by Carlo Dorofatti
HorusCentre Website
This essay is an abstract
from the e-book “Travelling into the Time” by Carlo
Since many years, at the
EOGA Centers (Endoteric Order for the Global Ascension)
and during many travels all over the world, Carlo
Dorofatti (also known with the name of “Gattopardo” or
“Frater Superior O:.M:.M:.”) suggests, experiments and
utilizes new concepts of reality, organizes and runs
teams of research, courses and conferences.
In this synthetic and introductive essay about the
concept of Time, there are described the fundamental
aspects of what maybe can be considered as one of the
most fascinating themes of the Esoteric Physics, which
is the main aspect of the reality investigated by Carlo
Dorofatti and his co-workers during their modern
research. |
Esoteric Physics
considers the time as a natural kingdom.
Time is sequential only where the space exists and where there are
forms and their dynamic interaction. In this specific case we are
talking about our material three-dimensional plain. Outside the
world of forms, the “flow” of the time - as a chronological sequence
- doesn’t have sense and it exists accordingly with different
dynamics and meanings.
Time is the first effect of the meeting of laws from which the world
of forms is born. Inside the time, each form – since its first
manifestation and perception – determines the beginning of the flow,
where cause and effect realize the temporal link between one event
and another inside a precise plain of existence.
The universe of forms is composed by many plains of existence,
echo-words and parallel realities which exist also in ultra-luminal
The complexity created by this vision of our universe leads our
vision and experimentation towards different flows of time, which
interact in many different ways. Especially from the alchemical
point of view, Time is a parameter through which we consider each
form, which is supported by the “particle of time” which
participates to.
With the birth of the
Quantum Physics, modern physics starts to
comprehend the infinite relationships between forms, space and time
where causes and effects don’t follow just one direction or a
sequence matching with our common sense.
Time is the possibility given to forms to transform themselves along
the axis of the temporal flow, instant by instant, event by event,
towards the direction of the development of complexity.
Therefore, only from a theoretical point of view, past times are
related with less complex systems and future times with more complex
systems where the structure of the universe is composed by masses
progressively smaller but able to manifest a wider functionality and
to support a higher level of information/memory, inside a more and
more evolved context.
I said “theoretically” because, due to certain reasons (related with
the expression of the “consciousness”), it is possible that time
(plain of forms) develops itself in a non-linear way compared with
the direction of the complexity. In this case the sequence of events
draws an intricate “geography”.
Basically, esoteric physics considers the time from two different
points of view: linear and simultaneous.
Our perception is quite accustomed to the first point: it is a
matter of considering time just in its function as a flow, from the
past to the future. We are immerged in the time-river and
participate to its unremitting flow. We see what we conventionally
call “history’ through our personal and collective conventional
memory and perception.
We have to understand that events falling into the history (that is
relationships between forms) don’t arrange themselves on the axis of
the space-time flow in a uniform manner, but they are more intense
accordingly with special energetic lines where complexity increases
the probability to manifest and develop itself (synchronic lines).
Events arrange themselves inside precise temporal sequences that we
call “time packages”.
Time packages contain events (forms) and each one of them has a sort
of average “valence” of complexity. This is not the complexity of
the events hold by the package, but the angular position of the
whole in respect of the cone of the complexity. This parameter tends
to be repetitive and follows a sort of rhythm accordingly with the
characteristic of the plain of existence.
Just an advice: don’t expect to perfectly understand everything NOW,
ok? Fresh up the introductive book about Esoteric Physics and… go
From one temporal package to another, complexity follows different
flows of evolution and creates a rhythm.
We can think to each plain of existence as a symphony, a music which
has got a precise rhythm. Time packages with the same valence will
arrange themselves along the time flow accordingly with this
particular rhythm.
Use other senses and not just your rational mind to visualize and
understand this mechanism.
Time packages in the past are already well defined in their level of
saturation of events and their structure is “soft” due to the
presence of a measurable number of not-saturated events and of
events of which we can define the level of saturation, so they can
be re-saturated through actions at a higher level of complexity.
This creates also the possibility for the mass to be managed during
operations of physical time jumping. For this reason, as we are
going to better explain later, traveling in the far past is easier
than traveling close to our present where the structure of the
events is not completely defined yet and, for this reason, less
manageable (unless by investing big quantity of energy).
Each time package lasts about 66-70 years. This duration tends to
slowly decrease with the growth of the complexity.
The second conception of time is based on an out-of-time point of
observation (outside of the material world of forms and outside the
time itself). From this position we can observe the whole river,
from the source to the outfall, and even all the other possible
Past and future don’t exist anymore: only the present does. Each
event is present and all the events are simultaneous. They are out
there, defining a sort of temporal geography. The whole universe,
all the possibilities of manifestation of the forms and all the
events are present in what we called “the time sea”.
In this sea each event is hold by an undistinguished temporal
fraction, and cause and effect have no meaning at all, unless we
consider e determinate sequence (world, plain of existence) which
gets its own direction in relation with perception and its geometry
(position in the big picture) in relation with the general direction
of the universal complexity.
This vision of the time leads us to the concept of “temporal
geography”: universe is not a spatial territory, but rather a
temporal environment.
Inside the eternal present, each object is nothing but virtual and
imaginable in any kind of its possible manifestation inside material
It is a pre-quantum world. This is the “world of ideas”, the
time-paper on which all the laws which create the universe
intertwine their relationships and sign that “agreement” (universal
armistice) from which all the possible dimensions, worlds and plains
of existence are born and manifest. The “ideas” will become
“numbers” and finally forms developing themselves through fields and
ratios of laws even very different but always coherent with the
constitutive agreement (the universal primeval armistice of laws).
If you want to better understand these dynamics of creation, then
please read the e-book regarding the
Esoteric Physics.
Each possible world is simultaneous and coexists with all the
others, but it distinguishes itself because of its particular field
of local sub-laws.
Continuously, “present” is the meeting point of the universal laws
in that particular version which is suitable for the precise world
we are considering.
Please, always remember that each aspect of the reality is defined
and literally “takes shape” accordingly with the nature of the
observer (of course there are many levels of observers who attune
themselves to a different level of reality).
As a matter of fact, the central point of the scientific
investigation is the researcher itself. Human being is the centre,
the mirror, the reflex and the only possible measure of its reality.
This is the starting point: objectivity doesn’t exist and the modern
quantum physics can daily verify and confirm that.
Human being is the unique existing instrument of perception: all the
other instruments provide us with information which is always
processed, interpreted and evaluated by the human being who, in its
turn, gives to them a more or less complex and complete meaning.
Our perception keeps events and forms into the existence and
extracts from them a spiritual holistic value. This added value
supports – more or less - our reality as a possible expression of
the Absolute Being.
Time travel consists in the possibility to move along the “history”,
by respecting precise rules regarding the dynamics of the complexity
and by jumping in counter-time within the rhythms of the possible
temporal sequences, and sliding beyond the theatrical wings of the
reality in order to modify events and effects.
Basically, from a theoretical point of view, we can consider three
main ways to do that: through the reincarnation (each one of us does
it in a more or less aware manner), by subtle possession or through
a physical travel.
It is a matter of “exiting” from the time and locating yourself
again into it by following precise trajectories and
multi-dimensional geometries. This is possible by using the power
linked with your own level of Consciousness or by using the suitable
“magical” technology (always in the appropriate context).
For example, the operation of “possession” is the possibility to
travel through the time with your subtle bodies in order to possess
another (animal or human) body at destination. In this case, it is
not your physical part that travels but your subtle part: the
“quantum of complexity” (knot of complexity) which is commensurate
with your form and individuality in your current life.
Since your subtle part cannot be disjoint from your physical body
(you are still embodied and alive), an open channel between the two
places (your starting point and your destination) must be kept. This
operation requires lot of energy and it can have a distance limit.
Anyway, the advantage for the “timenaut” is to be able to “use” a
body which is already adapted to the environment or, in case of
possession of animals, to patrol the habitat with more powerful
Physical travel is the transfer of the information (code) of the
physical, energetic and spiritual structure of the timenaut.
According to this code of complexity (and by adjusting the
gravitational levels of the body in respect of the temporal context
which he – or she - will be located in), the physical re-assembling
at the time destination can be done.
We are going to deepen this mechanism.
From the point of view of Magic, time doesn’t exist: they are the
Forms that are continuously changing (as pulsing energies-events). I
already said that esoteric physics considers the time from at least
two main points of view: as a sequence of events (linked with the
law of cause-effect) and as a “territory” where all the events are
present and independent.
In the first case, the idea of the past and of the future laying on
a mono-directional plain of existence prevails, but in the second
case there is just an eternal present in which infinite possible
sequences can snake.
Starting from both the concepts, we can elaborate complex theories
(and experimentations) about time and space-time travels. It is
important to remind that the time, as per the first concept, it is
nothing but a “sensorial” reading of the transformation of the
forms: cause and effect is just a justification (a convention)
related with our restricted and relative perception of the reality.
Time and Space cannot be taken as passive reference points which are
fix and unchangeable but, according to modern physics and with all
the traditional esoteric teachings as well, they have to be
considered as a part and parcel of a dynamic and active reality.
They are protagonist and part of an integrated multiplicity, and
active subjects of the change and evolution.
The idea of the eternal present leads us to a perspective which is
outside the temporal flow and which offers to us an immediate,
simultaneous and full perception of the “sphere” containing – at
different depths - all the possible events in all the possible
This is the big reservoir called “the World of Ideas” that
potentially and virtually contains all the possible manifestations
of forms within the boundaries of the primeval “armistice” of Laws
(universal singularity).

