One of those resulted in some stunning “hurricane hunter” aircraft stills (below) from a “Peter Thompson” – which shows the remarkable vorticular activity in Ivan’s eye on Saturday, September 11th -- but still no satellite shots of the remarkable geometry shown on MSNBC on Friday night, the 10th.
Cheryll, despite her network and meteorological contacts… was also
coming up with nothing.
Now - what were the odds that two separate hurricanes, in two separate oceans, at two separate latitudes - would both reach Category 5 status … and display interior hyperdimensional geometry … exactly one year after one another? — AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME?!
There weren’t any such odds ….
The stability of the interior geometry of Isabel over almost half an hour (click below image) – in a supposedly wildly turbulent environment of slashing wind and rain – is truly astonishing ... as is the subsequent, totally hyperdimensional geometric evolution which manifests over the next four and half hours, covered in the remainder of NASA/NOAA video…
The closest three-dimensional analogy to what we believe is creating this “geometric control” of the clouds within Isabel’s “eye” is given by the science of “Cymatics”: the term comes from the Greek kyma (“great wave”), and is the modern study of “wave phenomena and its interaction with a variety of fluids.”
This relatively arcane field was pioneered in the 1950s by the late Hans Jenny, a Swiss medical doctor who followed the work of German physicist and acoustician, Ernst F. F. Chladni.
Chladni, in the late 18th century, created intricate sand patterns by resonating a steel plate with an ordinary violin bow.
In his extensions of Chladni’s work, Jenny used an electronic sine wave hi-fi loud speaker to vibrate various powders, pastes and liquids – thereby succeeding in making visible the ability of “standing waves of sound” to create striking geometric order in a range of fluid materials (below).
In our Hyperdimensional Model, it isn’t “sound” in the middle of a
hurricane which creates the regular geometry seen in the NOAA
images; it is the interaction of the energy/information from higher
dimensions with our own - via the intervening medium of a
aether – which creates similar standing wave patterns (a wave... is
a wave… is a wave) when the hyperdimensional “gate” is established… causing visible matter (in its mobile forms…) to conform to the
shape of these otherwise invisible “aetheric,
These hidden geometric patterns ultimately trace back to a topological hyperdimensional analysis called the Schlafli Double-Six (right) – a mathematical projection of the literal geometry of a “gate between dimensions.” A projection which, in turn, resolves into the familiar circumscribed tetrahedral geometry (below) which, in a rotating planetary sphere, predicts the locations of the largest, stationary hyperdimensional energy transfer locations (upwellings) – relative to the planet’s spin axis – at ~19.5 degrees. (See The Science of Oneness - Ch.13)
Around 200 B.C., the Greek geometer Euclid proved that there are
only five regular polyhedra (technically called “polytopes” by
topologists) in three spatial dimensions -- the tetrahedron,
octahedron, icosahedron, and the dodecahedron. Fast forward the
film: in 1901,
Ludwig Schlafli showed that there are only six
regular polychora1 (or polytopes) in four dimensions.
It is this energy transfer process, we propose – as three-dimensional aetheric waves, resonantly mirroring the invisible force structure of these topologies between dimensions -- which created the startling, evolving “Platonic” geometry of Isabel’s “eye” -- as the storm attained a Category 5 (click image below) …
Meanwhile, keep in mind the very similar formations that have been observed in the perpetual storms occurring in the polar regions of Saturn and Jupiter:
As time advanced, the striking five-sided “eye” initially captured by the NOAA GOES satellite scans did indeed evolve (below) - into progressive, two dimensional “slices’ of the less complex Platonic solids....
A final observation: