processes taking
place in the cosmos, flows that are in turn focused on the “Energy
Source” inside the pyramid
(19) . The influence of this complex and
its correct interaction with human consciousness produced the effect
of “Intercourse with the Gods”.
The immense pyramid complex at Giza was, in essence, a “Deep
Meditation Structure” enabling the pharaoh or priest to make contact
with the Noosphere
(20), the Earth’s informational systems, and on
occasion… even with representatives of other planetary systems. (See
“Appendix 4”)
This picture, familiar from
American banknotes, is a symbol of the
act of “Intercourse with the Gods” achieved with the aid of the
pyramid, a symbol that has come down to us through the centuries.
The eye is in the upper part of the pyramid, the place where the
“energy source” is located and in this case symbolizes the “Holy
Spirit” with which the pharaoh or priest entered into contact when
the “Source” was activated. (See “Appendix 5”)
Today it is well known that people who “make contact” with the
Noosphere, or informational field, very often see this “eye”. The
“All-Seeing Eye” is a symbol that was given to mankind from above
and is not a human invention. The eye was seen by pharaohs and
priests during certain phases of cult rituals. That is why the
symbol occurs in many hermetic knowledge systems and
The outlines of phenomena whose secret has been
preserved for millennia emerge from the mists of time, and we begin
to grasp the hidden meaning of the legacy handed down to us and the
true reasons for the building of the pyramids.
The pharaoh obtained information through “Intercourse with the
Gods”, or, as we might say today, “close encounters”. It was this
fact, coupled with longevity, that placed the pharaoh in an
exceptional position, where he was considered to be “God’s
representative on Earth”. However, the role of the
hierophant-priests in all this seems to have been something
absolutely unique. Although he had become God’s representative on
Earth, the pharaoh still remained in a certain degree of ignorance.
The pharaoh evidently did not know what the hierophants knew. Here
is the evidence of that.
Hesi-Ra, mentioned earlier, was the leader of “the Ten of the
South”, that is to say the eleventh in the most senior group of
hierophant priests.
Hesi-Ra’s tomb contained eleven panels, one of which, the
“title-page”, was called dekanos (“chief of ten”). That means that
eleven fields of depiction are presented on the outer faces, and the
same number on the reverse — where there a diagrams that would
appear to explain the use of the technology of the “Canon”
(22) in
the compositional structure of this or that picture. Now let us
Ancient Egypt’s main propositions (principles) about the structure
of the universe are expounded in twenty-two arcana, which were
grouped in two blocks of eleven. The first block formulated basic
ideas about the world. The number 11 was a magic one (number of
power), because the first element of the second stage (tier) of the
decimal system is the first (pattern-setting) step of the following
“two-digit layer”.
At the same time it is the chief, the “hierarch”
of the preceding group of ten. So, while Hesi-Ra was the eleventh,
that is the hierarch of the supreme Ten (of the South), concluding
and setting the pattern, the pharaoh was the twelfth and did not
belong to the group.
Here is a text (1) written in praise of some outstanding scribes:
Is the like of Jedefhor to be found anywhere?
Is there anyone to compare with Imhotep? There is none among us like Nefri
And Hetti is the foremost of all…
From text 1, then, it emerges that there was in Ancient Egypt
someone named Hetti (hat in translation from Coptic can be read as
“receptacle of reason”). Among the other names mentioned in the
text, Imhotep is a historically attested figure, so is Jedefhor.
Hetti is not an invented character either. But why was he in
particular singled out for such great praise?
In order to understand what it meant to be greater than Imhotep, for
one, let us turn to another specific text (2):
The vizier of the Pharaoh of Lower Egypt,
first after the Pharaoh of Upper Egypt, steward of the great chamber,
honoured citizen, great priest of Heliopolis, Imhotep, the builder and sculptor…
So we see that the pharaoh alone was superior to Imhotep.
The same source contains a text (3) giving evidence of the social
status of Hesi-Ra:
Hesi-Ra, head of Destiuts and head of Buto
head of the physicians, scribe of the Pharaoh, confidant of the Pharaoh, priest of Horus,
chief architect of the Pharaoh, Supreme head of the Ten of the South and carver…
Comparing the administrative functions of these two representatives
of the priestly caste we find that Imhotep was only a builder — one
who carried out construction work, while Hesi-Ra was chief architect
of the Pharaoh — the man to whom the pharaoh entrusted the
In Ancient Egypt, of course, they did not make the strong
distinction we do today between the architect-designer and the contractor-builder; both functions were combined in the same person.