Universe is a field of laws.
Esoteric Physics says that the Universe of Forms is a singularity,
an anomalous wave that causes the meeting of precise functions of
the being (laws). Those Laws finds a balanced “relationship” by
creating a field of force: our Universe, the primeval Concept from
which the Time and all the Dimensions are generated. Bear in mind
that I am using the present tense.
We can also imagine that the Divine Mind creates the Ideas which
become Numbers and finally Events/Forms in different possible
Forms manifest themselves as perceivable structures (time, space,
mass, energy) and create a possible dimension (world): this is a
temporal direction.
Remember that all the “parallel worlds” of our Universe are
distributed in different simultaneous frequencies and dimensions. On
each dimension of forms there are particular local laws which
derivate from the primeval universal agreement but work according to
different “local ratios”.
It is important to keep in mind that parallel worlds are all those
plains of existence which spatially and temporally co-exist with
ours. As a matter of fact, Universe structures itself on a
compenetration of worlds with different rhythms and
equilibriums. Their different “frequency” keeps them like separated
and represents the matrix of the structure of their forms. From the
esoteric point of view, by using the proper knowledge, energy and
power, it is possible to put in relation different worlds. Moreover,
in particular circumstances, it is possible to open “doors” and, at
a precise time, go across them in order to reach different
dimensions of the reality.
Temporal direction is the convention through which it is possible to
measure the change and the evolution caused by the inter-action
between multiple, different and impermanent forms. The link of cause
and effect is just an interpretative need which is created by the
perception and the meaning we give to reality.
This way we define the historical sequence, the sense of reading,
and the horizon of events, that is the direction of the future.

“Memory” creates the causal convention
of the gone-by reality.
Temporal direction is tied to the “temporal density” and to
gravitational ratios.
Basically, “Universe of Forms” assumes three fundamental
characteristics which are the supporting structure of all and each
manifested world: multiplicity, diversity and dynamicity.
Forms can express themselves through various different structures of
diversified laws (generating different dimensions and parallel
worlds) towards a common direction: the arrow of complexity.

Aim of forms is that to create “added
value”: the global result must represent a “whole” which is superior
to the sum of the parties.
This result is created by the increasing
“complexity” of the system that adds value to the system itself
which ideally should be streamlined and optimized without adding
mass, but by increasing the intensity of
relation/information/meaning. The “direction of complexity” leads
the whole system to an “omega point” beyond which it is projected
outside the Universe itself. This happens continuously, through
flows of complexity-information exhaled from the Universe and from
all its possible plains of existence.
Each world of forms has got three main “local” constitutive
parameters: temporal direction, perceivable density, and
level/number of dimensions.
Inside each world, matrixes of the reality work in a specific and
exclusive way. The functioning-code of the laws - inside a specific
temporal direction (world) - is given by what we called “temporal
matrixes”. We can say that the whole Magic - from its more technical
point of view - is a matter of knowing and using these matrixes.
This is the top of all the possible sciences.
Directions and speeds of worlds are different and, in each world,
complexity assumes a specific expression and result.
Worlds work together in order to reach that global result of
complexity which will support the existence of the whole Universe.
The added value is a holistic result in which we could find the last
meanings to be joined with a superior Consciousness.

