The John Titor Project
Page 6 of 19

05 January 2001 13:46 (about the future) 192
((in the 2036,do they still publish books? if so, do they still have those Cliff Notes books? the yellow ones, about things like physics and geometry and common time displacement theory and such? hint hint... ))
Yes, books are still published. If I had any cliff notes with me I would let you decide if they should be posted or not.

05 January 2001 13:46 (about time travel) 193
((is the government regulating the time machine you used to get here, or are you free to do as you choose?))
The displacement machine is not mine but I am free to make certain decisions based on the experiences and information I gather from each world-line. I am expected back but from their perspective, I will only have been gone for a split second.


09 January 2001 09:28 (about the future) 194
((?and who are those involved with breathing life into this supposed NWO, that many people in our current world-line are so afraid of?))
On my world-line, we are no longer afraid of the 'NWO'. Are you afraid of Nazis?

09 January 2001 09:28 (about the future) 195
The reason the job of President was split into an office of 5 has 4 main reasons. With 5, foreign policy is more consistent, power shifting between parties has less of an impact on the overall government, individual strengths between presidents add to the strength of the overall office, and one president is elected for each major area in the United States.

09 January 2001 09:28 (about the future) 196
The office of President is far more diluted and decentralized than it is here. The powers of the national government are more defined and reside more at the county and state level.

09 January 2001 09:28 (about the future) 197
I think the new government is good. However, since the concept of nationally subsidized welfare is gone, most people here may not appreciate it.

09 January 2001 09:28 (about the future) 198
The new US capitol is in Omaha Nebraska.

09 January 2001 09:28 (about the future) 199
The voting for individual candidates is on a rotating schedule.

09 January 2001 09:28 (about time travel) 200
I am not aware of the details of other missions. Of the seven, three had already left before I did. I suspect they are on similar missions.

09 January 2001 09:28 (about time travel) 201
((*Are any of them, besides yourself, on our current world-line that you are aware of?))
No, the chances of that are very slim.

09 January 2001 09:28 (about time travel) 202
((*Are you in contact by some special means with any other TT's? (if so, How is this done?))
No, although I would suspect that is not impossible I have no idea how you would do that.

09 January 2001 09:28 (about time travel) 203
((*How is it possible to send a message through Time?))
Unless the information physically travels with the person, not that I'm aware of.

09 January 2001 12:24 (about time travel) 204
When time travel was discovered, there were many people who were against its development. However, once the true nature of time was realized, the resistance faded. Even if one world-line was able to ban, kill and stop all time travel, it will continue on another.


10 January 2001 23:10 (about time travel) 205
((You mentioned a divergence from time lines. How is it possible to measure such a divergence?))
The measurement for world-line divergence is an observation variable isolated to the distortion unit. An effective analogy would be a ?gravity radar?. The unit's sensors take a ?snapshot? of the local gravity around the unit before a flight. During travel, this baseline is periodically checked to make sure there are no major changes in the environment that would cause a catastrophic mass failure (brick wall appearing from nowhere). The percentage of VGL divergence from one world-line to another is a calculated guess by the three computers that control the unit based on its starting point. It is useless in describing characteristics of individual world-lines.

10 January 2001 23:10 (about time travel) 206
There is a bit of folklore about the first distortion driver who reaches a destination with a zero divergence. This would mean they had traveled on a space-like trip to their own world-line of origin. This paradox is quite possible although highly unlikely. I wonder if anyone out there can take current string theory and make that one work on paper?

10 January 2001 23:10 (about time travel) 207
((You said 6 curled up dimensions. The current theory suggests that there should be at least 7 curled up dimensions.))
I may be mistaken but I thought it was pretty well established now that (N -10) was on track.


11 January 2001 09:04 (about the future) 208
However, if I understand you, you're asking about death on my world-line. Yes, it is more a part of our lives than it is yours (at least for now) and capitol punishment is a reality.

11 January 2001 11:49 (about time travel) 209
I don't believe I ever said I came back looking for a UNIX bug fix. I came back for a computer system. Don't you find UNIX useful now?

11 January 2001 11:49 (about the future) 210
Temperature is about the same although there were anomalies after the war.


15 January 2001 12:0 (right now) 211
In our attempt to communicate here, some of the comments on this board have become increasingly hostile and negative. I see the same type of interaction when I watch news interview programs. The guise of productive interaction and communication is thwarted by illogical verbal attacks and misdirection. I understand why the news does it. They are trying to hold an audience by generating conflict.

