From November 02, 2000  to 31 December 2000



November 02, 2000 01:16

I was just about to give up hope on anyone knowing who Tipler or Kerr was on this worldline. The basics for time travel start at CERN in about a year and end in 2034 with the first "time machine" built by GE. Too bad we can't post pictures or I'd show it to you.

November 02, 2000 08:55

Is there a site where I don't need to register personal information to post pictures?

November 02, 2000 18:27

I'll be happy to send them to you and answer any questions you may have.

November 02, 2000 01:00

I saw the posting requesting the basic systems for a gravity distortion system that will allow time travel. Here they are:

Magnetic housing units for dual micro-singularities.
Electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity of micro-singularities.
Cooling and x-ray venting system
Gravity sensors (VGL system)
Main clocks (4 cesium units)
Main computer units (3)
November 04, 2000

What does traveling in time look like?

The unit has a ramp up time after the destination coordinates are fed into the computers. An audible alarm and a small light start a short countdown at which point you should be secured in a seat.

The gravity field generated by the unit overtakes you very quickly. You feel a tug toward the unit similar to rising quickly in an elevator and it continues to rise based on the power setting the unit is working under. At 100% power, the constant pull of gravity can be as high as 2 Gs or more depending on how close you are to the unit. There are no serious side effects but I try to avoid eating before a flight.

No bright flash of light is seen. Outside, the vehicle appears to accelerate as the light is bent around it. We have to wear sunglasses or close our eyes as this happens due to a short burst of ultraviolet radiation.

Personally I think it looks like your driving under a rainbow. After that, it appears to fade to black and remains totally black until the unit is turned off. We are advised to keep the windows closed as a great deal of heat builds up outside the car. The gravity field also traps a small air pocket around the car that acts as your only O2 supply unless you bring compressed air with you.

This pocket will only last for a short period and a carbon sensor tells us when it's too dangerous. The C204 unit is accurate from 50 to 60 years a jump and travels at about 10 years an hour at 100% power.

You do hear a slight hum as the unit operates and when the power changes or the unit turns off. There is a great deal of electrical crackling noise from static electricity.

What are your memories of 2036?

I remember 2036 very clearly. It is difficult to describe 2036 in detail without spending a great deal of time explaining why things are so different.

In 2036, I live in central Florida with my family and I'm currently stationed at an Army base in Tampa. A world war in 2015 killed nearly three billion people. The people that survived grew closer together. Life is centered on the family and then the community. I cannot imagine living even a few hundred miles away from my parents.

There is no large industrial complex creating masses of useless food and recreational items. Food and livestock is grown and sold locally. People spend much more time reading and talking together face to face. Religion is taken seriously and everyone can multiple and divide in the heads.

Will you show us more of the operations manual for your time machine?

I will consider it but I do not expect they are worth anything to most people except as a curiosity.

If you met yourself on another worldline, what would happen?

It has always surprised me why that concept is so hard for people to imagine and accept. Nothing would happen. The universe would not end and there are no paradox problems that threaten existence.

Temporal space-time is made up of every possible quantum state. The Everett Wheeler model is correct. I have met and/or seen myself twice on different worldlines. The first was a training mission and the second is now.

I was born in 1998 so the other "me" is 2 on this worldline. There is a saying where I come from, "Every possible thing that can happen or will happen has already happened somewhere".

How is our worldline different from this yours?

For starters, the fact that I'm here makes it different. I've also noticed little things like news events that happen at different times, football games won by other teams, things like that.

I would guess the temporal divergence between this worldline and my original is about 1 or 2 percent. Of course, the longer I am here, the larger that divergence becomes from my point of view.

What type of vehicle is in the picture you posted?

It's a 1967 Chevrolet.

Does your machine allow you to control time travel?

Yes, it can be controlled. However, the distortion unit has operational limits. Imagine your path through time is through a cone. The farther away from the center of the cone, the more differences you will see in the worldline.

The C204 begins to "break away" at about 60 years. This means the level of confidence drops rapidly after 60 years of travel and the worldline divergence increases. In other words, if I wanted to go back 2000 years and meet Christ, there is a better than average chance I would end up on a worldline where he was never born.

The computer units and gravity sensors "record" your trip and you are quite easily able to return to your point of origin. I am aware that research is being done on faster units with more accurate clocks. I imagine that they will be able to go back farther with a higher degree of divergence confidence.

Are you drawn back to your worldline of origin for any reason? Is instability a problem for you?

I'm not sure what you mean by stable. If you mean mentally, there are many things that bother me here but being with my parents right now is important to me. Physically, the only thing really wrong is the number of colds I get.

Are you able to return to your home?


Is radiation a problem?

I'm not sure what radiation you mean. If you mean from the unit, it vents X-rays and Gamma radiation out of the rear. As long as you stay away from that, you should be okay. I keep a radiation detector with me to check my environment and make sure the unit isn't "leaking".

What does the light look like when you time travel?

The light bending only lasts a second. Its like driving under a tunnel and being in total black.

Do people know where you are? Can you communicate with your home?

No. They do not know where I am and I cannot communicate with them. Interesting idea though. From their point of view, I will return almost exactly at the same moment I left. From their viewpoint, I will only have aged more than expected.

Is there anything to add about what time travel looks like?

While the machine is on, everything is black. When the machine is turned off, it is the reverse affect. It appears you are driving out from a bridge. To tell you the truth, I'm usually sleeping when the unit turns off but yes, it does appear that the world fades in from black.

What's the largest technical problem when traveling in time?

The hard part of traveling through time is not the bending of gravity but the plotting of your course and holding to the basic "position" in your environment. This is done through a system called VGL (variable gravity lock).

Basically, the unit takes a reading of the local gravity and samples it during the "trip" in pulses. If the gravity is too far off, the unit stops or reverses itself to the last sample period where the readings were correct. If there is some sort of failure, the unit shuts down and drops out to where ever you may be.

Are there any physical effects from the machine?

The only real physical trace is a large chunk of ground missing from the point of origin and a large pile of dirt at the destination. The gravity field surrounds a small portion of the earth under you and takes it along for the ride. There is really no way around this.


November 06, 2000 09:04

Perhaps it's a bit easier to understand why time travelers do not revel themselves.

Yes, you can travel forward in time. No, you do not need an "invite" from the future. I first saw the car in 2036. The idea was to find a vehicle that would not draw too much attention for the time period. Unfortunately, there were not very many suitable vehicles around in 2036 and I sold the car when I arrived in 2000.

You do not rewrite history. I can only affect what happens here just as easily as you can. Why do people in this time period worry so much about time traveler's destroying their worldline when they have no problem doing it themselves every day?

My goal is not to be believed. Most people do not take news of the war very well but I find that everyone believes it's inevitable. Even in your own history, are not great inventions and discoveries made during a time of war in your effort to kill and maim in new and more efficient ways?

No, I do not work for GE or any other company. Are "stock tips" really the first thing you want to know about in the future? As a representative of your time period, do you realize what that says about you? You should probably know that this time is not remembered for its selflessness, charity or ability to work together.

Why would I want to talk to you? Why don't you believe you have something interesting or worthwhile to say to someone in the future?