During the evolutionary pathway of each
world, forms organize themselves by ideally following what we called
“the law of quarters” (form, life, thought, divinity) and tend
achieving the minimum result of complexity (perception, meanings,
added value) needed to support their own existence by involving less
and less matter (mass/energy) and creating more and more hinged
level of relations.
Therefore, in order to represent the evolutionary direction of the
Universe, esoteric physics describe its ideal development as divided
by four crucial moments:
1. the expression of the matter
in its mineral state
2. the birth of life (that is a very wider concept than what
the terrestrial biology considers)
3. the birth and the evolution of the thought (philosophy,
culture, art…)
4. and the process for which the simplest thought-forms rise
to the concept of “divine”

Progressively, we see a more and more
functional process of structuring of the material universe: mass is
more and more organized and relationships between forms, which are
more and more optimized – gradually realize higher functions and
meanings. Complexity achieved in each “quarter” is added to the
complexity stabilized in the previous quarter. The complex
inter-action between forms creates an added value so that the
universe is involved in a holistic and anti-entropic process we call
“arrow of complexity”.
The higher expression of the last evolutionary state correspond to
the maximum level of complexity which can keep itself in existence
without any support of forms (matter, mass/energy): the whole
meaning of the universe transcends the universe itself and project
itself beyond the frontier of the materiality.
As human beings, on this planet, we are a transitory expression of
life between the third and the fourth quarter. Potentially we are

Due to the role that bridge-forms have through the power of their
free-will, from a certain point on, we cannot take for grant any
automatic correspondence between the time flow and the growth of
Therefore, we see the development of a complex geography drawn by
all the time lines moving in function of the “cone” of the
complexity, where the “future” is not always oriented towards a
position of higher complexity.
Worlds of forms are called “parallel” because they are structured
according to different ratios of laws and vibrate on different
If we imagine our Universe as an integrated whole of worlds, then we
can see that all those worlds are simultaneous, sharing the same
“space”, and distributed on different dimensions.
Regardless the inside-conventional temporal sequence, direction of
complexity is the only common, real and ideal orientation which all
the worlds – each by following its own way - tend to, and which the
existence of the whole system depend on.
Each world has its own “relative threshold” which actually is merged
with all the other thresholds in a common environment where all the
temporal directions nullify themselves.
Threshold matches also with the
traditional concept of “netherworld”.

Universe of Forms is not in direct
contact with “the Real” which contain it. It is wrapped by a sort of
“aura” we just called “Threshold”.
Threshold is a state of being which doesn’t need forms in order to
support itself. It collects the results of complexity that are not
complete yet (so they cannot merge into the Real and must be
projected again into the forms’ processes - at our human level we
call this mechanism as “reincarnation”).
In the threshold we can locate the “centre of mass” of the major
part of entities and divine forces which compose our spiritual
ecosystem. They are more or less close to the Form (from where they
get their energetic nourishment) or to the Real, according to their
level of spiritual complexity and consciousness.
Threshold is ruled by primeval laws, but in certain cases it is
possible to create particular fields of derivate laws (for example
the “Initiatic Citadel”, that is the initiatic post-mortem
Through the threshold it is possible to contact and access all the
other possible worlds (related with our universe).
Threshold is contactable by using the Sense of the Dream,
through many different out-of-body techniques (astral projection,
shamanic travel, or more complex methods regarding the so-called
“visit to the
Aethyrs”, which is related with advanced Enochian
and Thelemic teachings).

Since it is a state of being which is
related to all the worlds, founded by primeval laws, the threshold
is a sort of “place-non place” where we can find all the courses and
the doors to move from a world to another, but also – at the same
time - through our inner psychic dimensions and state of
Travel to a different parallel world (so not only through different
echo-worlds of our plain) is possible only by de-structuring our own
laws-code, melting us in primeval laws and structuring ourselves
again according to the laws of the world we reached. This involves a
change in the temporal direction, density and dimensions and in our
sensorial paradigms as well.
Each world is composed by many different possible plains of
existence. These plain of existence are reduced – by the perception
of the various species – to a main reference of reality. It is a
convention based on the exercise of senses, thought and memory.
We call “echo worlds” all those realities which have not been
condensed in the main plain. These realities are justified or
removed from our reality by our mind and, for us, they don’t exist
at all.
As a matter of fact, any time we make a choice, more or less
knowingly, those effects, which would have been the consequence of
the alternative ruled out choices, flank to a temporary parallel
world (echo world) which will be soon absorbed by the main reality
elaborated by our sensorial and mental process.
This means that echo worlds are continuously generated. According to
our current nature, we are not really “stable” and each one of us
fluctuates on different echo-plains which however are brought back
to the main one by the mechanism of our memory. In fact our mind
(perception-interpretation-memory) continuously builds the more
meaningful – or, at least, containable - plain which all the other
converge to.
Reality is very more complex and wider than what our senses make us
to believe.
Our plain of existence is just our three-dimensional reality, that
is the result of the meeting between our world and the senses we
apply to it, which have been developing by adaptation and cultural
Actually, the reality we could access – due to our true nature –
should be quite wider but at the moment, on this planet, our species
has been affected by heavy sensorial restriction and lost many
“archetypes” (existential and cognitive matrixes) finding itself
like “lobotomized” and in a condition of dangerous lack of
consciousness (added value) which affect the density of our reality
Apparently, we are not able anymore to intervene in the quantum
field of the potential realities.
There are different levels of truth: in general, we can say that all
depends on what we think is real. We live in a world where
everything we see is just a tip of a “quantum-mechanic”
iceberg. Things are not made by “things” but by ideas, concepts and
information. We determine the reality in which we are and that we
see: there is nothing “out there” that is not affected by what there
is here, inside of us.
Each “thing” is nothing but a possible movement of our
consciousness, and moment after moment we decide which movement to
take to reality.
All the realities exist simultaneously. Things are just tendencies
of the consciousness.
Therefore: our influence upon reality is absolute. We are “machine”
producing realities. The ‘enlightenment” is the real and complete
comprehension, experience and mastery of that.
You have to pursue the Knowledge through the right perspective and
the right approach, without any interference from our pre-conceived
ideas and dependences. If you learn to do that, then you’ll know the
reality as it is and your bodies will have new experience of that,
with a new chemistry, new holograms, new place of thought and new
It is only in our current illusionary experience of reality that it
seems we are moving through time. This is an illusion just like when
we think that space is empty and matter is solid. As a matter of
fact it is exactly the opposite.
Due to the way in which our brain is structured, we can see only
what we believe it is possible. We match with schemes which already
exist inside of us, due to the conditioning we received.
consciousness influences the others around of us, the
characteristics of our material world, and the future as well.
We are continuously co-creating our past, present and future
Our current perception is based on a minimum time which is necessary
to record the transformation of the level of complexity of forms.
Our “present” lasts about 4 seconds. In average, this is the time we
need in order to elaborate our sensorial perception.
At the moment, in this époque, human being is not capable to use in
real-time the elaboration of thought which is processed in those 4
seconds. Therefore our mind has got the time to re-define reality
according to an acceptable convention which is suitable with our
(limited) senses and with our mental scheme. This way our mind sets
up our main plain of reality and our conventional memory sets up the
historical plain: the cause-effect paradigm.
We always perceive things only after they have been reflected in the
mirror of our memory: as a matter of fact brain doesn’t know the
difference between what it is seen and what it is remembered.
All these elements are fundamental in order to really start
understanding what a time travel is.
According to the esoteric physics teachings presented in our
introductive book (that I always recommend to read before going
through the theories of temporal physics), “Thought” is not a
product of our mind, but a substance in which all the beings are
dipped. Therefore, we, just like all the other beings at different
levels, don’t produce any thought, but just process this
matrix-substance. That added value – which permits to our universe
to exist – should be the final result of the global
At the current state of our evolution we don’t produce thought and
even we are not able to use in real-time the result of our
In the moment which each one of us presumes to think (or better to
process and give a frequency-shape to the thought-substance)
actually it’s only remembering a dynamic which have already
occurred. This has got important implications from the point of view
of spiritual physics.
Moreover, we have to consider that thought is not uniform in the
universe (there are different flows) and the substance which reaches
us have already been processed by others level of complexity, others
creatures and forces. We, in our turn, process and project our
processed thought towards different creatures existing at a higher
level. The final result comes back to the origin and supports the
whole system.
Magic says that current human beings processes and remembers
thought, but, ideally, complete human beings and divinities use and
even create it, and create things and realities.
Evidently, our reality is an illusion, but this is also the plain of
laws which rules our existence and in which we live in order to act,
to make choices, to give meanings and, proportionally, to produce
complexity and “added value”.
When complex species perceive forms they set up their own temporal
convention. For example, territorial divinities, at their level,
“ratify” the complexity of a sequence of reality by defining what we
called as “temporal packages”, about each 66/70 years (moments of
“divine attention”).
Continuum of time, as a sequence, doesn’t develop itself just
through events which are linked each other by the law of
cause-effect, but structures itself on precise agglomerates of
events/forms which are just called “temporal packages”.
Temporal packages hold forms which are arranged on the temporal
plain by following precise criteria. Different packages come one
after the other spaced out by a rhythm defining, for each one of
them, an average last of 66/70 years. This value tends to decrease
with the increasing of the complexity.
The bond of cause-effect doesn’t work with the events which belong
to different temporal packages, as long as the packages are enough
When a package finishes and the next one begins, there is a
particular moment named “moment of divine attention”. It is a
micro-rhythm that is part of those wider rhythms like the so-called
“Eons” (or Aeons) which last about two thousand years. Divinities
fix the reality and take a picture of the state of the events. That
historical scenario can be changed not only by traveling through the
time but also by using high level of temporal technology and
theurgic magic.
Packages of time contain events-forms which have been saturated at a
precise level according to the complexity of the system they belong

