by T.E.B.
For all the creatures and species on
earth, the
Whittaker structured potential mechanism provides the
precise physical mechanisms for evolution, and for
morphogenetic field.
Every creature continually contributes structures into the quantum
potential for its own species, and the quantum potential for every
species is part of the overall planetary quantum potential for all
its living things.

Each species has its own quantum
potential, to which every action, movement, thought, or incident of,
by, and to its members contributes a minute amount of substructuring.
Thus very, very slowly the species bio-quantum-potential adapts from
the combined experiences of all its members, and the species
"learns." Sudden wholesale changes, of course, can extinguish a
species before this mechanism has time to adapt. But if the species
has time, it will adapt to even harsh changes inflicted by its
environment, and it will change and survive. The species
bio-quantum-potential provides the exact mechanism for the species
to change, adapt, and evolve to survive the slowly changing
adversities of its environment.
It should specifically be noted that potentials organize into entire
hierarchies of organization. That is, a potential is normally a
conglomerate composed of many smaller potentials, each of unique
Whittaker structure. The stress of a potential is rather analogous
to the pressure in a mixture of gases; the overall pressure of the
gaseous mixture is composed of partial pressures of the various
gaseous components. Each gaseous component has its own individual
contribution to the overall pressure of the entire gaseous mix.
In the case of the potential, the overall Whittaker structure of a
particular potential is comprised of the overall Whittaker
structures of its component potentials.
The point is, a quantum potential of one entity is composed of the
partial quantum potentials of its component entities.
Note that each living cell of a biological organism is itself a
complete biological organism. Each cell has its own individual
bio-quantum-potential. Insofar as that cell is concerned, its
"species" bio-quantum potential (BQP) is the body
bio-quantum-potential of the whole animal of which the cell is a
part. (Even organs of an animal have their own biopotentials, as
does every physical structure and division of everything in the
universe. And everything intracommunicates and intercommunicates via
hidden EM energy.)
Successively deeper Whittaker potentials are nested inside the
bio-quantum-potential for the cell, one for each next smaller level
of interior structure. The end result is that this cellular
hierarchical structure continues directly down into and onto the
nucleus of each atom composing that structure. This is the manner in
which the life of a living system is attached to, and activates, the
physical matter of its body. We have thus specified precisely what
the living-spirit of a body is.
Communication between all living levels continually occurs via the
mechanisms contained in the two Whittaker papers (W-1903: infolding
external EM at one level into internal EM at the next lower level;
and W-1904: outfolding EM at one internal level to the next outer
externalized level). Thus in a true sense, all life on the planet is
completely intercommunicative and intracommunicative. Literally,
planet is a living being, and a special kind of Gaia exists.
Particularly strong Whittaker-structuring communication occurs
between an individual member of a species and its species
bio-quantum-potential at fertilization/conception and at death. Thus
at cell division (formation of a new cell), mitogenetic radiation is
more strongly emitted, showing that increased communication has
occurred in a (relatively) impulsive manner. The recorded experience
of the body is communicated to the new cell at this time. At the
death of the cell, again mitogenetic radiation is more strongly
emitted, showing that again impulsive communication has occurred.
The recorded experience of the cell—particularly its most recent
experiences—are impulsively transmitted at this time, from the
outfolding Whittaker structures of its bio-potential.
Similarly, at the fertilization of an egg and the conception of an
animal, biocommunication is impulsively exchanged between the newly
conceived entity, the body of its mother, and the species
bio-quantum-potential. At the death of the individual animal, a
relatively impulsive communication again occurs between the cells of
the dying body, the dying organism, and the animal's species
Thus it can be seen that the adaptation or evolution of a species is
subject to both slow communication components and various impulsive
communication components. The development of the bodily form of the
members of a species thus can undergo jumps from greater "impulsive
discharges" rather than just slow gradual change. That is, obviously
a reptile species could not gradually develop a wing by small
degrees. Instead, to develop a wing, the wing must appear at once.