November 06, 2000 09:08

No, the ice caps are not melting any faster than they are now. There is also far less smog and industrial waste in 2036.

November 06, 2000 16:43

You asked about the North Polar ice pack. I never said the environment wasn't a problem. Doesn't water expand when it freezes? If the polar ice cap melted, wouldn't sea level go down? I don't know if there's enough ice for this to make a difference and I'm not an expert on global warming.

November 06, 2000, 17:26

Yes, I realize people become hostile. I don't expect anyone to believe me and I have nothing to sell. I take no offense by it. Just out of curiosity, if you were a time traveler, what do you think it would take to get people to believe you?

I suppose we could agree that no particular era in history is famous for its development of humanity but just once I would like to hear questions like, "What is family life like in the future? How does society deal with poverty? Is AIDS, abortion and drug use still a problem?"

Why don't I give you a stock tip? The money you make would dilute the intelligence and forethought that a smart person had in picking the stock all by themselves. If I told you how to get rich, I would be taking money from them and giving it to you.

Getting back to my "proper" universe is tricky but possible. Yes, another jump would take me to a different family.

When traveling to other worldlines there is a system of clocks and gravity sensors in the machine that sample the environment before dropping out. It's called VGL, (variable gravity lock). If a cement block were there, the machine would "backtrack" until it sensed relative congruity to the original gravity sample. A great deal of time and effort goes into picking just the right spot since you cannot physically move during a displacement.

November 06, 2000 22:13

Please keep in mind a couple of points as I answer your questions. First, I am not a physicist. "Time travel" is only a tool that allowed me to do my job 1975. Most airline pilots are probably not aerospace engineers.

Second, let me give you an example of the position we are in. Imagine you live in the year 1900 and a "time traveler" attempts to explain how a jet engine works. Even though the invention of the airplane is only a decade in the future, he would have to find some frame of reference to explain the basics of flight. Then, he would have to outline the mechanics of how the engine works. As amazing as it would sound, the jet would be invented about thirty years later.

Time travel is achieved by altering gravity. This concept is already proven by atomic clock experiments. The closer an observer is to a gravity source (high mass), the slower time passes for them. Traveling at high speeds mimics this effect which = the twin paradox of faster than light travel. However, this type of gravity manipulation is not sufficient to alter your worldline.

The basic math to alter worldlines exists right now. Tipler first described a working "time machine" through his theory of massive rotating spheres. I apologize for the web site but it was the only one I could find quickly.

Certain types of black holes also exhibit the "time travel" abilities of Tipler cylinders. Kerr was one of the first to describe the dual event horizons of a rotating black hole. As with Tipler's cylinders, it was possible to travel on a "timelike" trip through a Kerr black hole and end up in a different worldline without being squished by the gravity of the singularity.

The mass and gravitational field of a micro-singularity can then be manipulated by "injecting" electrons onto its surface. By rotating two electric micro-singularities at high speed, it is possible to create and modify a local gravity sinusoid that replicates the affects of a Kerr black hole.

For those asking how come a micro-singularity doesn't swallow the Earth or want to know details about the size, stability, mass, temperature and resulting Hawking radiation from such a thing, those details I must keep to myself.

Yes, you can travel into the future and it takes less energy than going into the past.

The computer system is connected to the unit through an electrical bus. There are actually three computers linked together that take the same signals from the gravity sensors and clocks. They use a Borda error correcting protocol that checks the integrity of the data and trips the VGL system.

I am not aware of any physical change to my DNA or "aura". I do however seem to be more susceptible to colds.

Yes, you will remember me if you want to. Worldlines do not change that way and I will only become an insignificant part of your history.


November 07, 2000 17:18

I would equate the "future" GE distortion units to their current jet engines. The first one worked great but they can always make it better. The C204 unit uses 4 cesium clocks. The C206 uses 6 cesium clocks but they use an optical system to check the oscillation frequency. This makes the worldline divergence confidence much higher.

November 07, 2000 21:23

Yes I believe in Jesus Christ and we pray to God in churches. There are some differences you may be interested in. Religion is a major part of people's life in 2036. Pain and change tend to bring people together and closer to God. However, religion is far more personal than it is now. There are no huge, centralized religions and people talk openly about their beliefs. It might also interest you to know that the day of worship is Saturday, the day God meant to be the Sabbath and the 10 commandments have been restored to the "10" that God gave us.

Life is much more rural in the future but "high" technology is used to communicate and travel. People raise a great deal of their own food and do more "farm" work. Yes, compared to now, we do work long hours. After the war, my father made a living selling oranges up and down the West coast of Florida. My closest friend raises horses and another works for a company that maintains "wireless" Internet nodes.

Life has changed so much over my lifetime that it's hard to pin down a "normal" day. When I was 13, I was a soldier. As a teenager, I helped my dad haul cargo. I went to college when I was 31 and I was recruited to "time travel" shortly after that. Again, I suppose an average day in 2036 is like an average day on the farm.

Yes, there is a post office. The Internet is still alive and well in the future. People spend more time talking because life is more centered on the community. I've noticed the same type of effect here when the power goes off. People tend to come out of their homes and actually spend time with their neighbors. There is a lot more personal trust and less paranoia.

When I'm with my parents, I live in a community made up of "tree houses" on a large river in Florida. The river floods sometimes and we have access to the Gulf. Most of our neighbors make a living off the sea or in moving cargo by boat.

There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)... thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.

No new information there (on UFOs and aliens). I find that an interesting subject myself. Personally, I think "UFOs" might be time travelers with very sophisticated distortion units. But that might be a bit wacky.

One of the biggest reasons why food production is localized is because the environment is affected with disease and radiation. We are making huge strides in getting it cleaned up. Water is produced on a community level and we do eat meat that we raise ourselves.

Yes, genetic engineering is used but it's like any other technology. It can be good and bad. One thing we did not do was create more hybrid seeds. What are people thinking?

I am a Christian Agnostic (Did John mean Gnostic?). I do not believe faith alone is enough to get us back to God. I'm not sure what happens when we die but I'm pretty sure it's not a walk in the park.

We are working on it (space travel).

What future technologies can we look forward to?

I hesitate to answer but I'll give a bit. Hydrogen fuel cells and more efficient solar cells are big deals. Computer technology and software get MUCH better.

My greatest joy is sailing. For fun, I enjoy swimming, playing cards, reading, playing games on the net and talking with people who live in other countries. As a community, we celebrate much more and have bon fires and dances. My hobby is sorting through old magazines and videos of life before the war.

After the war, early new communities gathered around the current Universities. That's where the libraries were. I went to school at Fort UF, which is now called the University of Florida. Not too much is different except the military is large part of people's life and we spend a great deal of time in the fields and farms at the "University" or Fort.

Most of my memories growing up are not fond. Life was very hard. Simple things make me happy like hugging my mother and father. Yes, we have cameras. More digital. Film is used like painting is today. No hologram camera though.

Yes we have phones but the service is through the web. Most power generation is localized. It amazes me how much power is wasted now. Yes, solar is big. There is thought that a singularity generator could also be used but most people are against it.