15 January 2001 12:04 (about time travel) 212
(What is a WORLD-LINE?)
Individual world-lines represent the limits and paths physical objects take through space-time under the laws of special relativity. They can be shown graphically on an x-y graph with x representing distance in space and y representing passing of time. In time travel talk, world-lines are used as a way to describe and separate the experiences of a time traveler because various laws of special relativity appear to breakdown and can't be defined on a single world-line. World-line has also become synonymous with "alternate universe" and / or "time line".

15 January 2001 12:04 (about time travel) 213
((?could not a TT (time traveler) basically take whatever they wanted from any time?))
There are mass limits to what can be taken back.

15 January 2001 12:04 (about time travel) 214
((? do you have to take psychological tests before you are chosen? what attributes should a time traveler have in your opinion?))
Yes, there are numerous psychological tests. I was chosen based on my educational background and military service. The training lasted about two years. There is a great deal of physical training to counter the physical effects of distortion. They were also looking for drivers who had a fair amount of self-sufficiency and an ability to function under extreme isolation and confinement.

15 January 2001 12:04 (about time travel) 215
((What are some things they look for when they chose someone for a mission?))
Depending on the mission, time travelers are usually chosen for a particular mission based on their ability to gain the cooperation of someone related to the goal on the target world-line. In my case, my grandfather was directly involved with the building and programming of the 5100.

15 January 2001 12:04 (about time travel) 216
((If they pick a bad seed by mistake and send them time traveling and that person does harm is there anyway they can go after that person? I am curious about all of this.))
Interesting question. There is a difference of philosophy between us that should be clarified. Since I believe that all possible outcomes and events are possible, probable and certain, it is impossible to assign ?goodness? or ?badness? to a person or situation. On some other world-line, I am an insane time traveler causing destruction and death while TTA chases me with his band of devoted followers. However, on this one, I am not. Since both events are certain, their value is neutral.

15 January 2001 12:04 (safety, suggestions, assorted philosophy) 217 Since both events are certain, their value is neutral. Therefore, you can only assign goodness and badness to the events and experiences you have direct control over or witness. Only actions are good and bad, not people or things.

15 January 2001 12:04 (about the future) 218
((?didn't TT_0 say in a previous post that we were looked down on by future generations, if he is from a "parallel timeline", how would he know this??))
This world-line and my own are almost exactly alike.


17 January 2001 11:29 (about the future) 219
In the future, sociologists spend a great of time discussing the collective mentality before the war that led to the demise of "Homo Materia". Many of them point to an experiment that was done in the 1970's or 1980's. The experiment isolated various sizes of rat populations in varying cage sizes with varying food and cleaning schedules. It was discovered that no matter what, there was a certain ratio of rats to space that once overtaken by population would always lead to aggressive and destructive behavior in the rats until enough of them had died or been killed to get back under the ratio. This was true even when the rats that were given plenty of food and had their cage cleaned every day.

17 January 2001 11:29 (safety, suggestions, assorted philosophy) 220 I believe your society is biologically geared for self-destruction.


26 January 2001 13:32 (about the future) 221
After the war, the United States had split into five separate regions based on the various factors and military objectives they each had. There was a great deal of anger directed toward the Federal government and a revival of states rights was becoming paramount. However, in their attempt to create an economic form of government, the political and military leaders at the time decided to hold one last Constitutional Congress in order to present a psychological cohesion from the old system. During this Congress, the leaders discovered and decided that coming up with a new and better form of government was nearly impossible. The original Constitution itself was not the problem it was the ignorance of the people that lived under it.

26 January 2001 13:32 (safety, suggestions, assorted philosophy) 222 The original Constitution itself was not the problem it was the ignorance of the people that lived under it.

26 January 2001 13:32 (about the future) 223
((Second, do you not like your "new" Constitution? Or feel that it is not as effective as the original?))
From my viewpoint, it's very effective. I am a very strong believer in local or state's rights.

26 January 2001 13:32 (about time travel) 224
((Is it physically possible for you to get back to THIS time line once you leave?))
Not with the unit I have.

26 January 2001 13:32 (about time travel) 225
((If all 7 Billion of us here each had our own time machine do you think that would we would end up trashing the rest of the local world-lines?))
Since everything is already happening and possible on different world-lines, the answer is yes and no.

