by James E. McDonald
of Atmospheric Sciences
December 27, 1969
UFO-Evidence Website
of the UFO problem has been carried out during the entire 22 years
that have now passed since the first extensive wave of sightings of
unidentified aerial objects in the summer of 1947.
Despite continued public interest, and despite frequent expressions
of public concern, only quite superficial
examinations of the steadily growing body of unexplained UFO reports
from credible witnesses have been
conducted in this country or abroad. The latter point is highly
relevant, since all evidence now points to the fact that
UFO sightings exhibit similar characteristics throughout the world.
Charging inadequacy of all past UFO investigations, I speak not only
from a background of close study of the
past investigations, but also from a background of three years of
rather detailed personal research, involving
interviews with over five hundred witnesses in selected UFO cases,
chiefly in the U.S. In my opinion, the UFO
problem, far from being the nonsense problem that it has often been
labeled by many scientists, constitutes a
problem of extraordinary scientific interest.
The grave difficulty with essentially all past UFO studies has been
that they were either devoid of any substantial
scientific content, or else have lost their way amidst the
relatively large noise-content that tends to obscure the real
signal in the UFO reports. The presence of a percentually large
number of reports of misidentified natural or
technological phenomena (planets, meteors, and aircraft, above all)
is not surprising, given all the circumstances
surrounding the UFO problem. Yet such understandable and usually
easily recognized instances of misidentification
have all too often been seized upon as a sufficient explanation for
all UFO reports, while the residue of far more
significant reports (numbering now of order one thousand) are
ignored. I believe science is in default for having
failed to mount any truly adequate studies of this problem, a
problem that has aroused such strong and widespread
public concern during the past two decades.
Unfortunately, the
present climate of thinking, above all since release of
the latest of a long series of inadequate studies, namely, that
conducted under the direction of Dr. E. U. Condon at
the University of Colorado, will make it very difficult to secure
any new and more thorough investigations, yet my
own examination of the problem forces me to call for just such new
studies. I am enough of a realist to sense that,
unless the present AAAS UFO Symposium succeeds in making the
scientific community aware of the seriousness of
the UFO problem, little immediate response to any call for new
investigation is likely to appear.
In fact, the over-all public and scientific response to the UFO
phenomena is itself a matter of substantial
scientific interest, above all in its social-psychological aspects.
Prior to my own investigations, I would never have
imagined the wide spread reluctance to report an unusual and
seemingly inexplicable event, yet that reluctance, and
the attendant reluctance of scientists to exhibit serious interest
in the phenomena in question, are quite general. One
regrettable result is the fact that the most credible of UFO
witnesses are often those most reluctant to come forward
with a report of the event they have witnessed. A second regrettable
result is that only a very small number of
scientists have taken the time and trouble to search out the really
puzzling reports that tend to be diluted out by the
much larger number of trivial and non-significant UFO reports. The
net result is that there still exists no general
scientific recognition of the scope and nature of the UFO problem.
Within the federal government, official responsibility for UFO
investigations has rested with the Air Force since
early 1948. Unidentified aerial objects quite naturally fall within
the area of Air Force concern, so this assignment of
responsibility was basically reasonable. However, once it became
clear (early 1949) that UFO reports did not seem
to involve advanced aircraft of some hostile foreign power, Air
Force interest subsided to relatively low levels,
marked, however, by occasional temporary resurgence of interest
following large waves of UFO reports, such as that
of 1952, or 1957, or 1965.
A most unfortunate pattern of press reporting developed by about
1953, in which the Air Force would assert that
they had found no evidence of anything “defying explanation in terms
of present-day science and technology” in
their growing files of UFO reports. These statements to the public
would have done little harm had they not been
coupled systematically to press statements asserting that “the best
scientific facilities available to the U.S. AirForce” had been and were being brought to bear on the UFO question.