Yet even if we accept that Imhotep was an architect, Hesi-Ra is
styled chief architect of the Pharaoh — the highest of the high. In
this titular respect his status in the sphere of architecture was
certainly superior to Imhotep’s.
Yet, let us not forget, that
popular hearsay reckoned that it was Imhotep who worked out the
Canon. It follows that the common people knew about Imhotep, while
no rumours circulated about the person of Hesi-Ra. This indicates
that either Hesi-Ra occupied a lesser position in the hierarchy or,
on the contrary, was so important a figure that his name and, most
importantly, his powers were kept secret. The reason may have lain
in Hesi-Ra’s extensive erudition in the arcane sciences, from which
derived above all the knowledge of harmony that embraced all spheres
of activity. In that case, though, we require convincing evidence
that Hesi-Ra was entrusted with functions indicating involvement
with that field. And we do have them.
In text 3 above, Hesi-Ra is called a priest of Horus. At first sight
this is a fairly humble position, but if we recall that Horus was
the symbol of harmony (because in the sacred 3:4:5 triangle the
sides forming the right-angle were given the names of Isis and
Osiris, the parents of Horus, while the name of Horus designated the
hypotenuse, the parameter for harmonious connection between the
parents), the social standing of Hesi-Ra immediately becomes several
orders higher than the priestly rank of Imhotep: to be a priest of
Horus meant to act a guardian of the knowledge of harmony.
in this context is the reference to Hesi-Ra as “head of the
physicians”. The thing is that knowledge of the laws of harmony
extended above all to an understanding of the structure of the human
organism (the principle of BA and KA), on account of which healing
was conducted on the basis of knowledge encoded in the canon. This
method was widely practised in both East and West. Indications of
this kind can also be found in Ancient Indian treatises. Hesi-Ra
could be the head of physicians only if he was involved in compiling
the Canon, or was acquainted with its subtlest nuances. We should
assume therefore that Hesi-Ra was not only the nominal head of
physicians, but a master of the methodology of healing, since he was
sufficiently well-versed in the “technology” of the Canon.
architect’s exceptional intellectual abilities were evidently the
reason for his appointment as “scribe of the Pharaoh” — the
monarch’s thoughts had to be set down not verbatim, but with deep
understanding, and corrections if required.
(Just think what it
meant “to set down the thoughts of the Pharaoh”. It is more than
possible that Hesi-Ra was not only the person who prepared the
pharaoh and brought him to the state in which “Intercourse with the
Gods” became possible, but also the interpreter of the information
that the pharaoh received during such acts. Today we are well aware
that the information received by people during “close encounters” is
often contradictory and requires careful analysis and
The modest title “confidant of the Pharaoh” suggests that Hesi-Ra
fulfilled the role of privy counselor.
One would imagine that there was no higher social rung in Ancient
Egypt than that occupied by Hesi-Ra. Who then should have been
entrusted with the design of the first large-scale pyramid (the
Pyramid of Zoser) — Imhotep or Hesi-Ra? After all, it emerges quite
unequivocally from the service records of the two high-ranking
figures that Imhotep was allotted executive functions, while Hesi-Ra,
the scholar-thinker, was among those engaged in prediction. In
addition to which, he was head of the hierophants. (Remember that
hierophant-priest means “one knowing destiny” or “foreseeing the
That means that if Imhotep was “first after the
Pharaoh”, Hesi-Ra ranked above the pharaoh, because “kings do not
make the rules for grammarians”. That is why Imhotep was only a
builder and Hesi-Ra chief architect of the Pharaoh. That means that
at the time of Pharaoh Zoser there was a man superior to the Pharaoh
himself but information about him was not spread about “in the
world” in order to preserve the secret knowledge of which Hesi-Ra
had a perfect mastery.
These circumstances allow us to present a sufficiently sound
argument that a man named Hetti (“the foremost of all”) was elevated
to the status of a deity Ra (Hesi-Ra) for working out the aesthetic
(and therefore also ecological) principles of the Canon, reflecting
the harmonious foundations of the universe.