The elderly are highly revered and looked after on a community level. So are orphans. There is always something people can do now matter what. The idea of avoiding work is looked down on. Everyone pulls together to keep the COMMUNITY strong.

Hats are more common in the future and flashy colors are less common. Dress is much more functional and we "dress up" whenever we get a chance. I have noticed that no one in this time dresses for occasions even when they have the clothes. Why do people wear shorts to church?

We do not spend nearly the amount of time on our hair as people do now. Women like to wear their hair longer and men have it much shorter. Both sexes shave it all off when they're in active military service.

Far less medical treatment in the future even though It's more advanced. People die when they now its time to die. No lasers. Genetic medicine and cloning organs are the obvious new techs in the future.

The Constitution was changed after the war. We have 5 presidents that are voted in and out on different term periods. The vice president is the president of the senate and they are voted separately.

We have cars, just not a whole bunch of them. There is public transportation from city to city.

November 07, 2000 22:18

If I could bring some material thing back to your time from 2036, it would be a copy of the new US Constitution.

Yes, you could travel to a future that was 0.5 seconds ahead of now but not with my machine. The C204 uses the second as the basic unit of measure. The C206 may be capable of .05 sec.

If you arrived a fraction of a second in my past or future on another worldline would I ever know that you arrived?

No "you" would not. But the "you" on that worldline would.

It is believed there is some sort of measurable quantum differences in worldlines. I am not an expert on that so I can offer little information.

You would be welcome in my home.


November 08, 2000 22:27

Can you explain what the purpose of time travel is on your worldline?

In 2036, a great deal of effort is going into "repairing" our environment. I was sent to 1975 to get a computer system and take it back to 2036. Time travel is not a secret in 2036 and I expect it will become more common.

Why is time travel used?
Right now, its used to get information or "items" that would be helpful in getting a post WWIII world back to a normal condition. There are 7 other time travelers in my unit.

Where do time travelers the most?

Right now, most of our practical missions are from 1960 to 1980. There is a great deal of research into later and future periods but the farther you go, the lower the divergence confidence of the worldline.


You said there is more than one time machine. Are they all being used?

What type of vehicle will you get to go back in since you sold the other car?
It's a 1987 4WD. The vehicle needs a strong suspension system to handle the weight of the distortion unit.


Are you able to take other people with you when traveling in time?


November 11, 2000 18:46

If you change cars do you have to re-adjust the time machine?
Yes. But it's a function of the VGL system. A gravity baseline is taken and rechecked every time the unit is used. A new vehicle would alter the gravity signature.

What type of system is used to maintain the singularity?
I am not a physicist so I cannot answer that to your level of sophistication. The singularities are held in an enclosed magnetic field.

Can you dimensionally travel with the time machine?
No. However, the longer the unit is on past a safe divergence confidence, the "stranger" the worldline becomes. The unit I have is safe to about 1% for every sixty years at max power.

November 11, 2000 18:56

If your time machine is accurate to the second then you must have a reason for choosing the moment you arrive.

My goal was to reach a certain date and time which is converted into seconds for the computer to make its calculations. I do not pick the second. It's more important to have a low divergence confidence number.

Are you here now to observe the results of the presidential election?

I would use the word "elections" a bit cautiously. Perhaps it's easier now to see a civil war in your future?

November 11, 2000 19:07

If you're here to get a computer, why are you are posting on a message board? I think you're committing treason!

Why would it be treason?

November 11, 2000 19:11

You're time machine travels at 10 years an hour? That would take you more than three hours? How can the air trapped in your vehicle last that long?

Yes, that's about right but my initial trip was to 1975, not 2000. I guess it's a question of how many technical details you really want or you feel I'm making up. We do take additional 02 and the air pocket is a bit larger than you might think.

November 12, 2000 16:41

Do you worry about anything happening to the people that help you here? What if someone tries to build a time machine based on what you've said?

Yes, I have considered it but it is very easy to remain hidden behind a veil of disbelief. The people who understand what they are seeing are not aggressive. Everyone else just finds them entertaining. The obvious first answer is that the only worldline of consequence is my own and I don't care what happens here. That however, is not the case. I have shown these documents in order that people might consider the possibility. I do not expect people to believe them.

What is the real reason you're posting these top-secret government documents?

The restricted nature of the documents I posted refers to the departmentalized nature of the technical information. The manual is supposed to remain with the unit. The current F-16 fighter jet probably has an operations manual. All the information in it is not secret but no one wants it to "walk" away from the plane.

Did your commander authorize you to post this information or is it something you did on your own?

I am here for personal reasons. For a few months now, I have bee trying to alert anyone that would listen to the possibility of a civil war in the United States in 2005. Does that seem more likely now? Actually it's quite amazing to see what's happening. I have been trying to get people to pay attention for the last few months but to see it unfold is very interesting. Before I leave, I'll try and post my report.

I am curious… will anyone be upset if Florida's votes are not counted in the Electoral College because of the current "confusion"?

Have you thought about the possible outcomes of your actions?


12 November 2000 16:41

Have you considered the dangers for someone who helps you here while you remain covert? What about the people that read the information and might attempt to build a time machine?

Yes, I have considered it but it is very easy to remain hidden behind a veil of disbelief. The people who understand what they are seeing are not aggressive. Everyone else just finds them entertaining. The obvious first answer is that the only worldline of consequence is my own and I don't care what happens here. That however, is not the case. I have shown these documents in order that people might consider the possibility. I do not expect people to believe them.


November 15, 2000 13:56

A broken clock tells the right time twice a day.

November 15, 2000 14:12

Your vehicle looks new.

Thanks. I sold it when I arrived here. It attracted a great deal of attention. Perhaps that's why it was still around in 2036.You must be in the Army.
More or less correct.



Your commanders must have larger time machines they can use to come and find you.

Why would they come looking for me? I'm expected back but I will only have been gone a few seconds from their point of view.



You should probably know that our government will find you.


Stupidity and greed are fairly predictable for a period of time.


If you're telling the truth, the last thing you should be doing is talking about the war and the government.

Have you considered that your society might be better off if half of you were dead?


Why don't you tell us everything about the stock market and future before you go?

I'm thinking about it. I'm waiting for my family to buy up all the good stuff cheap first...(joke).

November 15, 2000 14:20

I want to believe you. In order for me to do that, I need a prediction that comes true right now.

I appreciate the position you are in but you must realize that I am not affected in the least if you believe me or not.

Tell me who wins the (upcoming sporting event).

Off the top of your head, can you tell me if it rained in Atlanta this time last year? Do you think time travelers carry a sports reference with them?

Tell me anything like that and I will believe you forever.

It is a mistake to give anyone your unwavering belief...but you will find that out yourself in 2005.

November 15, 2000 14:33

Can anyone operate your time machine? Does it have a key? You would be welcome at my home.

The unit has two security systems to protect it from "most" people. One, it has a code that must be entered correctly. Second, and probably more effective now, the unit cannot be used by anyone who can't add and subtract.

November 15, 2000 14:41

Why did you go to 1975?