The assurances that substantial scientificcompetence was involved in Air Force UFO investigations have, I
submit, had seriously deleterious scientific
effects. Scientists who might otherwise have done enough checking to
see that a substantial scientific puzzle lay in
the UFO area were misled by these assurances into thinking that
capable scientists had already done adequate study
and found nothing. My own extensive checks have revealed so slight a
total amount of scientific competence in two
decades of Air Force-supported investigations that I can only regard
the repeated asseverations of solid scientific
study of the UFO problem as the single most serious obstacle that
the Air Force has put in the way of progress
towards elucidation of the matter.
I do not believe, let me stress, that this has been part of some
top-secret cover-up of extensive investigations by
Air Force or security agencies; I have found no substantial basis
for accepting that theory of why the Air Force has
so long failed to respond appropriately to the many significant and
scientifically intriguing UFO reports coming
from within its own ranks. Briefly, I see grand foul-up but not
grand cover-up. Although numerous instances could
be cited wherein Air Force spokesmen failed to release anything like
complete details of UFO reports, and although
this has had the regrettable consequence of denying scientists at
large even a dim notion of the almost incredible
nature of some of the more impressive Air Force-related UFO reports,
I still feel that the most grievous fault of 22
years of Air Force handling of the UFO problem has consisted of
their repeated public assertions that they had
substantial scientific competence on the job.
Close examination of the level of investigation and the level of
scientific analysis involved in
Project Sign
Project Grudge (1949–52), and
Project Bluebook (1953 to
date), reveals that these were, viewed
scientifically, almost meaningless investigations. Even during
occasional periods (e.g., 1952) characterized by fairly
active investigation of UFO cases, there was still such slight
scientific expertise involved that there was never any
real chance that the puzzling phenomena encountered in the most
significant UFO cases would be elucidated.Furthermore, the panels, consultants, contractual studies, etc.,
that the Air Force has had working on the UFO
problem over the past 22 years have, with essentially no exception,
brought almost negligible scientific scrutiny into
the picture. Illustrative examples will be given.
The Condon Report, released in January, 1968, after about two years
of Air Force-supported study is, in my
opinion, quite inadequate. The sheer bulk of the Report, and the
inclusion of much that can only be viewed as
“scientific padding,” cannot conceal from anyone who studies it
closely the salient point that it represents an
examination of only a tiny fraction of the most puzzling UFO reports
of the past two decades, and that its level of
scientific argumentation is wholly unsatisfactory. Furthermore, of
the roughly 90 cases that it specifically confronts,
over 30 are conceded to be unexplained. With so large a fraction of
unexplained cases (out of a sample that is by no
means limited only to the truly puzzling cases, but includes an
objectionably large number of obviously trivial
cases), it is far from clear how Dr. Condon felt justified in
concluding that the study indicated “that further extensive
study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the expectation that
science will be advanced thereby.”
I shall cite a number of specific examples of cases from the Condon
Report which I regard as entirely
inadequately investigated and reported. One at Kirtland AFB,
November 4, 1957, involved observations of a
wingless egg-shaped object that was observed hovering about a minute
over the field prior to departure at a climb
rate which was described to me as faster than that of any known
jets, then or now. The principal witnesses in this
case were precisely the type of witnesses whose accounts warrant
closest attention, since they were CAA tower
observers who watched the UFO from the CAA tower with binoculars.
Yet, when I located these two men in the
course of my own check of cases from the Condon Report, I found that
neither of them had even been contacted by
members of the University of Colorado project! Both men were fully
satisfied that they had been viewing a device
with performance characteristics well beyond anything in present or
foreseeable aeronautical technology.
The two
men gave me descriptions that were mutually consistent and that fit
closely the testimony given on Nov. 6, 1957,
when they were interrogated by an Air Force investigator. The
Report attempts to explain this case as a
light-aircraft that lost its way, came into the field area, and then
left. This kind of explanation runs through the whole
Condon Report, yet is wholly incapable of explaining the details of
sightings such as that of the Kirtland AFB
incident. Other illustrative instances in which the investigations
summarized in the Condon Report exhibit glaring
deficiencies will be cited. I suggest that there are enough
significant unexplainable UFO reports just within the
Condon Report itself to document the need for a greatly increased
level of scientific study of UFOs.