The actual idea of using the Golden Section in architecture today,
together with the creation of “complexes of pyramidal energy
structures”, is the chief element in solving the problems of the
ecology of housing, the ecology of the mental environment, and in
the process of coming to an understanding of the world. This is the
very key issue, recognition and implementation of which might become
the start of our ascent to the next rung of evolution. For this
reason a whole section of this article should be devoted to it. For
the moment, however, we shall only indicate what the pyramid is in
The pyramid is:
a) a powerful cosmic antenna
b) a model in stone of the energy structure of the
human being and of the universe, using the latter’s
energy mechanism
c) a very powerful generator of cosmic energies
operating on various planes
Pyramidal energy structures, whose positioning should be decided
with reference to the energy qualities of the location, open up
the following possibilities:
Tapping into natural flows of cosmic energy, the
organization and
stimulation of evolutionary processes in the biosphere and in human
The reorganization and correction of the human energetic structure,
making it possible to stimulate internal energetic, bio-physical and
physiological processes, which in turn provide the opportunity to
discover and activate the inner resources of the human psyche,
increasing psychic potential.
A positive influence on the immune and nervous systems, leading to
their improvement.(24)
An improvement of mankind’s energo-ecological environment, an
increase and improvement of the energy state at the pyramid’s
location and, as a consequence of the spread of pyramidal structures
throughout the world, a reorganization of the planet’s energy
structure within the next 10–15 years.
Pyramidal Energy Structures
(25) may play a decisive role in the fate
of the new generation, changing their level of awareness.
Incidentally, any architectural structure founded on the principles
of the Golden Section will possess the same qualities as the
Therefore, if we start to use the principles in designing
and building
houses, our dwellings will have the same effect on us as the
pyramids, stimulating our creative activities and positively
influencing our organism and consciousness.
Throughout the course of history, mankind has constantly striven to
implement one idea or another, founded on the conceptual and moral
level of the era, and, as a rule, dictated by the personal interests
of those who advocated the idea. To be more exact, that facet, that
force within mankind that was formed by human weakness, the yearning
for power and material benefits, realized itself through mankind.
But there is pure knowledge, and there is that which was done in
response to the needs of those living at the time. Therefore the
pyramids were different depending on the ideas that were invested in
them and the goals being pursued.
The actual idea of the pyramid, its essence, is a cosmic phenomenon,
but human weakness and self-seeking forced people to use the pyramids
for personal ends and not those of all mankind. Many thousand years
of human history have passed, but the same applies today, setting
the tone for the actions of the majority of people. And even the
great spiritual discoveries of the present day do not change man for
the better.
The paradoxical thing about man is that for all his
professed striving to create a bright future for the whole of
humanity, he for some strange reason uses knowledge that is the
property of all for his personal ends.
That is precisely the
manifestation of that very force which through human weaknesses,
placing personal interests before those of everyone, rules the
world. Yet there is the path of increasing understanding and it
cannot be a path for the select few.
Humanity will take its final
step in its evolutionary ascent as a single organism. Everybody
together. And if only a single person is not ready for that step,
then we will not be able to take it. We will have to wait for the
last one, and then we will all move on.
And there is no end to that
A brief historical commentary about BA & KA
As has already been stated, for the Ancient Egyptians
BA and KA were
component elements of the human being. Later (roughly in the 4th
century b.c.), as a result of an incorrect interpretation of the
term, the Ancient Greeks would begin to associate BA with the soul.
Although to some extent it is possible to picture it in that way,
the BA is rather one of the components of the soul.
In the Old Kingdom period possession of BA and KA was an attribute
of pharaohs and gods alone. This is reflected in
the “Pyramid
Texts”. The god Ra, for example, had 14 KAs.
BA and KA were conceived as an embodiment of the power and might of
the Egyptian rulers and deities. In the Middle and New Kingdoms, as
is reflected in the “sarcophagus texts” and
the Book of the Dead,
(26) BA and
KA were considered to be embodiments of the life-force
of all people while they lived and to continue to exist after death.