Let’s start saying that moving and
acting across the time is based on the fact that there is a
difference, a margin of complexity which allows a more evolved being
to saturate again less complex events at a higher level of action,
putting into discussion the historical reality of the main plain.
This “being” (the timenaut) moves through the tissue of
reality in order to reset and modify it by following precise
pathways coherently with the rhythm of temporal packages. This way
he can access and re-saturate the events in counter-time, thanks to
his major complexity. The alternative reality develops itself on an
echo-world of the main plain. This echo-world can, in different
ways, interfere with the main plain itself, even though it is
separate from it and follows a different track. .
From the point of view of the esoterism, time travel is a practice
that is (and have been) experimented and used by many different
Schools and Orders using different concepts, systems and
This extraordinary experience is not just a matter of “viewing”
(like the clairvoyance or the divination), but it regards the
possibility to physically move across the territory of the time and
act on the historical events.
This travel can be done by following different ways: planned
reincarnation, subtle or shamanic travel, astral-time travel and
possession of a body, and the out-and-out physical travel with your
own body.
Time travel can be done by using
special natural “doors”
which allow
to access particular temporal tunnels (technically called
“worm-holes’) or by using a technology able to open or even to
create temporal doors and pathways ad hoc.
Esoteric physics studies the theory and the practice of time travel
which however has to be considered as a part of a wider research
investigating the laws and the physical and spiritual dynamics of
our universe.
We-all have been traveling into time: we are doing that exactly in
this precise moment, by moving to the next moment. This is a linear
travel toward the future that we experience according to our
“rhythm”. But if you want to move through the time by jumping from a
point to another, then you can move only towards inferior complexity
(since “you” have already been there) and not towards systems of
complexity which are higher than yours or than the system of reality
you normally are part of, because these can be reached just by
linearly living instant by instant (and not by jumping).
If we assume that inferior level of complexity are related with past
time, what it’s said above means that the time travel (that it is
not a run but a jump) is possible only into the past, which is
reachable because – in theory - less complex.
In any case travel
towards the future could not be possible (from an absolute present)
because there isn’t any future time which is already structured, but
only hypothetical virtual futures of which eventually it could be
possible only a mind projection, but not a physical shift.
The possibility to cause historical changes can be achieved by:
triggering self-supporting
intervening on the compensation
events which tend to develop on the main plain in order to
absorb the interference
importing effects from the past
directly to the present through a temporal lateral
supporting the alternative
reality (in this case the timenaut keep participating
at it – this is the typical case of travel by reincarnation)
Regarding travels by reincarnation,
these generate a particular phenomenon called “disjunction of
Past time the human plain of existence on planet Earth is oriented
towards a direction that will be soon intolerable. This is due to
many different levels of causes: biological, industrial and nuclear
environment pollution, uncontrolled genetic manipulations, and, of
course, the increasing degradation of spiritual values.
The so-called “New Age” - which potentially should create
evolutionary opportunities for the consciousness of the human being
- must be supported through precise choices and actions.
But the
progressive constriction of senses and mind makes these actions more
and more difficult and extraordinary. Nevertheless, astronomical and
energetic conditions of our planet are actually attuned with new
possibilities, since the planet itself entered a new dimensional
state that many people summarize in the concept of “Age of Aquarius”
(or “Aeon of Horus-Maat”). It is a new sequence of the possible
reality that is progressively orienting our main plain and
potentially promoting new spiritual, cultural, social and political
The beginning of this evolutionary phase (which the trigger is still
in process and develops through many steps) has to be located in the
1904 and, according to different traditions, could fulfill around
2012 (the “zero-point”) with the
final closure of a cycle and the opening of a new existential
Recently, one “disjunction of plains” has been developing on this
new track of the terrestrial human reality: it is caused by a
precise interference in order to re-orientate the reality.
action is insidiously carried on by “embodied forces” coming from
the future or from other dimensions with the aim to intercept and to
change natural events in order to ensure that our planet Earth – and
the terrestrial humanity - is permanently excluded from any concrete
spiritual advancing that the Age of Aquarius potentially creates.
This doesn’t mean that they want the total destruction: at the
opposite, they work in order our planet can be saved but just
because they need human slavery. And often these people introduce
themselves and talk just as prophets or pioneers of the Age of
Aquarius itself.
Therefore, Humankind is still living on an existential plain which
is real and virtual at the same time.
The task of the various authentic
spiritual and esoteric Orders, more or less known, is that to
support and protect a plain of reality in a way that human being and
the consciousness of the Earth could keep going on the pathway of
the spiritual ascension and that our spiritual and material reality
could join more evolved dimensions of reality.
Besides the well known natural kingdoms that on our plain of
existence are called as mineral, vegetal and animal, we have to add
the “temporal” kingdom, that is an intelligent ecosystem which
interacts, according to precise laws, with the spatial kingdoms
mentioned above. Of course, just like the major part of our reality,
also all the phenomena related with time and the temporal kingdom
are restrictively processed by human perception and interpretation.
Nonetheless, it could be possible to know and knowingly to interact
with the temporal kingdom thanks to higher level of awareness and
magic technology, like, for example, the use of “temporal seeds”
with which it would be possible to orientate flows of events,
trigger on new self-supporting sequences, re-create the historical
and the current manifestation of the reality and even to make big
steps towards the creation of what is the dream of all the
Alchemists: the Philosophical Stone.
From this research a new level of pre-quantum physics is born and
helps us in deepening the knowledge of our Universe.