That a panel of the National Academy of Sciences could endorse this
study is to me disturbing. I find no
evidence that the Academy panel did any independent checking of its
own; and none of that 11-man panel had any
significant prior investigative experience in this area, to my
knowledge. I believe that this sort of Academy
endorsement must be criticized; it hurts science in the long run,
and I fear that this particular instance will ultimatelyprove an embarrassment to the National Academy of Sciences.
The Condon Report and its Academy endorsement have exerted a highly
negative influence on clarification of
the long-standing UFO problem; so much, in fact, that it seems
almost pointless to now call for new and moreextensive UFO investigations. Yet the latter are precisely what are
needed to bring out into full light of scientific
inquiry a phenomenon that could well constitute one of the greatest
scientific problems of our times.
Some examples of UFO cases conceded to be unexplainable in the
Condon Report and containing features of
particularly strong scientific interest:
Utica, N.Y., 6/23/55
Lakenheath, England, 8/13/56
Jackson, Ala., 11/14/5
Norfolk, Va., 8/30/57
RB-47 case, 9/19/57
Beverly Mass., 4/22/66
Donnybrook, N.D., 8/19/66
Haynesville, La.,
Joplin, Mo., 1/13/67
Colorado Springs, Colo., 5/13/67
Some examples of UFO cases considered
explained in the Condon Report
for which I would take strong
exception to the argumentation presented and would regard as both
unexplained and of strong scientific interest:
Flagstaff, Ariz., 5/20/50
Washington, D. C., 7/19/52
Bellefontaine, O., 8/1/52
Haneda AFB, Japan, 8/5/5
Gulf of
Mexico, 12/6/52
Odessa, Wash., 12/10/52
Continental Divide, N.M.,
Seven Isles, Quebec, 6/29/5
Niagara Falls, N.Y., 7/25/57
Kirtland AFB, N.M., 11/4/57
Gulf of
Mexico, 11/5/57
Peru, 12/30/66
AFB, 3/2/67
Kincheloe AFB, 9/11/67
Vandenberg AFB, 10/6/67
Milledgeville, Ga., 10/20/67
Illustrative Cases
The following treats in detail the four principal UFO cases referred
to in my Symposium talk. They are presented
as specific illustrations of what I regard as serious shortcomings
of case-investigations in the Condon Report and in
the 1947-69 Air Force UFO program. The four cases used as
illustrations are the following:
RB-47 case, Gulf Coast area, Sept. 19, 1957
Lakenheath RAF Station, England, August 13–14, 1956
Haneda AFB, Japan, August 5–6, 1952
Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, Nov. 4, 1957
My principal conclusions are that scientific inadequacies in past
years of UFO investigations by Air Force
Project Bluebook have not been remedied through publication of the
Condon Report, and that there remain
scientifically very important unsolved problems with respect to
UFOs. The investigative and evaluative deficiencies
illustrated in the four cases examined in detail are paralleled by
equally serious shortcomings in many other cases in
the sample of about 90 UFO cases treated in the Condon Report.
Endorsement of the conclusions of the
Report by the National Academy of Sciences appears to have been
based on entirely superficial examination of the
Report and the cases treated therein. Further study, conducted on a
much more sound scientific level are needed.
Case 1.
USAF RB-47, Gulf Coast area, September
19–20, 1957
Brief summary: An Air Force RB-47, equipped with ECM (Electronic
Countermeasures) gear, manned by six officers, was followed over a total distance in excess of 600 miles
and for a time period of more than an hour, as it flew from near Gulfport, Miss., through Louisiana and Texas, and
into southern Oklahoma. The unidentified object was, at various times, seen visually by the cockpit crew (as an
intense white or red light), followed by ground-radar, and detected on ECM monitoring gear aboard the RB-47. Simultaneous
appearances and disappearances on all three of those physically distinct “channels” mark this UFO case as
especially intriguing from a scientific viewpoint. The incident is described as Case 5 in the Condon Report and is conceded
to be unexplained. The full details, however, are not presented in that Report.