According to Ancient Egyptian beliefs, the BA dwelt in the tomb
together with the deceased person, performing all his or her
physical functions. The KA was not only the life-force, but also a
twin, an “alter-ego” inseparable from a person in both life and
The hierophant-priests knew rather more about these two hypostases
the human being… BA and KA are two energy flows, two principles,
opposite and unified, different and homogenous at the same time. In
constant association and interaction within the person, BA and KA
are the two sources of vital energy. While they are interacting, the
organism’s vital functions are supported and a person exists without
especial problems.
The merging of BA and KA, their interaction and evolution generates
the AKH.
(29) is the intermediary between
God and people or a lesser
deity capable of interpreting the messages of the gods.
In point of fact, the AKH is something more than a person, but not,
of course, a god. It is a human being with the ability to espy the
future at certain moments and to predict it.
One such person, capable of espying the future at particular moments
Michel Nostradamus. Despite the fact that he lived a couple of
millennia after the decline of the Egyptian civilization,
Nostradamus nonetheless had something in common with the priests of
Ancient Egypt.
Surviving papyruses inform us that the priests performed particular
calculations in order to predict the future. Those calculations were
based on the determination of cyclical processes that have a
negative effect on everything animate and inanimate found on our
planet. Precise calculation could indicate not only the most likely
period for possible natural cataclysms connected with processes
taking place in the cosmos, but also determine favourable or
unfavourable periods for the taking of state or political decisions
of one kind or another (See The Secret Method of Hermes Trismegistos
for All Undertakings, at the end of “Appendix 5”.)
This knowledge that at one time was complete became lost over the
centuries. What survived was wrapped in a veil of mystery and
remained the property of a very narrow circle of people. Fragmentary
information about the cyclical processes was later available only to
a few initiates, one of which was the sixteenth-century Frenchman.
This is indicated by the astonishing unanimity between Nostradamus
and the Ancient Egyptian hierophants with regard to the spread of
this knowledge to a wider public.
For a definite reason neither the
one nor the others desired that their prophecies in their original
form should become available to a wide circle of people. Nostradamus
encoded the prophecies given in his Centuries, sharing the same
point of view as the hierophants who in their time had encoded their
knowledge on the Hesi-Ra panels. To be able to read, understand and
appreciate the knowledge recorded in a special language (code) based
on the principles that lie behind the knowledge itself, means to
master that knowledge and to attain a level where consciously
influencing the course of historical events becomes a possibility.
Many generations of scholars tried to discover how the prophecies
recorded by Nostradamus were encoded, yet the solution, which proved
to be quite simple, was there on ever page. If you open a copy of
the Centuries, you will see that the text consists of quatrains —
verses of four lines each. And the key to the code is the figure 4.
It is absolutely obvious that Nostradamus knew about the “four-year
cycles” that determine not only the stages in the evolution of human
society, but also a whole range of events that take place in the
solar system.
From that knowledge of the cyclical nature of
processes, Nostradamus states directly:
“I reckon that in the future
roughly the same number of events should take place as in the
centuries that have passed.”
Now let us examine what he meant, taking as an example the history
of Russia
over the past century:
1901, add on four years gives 1905, and
continuing 1909, 1913, 1917, 1921, 1925, 1929, 1933, 1937, 1941,
1945, 1949, 1953, 1957, 1961, 1965, 1969, 1973, 1977, 1981, 1985,
1989, 1993, 1997,… (See “Appendix 6”)
Anyone with a knowledge of history will immediately notice that
almost all the above dates are connected to very important
milestones in the destiny of Russia. It should be stated at once
that this scale applies not only to Russia.
Therefore as we return
to Nostradamus’s quatrains which speak of pairs of events sometimes
considerably separated from each other in time we should understand
that he refers to events marking the beginning or end of a four-year
cycle, or rather a twelve-(4×3) or thirty-six-year ((4×3)×3) cycle.
While in the four-year cycle dates may come up that do not
correspond to any epoch-making events, the
twelve- and thirty-six-year cycles are always marked by such events.
And so, when examining the prophecies of Nostradamus, we should base
our calculations on the latter cycles.
Today, knowing what has already taken place in the century drawing
to a close, we can predict with a very high degree of probability
the years which will be marked by the most significant events in the
2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017, 2021, 2025 and so on
It should be
stressed that more than once Nostradamus himself directed attention
to the number 4 and even in his will he gave instructions for his
coffin to be surrounded by four one-livre candles, two on each side.