First of all we have to consider that
each physical reality is made by a space-time tissue, which reality
itself manifests on.
It is important to separate the “space” considered as a dimensional
plain of forms and development of events, from the “time” which is
the indispensable support to the manifestation of the physical
Imagine, for example, the space tissue as the recording and the time
tissue as the magnetic tape. Where it is already recorded we can
listen for the recorded history which has been continuously
recording on the rest of the tape. Reality is all in one with space
and time which are merged in order to support its manifestation.
Our inner sense of memory is related with the perception and the
interaction with the temporal kingdom, and allows us to perceive
ourselves as temporal creatures as well.
For example, knowledge of our “past” lives is not just a matter of
“good memory” but it’s related with the fact that we are living
them: we should be fully aware of the simultaneousness of our
diversified participation to time in our different incarnations.
We are temporal creatures, pervading time with our attractor and
divine spark. We have some roots (our incarnations) in different
places on the various possible material plains. Our temporal fruits
are nothing but out matured personalities.
Each one of us is a macro-creature collecting from the material
worlds, through its roots, the vital lymph (in terms of experience,
complexity and meanings) which nourishes the immanent and
transcendent divine being.

Our real complete body is spread on
different intersecting space-times and in all the possible
dimensions of complexity and consciousness.
This is what each one of us really is.
What is a time travel?
First of all we must specify that when we talk about time travels we
are not referring to an activity of time perspective, such as a
remote-viewing technique, lucid dream, shamanic travel or a
divinatory operation 1. We
are talking about time travels in the exact meaning of the term,
that is, the possibility to move along the “historical” time in
order to interact with objects, people and events with the aim to
cause changes and to support sequences of alternative or parallel
realities. It is an active and physical experience.
1 In
these cases we passively observe past or future events, through
magical or extra-sensorial faculties, without influencing or
changing the course of history.
From the esoteric point of view, if we analyze the history of Magic
and its myths, time travel is not something new. In fact, to travel
in time is considered a faculty normally exercisable by Magicians
and great Initiates in accordance with their level of Consciousness.
In the esoteric physics the key point is the possibility to realize
a technology about this extraordinary experience, making it
accessible to people that, even though involved in an initiatic and
spiritual pathway, wouldn’t otherwise have reached the necessary
level of Consciousness to emancipate themselves from physical and
sensorial limits of the conventional concept of reality.
The meanings of this techno-magical experience go beyond the
phenomenon in itself and are related with much extended motivations.
The progressive knowledge of this scenario can lead us to an
extraordinary and incredible vision of our reality and of human
For example, we can generally consider time travels:
as missions of restoring the
space-time tissue to support our reality
in a “war-context” to oppose
forces which are working against the human evolution
to support alternative realities
compared to historical courses already lived
to create segments or islands of
parallel realities from which to import effects in our
to give origin to historical
sequences of which we can or cannot have memories
and more...
The needed preparation to become
“timenauts” is very complex, but, first of all, this experience
regards people who are already involved in a precise initiatic
Generally speaking, all of us are time travelers as we live instant
by instant in this space-temporal reality, on which we develop our
personal history.
We must not forget that reincarnation itself is a real time travel,
a jump in the history from time to time towards the most suitable
destination for the growth of our soul.
However, the typologies of time travel we are talking about are
related with three basic methodologies:
the real physical travel,
experienced with the body
the travel by possession,
obtained by particular techniques of temporal-astral travel
and by possessing a physical body (human or animal) living
in the temporal destination reached
the travel by programmed
reincarnation, in order to produce and continuatively
support complex events during the whole life span (for
example, we can think about the incarnation of Avatars who
arrive on our world in different times to carry on specific
Before we talk about more technical
aspects, we need to make some consideration about the structure of
time and the possibility to interfere with it.
Space-time reality is the result of a consensual elaboration
originated by our senses and interpreted by our mind. All the
non-chosen events and the undone actions generate “echo worlds”
which contain all the possible not lived sequences (alternative
These “echo worlds” are potential
realities not accessible by our current level of complexity;
therefore they are taken back to a unique plain and are excluded by
our historical reality.
Echo worlds
Every time we make a choice, more or less intense, the
effects that would have been the consequences of the
alternative rejected choices, run side by side to the
concrete action we have made, on an “echo world”. This
echo (or “mirror world”) is quite similar to the current
reality without significant differences, because of its
short length of time. In fact it tends to be reabsorbed
by the main reality, which is formed by the current
existence plain.
It is a “phantom” reality that, usually, cannot produce
effects and it decomposes itself in laws.
Reality continuously generates echo worlds. Each one of
us, due to our potential complexity, floats through
different possible and virtual plains which are,
however, taken again to a unique consensual reality by
the mechanism of our perception and memory. In fact,
because of our present limited condition, our memory
determines the most significant plain which can be
contained by our concept of reality, towards which all
the other possible plains converge. This main plain is
the one we call “history”.
The echo worlds are the
“wings” of our stage. |
Actually, these echo worlds are absorbed by the main plain only from
our point of view.
These events can:
Actually, they remain sideways on our
reality giving origin to virtual sequences: echo worlds are
insignificant and inexistent for us, but constitute the complex
structure of the whole reality.
When we travel in time, moving, for example, from the current
present towards the past, we throw in the alternative realities: we
find ourselves in echo worlds apparently similar to the historical
plain already lived. From here we can trigger sequences of events in
order to generate effects able to interact with the main original
plain and provoke changes in the present.