Summary of the Case The case is long and involved and filled with well-attested
phenomena that defy easy explanation in terms of present-day science and technology. The RB-47 was flying out of
Forbes AFB, Topeka, on a composite mission including gunnery exercises over the Texas-Gulf area, navigation
exercises over the open Gulf, and ECM exercises in the return trip across the south-central U.S. This was an RB-47
carrying a six-man crew, of whom three were electronic warfare officers manning ECM (Electronic
counter-measures) gear in the aft portion of the aircraft. One of the extremely interesting aspects of this case is that
electromagnetic signals of distinctly radar-like character appeared definitely to be emitted by the UFO, yet it exhibited
performance characteristics that seem to rule out categorically its having been any conventional or secret aircraft.
I have discussed the incident with all six officers of the crew:
Lewis D. Chase, pilot, Spokane, Wash.
James H. McCoid, copilot, Offutt AFB
Thomas H. Hanley, navigator, Vandenberg AFB
John J. Provenzano, No. 1 monitor, Wichita
Frank B. McClure, No. 2 monitor, Offutt AFB
Walter A. Tuchscherer, No. 3 monitor, Topeka
Chase was a Major at the time; I failed to ask for information on
1957 ranks of the others. McClure and Hanley are currently
Majors, so might have been Captains or Lieutenants in
1957. All were experienced men at the time. Condon Project investigators only talked with
Chase, McCoid, and
McClure, I ascertained. In my checking it proved necessary to telephone several of them more than once to pin down
key points; nevertheless the total case is so complex that I would assume that there are still salient points not
clarified either by the Colorado investigators or by myself. Unfortunately, there appears to be no way at present to
locate the personnel involved in ground-radar observations that are a very important part of the whole case. I
shall discuss that point below.
This flight occurred in September 1957, just prior to the crew’s
reassignment to a European base. On questioning by Colorado investigators, flight logs were consulted, and based on
the recollection that this flight was within a short time of departure from Forces to Germany, (plus the requirement that
the date match a flight of the known type and geography) the 9/19/57 date seems to have emerged. The uncertainty
as to whether it was early on the 19th or early on the 20th, cited above is a point of confusion I had not noted
until preparing the present notes. Hence I am unable to add any clarification, at the moment; in this matter of the date
confusion found in Thayer’s discussion of the case Science in Default
(1, pp. 136–138). I shall try to check that in the near future. For
the present, it does not vitiate case-discussion in any
significant way.
The incident is most inadequately described in the Condon Report.
The reader is left with the general notion that the important parts occurred near Ft. Worth, an impression
strengthened by the fact that both Crow and Thayer discuss meteorological data only for that area. One is also left
with no clear impression of the duration, which was actually over an hour. The incident involved an unknown airborne
object that stayed with the RB-47 for over 600 miles. In case after case in the Condon Report, close checking
reveals that quite significant features of the cases have been glossed over, or omitted, or in some instances seriously
misrepresented. I submit that to fail to inform the reader that this particular case spans a total distance-range of
some 600 miles and lasted well over an hour is an omission difficult to justify.
From my nine separate interviews with the six crew members, I
assembled a picture of the events that makes it even more puzzling than it seems on reading the
Condon Report — and
even the latter account is puzzling enough. Just as the aircraft crossed the Mississippi coast near Gulfport,
McClure, manning the #2 monitor, detected a signal near their 5 o’clock position (aft of the starboard beam). It
looked to him like a legitimate ground-radar signal, but corresponded to a position out in the Gulf. This is the actual
beginning of the complete incident; but before proceeding with details it is necessary to make quite clear what
kind of equipment we shall be talking about as we follow McClure’s successive observations.