One gets the impression that he wanted mankind to recognize this
pattern for itself — and having recognized it to try, by damping
down the tensions that arise, to construct relationships with each
other and with the surrounding world in a positive manner with the
four-year cycle in mind so that when we reached the year 1999 we
would avoid the start of the 27-year war that Nostradamus foresaw.
Already today it is evident that the conditions that had come
together by the autumn of 1997 happily will not lead to the outbreak
of the prolonged war he forecast. Yet, with the continuation of the
four-year cycle in the next century in mind, we cannot afford to
relax since there are several dates ahead to which the fateful event
might shift.
Knowing the special significance of the thirty-six-year
cycle and also the dynamic development of a positive awareness in
mankind, we can say with near certainty that if the war does not
begin by 2025, then, having passed through the critical phase, it
will not begin at all. Increased activity of masses of people and
the radical events that sometimes occur in society are directly
connected with surges in solar activity that are in turn governed by
the four-year cycle.
For reasons of a cosmic nature precisely once
every four years Venus, moving strictly according to its
“timetable”, suddenly slows down, while Mars at that moment
accelerates. At that same point in time Janus and Epimetheus, two
moons of Saturn, change their orbits, and here on Earth a new
Niño current appears in the Pacific. The appearance of that current
is caused by changes in the Earth’s electromagnetic field due to a
powerful outside influence. Those changes in turn are the cause not
only of major natural disasters, but also of almost all air crashes
and other technical accidents since navigation systems and other
electronic safety devices are to a certain extent dependent on the
Earth’s electromagnetic field. The year 1997 saw the end of one
four-year cycle and the beginning of another.
Take a look at the
statistics, and you will see a surge of air crashes and natural
disasters of different kinds took place in the countries of the
Pacific basin between autumn 1997 and autumn 1998. It is important
to stress that changes in the Earth’s electromagnetic field always
have had and continue to have a negative effect on
the health and immune systems of humans and animals.
Despite the
fact that the peak of the negative phase of the current cycle has
already passed, it is quite possible that in the near future we may
hear of the appearance of some new disease in animals. We should
note that under certain circumstances an increased intensity in the
Earth’s electromagnetic field may lead to the appearance of immuno-deficit
disorders in animals that will be passed on to humans. (See
6 - ‘Part 2')
It is not pleasant to have to make gloomy predictions, but the
four-year cycles are a reality of which the Ancients were aware.
Suffice it to recall that an Ancient Egyptian calendar cycle lasted
1460 days. Divide 1460 by 365 and you get exactly four. In other
words the Ancient Egyptians thought and measured their lives in
four-year cycles.
It was partly for this reason too that the Ancients built
astronomical observatories with a degree of precision that is
surprising even in our own time. By watching and calculating the
phases of the moon, the Sun and the other planets, the Ancients
worked out the cycles and certain natural factors that are
superimposed on them, predicting the possible future in order to
prepare for it; using the positive phases of the cycle to attain
particular goals or, by anticipating the negative phases, reducing
the potential for problems to a minimum.
Taking account of the dangerous phases of the four-year cycles and
their negative effect on the human immune system, to harmonize the
BA and KA and maintain the appropriate energy balance in the
organism necessary for self-perfection, the Ancient Egyptians used a
whole set of measures, an invariable part of which were the “Wands
of Horus” or cylinders with various fillings.
Influenced by the biological field of the person holding them, these
cylinders activate the energy centers located in the palms and
directly connected with the energy centers of the head, attuning
themselves to the individual.
They create an energy “cocoon” around
the body, setting a particular biorhythm that corrects the person’s
energy shell and beneficially influences the state of his or her
health and immune system.
The Use of the Wands of Horus in Medicine & Everyday Life
Cylinders with the correct filling have an astonishing quality —
they attune themselves to a person.
They adjust to the rhythm that
the organism needs at a particular time of the day or night. The
cylinders can be used morning, noon, or night — whenever you like.
They tune into the organism, to the energy channel that is open, and
work with it. There is no time limit for a session with the
cylinders. Consultation with a specialist will help you to chose the
right dimensions and fillings, based on your physical data.
