from InTheLight Website
There is a suggestion that the Sphinx may date back about 5 million years.
Some of the sources include:
This is how Dr Joshua David Stone describes the seven root races (A Complete Ascension Manual, page 5):
We are the Aryan race, and the Meruvian race is just
starting to appear in North America and Australasia. The Paradisian
race and the continent of Tara are yet to appear on the planet.
A serpent-like
civilization inhabited the South polar region, and was constantly at
war with the other beings (the serpent sign is also used to indicate Sirians - see later).
These finds are quietly ignored by science because there is absolutely no explanation for them according to the current theory of human evolution.
I am using the term Shamballa to refer to civilizations in the Gobi desert region. There was certainly a great civilization there in the past, and indications are that it predated Lemuria and Atlantis. The term Shamballa has been used.
Dr. Doreal has an image which was unearthed from a temple in the Gobi desert, and he dates it back about 50,000 years.
It shows short stocky men, with long thin arms and legs, grass skirts, strange shells, and an image of something he calls the Kraken. The hair and facial features of the men are unlike any race known on the planet today.
The booklet
explains that the man on the right is covering his pineal gland,
showing the separation of men from the governing incorporeal beings
- which is in keeping with the Rosicrucian explanations.
Mu is another name for Lemuria.
The Lemurians were apparently a short, stocky, dark-skinned Matriachal race. There is good evidence for the land of Lemuria - much better than evidence for Atlantis.
It is placed in the Pacific Ocean, covering from India, across Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands to Hawaii in the north and Easter Island in the east. There are coral reefs in deep water off the coast of some of the Pacific Islands, suggesting that at one time the land was higher (or that the sea level was much lower).
Govindam's "Babaja and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition" shows a map of India in 30,000 BC, joining India to Australia (it also shows Mt Meru as one of the mountain peaks - other sources put Mt Meru at the north pole, or as another name for the Great Pyramid in Egypt!).
Atlantis is one of the best known mythical continents, referred to by Plato and other legends.
Many people have theorized where it may have been - from the middle of the Atlantic, to Antarctica, Indonesia, Greenland, and a volcanic island near Greece which erupted a few thousand years before Plato's time.
Some sources suggest that there is evidence of structures on the sea floor off the east coast of northern USA, but no hard evidence has been produced.
It may well be that there were Homo Sapiens Sapiens
civilizations living in a number of different continents
(archaeological evidence certainly supports this), and the people of
this era could generically be called "Atlantians".
(From A Dweller on Two Planets, Phylos the Thibetan)
Most sources agree that Atlantis existed in parallel with Lemuria, but was colonized later.
It had developed technology somewhat in advance of the present day, and it was through misuse of the technology in some way which attributed to the fall of Atlantis and the entire continent descending into the sea.
Some sources say that the sea level rose as the ice age came to a close, others attribute it to a meteorite strike, a volcanic eruption, misuse of their technology - maybe it was a combination of factors.
11,600 BC Atlantis disappear to the ocean floor
somewhere. This coincides with the end of the ice age
(known fact) and is supposed to be the mythical flood in the bible.
In his book "The Masters and The Path", CW Leadbeater (of the Theosophical Society) describes (page 30) the residence of Kuthumi, Master Morya and Djwhal Khul in a ravine in Tibet.
Nearby, he describes the entrance to an occult museum which these masters protect on behalf of the Great White Brotherhood.
The museum houses images of every type of man which has existed on the planet,
Also original manuscripts written by Lord
Buddha, and
the Book of Dzyan, and scripts from
other worlds.
At the time of the flood, the intelligent beings on the planet either (a) went underground, or (b) build boats (collectively called "Noah" - not one person, but many individuals).
As the waters receded, many of the underground people emerged, but some stayed underground.
Those underground are said to still have large civilizations there -
they are said to be quiet, peace-loving people, with technology, who
live long lives. The Ascended Masters are said to belong to
these races.
The skin colors of the races were originally:
Ice Ages on Earth
The great ages of the earth are labeled by archaeologists as follows:
The Cenozoic era is divided into epochs:
These time periods are arbitrarily assigned by humans, designed to coincide with major changes which took place on the planet.
The last ice age was during the Pleistocene period, and technically we are still in it, or just coming out of it. Currently about 11% of the land area of the world is covered by ice/glaciers, holding about three-quarters of all the fresh water of the planet.
If it were all to melt the sea level would rise 90 meters.
During the height of the ice age of the Pleistocene period, up to 30% of the land area was covered with ice, and the sea level was 35 meters lower about 13,000 years ago when a sudden warming occurred and the ice abruptly receded.
Somewhere 10,000 - 12,000 years ago there certainly was a great flood of a lot of land area. Human evolution seems to have occurred during this ice age period when the majority of the world was cooler than in previous times (this could be a concern if global warming is a reality).
There was a small ice age during 1500 - 1850 - this is known as the "Little Ice Age".