Under conditions of war, bombing aircraft entering hostile territory
can be assisted in their penetrations if any of a variety of electronic countermeasures (ECM techniques as they are
collectively termed) are brought into action against ground-based enemy radar units. The initial step in all ECM
operations is, necessarily, that of detecting the enemy radar and quantitatively identifying a number of relevant
features of the radar system (carrier frequency, pulse repetition frequency, scan rate, pulse width) and, above all,
its bearing relative to the aircraft heading. The latter task is particularly ample in principle, calling only for
direction-finding antennas, which pick up the enemy signal and display on a monitor scope inside the reconnaissance
aircraft a blip or lobe that paints in the relative bearing from which the signal is coming.
The ECM gear used in RB-47’s in 1957 is not now classified; the #2
monitor that McClure was on, he and the others pointed out, involved an ALA-6 direction-finder with
back-to-back antennas in a housing on the undersurface of the RB-47 near the rear, spun at either 150 or 300 rpm as it
scanned in azimuth. Inside the aircraft, its signals were processed in an APR-9 radar receiver and an ALA-5 pulse
analyzer. All later references to the #2 monitor imply that system. The #1 monitor employed an APD-4 direction
finding system, with a pair of antennas permanently mounted on either wing tip.
Provenzano was on the #1
monitor. Tuchscherer was on the #3 monitor, whose specifications I did not ascertain because I could find no
indication that it was involved in the observations. Returning now to the initial features of the UFO episode, McClure at
first thought he had 180-degree ambiguity in his scope, i.e., that the signal whose lobe painted at his 5
o’clock position was actually coming in from the 11 o’clock position perhaps from some ground radar in Louisiana. This
suspicion, he told me, was temporarily strengthened as he became aware that the lobe was moving upscope.
(It is important here and in features of the case
cited below to understand how a fixed ground-radar paints on the ECM
monitor scope as the reconnaissance aircraft
flies toward its general direction: Suppose the ground radar is, at
some instant, located at the 1 o’clock position
relative to the moving aircraft, i.e., slightly off the starboard
bow. As the aircraft flies along, the relative bearing
steadily changes, so that the fixed ground unit is “seen”
successively at the 2 o’clock, the 3 o’clock, and the 4
o’clock positions, etc. The lobe paints on the monitor scope at
these successive relative azimuths, the 12 o’clock
position being at the top of the scope, 3 o’clock at the right, etc.
Thus any legitimate signal from a fixed ground
radar must move downscope, excluding the special cases in which the
radar is dead ahead or dead astern. Note
carefully that we deal here only with direction finding gear. Range
is unknown; we are not here speaking of airborne
radar set, just a radar-frequency direction-finder. In practice,
range is obtained by triangulation computations based
on successive fixes and known aircraft speed.)
As the lobe continued moving upscope, McClure said the strength of
the incoming signal and its pulse characteristics all tended to confirm that this was some ground unit
being painted with 180-degree ambiguity for some unknown electronic reason. It was at 2800 megacycles, a common
frequency for S-band search radars. However, after the lobe swung dead ahead, his earlier hypothesis had
to be abandoned for it continued swinging over to the 11 o’clock position and continued downscope on the port
side. Clearly, no 180-degree ambiguity was capable of accounting for this. Curiously, however, this was so
anomalous that McClure did not take it very seriously and did not at that juncture mention it to the cockpit
crew nor to his colleagues on the other two monitors. This upscope–downscope “orbit” of the unknown was seen only on the
ALA-6, as far as I could establish. Had nothing else occurred, this first and very significant portion of
the whole episode would almost certainly have been forgotten by McClure.
The signal faded as the RB-47 headed northward to the scheduled
turning point over Jackson, Miss. The mission called for simulated detection and ECM operations against Air Force
ground radar units all along this part of the flight plan, but other developments intervened. Shortly after making
their turn westward over Jackson, Miss., Chase noted what he thought at first were the landing lights of some other
jet coming in from near his 11 o’clock position, at roughly the RB-47’s altitude. But no running lights were
discernible and it was a single very bright white light, closing fast. He had just alerted the rest of the crew to be ready
for sudden evasive maneuvers, when he and McCoid saw the light almost instantaneously change directions and rush
across from left to right at an angular velocity that Chase told me he’d never seen matched in his flight experience. The
light went from their 11 o’clock to the 2 o’clock position with great rapidity, and then blinked out.