The size
of the cylinders can vary depending on the aim you have in mind, or
the disease you want to tackle. Cylinders 146mm long were intended
to work in conjunction with the Pyramid of Cheops and are connected
to its effect. If, however, you need to stop some negative process
in the organism and a powerful impulse is needed, then larger
cylinders can be used.
The cylinders are not a panacea for all illnesses, since their
purpose is somewhat different. Nevertheless, it is worth stressing
once again that the greater part of our illnesses begin with
disharmony between two fundamental flows of energy — the BA and
or Yin and Yang.
Daily work with the cylinders (for no less than two
hours) has a beneficial effect in cases of:
over-agitation and nervous disorders
problems with arterial pressure
vegeto-vascular disorders
cardio-vascular diseases
neurotrophic disorders
excretory diseases
They also:
normalize the functioning of the heart in cases of arrhythmia and
improve circulatory processes, with a beneficial effect on blood
ease pain in the joints in cases of arthritis and gout
help in cases of insomnia, act to relieve stress and help prevent
if used systematically, lower the blood-cholesterol level
Independent studies of the effect of the cylinders were carried out
in the clinical bio-physics laboratory of the Dzhanelidze
First Aid
Scientific Research Institute in St Petersburg.
Data from points
reflecting the condition of the internal organs was displayed on a
computer screen.
The information was gathered from the bio-active
zones of the palm using one of the usual diagnostic methods. Three
bands were shown on the screen: green (normal state of the organs),
red and blue (deviations from the norm).
Naturally we all present a
scattered picture with some points in the green zone and others
outside, indicating some abnormality in the organism.
After a few
minutes holding the cylinders a minor miracle took place: the points
began to creep into the green zone! The researchers concluded that
the influence of the cylinders brought the organism to a harmonized
state in which it was much easier for it to deal with its troubles.
Professor Dulnev of the Institute of Precise Mechanics and Optics,
who, like the doctors, studied the effect of the cylinders using
special apparatus, ascertained an increase in flows of heat from the
surface of the skin. This fact points to the operation of extremely
subtle types (flows) of energy
unknown to us.
It is these that the cylinders “read”, entering into
resonance with them.

The effectiveness of the Wands of Horus can also be increased by
using them in conjunction with miniature pyramidal
energy structures
(pyramids) made of wood. Such a pyramid fulfils in part the function
of a structure focusing the energy flows on the hypothalamus and the
hypophysis (the 6th and 7th chakras) and the
pancreas (3rd chakra),
two highly important elements of the endocrinal system. Work with
such a complex strengthens the immune system.
Such pyramids will be individually tailored since when calculating
their dimensions the distance from the tip of the spine to a point
between the eyebrows (the third eye) needs to be taken into
account. (See “Appendix 1”)
An experiment with the use of a therapeutic pyramid carried out at a
district polyclinic in the town of Chuguyev in Kharkov region
(Ukraine), showed that fifteen minutes spent in the pyramid removed
stress, cured a headache and insomnia, normalized blood pressure,
and increased a person’s creative activity.
Different Types of Wands of Horus
As has already been stated, the cylinders can contain various
fillings which in turn determines certain difference in their
At the start you should use cylinders with two types of filling.
This is due to the general un-preparedness and unsatisfactory state
of the energy system in the majority of people, something reflected
in the illnesses that dog us. Therefore in the initial, preparatory
phase to improve the general state of the body’s energy system and
taking into account the most frequently occurring problems, we
suggest cylinders with a filling of carbon and ferro-magnetic
(30) and others with a quartz filling
Ancient Egyptian tradition we shall refer to the cylinders as “Wands
of Horus”. The table below indicates some basic differences that
should be considered when selecting the type of cylinders.

Both types of cylinder are effective for
Prevention of atherosclerosis
Diseases connected with poor circulation (including certain forms of
Possible relief in cases of spasms in the alimentary canal; some
relief in cases of arthritis and back pain (osteochondrosis and
radiculitis) without elimination of the causes
Both types of
cylinders have a positive influence on blood vessels and the
cardio-vascular system, but their effects vary.