This can occur under heavy, sustained pressure on the species,
stimulating and building a specific phase conjugate portion of the
bio-quantum-potential (BQP) of the species. In the ghost forms
existing in the vacuum potential, the form for that wing definitely
exists, as does the ghost form for anything else that can be
imagined. Intercommunication between the atomic nuclei of the living
organism and the vacuum potential continually and strongly occurs;
there is a violent flux exchange at all times between these nuclei
and the vacuum.
The external experiences being impulsively communicated back to the
atomic nuclei from the species and its members thus continually
diffuses on out into the surrounding vacuum potential. The
surrounding vacuum potential's Whittaker structuring is continually
activated by the Whittaker-structuring of the overall bio-potential
of the individual animal. Thus we have specified the specific
mechanism for, and the form of, the long-sought "aura'' of the
living animal or person. That aura is quite real, and it does exist.
Further, knowing what it is, we can now develop instruments to
detect and record it, including systems to analyze its contents. Let
it be strongly pointed out here that we are talking physics,
On the other hand, we are most certainly not talking the present
rank scientific materialism. To state it in more theological terms,
man is truly made in the image of his creator. And the image of the
creator is the quantum potential of the vacuum. Further, Man—as is
every other living thing created by the Creator—is always and
forever in direct but hidden communication with the image of his
Creator. It is that image mechanism and its adaptive intervention
that is the cause of all evolution. The Creator indeed made man—and
everything else—out of the dust of the earth. And indeed he
activated his creation with the "breath of life." The new physics
does not dispose of God; to the contrary, it marvelously and non-dogmatically — and scientifically — reveals his ubiquitous presence
and his ubiquitous hidden intervention.
In so doing, the new physics also does away with the present
scientific nonsense of dogmatic scientific materialism. We are not
robots and machines; we are living souls. Our minds and our beings
are not captured in the puny electrical discharges of our brains and
nervous system, but in marvelous structures pervading the entire
universe, everywhere, everywhen, in the internal Whittaker structure
of every point in space-time. Each has a spirit (that which motivates
matter), and that spirit is a form in the Whittaker-structures of
all the potentials of the universe. Further, the spirit is eternal.
Destruction of the physical body does not alter the fact that the
individual spiritual form and its every deed, thought, feeling, and
experience exists for all eternity, in every part of the universe,
directly in the form and image-potential of God. We indeed are
eternal, and our true self is nonmaterial and immortal.
The shabby
treatment of our present scientific orthodoxy in attempting to deny
us our spiritual heritage is refuted, and this refutation is
scientifically testable. We challenge the present dogmatism to
practice scientific method and put it to legitimate experimental
test Spend some money and some time, and do it right. The necessary
instruments can be developed. The necessary tests can be performed.
The necessary results can be shown. And, given those results, the
present materialism must be cast aside as an infantile derangement.
It is long past the time when science should put away such juvenile
things, and get on with a more mature, adult world. If it does this,
then science can contribute to the salvation of Man. If it does not
do it, it will continue to contribute to the destruction of Man.
We show now the causative mechanism for adaptive evolution.
In the gravitons composing the vacuum potential, one photonic
element is "time forward'' and one is ''time-reversed.'' These are
phase conjugates. Thus, any pattern consistently happening to the
species diffuses into the vacuum potential, where its oppositive or
"negative feedback" component is automatically selected/created by
phase conjugation.
The bottom line is this: the external factors causing stress on a
species automatically (but slowly) generate a time-reversed response
in the activation of the vacuum potential. That is, the species'
need-charge generates an activated phase conjugate response-charge,
effectively charging up (integrating) the very ghost form or forms
in the virtual state of the vacuum that would fulfill that need.
As is well-known in physics, a virtual entity can become real and
observable if energy is added to it. Thus the species-need is
steadily causing just such "addition of energy'' to the virtual
state ghost form that answers that need. When sufficient energy has
been added (when it has been sufficiently charged/activated), the
ghost form starts emerging into the observable state, in the
conceptions (via impulsive discharge) taking place in the species.
Then species members start being born with that evolutionary change
already fully established
This is the specific mechanism for evolution of the species. It
explains not only slow adaptation, but also impulsive adaptation. It
explains why evolution/adaptation occurs in jumps rather than in
continuous changes. And it also explains why, in desperate
circumstances when sufficient time still is available, rather
drastic jumps can occur.