Immediately after that, Chase and
McCoid began talking about it on
the interphone and McClure, recalling the unusual 2800 megacycle signal that he had seen over Gulfport now
mentioned that peculiar incident for the first time to Chase and McCoid. It occurred to him at that point to set
his #2 monitor to scan at 2800 mcs. On the first scan, McClure told me, he got a strong 2800 mcs signal from their 2
o’clock position, the bearing on which the luminous unknown object had blinked out moments earlier.
Provenzano told me that right after that they had checked out the #2
monitor on valid ground radar stations to be sure it was not malfunctioning and it appeared to be in perfect
order. He then checked on his #1 monitor and also got a signal from the same bearing. There remained, of course, the
possibility that just by chance, this signal was from a real radar down on the ground and off in that direction. But as the
minutes went by, and the aircraft continued westward at about 500 kts. the relative bearing of the 2800 mcs
source did not move downscope on the #2 monitor, but kept up with them.
This quickly led to a situation in which the entire 6-man crew
focused all attention on the matter; the incident is still vivid in the minds of all the men, though their recollection
for various details varies with the particular activities they were engaged in. Chase varied speed, to see if the relative
bearing would change but nothing altered. After over a hundred miles of this, with the 2800 mcs source keeping pace with
the aircraft, they were getting into the radarcoverage
area of the Carswell AFB GCI (Ground Controlled Intercept) unit and
Chase radioed that unit to ask if they
showed any other air traffic near the RB-47. Carswell GCI
immediately came back with the information that there was apparently another aircraft about 10 miles from them at their 2
o’clock position. (The RB-47 was unambiguously identifiable by its IFF signal; the “other aircraft”
was seen by “skin paint” Only, i.e., by direct radar reflection rather than via an IFF transponder, Col. Chase
This information, each of the men emphasized to me in one way or
another, made them a bit uneasy for the first time. I asked McClure a question that the Colorado investigators
either failed to ask or did not summarize in their report. Was the signal in all respects comparable to that of a
typical ground radar? McClure told me that this was what baffled him the most, then and now. All the radar signature
characteristics, as read out on his ALA-5 pulse analyzer, were completely normal — it had a pulse repetition
frequency and pulse width like a CPS-6B and even simulated a scan rate: But its intensity, McClure pointed out, was
so strong that “it would have to had an antenna bigger than a bomber to put out that much signal.” And now, the
implications of the events over Gulfport took on new meaning. The upscope–downscope sweep of his #2 monitor lobe
implied that this source, presuming it to be the same one now also being seen on ground radar at Carswell GCI, had
flown a circle around the RB-47 at 30–35,000 ft altitude while the aircraft was doing about 500 kts.
Shortly after Carswell GCI began following the two targets, RB-47
and unknown, still another significant action unfolded. McClure suddenly noted the lobe on the #2 monitor was
beginning to go upscope, and almost simultaneously, Chase told me, GCI called out that the second
airborne target was starting to move forward. Keep in mind that no visual target was observable here; after blinking out
at the 12 o’clock position, following its lightninglike traverse across the nose of the aircraft, no light had been visible.
The unknown now proceeded to move steadily around to the 12 o’clock position, followed all the while on the #2
monitor and on the GCI scope down at Carswell near Ft. Worth.
As soon as the unknown reached the 12 o’clock position,
Chase and
McCoid suddenly saw a bright red glow “bigger than a house,” Chase said, and lying dead ahead, precisely
the bearing shown on the passive radar directionfinder
that McClure was on and precisely the bearing now indicated on the GCI scope. Three independent sensing
systems were at this juncture giving seemingly
consistent-indications: two pairs of human eyes, a ground radar, and
a direction-finding radar receiver in the aircraft.