The first "leg" of my trip was from 2036 to 1975. After two VGL checks, the divergence was estimated at about 2.5% (from my 2036). I was "sent" to get an IBM computer system called the 5100. It was one the first portable computers made and it has the ability to read the older IBM programming languages in addition to APL and Basic. We need they system to "debug" various legacy computer programs in 2036. UNIX has a problem in 2038.

November 17, 2000 09:34

It is thought that being close to a gravitational field has a biological effect on all matter including cells. The effect is to slow the movement of electrons in the orbits of their nucleus, which slows the mechanical and biological functions of the observer close to the gravity. Thus the passing of time is a local phenomenon depending on how close you are to a gravitational source.

This is one example of a theory involving "time shells" progressing in size and intensity around a gravitational point from all matter. The more massive the object, the larger and more influential the time shells around it (like an onion). Another offshoot of this theory is that kinetic energy is actually the conversion of stored energy in the atom as it passes through time shells in a gravitational field.


November 20, 2000 17:16

You sold your car? How will you get back?
The unit is portable between vehicles. It is very heavy and requires a "stiff" suspension. The unit is currently in a 4WD.


How did you solve the normal problems of living in this time?
I am currently living with my parents on this worldline. They know exactly who I am and how I got here.


How did you get access to a scanner and computer?
There are numerous ways to do that. Any local printing shop allows you access to a computer system.

With all the things you could be doing here, why are you trying to find out about us on the Internet? What suggestions do you have?
It seems like it would be hard to be from the future and fit in on this timeline.


You don't think you could blend into 1970? What difficulties would you expect to have that couldn't be overcome?
There are a lot of people here who think you are crazy. I have nothing to sell nor do I want anyone to believe in me or take some action. What other people think of me does not affect me in the least.


If telling us about your time machine won't change anything, what would happen if someone built one based on your information?

What you do on your worldline is your own business. I can't think of any better way to start a war than for someone to figure out how to make a time machine.
Go for it.


I'm not trying to ruin your reputation or credibility; I just want straight answers to my questions.
I will be happy to answer "almost" any question you have.



November 21, 2000 10:41

All of the questions asked have been answered in one way or another. You assume I am here to start a war?

Consider this: You are a time traveler who wishes to go back in time to 1941 because your grandparents live close to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. You realize you can't stop the war but you may be able to help them prepare for it. Strangely, December 7th comes and goes with no sneak attack. As the war in Europe rages on, Japan fails to join the axis power, there is no war in the Pacific and the United States remains neutral. Then, you watch as Germany begins to develop the atomic bomb… all by themselves.

For a change, I have a question for all of you. I want you to think very hard. What major disaster was expected and prepared for in the last year and a half that never happened?

As far as war goes, I have faith you are quite capable of starting one all by yourself. I am hard pressed to accept any criticism on my outlook on that subject. Growing up might have been a vastly different experience for me than it was for most of you. Personal responsibility, determination, honor, friendship and self-reliance are not just words we try to live up to or fantasize about.

On my worldline, life is not easy. We live in a world recovering from years of war, poison, destruction and hate. All of it, courtesy of the thinking and actions of people that live right now in the same world you do, worrying about which stocks to buy or whether or not a stranger is lying to them on the Internet.

I believe that hardship and challenge develop character and community. My first experience with war came when I joined a shotgun infantry unit at the age of thirteen. In the 4 years I served as a "rebel", I watched hundreds of people get shot, burn and bleed to death. I know exactly where I was and every detail of the exact moment the first nuclear warheads began falling on Jacksonville. I know the pain and regret of not acting soon enough to enjoy a relationship as a loved one dies of brain cancer from a war that gained nothing.

How can you possibly criticize me for any conflict that comes to you? I watch every day what you are doing as a society. While you sit by and watch your Constitution being torn away from you, you willfully eat poisoned food, buy manufactured products no one needs and turn an uncaring eye away from millions of people suffering and dying all around you. Is this the "Universal Law" you subscribe to?

Perhaps I should let you all in on a little secret. No one likes you in the future. This time period is looked at as being full of lazy, self-centered, civically ignorant sheep. Perhaps you should be less concerned about me and more concerned about that.

November 21, 2000 21:31

There have been a great many questions piling up that I do plan to get to. If anyone sees a question I have answered before, please feel free to repeat the answer. I do not plan on leaving this worldline for a while yet. I very much enjoy spending time with my family.


November 22, 2000 20:58

The observation of time travelers "appearing" suddenly in a worldline does not happen very often. There are two cases and two points of view to consider.

In the first case, the time machine does not move as it goes from one worldline to another and then returns. The people watching on the original worldline would wave good-bye and watch as the machine is turned on. There would be a static discharge and the air would appear to "ripple" as if it were getting denser. Then, it would stop and the machine will have appeared to have disappeared. If the machine doesn't move its position from worldline to worldline, the observer would not see it disappear at all.

In the second case, if the machine were moved, it would disappear from the viewpoint of the observer and return in a different location based on where it was moved and turned on from the destination worldline. In that case, the rippling seems to dissolve the machine and it disappears. If that happens while you are watching it leave and you expect it to return, you know it was moved or had a serious malfunction.

It is actually quite dangerous to get too close to a distortion unit as it enters or leaves a worldline. It vents radiation and has a very strong localized gravity field. Personally, I worry about that a great deal.

It can be adjusted to some degree (the gravitational fields). The CG (center of gravity) is adjustable within about 4 feet and the unit is effective about 10 to 12 feet in either direction from there. The vertical distance is quite a bit shorter and is determined by sensors in the unit.

Depending on whether or not you are going forward or backward, the footprint of the unit is different. I wouldn't quite say it "scoops" up the ground cleanly. It sort of vibrates it loose and takes it along for the ride. It looks like someone raked the ground an inch or so deep with a small hand hoe or shovel. The negative ergosphere "scoops" up the front and back areas of the field. The positive ergosphere leaves a longer area near the center of mass. It's about a cubic foot of dirt spread out over six square feet or so.

If your device was inside a building and used, what would happen?

It might not be as destructive as you think. Depending on how close any object is to the field, it might not do any damage at all except for the floor.

What would happen if something touched the distortion field as it is turned on?

It would be quickly spread out over the lateral length of the gravity field. Imagine being squished and stretched at the same time. I would imagine anything left after that would be vaporized and generate static electricity.

What is the temperature around the time machine during operation?

Very! Hot. Depending on the power setting, 100 to 120 degrees is average.

What position is the car in when the time machine is being used?

The car is off and the brake on.

Has the time machine ever been used while it was moving?

Not that I'm aware of. Its important that it remain as still as possible so the gravity sensors can get a good lock. The divergence confidence would be way off if the vehicle were moving.

Do you wear a uniform?

I wear a standard civilian service uniform during instruction and training. It's sort of a cross between an army uniform and overalls. We do have a quartermaster who distributes clothing appropriate to where ever we are going.

There is a patch. It is round and has a graphic of a Kerr singularity (sort of looks like an eye with gravity waves around it) with two spiral paths running through its center. One path represents the "safe" way and the other is the path to God. The bottom of the patch has my unit number along with "Temporal Recon" printed on it. However, we remove any identification and patches before we go anywhere.

How long will you be on our worldline?

I'll be around for a while yet.


November 25, 2000 09:10

I must apologize for the poor quality of the information. There's a running inside joke about the technical issues. If the unit has a serious problem its not as if anyone can use those drawings to take the electron manifold off the singularity housing with a flat head screwdriver.

What is number seven in your drawing?

That sensor detects various parameters from the singularity.

Why can't we see the atomic clocks?

There is another page that depicts the computer and clock systems. That technology is not new and not very interesting. There is a cut-a-way drawing of the entire unit that I will probably post before I leave.

November 25, 2000 13:57

UFOs are as much as a mystery to me as they are to you. Would you be surprised to know that there are a great many people who don't believe in time travel on my worldline?

I do believe UFOs are a real mystery but I also know that chaos theory dictates that no matter what technology or knowledge we have, there are always unknowns.

November 25, 2000 13:59

On my worldline, it is known that the 5100 series is capable of reading all the IBM code written before the widespread use of APL and Basic. Unfortunately, there are none left that anyone can find on my worldline.

November 25, 2000 14:01

It is quite difficult to get used to some of the communication patterns I have come across here. Confusing conversational conflict for anger seems to be a common and typical problem. Why does the expression of differing emotion seem to threaten so many people? I do not feel accused nor was I trying to accuse anyone. Your opinions are as valid as anyone's and I do not suggest you change them because of anything I say. I never said I was here to start a war although I have strong opinions about what a war would do for you. I am not aggravated by words.

Imagine you are Jewish and you are able to travel back in time to Germany in 1935. All around you are the patterns of thinking and action that will lead to a great deal of harm, death and destruction in just a few years. You have the advantage of knowing what will come but no one will listen to you. In fact, they think you're insane and the situations you describe could never happen.

What I feel is not anger, it is sadness that you cannot see what I see.

November 25, 2000 14:03

I appreciate your offer for help but I am quite all right. The responsibility for the "disaster" is your own but I do not consider it a disaster. Rebirth is often painful. My worldline is not unified under a single government but I would say it is closer to a unified purpose. Isn't that what you want anyway?

No, I do not have the ability to make calculations that would affect worldlines to my advantage. Besides the fact that manipulating people for personal gain is wrong, I am of the belief that it is best to make the worldline you are on now better.

I like the incredible freedom you have on this worldline but I see it as a trap and I fear the cost is the loss of your sense of connection with family and community. Yes, you can self actualize your ambitions but at what cost to the people around you, or yet to be born? The incredible availability of art, literature and limitless resources is hardly taken advantage of as I imagine the number of people sitting in front of their TVs.

No, I have not tried any fast food. Thinking about where the food came from, how it was shipped and treated absolutely terrifies me. I have tried to tell people about CJD disease and it seems to be "catching on" in Europe.

Technologies themselves are not lost but some of the older tools and techniques have been lost. I think there is more detailed information about the war posted earlier. The energy stored in the singularity is used to create the distortion fields. That energy is created in a particle accelerator. I'm not sure what you mean by "temporal turbulence". What effect would that have that would need to be overcome?

When I leave, I will return to 2036. The computer I have is expected there. I am unaware of any "true" interdimensional device available on this worldline now. I would image the effects of such a device would be hard to hide.

My "ship" is not broken. I am here by choice. Don't you find current events interesting? Again, I'm not sure I understand your last question. Perhaps we should agree to the definitions of a few terms and basic physics before I try to answer that.

Can you tell us the foods that are unsafe now? Is there anything we can do to prepare for the war you are describing?

I tried to consolidate your questions into a basic list. I hope this helps.

  • Do not eat or use products from any animal that is fed and eats parts of its own dead.

  • Do not kiss or have intimate relations with anyone you do not know.

  • Learn basic sanitation and water purification.

  • Be comfortable around firearms. Learn to shoot and clean a gun.

  • Get a good first aid kit and learn to use it.

  • Find 5 people within 100 miles that you trust with your life and stay in contact with them.

  • Get a copy of the US Constitution and read it.

  • Eat less.

  • Get a bicycle and two sets of spare tires. Ride it 10 miles a week.

Consider what you would bring with you if you had to leave your home in 10 min. and never return.


What event started the war? Can it be stopped?

The war is a result of faulty politics and desperation from Western leadership during the US civil war. Yes, I suppose you could stop it.

Are some areas of the United States safer than others?

Take a close look at the county-by-county voting map from the last elections.

Were biological or chemical weapons used in the war? Were any weapons used that effected people's minds?

Yes there were biological and chemical weapons used. No mind control weapons but there are new "non-lethal" weapon systems that turn out to be quite lethal.


Has cancer or AIDS been cured yet?

Aids, no. Cancer, some progress.


What would you say to any world leaders who might be reading this right now?

Revel in your confidence today because you will not win tomorrow.


What is the one thing you would want us to remember?

Please, please wake up. Look at the signposts around you now.


Earlier you spoke about the patch you wear on your uniform. You said the spirals represented two paths. One was safe and the other lead to God. What does that mean?

The safe way is the one calculated to take you in time where you want to go, the other path will take you to God (death). Both are equally accepted and anticipated before each trip.

December 06, 2000 21:36

What is music like in 2036?

Most of the same music you enjoy is available on archive. However the days of mega-stars playing multiple track studio produced music and lip-synching on a huge stage are pretty much isolated to your time period. Like everything else, music is much less centralized. The general trend is away from "computer generated" music and more toward real people playing real instruments. Music is much more of a personal experience. More people know how to read music and play together in small groups.

What are the social prejudices in 2036?

Yes there are. However, as odd as it may sound, it serves a useful purpose in my time. First, you must realize that your experiences with "prejudice" and mine are different. I would characterize the intolerance you have here as a result of ignorance and fear. I have observed that people with unfounded and irrational fears about their fellow man in this time have the luxury of not having their beliefs tested.

After the war, much of the prejudice you have now was swept away by simple necessity. People had to work and fight together just to survive. This has a way of opening a person's eyes as to the value of fellow human beings.

What difference does the color of a man's skin make when you are both fighting against the same enemy to survive or find water or grow food? On my worldline, if a man doesn't pull his weight in the community, then we feel prejudice towards him as a burden to us. This feeling of shame he experiences then makes him realize his responsibilities.

What is the health care like in 2036?

You would probably not like it at all. I would compare it to what you see in Western movies. We do have hospitals but there are more family doctors and house calls as compared to what you are used to. There is no real organized health care. If you get a serious disease, you die. This however has had a tendency to strengthen the general genetic pool. Doctors are more concerned about things like broken legs, snakebites and delivering healthy babies.

What is the entertainment industry like in 2036?

Again, entertainment is less centralized. There are "movies" and "TV" but everything is distributed over the net and more people produce their own "shows".

What's it like to start from nothing and work your way up in 2036?

Very easy. If you can work with your hands and get along with other people, you will always find work.

Could you travel in time to escape your original worldline? Would you be looked down on for that?

From a physical standpoint, I suppose that would work if you were trying to escape a natural disaster. But you must consider that trying to "escape" by time traveling has it's own problems. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by being looked down on.

Is there some sort of new world government in place by 2011?

On my worldline in 2011, the United States is in the middle of a civil war that has dramatic effects on most of the other Western governments.

Earlier you said something was wrong with the UNIX computer code on your worldline. What's wrong with it?

Yes… and with yours too. I have to believe there must be a UNIX expert out there someplace that can confirm that. I'm not exactly sure what the technical issue is but I believe some sort of UNIX system registry stops in 2038.

Does the continuing conflict between Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the upcoming war?


When you first started posting online, did anyone believe you?

I don't know if anyone believes me now. But you must realize that I don't expect anyone to believe me or does it affect me one way or the other. I enjoy these conversations too. What would you expect a time traveler to say or do in your time?

How does the singularity stay cool in your time machine?

Very highly technical, cooling stuff. [sorry, I don't get much of a chance to be a wise guy]

How far have computers and software progressed in 2036?

Good question! I would say the biggest difference is in the reliability of the hardware and software. It absolutely amazes me how willing people are here to accept computer and software failures on such a regular basis. I was very surprised to see how prolific it is. You can look forward to very stringent manufacturing parameters and programming discipline. Think back to the early days of the computer and how much work and cleverness it took to fit those programs into such small areas of memory. Has more and cheaper memory brought better programs or just more programs?

As far as technical specifics, I'm afraid I cannot go into too much detail. However, I will tell you that processor speed and memory size take dramatic leaps forward.

The question involved very complicated physics with magnetic fields, faster than light travel and tachyons.

Hmmm… I afraid my notebook on Maxwell's equations isn't with me and I must say again that I am not a physicist. As far as tachyons goes, it's my understanding that they cannot exist at all unless they are created and "traveling" faster than light. As far as time travel goes, I'm afraid tachyons are merely useful for describing various quirky effects of strange matter.

I will post again as soon as I get a chance.


December 10, 2000 11:00

I will try to answer all of your questions however; I have noticed that there seems to be a difficulty in entering a conversation in the middle. Most of the following questions I have answered at length in previous posts. I understand how important it is to have these answers when new people read portions of the posting but I find it tiring to keep repeating myself. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Who won the Super Bowl in 2001?

I do not answer questions like this. Although I don't really know the motivation for the question…I can guess. If a time traveler had knowledge of your future, and you could only ask one question, would this be it? Besides, can you tell me if it rained in New York on June 4th 1932? You are from their future so should you know that?

The question involved how the time machine could travel to Earth in the future or past since the position of the planet would change in space. The question also asked about life support during travel and how physical structures are avoided.

This is actually a very good question that parts and pieces of the answer are scattered around in previous postings. I am often surprised that it is not the first one asked. You are correct; this problem is actually the most difficult part of time travel. Although some of your assumptions about matter displacement are a bit off, the problem is real. Inside the displacement unit are a series of very sensitive clocks and gravity sensors. This system is called the VGL (variable gravity lock).


In simple terms, before the unit "leaves" a worldline, it takes a base reading of the local gravity and adjusts the Tipler sinusoid to "lock" into that position. Although the temporal physics of this statement are wrong, in effect, it holds you to the "Earth". During travel, it periodically checks to see that the field has not varied. If it does, it stops and reverses course or drops out at that point. Buildings and other terrain features are avoided in the same way. Yes, we do bring oxygen in the vehicle with us but we do not lose atmospheric pressure.

If the time machine was used for a split second and then returned, wouldn't it appear someplace in far off space as the Earth continued in space?

Please see VGL system above. Also, please be aware that from the viewpoint of the time traveler, the displacement unit actually left and then returned. The viewer does not experience this. Think of it as a Gosub statement in a computer program.

December 10, 2000 11:32

What type of money do you use in 2036?

Its not very different than it is now. Yes, we have money and credit cards. However, like everything else, the monetary system is decentralized. Banking is based mostly around the community structure. There are no multinational banking or computerized economic systems. There are also no income taxes.

Are radio location systems still used on livestock?

Some of the larger farm communities use electronic markers and fences. I am not a farmer so I don't have very many details about that.



Is the GPS system still in use in 2036?

Oh yes! In fact, the unit I have with me works here. I'm not sure why that surprises me. There are also a great many communications and Internet satellite systems.


Do you still have an American flag? What does it look like in 2036?

Yes, we still have the flag. There is a debate about changing it from 50 stars to 5.

Do any of the states have new names?

Not that I can think of... No major cities anyway. I am aware that some smaller towns changed their names after the war and most universities have the word "fort" before them on my worldline.

How much training is required before you can time travel? Can you make any repairs to your time machine?

I started training on the recommendation of my PS officer when I got out of school in 34. I graduated in March of 35. Actual hands on training started soon after that and I left 2036 in April. No, there are not very many repairs I can make to the unit. The unit is built very well but the tolerances are very small. I could probably repair the electrical systems and it will accept inputs from older computers.

Is it still safe to fish in 2036?

Yes, we can fish. There are some areas that are still too dangerous to spend a lot of time in so we can't fish in those areas.



Have any time travelers entered your worldline in 2036?

No I am not aware. But I accept the possibility.


Is there public transportation in 2036?

A high-speed train system connects the larger cities. Roads are still used for cars and many people ride horses and bikes.


What items will you take back with you to 2036?

Books! I'm also taking copies of family photos that were lost during the war.


How long have you been on our worldline?

That I must keep to myself right now.


What music and books do you enjoy? Do you play an instrument?

I read a great deal of history. I like piano classics and some older rock and roll. (why did that type of music go so far down hill?) No, I don't play any instruments myself.


Don't you worry about our government finding you?

Not really. In order to find me, they would have to believe time travel is possible.


Are you taking pictures and video?

Oh yes.

What is your favorite food?

It's very hard for me to find food here. It all scares the Hell out of me. I've found a couple of local farms where I am reasonably sure the raw food is safe and my mother started a garden for me.

Do medical advances in 2036 have anything to do with genetics?

Again, I'm no expert. I believe there is a great deal of progress in treating the cancer cells with modified viruses. So I guess the answer is yes.



The question involved details on natural disasters and temperatures in 2036.

That's one area I've decided not to talk about, sorry. The average temperature worldwide is a bit cooler.


Are any other time travelers from 2036 with you now?

No. They are off doing something else I'm sure.


Is time travel discussed on the web in 2036? Do you recognize any web sites now from the future?

Time travel is a major point of social discussion. I'll have to check when I get back. Most of the larger servers that were in the major cities were lost or destroyed. I'll try to bring a copy back with me. Perhaps you can check that in your 2036.


Is there any connection between you and the John Titor that was here on this worldline before you? What do your parents tell him about you?

He calls me uncle. Yes, there is a connection. He feels like a younger brother. Sometimes I get mixed emotions watching him and realize I'm watching the origins of my personality. I tend to playfully criticize my father about that.