The effect of the cylinders filled with carbon and ferro-magnetic
material is strong and forceful, an impulse capable of shifting an
established problem. Those suffering from low blood pressure should
be careful when using this type of cylinder as they lower
blood-pressure. Coupled with low atmospheric pressure use by those
with such a condition may lead to a circulatory collapse with all
the consequences. On the other hand, for those with high
blood-pressure, the cylinders filled with carbon and ferromagnetic
material may be an invaluable aid.
The cylinders filled with quartz crystals have other properties.
They are very good for guarding against cardio-vascular diseases,
nervous depressions and many other illnesses, but may prove
inadequate against such conditions in the acute phase.
It would not be correct to view the cylinders only as a treatment
for one disease or another. The cylinders are above all a
prophylactic device providing the opportunity in certain diseases to
correct deviations from the norm and thus prompt a significant
improvement in your condition.
First and foremost, though, the cylinders are a tool for
“attainment”, allowing you to achieve a step-by-step evolution of
your energy potential and, as a consequence, of your psychic
capacities. The development of such psychic potential opens up whole
new horizons of which the contemporary human being has virtually no
This is such an important and delicate subject that
of it can only begin after the appropriate preparation and most
importantly following the appearance of the inner impulse that is
the first indication of an energetic and moral capacity to recognize
the way and a willingness to dedicate one’s life to the idea of
self-perfection and the perfecting of the world around us.
Types of Wands & Their Fillings
In Ancient Egypt the Wands of Horus were filled with
quartz crystals
of differing sizes.
The size of the crystals depending on
the task
they were seeking to accomplish, the state of the health and energy
system of the user. In the initial phase fine-grain quartzites (a
special white sand) were used.
Cylinders containing white sand have
a positive effect on a person’s energy channels, activating them.
Then the Ancients used medium- and large-grained quartzites, raising
their energy systems to a higher level of potential. We shall call
this type of cylinder Wands of HorusQuartz
The following variety of Wands of Horus contained monocrystalline
quartz. This type of cylinder was intended for priestly healers. The
energy “cocoon” created by this type can have a powerful harmonizing
effect on the patient, at one and the same time implementing and
relaying a signal originating in the healer’s consciousness. We
shall call this type of cylinder the Wands of HorusMono
While they have all the qualities of the Wands of Horus with
small-particle quartzite filling, the Wands of HorusMono have
several important differences:
The Wands of HorusMono have a more powerful impulse-based
stimulating effect on a person’s energy structure. As a consequence,
if this type of Wands of Horus is used by people with a weak energy
system, it may induce a pain syndrome in a problem area. This is due
to the increased intensity with which energy moves along the
channels. If some energy canal is “cluttered up” and lacks the
necessary conductivity, then the sensation of inflation or pressure
that arises at the site of a problem may develop into pain. It is
for this reason that we do not recommend this type for people who
have suffered a heart attack or stroke.
In interacting with a person’s energy structure (aura), the
Wands of HorusMono begin to literally scan the user’s organism,
after which the energy system (aura) itself begins to work on the
specific pathology in the organism. It is for this reason that many
users of the Wands of HorusMono have noticed the appearance of
sensations of vibrations or sort of jerks in localized (problem)
zones. The monocrystals used in this type of Wands of Horus are
carefully selected in accordance with special criteria.
Due to the homogeneous structure of the monocrystal placed in
the Wands of Horus, their effect on the electromagnetic and energy
capsule (field) of the human organism stimulates the organism to
produce an energy cocoon of a special type of energy around the
body. This energy submits well to thought control. This is precisely
why for many ancient civilizations quartz was a sacred mineral,
while Wands of Horus with monocrystals were an inseparable part of
the life and activities of the priestly healers.
In essence, Wands
of HorusMono are something like thought amplifiers. Provided users
work with them regularly (preferably by the sea or in a forest), in
three weeks Wands of HorusMono will create an up to 3-metre cocoon
(aura) around them, completely restoring their energy balance.
other tool available today has such an effect. Possessors of such an
aura can take a sick person into their energy field and act upon the
disorder in the patient’s body without using their hands (no
passes), simply and exclusively by the power of thought, by
imagining what should take place in the diseased organ. This opens
up fundamentally different possibilities for the diagnosis and
treatment of the sick and for the development of parapsychological
This was indirectly registered at the Polyclinic of the
Medical Centre of the Administration of the Russian Federation
President in Moscow.
