by T.E.B.
In addition to the "externalized energy
balance" of nature, there is a heretofore unsuspected (by Western reductionists)
internal energy balance of nature. This internal
energy balance is of vital importance when we consider how the
planet is being polluted.
The most deadly pollution of this planet
is the steady and increasing pollution of the internal "rivers of
life" inside the biological potentials of the planet and all its
living systems. That is, we are steadily polluting the very
intercommunication and intracommunication fields that sustain life
as we know it. In short, we are slowly killing the living mechanism
in and on this biosphere. We are slowly sickening unto death, and no
one even knows it.
Environmental and ecological issues cannot be adequately discussed
and completely dealt with until our science develops a sufficient
knowledge of internalized EM energy, its exchanges within the
environment, and the overall internalized energy balance of nature
and of our biosphere.
The importance of electronic smog—of the vast and increasing
multitude of individual signals that now fill our environment—cannot
be overemphasized, nor can its future impact. This smog is slowly
producing an artificial quantum potential on earth, one that has a
most deadly and lethal "jamming noise" structure, and steadily
contaminating the natural quantum potentials and bioquantum-potentials
that are our heritage. This pollution even includes the internal
pollution of the tri-system: the coupled Sun, Earth, and
Moon. We
are slowly poisoning the life mechanisms in this entire region of
the solar system. As we charge-up the Earth's potential, that charge
is diffused to both Sun and Moon through the hidden internal
communicative bidirectional EM Whittaker structures. We are not only
slowly extinguishing ourselves, but also the Triad system.
In biological systems the presence and effects of the increasing
jamming of our living energy flows will be evidenced by anomalous
effects, often by very slow effects for which we do not recognize a
causal connection. Long-range detrimental effects from this smog are
occurring now, such as extremely slow jamming of our immune systems,
leading to a rise in arthritic diseases, immuno-suppressive
opportunistic infections, etc. Also, such diseases as influenzas
will slowly seem to become harsher and harsher. Indeed, new strains
will appear, and they will be much harsher and more resistant to
medical treatment. Continually stimulated, the immune system slowly
begins to improperly react in and upon the body, and so the
auto-immune reactions increase slowly, year by year. Leukemia—
cancer (control disorder) of the blood—is increasing, as are other
cancers. The sperm count of young American males has already
decreased by up to 50 percent.
The real problem behind the puzzling and anomalous effects of video
screen emissions that computer operators are exposed to is the fact
that each electron striking the screen comes to an extremely abrupt
halt, creating a very sharp individual EM potential gradient signal
change, with very high frequency components. Added to the other
frequency components in the tube—such as due to scanning of the
beam, internal circuit operations, magnetic focusing, etc.—this
means that the electrostatic potential emanating from the face of
the tube is filled with a conditioned Whittaker structure from all
the electronic hash inside the computer, tube, and screen. This
structure has a very harsh micro-microstructure of hidden sharp
signals from the rather instantaneous stoppages of electrons on the
screen. This is a "Whittaker hash", and its effects continually
diffuse into the vision center, brain, and nervous system of the
The light from the tube is conditioned
with this Whittaker structure, and when absorbed by the retinas of
the eyes, it imparts and diffuses that hidden structure directly
onto the nervous system and the surface of the brain. By diffusive
activation (charging), this gradually spreads into the other parts
of the body, particularly in and through the master cellular control
system, and partially charges their potentials with the hash. After
hours of exposure, kindling of the Whittaker structure in the
physical system is sufficient to be expressed as physical changes
such as headaches, vision effects, dizziness, etc. Very subtle blood
tests should also reveal blood changes, particularly typical of weak
auto-immune reactions, or typical of weak stimulation of the immune
The more subtle parts of the master
control system are affected as well. With repeated and daily
exposures, the "hash activation" partial charge is sustained in the
body, continually interfering with precise control mechanisms. Thus
an increased incidence of fetus defects, responsive abortions by the
body, and birth defects in infants of exposed pregnant women has a
causative basis.
In a radar system, there is "splatter" and noise from all the
various circuits, the transmitter, and reflections in the area.
Harmonics, reflections from surrounding plates, panels and objects,
and the continual interference of all these signals, form a
Whittaker potential with a sharpened and dynamic "hash" for its
internal structure. This hash continually diffuses into radar
operators and maintenance personnel exposed to it. Diffusion of the
jamming "hash" leads to slow, harmful variations in the master
cellular control systems of the exposed personnel. Defective sperm
cells can result. A higher incidence of cancer and leukemia results
in operators extensively exposed to such "non-ionizing radiation" in
their everyday duties.
Powerlines act as antennas, continually picking up and re-radiating
all the electronic signals that impinge upon it, no matter how weak.
Myriads of television, radio, power machinery, and other
electrical/electronic signals are involved. Further, the power
flowing through the line carries all the electronic smog from any
place along it to all the others (time-reversed components of the
infolded Whittaker structure considered.) So it is a vast gatherer
of electronic smog, which is infolded inside its potential and
re-radiated everywhere along its length. With the criss-crossing of
numerous new lines every year, and the drastic increase in
communications signals, electronics signals, and electrical signals,
we are slowly poisoning our entire biospheric living internal river
of life. We are steadily contaminating and poisoning the entire
planetary potential, and each and every year we are dramatically
increasing this deadly effect.
In the modern home and office, we are particularly "blessed" with
these interactions. Numerous electrical and electronic gadgets whir
and operate and create EM fields and weak EM radiation signals. The
electrical powerline brings to our home all the internal patterns
that have been impressed from afar; literally it brings us weak
electronic hash from the entire earth. The light from our electric
lights and tamps carries this hash directly into our retinas,
brains, and nervous systems. The Whittaker structures are modulated
into the sound from our radios and stereos, entering our ears and
auditory systems, on into our nervous systems and brains. Watching
television, the light from the tube contains all this hash and also
the internal hash of its own circuits, tube, and its screen hash.
Continual weak EM hash continually
impinges on our skin by radiation from light sockets, appliances,
and fixtures. If we sleep under an electric blanket, we sleep
directly in an alternating magnetic field that penetrates even down
to the nuclei of the atoms of our body, directly inputting the hash
into our body's biopotentials. Even when turned off the fixtures and
appliances in our home continue to emit Whittaker standing potential
waves, exposing us to weak but continual hash. Thus the same
cellular changes, etc. that occur in video screen operators and
radar operators begin to gradually occur in our bodies, from the EM
pollution of our environment. Usually, however, we get a smaller
"dosage rate" than the screen operator or radar operator, and so the
changes occur more gradually. Our unhealthy EM hash environment is
already inducing leukemia and cancer, and immune system defects and
diseases, gradually over a period of years.
"Hot spots" will obviously occur, where the dosage rate is increased
because of particular reflections, reinforcements, interferences,
etc. Such cancer and leukemia hotspots do indeed exist, without any
presently known explanation.
In the "normal" weak EM noise environment that used to exist on
earth, the minimum threshold effect provided security against the
normal weaker background. The maximum threshold effect provided
security against sudden larger "EM jamming" occurrences. In today's
EM noise environment, both of these protection thresholds are
becoming inadequate.