December 13, 2000 12:44

Well…it looks like the election is almost over. I have been quite busy in the last few days and I appreciate everyone's patience. I should be thanking you for listening and even if everything I have said before means nothing, I expect it has at least been entertaining. I went through the postings looking for questions I have not addressed yet. I hope I got to all of them. I get my email remotely through about three different systems and I use one of your hand-held computer units to write with. In a few days, I would like to send Pamela a list of questions of my own. As you know, one of my areas of expertise is in history and the information I have gathered has been invaluable. Although I am not leaving right away, I would like to include some of your thoughts in my report.

Isn't it possible someone who reads this may invent time traveler? When John leaves, no one will remember him and this will all be forgotten.

This statement is quite insightful. One of the reasons I have been communicating this way is so that others that do not post who I have directed here can see some of the information I have shared with you.

Won't even a small divergence between worldliness cause everything to look different to you as compared to your worldline?

The divergence measurement refers to the local gravitational field as compared to the point of origin. It is merely an empirical indicator of overall change in a worldline. Some things that are quite different on one worldline have very little effect as time passes and the worldlines appear to "converge" again and look very similar. Worldline changes are not exponential; they act more like chaotic attractors with varying effect depending on their size and location.

If multiple world theory is correct and there are two of you here, one of you has to be the real one. Also, I find it unsettling that you look at us as representative of the people from your past. One reason I think you may be a time traveler is because I don't understand or relate to your thinking at all.

You are correct in your thinking. This worldline is not mine but it looks very similar. It may be compared to reading two books that are the same. I can jump back and forth between them and still see the same story. I do not consider you true representatives of my worldline but I do know something of how the story ends. In consideration of Everret-Wheeler, the reason we don't know if Schrödinger's cat is dead is because it might have had a time machine.

I think Russia is still very likely to attack the United States with nuclear weapons. It's hard to imagine being here to see it.

You are also correct but I want to add a twist to your thinking. Russia's enemy in the United States is not you, the average person. Russia's enemy is the United States government.

If this worldline is 2 percent divergent from your worldline, how do you get home? If you go forward from here to 2036, won't the divergence approach infinity?

Yes, this is true. If I go forward on this worldline, the future will not be my future. I get home by going back to 1975 before I arrived and then going forward to 2036.

Your deductions are quite accurate. Its possible to go forward to "your" 2036 and it would look nothing like mine.

I have a working IBM 5160 computer. Maybe I should stash it away for thirty years and see what happens.

Toss it. The 5100 is the interesting machine.

Does the current relationship between Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war?

Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election. The Jewish population in Israel is not prepared for a true offensive war. They are prepared for the ultimate defense. Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel's neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and its offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. In the grand scheme of things, the war in the Middle East is a part of what's to come, not the cause.

What can you tell us about (Obscure Physics Question)?

Perhaps you could describe what you mean? It appears to be space travel or the effect of similar atomic particles that seem to be related over great distances. Again, please forgive my ignorance; I am not a trained physicist.

Does anything happen in the year 2012? I've heard stories about the world ending.

In my 2012, I was 14 years old spending most of my time living, running and hiding in the woods and rivers of central Florida. The civil war was in its 7th year and the world war was three years away. Yes, there are unusual events in 2012 but they do not cause the world to end. Unfortunately, I have decided not to discuss events that you or I can do anything about. It is important that they be a surprise. Perhaps you are familiar with the story of the Red Sea and the Egyptians?

The question lists a number of paranormal conspiracy theories and then asks about weather control in the year 2036.

I must admit I am unfamiliar with most of what you have asked here. I am aware of the HAARP system but I don't know how they would control weather with it.

Please describe any details you can about the education system in 2036.

The education system has been through many changes. School in 2036 is no longer a political indoctrination system and students "learn how to learn". Since community activity varies from place to place, the emphasis on basic reading, math and language is augmented with skills particular to the community. One school may emphasis farming while another teaches woodworking. Having children is a bit different and less common in 2036. A typical school day involves a setting very much like it was 100 years ago with smaller classes and few administrators to teachers. Other areas of study that are less common now are history, citizenship and personal economics.

Are you going to take your family away with you to protect them from coming events? Are you worried about somebody finding your time machine?

No, I am not taking them with me but I am trying to prepare them for the future as a promise to my Grandfather in 1975. I am not really that concerned about the "time machine". It is quite safe.

How and why do the Arabs Jews become entangled in the civil war of the U.S.A?

They are not directly involved but political situations are dependant on Western stability, which collapses in 2005.

The Arab countries appear to have weapons of mass destruction. Do they use them against America?

Not against America but they are used against each other.

If you could post a picture of money used in the future, that would be more impressive than your time machine pictures.

I am disappointed that you feel I am trying to impress you. Why would I bring money from 2036 with me? Besides, isn't that something that could easily be faked? Now if I told you I was your cousin's brother and I knew about that scare on your left leg… that would convince you.

Before you leave, you could videotape your departure and get it to us?

That is an interesting idea. I will look into how to do that.




According to the Constitution, who do you think has the final word on choosing a President and why?
Do you think the Electoral College should be continued?
Why do you think the Bill of Rights was written?
What is your opinion of the second amendment to the Bill of Rights?
Does anyone know what industry is the largest US political contributor?
Does anyone know who owns the majority of the solar power research and development companies?
Imagine you have all the money and power you desire. What do you see yourself doing?
What is the longest distance you ever ran and/or walked at one time without stopping?
What is the longest period of time you went without food?
Do you know what Cholera is and how to avoid getting it?



December 21, 2000 10:59

Very interesting argument but I have a couple of questions. You described the word paradox as, "…it refers to the "idea" of the existence of a problem that has no solution."


Actually, the #1 definition I read in the American Heritage Dictionary is "…a seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true".

Also, what exactly is your definition of "time travel"?


I was taught that time travel is strictly a local observation that can only be measured by the experience of an individual or single particle. Under that definition, the "twin paradox" (time dilation due to acceleration or gravity) and even sleeping can be considered time travel. You appear to be arguing against dematerialization and/or space-like trips under the limits of special relativity in a single worldline.

I do agree that the "grandfather paradox" is not possible simply because the classic problem is presented as an observer's issue magnified to a universal issue. Your statements about observation are correct when you isolate the experiences to a single worldline.

However, the reason there are no paradoxes is because the universe doesn't care how we react to its handy-work. In a Universe made up of infinite worldliness (super universe), everything is possible and has a 100% probability, therefore…no paradoxes.

Where do you think all the water came from in the great flood stories?

I believe the explanation for the "great flood" stories originate with the changes that occurred near the Mediterranean at the end of the last ice age. Even on this worldline, there is a great deal of evidence to support the fact that sea levels did change radically in isolated areas worldwide.

I also heard someplace that if the ice mass on Antarctica melted today, sea level worldwide would rise about 100 feet. I'm not exactly sure that's true but still… Mt. Everest might be a bit of a stretch.

I do however agree with you that there are no physical paradoxes but for the opposite reasoning.

Peace to you also.


30 December 2000 11:47

Greetings and happy holidays everyone. I am very surprised and delighted to see the conversation going in the direction it has on this thread. Unknowingly, you all have stepped into the real mystery of time travel that remains speculative in 2036.

