Scalar resonance is not in the conventional textbook. Scalar resonance is a particular zero-summed multi-resonance, electromagnetically, so that it does not act in an electromagnetic manner. A scalar resonance is a standing electrogravitational wave. It can be made electrically, but it is not electrical in behavior. In any scalar resonance, spacetime is curved, and it is the magnitude (and direction) of this spacetime curvature that is oscillating in "standing wave" fashion. In respect to stress of the vacuum medium, one half of a standing sine wave of scalar resonance is tensile; the other half is compressive. However, this is with respect to the local ambient stress of vacuum. "Mass" of a particle is just a characteristic exhibited by a trapped scalar resonance. Usually this trapping is done by the "spin" of the individual particle. The concept of "mass" may be compared to the concept of "capacitance." That is, a mass is an accumulator for scalar waves; that is, for scalar resonances. It is continually being "charged" and "discharged" by absorption and emission of scalar waves from and to the ambient vacuum scalar wave flux. Indeed, the magnitude of a mass may be defined in terms of the absolute value
of this "switching" (absorption = switch in; emission = switch out)
rate. In a
very early paper I defined the mass of an object as proportional to the absolute
of the sum of the input and output switching rates, where each
"switch" represents a change of action of h/(4 In the normal linear spacetime, the "charging" and ’’discharging" are equal in all directions; hence the "mass" exhibited in any direction is the same. With respect to an "external observer’s" equilibrium flux, a moving object encounters an increased amount of flux rate along its line of motion, just as a moving object in a rainstorm encounters more raindrops per second in the direction of its path, than does a stationary object. Encountering increased scalar wave flux (with respect to the external observer) forces the moving object to absorb and emit scalar waves at a higher rate along its direction of motion than when it is not moving. Thus to the external observer, the mass of the object has increased, insofar as any disturbing force along its line of motion is concerned. At right angles to its line of motion, however, the flux rate is precisely the same as when the object is at rest. Therefore the "mass" of the moving object with respect to any disturbing force at right angles to its line of motion has not changed, as seen by the external Lorentz observer. Thus is explained both parts of one of the alltime great mysteries of special relativity: (1) how the mass of an object increases with respect to its motion, and (2) why the mass only increases with respect to its line of motion, and not at right angles to it. The inertia of a particle is due to its mass, i.e., to the total magnitude of its trapped scalar resonance. The gravitational attraction between two masses is due to their spacetime curvature. Further, mass is like a capacitance. It can trap additional scalar waves as trapped resonance; hence increase its magnitude or "inertial charge." Or, it can discharge more scalar waves than it absorbs; hence decrease its magnitude or "inertial charge." Those scalar waves emitted from resonance are emitted as a pattern ensemble of the resonance. Hence they may be regarded as constituting a current of scalar resonance leaving the mass-accumulator-object. Scalar waves absorbed into trapped resonance may be regarded as constituting a current of scalar resonance into the mass-accumulator-object. Thus it is proper to speak of scalar resonance as being able to "flow." Further, it is possible to increase the mass of an object directly, by transmitting scalar EM waves to it so that it absorbs them. (By "absorbing" scalar waves one means that more enter the object than leave it, so the object acts as an inertial accumulator charging up with inertial charge. This is done by insuring that the reference potential of the scalar wave transmitter is higher than the reference potential of the irradiated object.) It is also possible to decrease the mass of an object directly, by transmitting scalar EM waves to it so that it emits more than it absorbs. (By "emitting" scalar waves one means that more leave the object than enter it, so the object acts as if it were an inertial accumulator that is discharging its inertial charge. This is done by insuring that the reference potential of the scalar wave transmitter is lower than the reference potential of the irradiated object.) As can be seen, the scalar wave "transmitter" is actually somewhat comparable to a heat pump; it can either act as an "energy transmitter" or as an "energy extractor," depending upon the difference in potential between "transmitter" and "receiver." Finally, scalar resonance can have a specific pattern: both in frequency and in spatial curvature aspects, as well as "rate of flow of time" aspects. Indeed, scalar-wise every object has its individua1 "scalar pattern" which is a unique fingerprint. Since that print is spatiotemporal, it is a product of the object’s entire past history. Thus -- scalar-wise -- no two objects are identical. This brings up another rather amazing potential: If a reasonably precise scalar pattern of an object can be "irradiated" and resonated with scalar waves, energy may be created in or extracted from the distant object, just as stimulating one tuning fork can excite another at a distance by sympathetic resonance. We leave it as an exercise for the reader to ascertain the relevance of this statement to clairvoyance, radionics, remote viewing, etc. For the skeptic, however, we must point out that -- rigorously -- quantum mechanics requires that, continually, in any localized region of spacetime, the "pattern" of any object in the universe appears momentarily in the virtual state, purely from statistical considerations alone. So long as the situation remains statistical, any place in the universe can continue to have the "ghosts" of everything present there, in an ethereally thin pattern, and the observable world will not be affected by it. However, if one can discriminate and scalarly "charge" or "discharge" individual patterns in this "ghost-realm," action-at-a-distance is directly possible, as is materialization and dematerialization. if one accepts that even thought itself produces such virtual "ghost-patterns" in the virtual particle flux of vacuum, then it is at least theoretically possible to even materialize thoughts and thought images. We have entered a new kind of reality where the old rules and the old limitations do not necessarily apply. |