According to this idea (represented
above in a very simple way), it would be possible to consolidate a
different historical convention that:
creates a parallel sequence of
events which don’t interact with the main historical plain.
Anyway, also from our point of view, the new sequence tends
to be reabsorbed by the original one through
compensation-events able to neutralize any interference
(principle of the temporal resistance)
creates events that can be
conveniently transferred from the echo world to the present
of the main plain without restructuring the intermediate
if it is continuously supported
2, become the new
main plain replacing the original one (see further “the
disjunction of plains”)
2 This is
possible giving origin to generative self-supporting sequences of
events or, in the case of travel through reincarnation, living in a
row on the new plain in the process of formation. In any case it is
necessary to generate events of major complexity compared with those
already lived: the most complex plain “wins”.
There are no time paradoxes since
actions done in the past generate consequences which are related
with parallel realities. Therefore, the plain of reality that the
timenaut has left (that is the main plain of the historical
reality) is not involved.
Causes and effects are not linear but are distributed on different
plains. The paradox is due to our need to connection causes and
effects to give meaning to the reality and to elaborate our
identity: the problem is that we remember only one plain at a time.
Therefore the change of history is not at all automatic. Actually,
it should be obtained by finding the way to direct the effects from
the echo-world where the timenaut acts to the original plain.
Thus the timenaut works on a reality which is not
consolidated and different compared with the one it will return to.
Moreover, what we intend to change cannot be removed but just
relocated on an echo world, because in our causal logic it
represents the reason itself that has driven us to program the
travel, even if we will not be fully aware of it. At this point, it
is obvious that we cannot keep using a linear logic.
Travelling through time means to be able to investigate the
mysteries of our human history, to find new meanings, to solve (or
to create) archaeological enigmas, to explore unsuspected kingdoms
of nature, disappeared epochs and unknown civilizations, to run into
shipwrecked time travelers and to find mysterious missing links of
the apparently known history and to discover something more about
the incredible cosmic picture which we are part of.
A time travel requires following some rules.
First of all we must consider that with the current technology it is
only possible to travel towards destinations where the level of
complexity of the events and forms is inferior compared with that of
the departure place. In fact, it is normal to reach major levels of
complexity living in a linear way instant by instant (according with
the function of the derivate law “Arrow of Complexity”), but the
moment we want to “jump” from one point of time to another, we can
only reach structures with minor complexity
3, as we cannot enter where the
level of complexity is not yet reached by our natural evolution.
3 Towards
levels of complexity we have already crossed during our evolution.
According to the drawing we see that it is possible to travel only
towards the past and not towards the future (theoretically more
complex), but when we talk about more extended travels and
navigations in the great sea of time, we prefer to say, for
different reasons, that we move from a more complex present towards
a minor complexity, instead of talking about travels in the past or
in the future, because time doesn’t automatically proceed in the
direction of the complexity. Moreover, it is important to underline
that when there is a major difference of complexity less energy is
needed for the transfer: the more reduced is the edge the more
energy is needed.
To get into less complex times means to have the power to impose, at
that moment, an alternative saturation of events, thanks to the
major complexity of the timenaut.

In the determination of the reality,
more complex events tend to prevail on the less complex ones.
In fact, events can be saturated at different levels of complexity.
We can imagine them like “pulsing bubbles” dilating and contracting,
following a certain rhythm. They settle in the moment in which they
are saturated (used): the “size” in which they settle depends on the
level of complexity of the saturating being. The re-saturation must
occur by getting into the identified event in counter time. It is
necessary to move at the same rhythm of that specific time package.
For this reason the timenaut must
be (or become) compatible with that rhythm.

Time is like a great symphony played by
the majestic orchestra of life, which precisely plays following a
certain beat.
Timenaut represents a new
instrument that joins and gets into the harmony perfectly at time,
but is able to play louder (it is more complex): it can direct,
little by little, the entire orchestra towards variations or it can
even impose a different theme or rhythm.
Often, timenauts are selected according to their major
compatibility with specific historical epochs (also according to
their past lives), in order to find the best solution with minimum
use of energy.
Another remark regards travels towards the future: if we leave from
the present and we know that the future is not determined
4, which future will we
4 Future
is defined only in its possible and probable manifestations, so it
is just a virtual direction.

In theory it would be possible to reach
a probable future by jumping into the recent past (in order to have
a better perspective and “take a run”) and then into the most
probable future (that is a short echo world which is not parallel
but projected forward). The actions carried on in the future make
the path towards “that” future thicker, as if we had thrown seeds of
events or reserved a preferential pathway.
This operation could make an eventual change of path more difficult
as the attraction towards “that” future is stronger. Therefore, to
avoid any problems in the management of becoming reality it is
always better to make a “passive” perspective of the future
(divination), because it doesn’t affect any direction.
Actually, the only possibility to travel toward the future is
related with the use of the temporal seeds and their ramifications
since they develop in all the possible directions, even in our
relative future.
Remember that we are not in an absolute present, but on a plain
which is separated from a potential original plain (disjunction of