Based on a couple of questions I see here, I will try my hardest to describe what we in 2036 think space-time looks like and how it behaves. Please keep in mind that I realize how easy it is to dismiss what I say. First, I'm trying to do this from memory. Imagine you are back in 1911 trying to explain a jet engine to the Wright brothers.

However, there are some very basic properties of quantum theory that support this model today. I appreciate the fact that you are reading this with an open mind.

If parallel universes do exist, did they all start simultaneously?

It is thought that the event called the "Big Bang" was the start of not only this worldline or universe but all worldlines and all universes that make up the super universe. It is also thought that the super universe can be imagined as an expanding sphere with the big bang in the center. Individual worldliness (or timelines as you call them) can be imagined as lines originating at the center and "trending" toward spiraling around the sphere until they reach the edge.

The individual worldlines expand in length and widen as you follow them from the center. Each individual "moment" or "event" on a worldline has infinite possibilities or outcomes. Imagine this as a single point with infinite lines shooting away from it, which in turn, are made up of points with their own possibilities and outcomes.

Now, remember, these individual worldliness with all these points and possibilities are defined by their ability to hold there inhabitants to time-like trips only (no faster than light travel).

Now consider the reality of a spinning or electrified black hole (Kerr). Penrose diagrams of these oddities show mathematically that you can make simulated space-like trips (faster than light) through the singularity without being destroyed.

In order to do this without wiping out most modern physical laws, you must travel to an alternate worldline or universe. Therefore, if multiple worldlines exist, infinite worldlines exist.

In trying to imagine a superuniverse with infinite possibilities and worldlines, I think of a room with mirrors on all the walls. You are aware of your captivity but as you look in the distance, you see an infinite number of "yours" in an infinite number of mirrored rooms.

The gravity distortion machine allows you to "step" out of your room and into another next to you. The closer you are to your original room, the closer it looks like yours, the farther away, the stranger it looks to you.

If I go forward on this worldline, the future will not be my future. I get home by going back to 1975 before I arrived and then going forward to 2036.

A few people have asked me about this statement so I will try to clarify it.

On my worldline: (A) in 2036, I was given a mission in 1975. I turn my machine on and jump to another worldline (B) in 1975 with about a 2% divergence from (A).

From the very point I turn my machine off on (B), I create a new worldline just because I'm there. This line can be described as (C) and started when I got to (B).

I am now doing my mission on line (C) in 1975 when I discover a very a good reason to go forward on (C) and see what happened. I turn my machine on and go forward on (C) to the year 2000.

When I turn it off, I start another line called (D). So from my perspective, here we are on line (D) in the year 2000. In order to go home to line (A) I must turn my machine on and go back on (D) until I reach (C) which in turn would take me back to (B) which in turn takes me to a point before I arrived on (B) then I go forward from the point I arrived on (B) back to (A).

If all this isn't enough to get your head spinning… here are some issues we're dealing with in 2036.

Did your worldline (D) exist at all before I got here from (C)? (personally I don't see how it couldn't)
What happens at the end of a worldline at the edge of the super universe?
If there are infinite worldlines and infinite possibilities and an edge to the super universe, doesn't that mean occurring events on worldliness are staggered as they reach the edge? (time could end at any moment without warning).

Happy New Year everyone!


December 30, 2000 10:28

I think you're taunting us with our ignorance on the questions you've asked on the Constitution.

It would be nice to be able to remind everyone about their rights and responsibilities but I am not here to judge you. I am not capable of that nor would I want that in return. As you know, my interest is in history and in the paradox of thought. I do however, find it interesting how important the Constitution became to the average US citizen's life, if even for a short moment.

Young people should look forward to the future while older people don't see many days ahead of them. I think it's pointless for you to ask us to worry about politics if we are all doomed.

It saddens me that you do not realize your true worth as a keeper of information and experience. Perhaps the end that we fear will open your eyes to your true value as an individual. Young people need wisdom. The captain of the ship knows where the lifeboats are.

There are numerous experiments going on at CERN. In order for them to make a black hole they would have to travel faster than light.

I'm pretty sure they have a number of experiments going on at the same time at CERN. The one I'm referring to involves very high energies using protons. From my historical perspective on my worldline, I do recall the issue was a point of contention about 18 months ago or so.

There were some scientists who thought the experiments were too dangerous to try. The time travel I refer to does not require faster than light travel and due to multiple world "reality", paradoxes do not occur. Natural time machines do exist.

30 December 2000 13:17

I fear our conversation is in danger of turning (to conflict) due to an effect that is quite common on these boards. I realize what I'm saying is quite hard to swallow and it causes debate, weather serious or entertaining. It is even more difficult when you come into the middle of a conversation or a series of questions that are a few weeks old.

Your points are all quite valid and I have discussed them at length on this and other boards for quite a while. I do not wish to antagonize you however, we both know the Tippler cylinder is only a thought experiment to explain the very real physics behind Kerr black holes. As to your other comments, again, they are all true as defined by the limits of space-like trips on single worldlines. It does not account for travel between worldlines.

I have never claimed to be a physicist or an expert on what the CERN laboratory is doing at any given moment so I feel it is pointless to argue about what they may be doing in the future or what "breakthroughs" they will or might have. My comments about the CERN lab are in reference to particle accelerators in general and other questions that have come up in the past. The major physics break through for controlled gravity distortion does happen at CERN in your future. Heck, we haven't even touched on "Z" field compression yet.

I suppose I could say that I was the one that traveled in time and convinced them to change their experiments but even I would have a hard time believing that one and I do not wish to insult your intelligence.

30 December 2000 13:37

Thank you for trying to answer those questions (from 30 December 2000 11:47) but I really do not expect that anyone can. I thought I would share with you things we wonder about. Your logic about me is quite correct but again I must state that I am not trying to get you or anyone else to believe or buy anything.

As far as evidence goes, I have however decided to try an experiment with you that may be more convincing. It involves the travel of information at faster than light. In fact, I have dropped at least three little gems like this that no one else has picked up on.

You said you are confused by the 5100 story. I will explain further. In 2036, it was discovered (or at least known after testing) that the 5100 computer was capable of reading and changing all of the legacy code written by IBM before the release of that system and still be able to create new code in APL and basic.

That is the reason we need it in 2036. However, IBM never published that information because it would have probably destroyed a large part of their business infrastructure in the early 70s. In fact, I would bet the engineers were probably told to keep their mouth's shut.

Therefore, if I were not here now telling you this, that information would not be discovered for another 36 years. Yet, I would bet there is someone out there who can do the research and discover I am telling the truth. There must be an old IBM engineer out there someplace that worked on the 5100. They just might not have ever asked if I hadn't pointed it out.

30 December 2000 23:26

I apologize for wasting this much space but I thought some of you would be interested in seeing this after reading some of things I've been saying in the last few months. Below is the address to the news site and a copy of the text.

(web link not valid. Story on CIA and 2015)


31 December 2000 12:43

I'm flattered and a bit overwhelmed. I can honestly say I've never quite had this experience before. I appreciate the news posting. Thank you.
(referring to news story on John Titor)

31 December 2000 11:00

Well, you're getting closer people. Here's another one I found today. Again, I apologize for taking up this much space but I thought you'd want to see this.

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