Paulo Correa’s (left side on image) academic background includes
extensive interdisciplinary studies, in both Europe and North
America, in Biophysics, Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular
Biology, Law, Political Science, Sociology, Languages and Music. He
obtained a Master’s Degree in Biophysics in 1987 and a Ph.D. in
Cellular and Molecular Biology in 1991, both from the Faculty of
Medicine at the University of Toronto. In the fields of
oncology and hematopoiesis, and together with
Dr. A. Axelrad, Professor Emeritus at the University of
Toronto, he has published extensively in scientific journals (Blood,
International Journal of Cell Cloning) and holds two seminal patents
on a novel serum-free-medium methodology. In the fields of
alternative physics and power generation, and together with
Alexandra Correa, he has published extensively in the
Infinite Energy journal and at Akronos Publishing. The
Correas currently hold 7 pioneering patents in advanced physics.
Alexandra Correa holds a degree in Psychology and Sociology,
is an Associate Scientific Glassblower, musician, and consummate
graphic artist. She has studied, researched and collaborated with
Dr. Correa for 27 years and has worked as administrative
director of their Plasma Physics Laboratory.
Since 1981, the Correas have operated, managed and funded
their advanced Experimental Plasma Physics Laboratory in the
Greater Toronto area. Over the past decade they have been granted,
in various countries, numerous groundbreaking patents that pertain
to their pioneering, non-polluting, clean energy conversion system
developed to exploit their discovery of a novel regime of plasma
discharge - the Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge or PAGD
- which, amongst other things, permits the capture and conversion of
energy in excess of breakeven. Further development of the PAGD
technology has focused on inverter applications.
More recently, the Correas have been involved in theoretical
and experimental research in biophysics as well as in
thermoelectric and electrogravitic energy
conversion. These ongoing investigations, conducted under
the rubric of Aetherometry at the Aurora Biophysics
Research Institute (ABRI) - also located in the
greater Toronto area - have led to a proposed new
structure of the electron, the identification of the radiation
spectrum of ambipolar electric energy, the solution to Reich’s
Orgone Motor mystery, and the development of entirely novel
technologies, amongst which is an improved Aether Motor
and an alternative solar-atmospheric power-generating technology
developed together with Dr. Eugene Mallove (right side on
image). Patents have also been filed for various ABRI
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