David Frawley
People throughout the world retain the memory of earlier great
spiritual civilizations that existed long before our current
reckoning of history. Myths of
Atlantis and
Lemuria, stories of
great floods and antediluvian kingdoms exist in all the ancient
literatures of the world. These include Jewish, Greek, Egyptian,
Babylonian, Hindu, Chinese, and Mayan traditions to name but a few.
The ancient
Egyptians and
-- whom we credit with the
founding of civilization --saw themselves only as offshoots of
earlier more enlightened, pre-flood cultures. They looked in wonder
and awe to such bygone ages, a curious response if they indeed were
the real inventors of civilization! Yet this memory is much deeper
than any literary records. It is engrained in our human psyche as a
collective or racial imprint. Many indigenous and aboriginal peoples
retain such knowledge and poets and novelists of all types reflect
it in their visions.
This is why stories of ancient mysteries are
always so captivating. They remain popular in spite of the many
efforts to deny them. Orthodox archaeology has long tried to dismiss
such flood stories as mere fantasy, or reduce them to more recent
and smaller events. Yet we do have clear evidence of a great flood
at the end of the last Ice Age around 10,000 years ago, which
generally agrees with ancient chronologies like that of Plato’s
Atlantis. In addition, new archaeological finds, particularly those
of marine archaeology, suggest the existence of several older
submerged civilizations from areas as diverse as Cuba to
indicating that hard evidence is out there. The end of the last Ice
Age brought about major geological disruptions, changes of climate
and the raising of the oceans by several hundred feet that would
submerge or destroy most human habitations, which even today are
located largely by the ocean or in low lying areas. The difficulty
of finding evidence of pre-flood cultures should be not be confused
with their lack of existence.
Graham Hancock has been at the forefront of alternative archaeology
and the effort to connect this memory of lost civilizations to
archaeological findings all over the world. Hancock is not only
innovative; he is probing and scientific in his analysis. He follows
the cutting edge of marine archaeology and examines the sites
himself. He has also taken care to examine the literature and
traditions of the regions he investigates, which help locate and
interpret such sites that local peoples are surprisingly still aware
The popularity of Hancock’s work shows how irrelevant are standard
academic views of the ancient world, which few people read and few
who read remember. Current academic views reconstruct ancient
civilization as a crude effort to evolve the type of ’advanced’
technological civilization which we have today.
These views are not only superficial (for example, reducing cultures
to pottery styles) but wrong. Certainly the ancients did not view
themselves according to our modern conceptions of civilization based
upon politics and economics. They saw themselves carrying on
spiritual traditions from pre-flood cultures, which had a higher
level of civilization than they did, including occult and
technological knowledge that was lost to them.
Why is it, one may ask, that orthodox archaeologists are so slow to
examine or explore these older traditions? The reason is simple.
Such discoveries would totally undermine current historical and
cultural views of humanity. Our civilization may not be the first,
the last or the highest. Ours may just be one in a series of many
civilizations, whose purpose may be more spiritual than material.
Our civilization may not be unique and may even be a deviation from
the broader movement of human spiritual culture that reaches out to
the universe on the level of consciousness, not simply through
technology. This is what the Vedic and Yoga tradition teaches us as
Such a prospect would require not only a total rewriting of history
but a total reexamination of the purpose of our species and the
meaning of life, which can only be disconcerting to existing
paradigms and the institutions which uphold them.
The Role of India
In most examinations of lost civilizations, there has been a
surprising tendency to leave India out of the picture. While the
wonders of Egypt or Sumeria are often discussed, the equally great
wonders of ancient India are seldom mentioned. This is strange
because India is the main country that has preserved our ancient
human heritage, both materially and spiritually. For example, in
India today one can observe the same type of temple worship still
being practiced like that which once occurred in ancient Egypt,
Babylonia, Greece or Mexico, along with the same emphasis on the
spiritual and the sacred as the focus of life.
India has extensive archaeological remains that are among the
largest and oldest in the world. Harappan India or
India of the
so-called ’Indus Valley Civilization’ was the largest urban
civilization in the world of its times in the third millennium BC
(3100-1900 BCE), with major sites extending from the Ganges river in
the east to Afghanistan in the west, from the border of
Iran to near
Bombay. However, India’s role in ancient civilization has been
largely ignored in favor of more culturally comfortable, though
geographically much smaller cultures in the Near East, in spite of
the fact that such ancient cultures frequently lauded the greatness
of India themselves. How many of us know that the civilizations of
Egypt and Mesopotamia would fit easily into
Harappan India with much
room to spare, so much larger was the Indian civilization. There has
been an even greater ignoring of the Vedic literature of India,
which is by far the largest that has been preserved from the ancient
The many thousands of pages of this mantric literature dwarf all
that the rest of the world has managed to save from such early eras.