One of the important points not settled by the Colorado
investigations concerned the question of whether the unknown was ever painted on any radar set on the RB-47 itself. Some
of the men thought the navigator had seen it on his set, others were unsure. I eventually located Maj. Hanley at
Vandenberg and he informed me that all through the incident, which he remembered very well, he tried,
unsuccessfully to pick up the unknown on his navigational radar (K-system). I shall not recount all of the details of his
efforts and his comments, but only mention the end result of my two telephone interviews with him. The important
question was what sort of effective range that set had. Hanley gave the pertinent information that it could just pick
up a large tanker of the KC-97 type at about 4 miles range, when used in the “altitude-hold” mode, with antenna
tipped up to maximum elevation. But both at the start of its involvement and during the object’s swing into the 12
o’clock position, GCI showed it remaining close to 10 miles in range from the RB-47. Thus Hanley’s inability to detect
it on his K-system navigational radar in altitude hold only implies that whatever was out there had a radar
cross-section that was less than about 16 times that of a KC-97 (roughly twice 4 miles, inverse 4th-power law), The unknown
gave a GCI return that suggested a crosssection comparable to an ordinary aircraft, Chase told me, which is
consistent with Hanley’s non-detection of the object. The Condon Report gives the impression the navigator did
detect it, but this is not correct.
I have in my files many pages of typed notes on my interviews, and
cannot fill in all of the intriguing details here. Suffice it to say that Chase then went to maximum allowable
power, hoping to close with the unknown, but it just stayed ahead at about 10 miles as GCI kept telling them; it
stayed as a bright red light dead ahead, and it kept painting as a bright lobe on the top of
McClure’s ALA-6 scope. By
this time they were well into Texas still at about 35,000 ft and doing upwards of 500 knots, when Chase saw it begin to
veer to the right and head between Dallas and Ft. Worth. Getting FAA clearance to alter his own flight plan and to
make sure other jet traffic was out of his way, he followed its turn, and then realized he was beginning to close on
it for the first time. Almost immediately GCI told him the unknown had stopped moving on the ground-radarscope.
Chase and McCoid watched as they came almost up to it. Chase’s recollections on this segment of the events
were distinctly clearer than McCoid’s. McCoid was, of course, sitting aft of
Chase and had the poorer view; also
he said he was doing fuel-reserve calculations in view of the excess fuel-use in their efforts to shake the unknown,
and had to look up from the lighted cockpit to try to look out intermittently, while
Chase in the forward seat was able
to keep it in sight more nearly continuously. Chase told me that he’d estimate that it was just ahead of the RB-47
and definitely below them when it instantaneously blinked out, At that same moment McClure announced
on the interphone that he’d lost the 2800 mcs signal, and GCI said it had disappeared from their scope. Such
simultaneous loss of signal on what we can term three separate channels is most provocative, most puzzling.
Putting the aircraft into a left turn (which Chase noted consumes
about 15–20 miles at top speed), they kept looking back to try to see the light again. And, about halfway
through the turn (by then the aircraft had reached the vicinity of Mineral Wells, Texas,
Chase said), the men in the
cockpit suddenly saw the bright red light flash on again, back along their previous flight path but distinctly lower,
and simultaneously GCI got a target again and McClure started picking up a 2800 mcs signal at that bearing: (As I
heard one after another of these men describe all this, I kept trying to imagine how it was possible that Condon could
listen, at the October, 1967, plasma conference at the UFO Project, as Col. Chase recounted all this and shrug his
shoulders and walk out.)
Securing permission from
Carswell GCI to undertake the decidedly
non-standard maneuver of diving on the unknown, Chase put the RB-47 nose down and had reached about 20,000
ft, he recalls, when all of a sudden the light blinked out, GCI lost it on their scope, and McClure reported
loss of signal on the #2 monitor: Three-channel consistency once more.
Low on fuel, Chase climbed back up to 25,000 and headed north for
Oklahoma. He barely had it on homeward course when McClure got a blip dead astern and
Carswell radioed that
they had a target once more trailing the RB- 47 at about 10 miles. Rear visibility from the topblisters of the
RB-4 now precluded easy visual check, particularly if the unknown was then at lower altitude (Chase estimated that it
might have been near 15,000 ft when he lost it in the dive). It followed them to southern Oklahoma and then disappeared.