During the experiment with the Wands of HorusMono
electroencephalograph (EEG) recordings were made registering changes
in the bio-electric activity of the cerebral cortex. The Wands of Horus were held for only five minutes. The experiment showed a
reduction in asymmetry between the hemispheres in the rear section.
Polymorphic beta activity (from 16 to 40+ Hz) growing in amplitude
was registered in all areas of the cerebral cortex.
Overall the experiment showed that using the Wands of HorusMono
caused a synchronization of the two hemispheres, in other words
levels out the potentials of the cerebral cortex of the right and
left hemispheres of the brain.
Even the brief influence of the Wands of Horus on the human
psycho-physical field and energy structure stimulates concentration
on self-made internal images, intensifying the trance or meditative
Whereas psychics often need months of unremitting training
to attain the necessary levels, when the Wands of HorusMono
used, training times are substantially reduced, while the effect
obtained significantly exceeds those that can be attained by
ordinary means.
The Wands of HorusCrystal (several crystals in each wand) possess
the same properties as the Wands of HorusMono but to a less
pronounced degree due to the absence of a completely homogenous
crystal structure. Their effect is more general. The Wands of HorusCrystal are an intermediate tool between the Wands of
and the Wands of HorusMono.
For the priests of Aakh (Ankh) a special place was always occupied
by an instrument shrouded in mystery, the basis of which was the
specially prepared “Spring” crystal. The crystal was specially
selected and treated in a particular way to attune it to a specific
The production of such a highly individual tool was a
long process. After the tuning, the crystal became effectively an
“energy source” intended to tap into the source of natural cosmic
energy. In tribute to the creators of this amazing instrument, we
shall call this type of cylinder Wands of HorusSpring.
Wands of HorusKont with carbon and ferromagnetic fillings are good
for those with high blood pressure and also as a means of effective
(rapid) recovery after stress and improvement of sleep patterns. Any
type of wand effectively restores the nervous system, but Wands of
HorusKont have a more pronounced impulse effect capable of getting a
problem moving, which is good in critical situations.
It should be
remembered, however, that the energy (pranic) cocoon created by the
Wands of HorusKont will not be lasting, due to the impulse nature of
the effect. In contrast to the Wands of HorusKont , the Wands of
HorusQuartz have a gentle effect with a deep, lasting result, but at
times of flare-up this may prove inadequate.
Wands of HorusQuartz large-grain are intended for people with a
normal vascular (energy) system. This type has a pronounced general
stimulatory effect on the vascular (energy), nervous and endocrinal
systems. They produce very good results when used in conjunction
with salt baths. Any type of Wands of HorusQuartz stabilizes low
blood pressure to the norm determined by the organism itself. They
also normalize blood pressure in non-chronic forms of hypertension.
With their gentle, yet deep effect on the human organism, the Wands
of Horus are highly efficacious in countering stress, insomnia and
nervous tensions.
Wands of HorusQuartz medium-grain have a more powerful stimulatory
effect. They are intended for more intensive action upon the
vascular (energy) system as the next stage after the Wands of
HorusQuartz fine-grain. They are very effective in cases of
arthritis, arthrosis and polyarthritis in combination with salt
Wands of HorusQuartz fine-grain are intended for people with weak
vascular (energy) systems, those who have recently suffered a stroke
or a heart attack (cardiac infarction) The use of the Wands of Horus
encourages the activation of blood circulation. In people with a
weakened energy system that may cause sensations of pressure or pain
in a problem area.
Therefore those with a weak vascular (energy)
system and also those who have suffered vascular incidents (heart
attack, stroke) should use wands filled with fine-grain quartz. They
have a mild stimulating effect without causing unpleasant
The material you have just read mentions restrictions and gives a
brief list of the illnesses and situations where the cylinders have
a beneficial effect.
If certain conditions are observed and a
systematic approach taken, the cylinders can not only correct, but
also improve your energy and immune systems. But that requires
systematic daily work founded on a precise understanding of what the
Wands of Horus are, the principle by which they function, knowledge
of the elements making up the complex, a vital part of which is
interaction with natural energy sources, knowledge of human cycles
and those of the Earth, and also a clear idea of what you want to
achieve and why.