Yet instead of putting Vedic literature on par with the
Pyramids of
Egypt in terms of civilizational achievements, scholars reduce
Vedas to the rantings of illiterate nomads from Central Asia, who by
all accounts should have left no literature anyway. The spiritual
wisdom of the Vedic mantras is ignored according to a view that the
Vedas are only a nature poetry of barbarian invaders. This is in
spite of the fact that the Vedas were the foundation for the great
yogic and mystical traditions of Asia through Hindu and
traditions and the whole science of Yoga, which frequently refer to
Not only has Vedic literature been ignored, there has been an
additional effort to keep the Vedic literature separate from the
great archaeological remains in the country of the various Harappan
sites. We are told that the great urban civilization of ancient
India and the great Vedic literature that India preserved as its
ancient heritage are not connected to each other at all. We are left
with ’a civilization without a literature’ and a ’literature without
a civilization’, though both a great literature and a great
civilization came from ancient India and often use the same symbols.
This is in evidence in the many Vedic images found in Harappan
and on Harappan seals like the Brahma bull, figures in yoga
postures, Shiva-like Gods, fire altars and swastikas. Here the new
geology and marine archaeology has ruled in favor of the ancients.
Vedic literature describes its homeland on a long lost river called
the Sarasvati, which according to Vedic descriptions flowed east of
the Indus from the Himalayas to the
Arabian Sea. Modern satellite
photography has clearly indicated the existence of this great river,
as have numerous geological and ground water studies conducted over
the last few decades, which show that the Sarasvati was once over
ten kilometers in width and flowed from the mountains to the sea,
dwarfing the nearby Indus. As the Vedas say, the
Sarasvati was the
largest river of the region at the time. It was the center of a
great civilization and the vast majority of ancient Indian and
Harappan ruins have been found on the now dried banks of the
As the Sarasvati River dried up around 1900 BCE, the
civilization which describes the river as its immemorial homeland
must be much older.
Graham Hancock breaks down this anti-India barrier and elevates
ancient India back to the forefront of ancient civilizations. He
shows that the spiritual foundation of the Vedas cannot be divorced
from the earliest civilization of the region. He quotes the Vedas to
show how they reflect a great flood and the establishment of a new
civilization after it. Hancock shows how the Vedas reflect a
maritime civilization which developed amidst the crashing glaciers
that produced the waters to make the now dry Sarasvati
the largest
river in India. Marine archaeology shows a number of submerged sites
off the coast of Kachchh and Cambay in what would have then been the
old Sarasvati delta region.
A Gulf of Cambay urban site has recently
been dated by Indian archaeologists to 7500 BCE. This would totally
change our view of history as we now date cities only after 3500
BCE. It is here that Hancock is now seeking what he calls the
grail of his quest for this older civilization of the pre-Ice Age
era. It is here that we can look for the tradition of Manu, the
Hindu flood figure and first king and law giver, and the great
sages, the Angirasa and Bhrigu rishis who were traditionally
connected both to Manu and to the sea. This earlier civilization was
preserved in India in two traditions. The first is the Vedic
tradition, which grew up on the Sarasvati River at the end of the
Ice Age. The second is the Tamilian tradition, which reflected
pre-Ice Age cultures off the coast of South India.
recognizes both and is also exploring sites by South India, near
Mahabalipuram, an ancient sacred Tamilian area that evidences a
large urban site out to sea. Clearly we are just beginning to
discover the mysteries of ancient Indian civilization, which unfold
another layer of world civilization that we have forgotten.
Hancock’s work marks a new era in our study of the ancient world,
not only in terms of the revolutionary nature of his ideas but also
with the vividness that he projects them, using the tools not only
of science but those of the mass media as well. We must now look to
an older stratum of maritime civilization that existed before the
end of the last Ice Age in order to really understand the movement
of history. And for this India has an important, if not central
role. Indians often complain of how the British distorted their
Here Hancock, a new Britisher, provides the cure. The
question is whether Indians will take it up and follow his lead into
reviving the ancient spiritual glory that the Vedas,
Purana, Agamas
and Sangam literature so eloquently proclaims. Let us hope they do.
There is much in this vast literature that reflects such an older
and more spiritual heritage for humanity that connects us with the
conscious universe as a whole.