Discussion This incident is an especially good example of a UFO case in which
observer credibility and reliability do not come into serious question, a case in which more than one (here
three) channel of information figures in the overall observations, and a case in which the reported phenomena appear to
defy explanation in terms of either natural or technological phenomena.
In the
Report, the important initial incident in which the
unknown 2800 MC source appeared to orbit the RB-47 near Gulfport is omitted. In the Condon Report, the reader is
given no hint that the object was with the aircraft for over 600 miles and for over an hour. No clear sequence
of these events is spelled out, nor is the reader made aware of all of the “three-channel” simultaneous appearances or
disappearances that were so emphatically stressed to me by both Chase and McClure in my interviews with them.
But even despite those degrees of incompleteness, any reader of the account of this case in the Condon
Report must wonder that an incident of this sort could be left as unexplained and yet ultimately treated, along with
the other unexplained cases in that Report, as calling for no further scientific attention.
Actually, various hypotheses (radar anomalies, mirage effects) are
weighed in one part of the Condon Report where this case is discussed separately (pp. 136–138). But the
suggestion made there that perhaps an inversion near 2 km altitude was responsible for the returns at the Carswell GCI
unit is wholly untenable. In an Appendix, a very lengthy but non-relevant discussion of ground return from anomalous
propagation appears; in fact, it is so unrelated to the actual circumstances of this case as to warrant no comment
here. Chase’s account emphasized that the GCI radar(s) had his aircraft and the unknown object on-scope for a
total flight-distance of the order of several hundred miles, including a near overflight of the ground radar. With such
wide variations in angles of incidence of the ground-radar beam on any inversion or duct, however intense, the
possibility of anomalous propagation effects yielding a consistent pattern of spurious echo matching the reported
movements and the appearances and disappearances of the target is infinitesimal. And the more so in
view of the simultaneous appearances and disappearances on the ECM gear and via visible emissions from the
unknown. To suggest, as is tentatively done on p. 138 that the “red glow” might have been a “mirage of Oklahoma
City,” when the pilot’s description of the luminous source involves a wide range of viewing angles, including
two instances when he was viewing it at quite large depression angles, is wholly unreasonable. Unfortunately, that
kind of casual ad hoc hypothesizing with almost no attention to relevant physical considerations runs all through
the case-discussions in the treatment of radar and optical cases in the Condon Report, frequently (though not in this
instance) being made the basis of “explanations” that are merely absurd. On p. 265 of the Report, the question of
whether this incident might be explained in terms of any “plasma effect” is considered but rejected. In the end, this
case is conceded to be unexplained.
No evidence that a report on this event reached Project Bluebook was
found by the Colorado investigators. That may seem hard to believe for those who are under the impression that
the Air Force has been diligently and exhaustively investigating UFO reports over the past 22 years. But
to those who have examined more closely the actual levels of investigation, lack of a report on this incident is
not so surprising. Other comparable instances could be cited, and still more where the military aircrews elected to
spare themselves the bother of interrogation, by not even reporting events about as puzzling as those found in this RB-47
But what is of greatest present interest is the point that here we
have a well-reported, multi-channel, multiple-witness UFO report, coming in fact from within the Air Force itself,
investigated by the Condon Report team, conceded to be unexplained, and yet it is, in final analysis,
ignored by Dr. Condon. In no section of the report specifically written by the principal investigator does he even
allude to this intriguing case. My question is how such events can be written off as demanding no further scientific study.
To me, such cases seem to cry out for the most intensive scientific study — and the more so because they are
actually so much more numerous than the scientific community yet realizes. There is a scientific mystery here that is
being ignored and shoved under the rug; the strongest and most unjustified shove has come from the
Report. “Unjustified” because that report itself contains so many scientifically puzzling unexplained cases
(approximately 30 out of 90 cases considered) that it is extremely difficult to understand how its principal investigator
could have construed the contents of the report as supporting a view that
UFO studies should be terminated.
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