Travel through a programmed
reincarnation made by other “forces”
with the aim to intercept and
neutralize the effects of the Age of Aquarius
This particular position of our plain of
existence, which is grafted on the original one, makes the events
management (complexity/mass) more flexible than what it is possible
to do near the absolute present, when events are completely
addressed toward their chronological and linear saturation.
As a matter of fact, from a position which is far from the present
we can know, within a limited range, the map of the general temporal
context and the sedimentations of the neutral events (temporal
To program a time travel we must also consider the operating
spiritual ecosystem in the destination place. When we reach any
temporal destination, we enter in relation with the Territorial
Forces of that place. As we previously said, these Forces interact
with the reality and, from package to package, stabilize and include
it in their dimension.
Therefore, when we enter a territory of events which are saturated
at a certain level of complexity, our major complexity gives us the
power to re-saturate them from the human point of view, but these
same events have been also stabilized by divine forces at a
different level on which we cannot intervene. To do that, we must
harmonize our action with that divine ecosystem, by creating some
compatible equilibrium: a super-human energy is needed.
There are
two possible “technological” solutions (excluding the case in which
our Consciousness can operate).
The first solution is to be connected (initiated) to a harmonic
divine system which must be temporally extended in order to
guarantee the perfect tuning of our actions with all the temporal
The other possibility is to be able to “use” the incredible energy
of that very high spiritual concept we call, like in the myth,
Grail is a very high concept, indefinable and indescribable in its
essence. We can only say what the Grail is not. In any case, we can
imagine it as an inexhaustible reservoir of divine energies.
Grail exists physically even though its form is mutable. The “cup”
is its archetype but changes its form according to different
situations, conditions and time.
The identification of the Grail with the container of the blood of
Christ's passion is a symbol of the energy that purified the world
through the sacrifice of Christ (remember that It can also have many
others interpretations).
Grail is bound up with this image, but it
is more ancient than Christianity. It is a part of a specific
knowledge hold by ancient civilizations, even by the antecedents of
the Egyptians. It's like a unit of measurement, and it is also a key
that allows transmuting any energy into any another.
This Force is necessary for all the
theurgic operations 5.
5 The
Grail is not an evocable Force, but it makes its way towards the
most pure aspects of the Being. This topic cannot be deepened in
this context.
As described above, Grail contains all the energies and can convert
any energy into any other, in order to permit any possible
alchemical and divine transmutation. This way it can harmonize the
intervention of the timenaut with the competent territorial
Any “time machine” is a whole of very complex laboratories, temples
and equipments which are connected with the entire energetic
structure of the planet and our solar system.
From the magical point of view, a “temple” is a technological
facility which is used for several functions, researches and
experimentations related with alchemy, mysticism, theurgy, the
contact with superior or inner forces, health and operations related
with esoteric physics like, for example, inter-dimensional and
space-time transfers.
A Temple is authentic only if it is rigorously fostered and kept
reserved. Often, in the ancient and even modern history, many
temples have been transformed in religious sites, museums or in
profitable tourist attractions. A real Initiatic Temple is a
crucible of cosmic, telluric, synchronic, physical and subtle,
human, alien and divine energies and intelligent forces. It is a
field of dimensional distortion, an isolated “bubble” inside which
it is possible to obtain extra-ordinary phenomena which transcend
any space-time limit and enter in relation with other levels of
reality and with superior state of Consciousness. It is a spiritual
and inter-dimensional gate.
A Temple is an “induced moment of divine attention”, a dimensional
door which has been built in order to use also those geographical
peculiarities which make the Temple a “sacred” place in
correspondence with synchronic knots of the planet. These are points
of convergence between different plains and states of the Being
which put in relation the similar with the similar and the high with
the low.
These particular characteristics allow the sedimentation of neutral
events in a real temporal mine from which it is possible to collect
the events needed for temporal actions.
Physical time travel consists in moving the information of the
psycho-physic structure of the timenaut to the destination
The timenaut (a “quantum” of organized complexity) doesn’t
travel backwards on a time track but, through subtle symmetries, it
goes out of the time to enter again in the settled point.
Time travel is always a travel in the space as we must find and
achieve the destination place in its spatial position at the
selected time. The exact position can be found following synchronic
It is not the mass of the body to travel, but rather the information
of its structure. Timenaut’s subtle and spiritual components
must not be transferred: they are not temporal and are naturally
commensurate to its specific physical information.
During the transfer, the body, that is deprived of complexity and
disassociated from the mass, “melts”. Its complexity is suitably
packaged and isolated and sent to the destination place to “inform”
atoms and molecules (available there) to give again shape to the
entire body of the timenaut. It is not the mass that travels,
but the organized complexity. The physical body disintegrates into a
substance similar to water, while in the programmed temporal
destination water is the starting element for the reassembly of the
Each single quark of the physical structure of the individual is
made of eight indivisible micro-components called “matter basic
bricks”. One quark can be represented by a sort of
Moebius ring. During the time
travel starting process, each quark is decomposed in a
two-dimensional structure and duplicated.
All the “duplicates” - which are packaged as a complex and
stabilized information outside the ordinary time flow - are combined
with neutral events which make the original information like
asymmetric, re-oriented and sent to the temporal final destination.
That information travels through the lines of symmetry of the
reality, running on the ramifications of the temporal vegetation.
Besides the first version of the time-machine in our laboratory
there was a pool which collected the body of the timenaut
dissolved in the form of water (deprived of his natural complexity).
Today this operation is made by managing the level of the humidity
of a selected space.
In the cases of travels by possession and short-distance physical
travels, the time machine can manage the reception of the
timenaut in the destination site and its return as well.
Otherwise, precise reception structures are needed in the final
destination or even in many intermediate stations, in case the trip
must be divided in different legs.
Reception facilities can be built ad hoc, for example by sending
possessing-timenauts just to build what is needed for the
physical reception. Often, we could count on structures already
present in some places or in addresses those terrestrial or
extra-terrestrial civilizations which are already equipped with a
compatible technology.
In fact, we discovered several civilizations and people which are
disseminated along the time (even through a non-chronological
distribution) and have literally colonized the time – for many
different reasons - just as it was a geographical territory.
We had the opportunity to collect many temporal maps and to draw new
maps indicating the position of the reception points, intermediate
stations (called “temporal castles”), vortexes and time oxbows,
traps, mysterious inaccessible sites, dimensional doors and
strategic “straits”. We are discovering the morphology of the Time.
In order to really comprehend the mechanic of the time travel, we
have to consider the structure of the matter from the point of view
of the esoteric physics.
The record (made by the time machine) of the timenaut’s
decomposition and re-composition codes regards the sub-atomic
structure of the body and the related complexity. This is the
information - kept inside a laser holographic geometry - which is
sent. It exits the plain of existence and re-enters it in the
selected destination.
It is important not to confuse the temporal direction with the real
direction of the Universe, that is the distribution of the events
toward the result of complexity.
The point is that we cannot take for grant that the evolution of
time automatically follows the ideal evolution of complexity. The
more forms are complex, the more they develop a “free will” so that
they have the power to cause actions which are not necessarily
conform to the nature of the laws: they can subtract value instead
to accelerate the potential global evolution (that must not be
confused with the mere technological progress).