26 January 2001 13:32 (safety, suggestions, assorted philosophy) 226
((Correct me if I'm wrong here but I see you as a Libertarian who expounds on the need for humanity to get back to certain basics. Like the issues defined by the Constitution and your comments earlier on firearms tend to make me believe you are a Gun Rights activist.))
I suppose from your vantage point that's a fair assessment. I would call myself more of a centrist. Although I understand the ?gun rights? issue here, I cannot relate to it all and it is a common point of argument with my mother. I keep saying her tune will change in about ten years and she?ll be cleaning shotguns in her sleep but it doesn't help. If it makes you feel any better, I never shot anyone who wasn't trying to kill me.

26 January 2001 13:32 (about time travel) 227
((You said that you traveled back in time from 2036 to 1975 with a ~1-2% divergence. You also mentioned that in your time frame a 0% divergence is sort of a myth, i.e. technologically improbable.))
Yes, a 'ZD' is thought to be impossible. However, consider that an exact entry point 'may' not be necessary to get home. The important factor is the path, not the destination. Under multiple world theory, there are an infinite number of 'homes' that I could return to that don't have me there. The divergence for that window is somewhere near .002377%.

26 January 2001 13:32 (about time travel) 228
((Someone correct me where I'm wrong here but as I understand it, these Parallel Universes or Alternative Timelines are "created" by events in our own, (timelines) or even in others.))
Parallel universes exist independently of each other and only interact to avoid the collapse of the wave function for any given particle that you are looking at. I like to imagine it as a series of parallel lines crossed by a sine wave. Each point on the sine wave where a line crosses it represents an alternate outcome. The multiple 'yous' on each world-line record a different result for the activity of the event.

26 January 2001 13:32 (about time travel) 229
((Actually, in science, "Multiverse" theory is something that has NEVER been proven. For lack of evidence. It crops up from time to time as a way to explain certain SEEMING paradoxes like the EPR double slit experiment with polarized light. But then, just because it can be used to explain something doesn't mean it is so.))
I agree with you that an explanation doesn't make it so. However you can build a model to describe physical behavior. Even if the model is not complete, its ?truth? can be measured by how well it predicts the behavior it describes.

26 January 2001 13:32 (about time travel) 230
I believe the closest non-related evidence for multiple universes right now comes from the physics (derived from special relativity) of rotating (Kerr) black holes. If you examine a typical Penrose map, science agrees that you can travel to ?other universes? through these cosmic oddities. They can't be different places in our own universe because you would have to violate the speed of light limit to get there. Since the existence of multiple universes is a reality from my viewpoint, please allow me to disclose an idea we toss around a bit in 2036. Since all possibilities, outcomes and events are occurring and exist simultaneously, it would mean there are multiple universes out there where ?you? are living a day behind and a day ahead of the ?you? on this universe. There are some who believe that memory is some sort of information transfer or communication with the ?yous' in the past, across world-lines or universes. Although this is seemingly quite ridiculous, if you think that could be true, than physics tells us that the same information transfer from our future selves on other world-lines is not only possible but certain. Could it be that fantasy or ?what if? scenarios are actually future memory from an alternate ?us? on a future world-line? According to physics, there is no reason why this cannot be true although I probably fall a little closer to DiViper's feelings about this as he does on multiple universes.

01/26/01 09:21 pm (about time travel) 231
((So, it would seem to me that your "mission" to go back in time to help your society in the future seems rather illogical, because in fact you can not help them without the ability to make, what you termed a "ZD", a zero divergence trip.))
The reality of infinite possibilities is rather difficult to get a grip on and if it were not for the math, I would delegate it to the realm of religion. I like to think of it as standing in a room with mirrors on all the walls. I can look to my right and left and see many 'mes' all doing exactly the same thing. If we all took a step to our right and passed through a dimensional doorway to the next mirrored room, it would be very difficult to tell if anything had changed. In that sense, there are an infinite number of world-lines waiting for me to return with the computer. If I can get to one of them, I have completed my mission.

01/26/01 09:21 pm (about time travel) 232
((Similarly, a TT_0 ("not ours") will return from a world-line similar to our own to "our TT_0's" world-line and be such a perfect doppelganger that the "originating" world line receives the IBM, and his Mom never knows the difference.))
Bingo!! Seems like something they would do a lot of psychological testing for before they sent us off.

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