“Future” times don’t correspond
automatically to higher level of complexity; nonetheless, from the
inside, they just proceed toward a progressive saturation of events,
from causes to the effects.
When a civilization gets to know and uses time travels, it can
develop its history not only by moving in its own spatial territory,
but by colonizing discontinuous segments of time. For that people it
is a coherent evolution but distributed on different
non-chronological temporal territories. This is a “temporal empire”.
This concept opens to a completely new sense of what the reality and
the history could be.
Time is a navigable territory and it is possible to create a real
network of colonies. Moreover, thanks to the discovery of temporal
seeds, it is possible to extend travels toward different times in
different plains of existence and worlds.
A temporal empire is a multi-dimensional realm, just like the Human
Stellar Empire was: from here, from our Earth in this precise time,
we can truly recompose that ancient material and spiritual
We know that universe continuously optimizes its balance in order to
obtain the best result (maximum level of complexity) with the
minimum investment of energy.
Synchronicity promotes this direction and creates processes of
selection of events and of existing plains of reality.
Below a certain level of result, when a space-time sequence doesn’t
respect the angle of complexity based on the ratio between
complexity-functions-information and events-forms-mass, it is
dissolved, decomposed in laws and recycled. Segments of realities
and even complete historical ages can suddenly disappear without
leaving any clue. Remaining realities are naturally connected each
others by compensative cause-effect sequences which make realities
coherent, without giving the possibility to any perceiving species
to be aware about what happened.
Some “temporal islands” survive in case they are characterized by a
level of complexity that is a cut above the average of their flow,
and pass the examination: these islands will be surrounded by
realities created “ad hoc” and able to link them to one of the next
possible sequences.
This “scan” and “defrag” of worlds periodically occurs and
guarantees the optimization of the existential processes, according
to the required holistic result of complexity.
In the jargon of the esoteric physics this sort of examinations are
called as “temporal funnel”: imagine a funnel in which those
historical sequences (ages and civilizations) that turn out to be
incongruent with the angle of the sustainable complexity fall. At
the opposite, beyond the funnel, temporal islands with acceptable
complexity survive surrounded by re-organized realities in
re-designed spaces.
Nobody can be aware of what happened; nevertheless, sometimes, some
archeological incoherence can witness something mysterious.
Accordingly with our current calculations, it is possible that in
about 600 years our plain of existence has to face a temporal
Our “island of complexity” must not only support itself on the plain
of the possible but, above all, join an evolutionary continuity
beyond the temporal front.
As I already said, not all those people who are working for the
“salvation of the planet” (that in any case is a very relative and
limited concepts from the Thelemic point of view) are aimed
by a truly evolutionary plan of liberation, but rather they want to
guarantee the continuity of the human souls breeding, to the
advantage of oppressing forces which live and evolve to the
detriment of the terrestrial human evolution.
One point of no return could be the
2012, according to many ancient
and modern prophecies.
The needed operation is called as “the quest of the temporal

How is it possible to change the history
through the time travel?
Since many years, we have been developing this topic. Our
discoveries and interpretation – even of the same phenomena – have
been changed according to new levels of knowledge and experience.
Timenaut acts inside an echo-reality running besides the
consolidated plain of existence. Therefore, his actions don’t regard
the historical process from which the timenaut himself comes
and where we eventually want to cause changes since, basically, he
is acting on another plain.
When the timenaut comes back to the present, the echo-reality
he nourished through his actions and by saturating precise events
tends to be naturally absorbed by the main plain, and all the
related events are oriented – through automatic compensative events
– toward the original historical results. Nevertheless, if that
echo-reality is sufficiently complex and constantly or rhythmically
nourished, then it can persist sideways the original plain, but
without necessarily interfering with it.
This means that at least a flow of events can become sufficiently
dense, survive and join our present only if it is sufficiently
complex and periodically nourished.
For example, this could happen when the traveler triggers an event
that is supported by the natural behavior of peoples: he can pile
some stones in the centre of a crossroad which will compel or invite
wayfarers to turn or to add other stones to build something…
That place can become a point of permeability between the echo-world
and the main plain; this way, new different events can worm in the
historical plain.
Now, I cannot list in this book all the information and the
variables we have to calculate in order to evaluate if, how and how
much a similar action can affect the history and the ethical
motivations which can justify this kind of actions: so, let’s keep
the explanation just on a theoretical plain.
Another interesting method to cause historical changes regards the
possibility for the timenaut to act in a way to not make any
absorption or compensation needed. For example, by making actions
that cannot interfere with what already occurred: building a
construction and hiding or burying it in a way that nobody will have
anything to do with this particular object.
That event can permeate inside the historical plain without to
really modify it (at least for some time). In fact, if the
timenaut, once he is back in the present, sooner or later, digs
in that precise place, then that object will be discovered: but,
even in this case, its existence begins just from the moment of the
timenaut’s return.
The most important strategy regards the possibility to detect
key-events by acting on which it is possible to affect a long series
of further events and to create a chain reaction able to weigh and
fall in the original plain.
Key-events are not easy to detect because we have to go back to a
series of causes regardless our limited sense of cause-effect and
history. Often, an apparently meaningless event is the real trigger
of very important historical facts which seems not to have anything
to do with it.
Thanks to thousands of experiments, we have been creating a map of
the key-events which are related with those areas of the time we are
interested in, according to our type of research and work.
Often, supporting or deleting events is a “contest” against other
forces operating in contraposition with the humankind in order to
oppose evolution whatever cost.
“Time wars” are fought by saturating events with the higher possible
complexity so that they cannot be re-saturated by any other.
Nourishing or dissolving historical sequences: this is a much
evolved concept of war, part of the strategies of the so-called
“magic war”, a conflict which involves different plains, worlds and
unimaginable human, alien, subtle and divine dimensions.
Let’s imagine to have created some interference in the historical
plain which is able to cause changes in the past and in our present.
Could we be aware of that?
The answer is: “No”.
As a matter of fact, the whole humanity, included the timenaut,
immediately replace - in the consensual memory of the species -
something that “it has always been like that”, since what that “was”
it has never been once it is removed and replaced with something
How could we be aware of some change? If we cannot remember or know
a history that, when it is replaced, it never occurred, then which
reference point can we have in order to be aware that something
changed? Basically, it is not even a change, but something that
exists all along.
We found the solution to this problem by building special arks of
memory, also called as “temporal compensation chambers”.
Arks of memory are special environments (complex alchemic
laboratories isolated from the time) in which we “backup” the
historical sequence related with a precise temporal plain just as it
is set in the human memory: it is a picture of the “present” time.
These arks are outside the time and are not affected from the
interferences caused by the time travel and allow us to measure the
mismatch between the previous reality and what the reality is once
the timenaut is back.
It is important to underline that changes occur only when the
timenaut is back and not during the actions he is making in the
Temporal ramifications are the “rail lines” on which travelers move
into the time in order to join and act in different locations.
Through the same ramifications that the timenaut uses, the
effects he produces reflect themselves directly in the absolute
present without interfering with the intermediate sequence of
All the paradoxes are nothing but related with a limited subjective
interpretation of those actions which are able to put in discussion
echo-worlds, re-define which of them has to be considered as a main
plain in comparison with all the possible others, and to send just
to the “present” the effects of this process.
We have to keep in mind that causes and effects are distributed in
different plains of existence.
Temporal ramifications are conductors of events, which can be
transferred to different destinations without touching the
intermediate sequences of the sequential historical plain.
The aim of time travels is – above all - to consolidate the temporal
tissue and to protect our evolutionary reality.
The restored
temporal coherence would create also important effects inside of us:
for example, the possibility to access memories related with other
lives which otherwise would be completely excluded from our possible
This is a faculty related with our inner
sense of memory which makes us sensitive to our simultaneous
dilatation along the time, through those roots we call
“incarnations”: some of them are crossed by perception of senses
(past, current and parallel lives), others prepare themselves to be
activated according to what our deep and transcendent essence needs
in terms of meanings and experiences, in order to evolve and
complete the consciousness of the universe.