Summary: Suppose you are
under occult siege from....real daemons. If you’re into
Christian tactic, you might think that love-bombing will
make "them" open their eyes until they see their error.
Is this about to work? If not, what can you do about it
anyhow? And, why did Whitley Strieber feel love despite
he was just tortured by his astral enemies?
Find out
everything about love that you didn’t know before!
Reveal the truth about negative propaganda from
channeled sources, and head into the proper antidote:
Real Initiated Understanding! One of the best spiritual
texts ever! |
Love Was All He Said
The alternate convention to which a certain "New Age" mentality
turns whenever the possible existence of an actual, deliberate
negativity approaches the unimpeachable, is that of the vaguely
"Christian" tactic: love-bomb the blighters until they see the error
of their ways, by the point-scoring Good Example set. Such
cheek-turning is in practice of course a very selective espousal,
since it rarely seems to constitute the day-by-day business attitude
of the very same proponent. Even in the case however that this
recommendation weren’t outright hypocrisy, it would remain fatally
fatuous; for, as the RA entity proclaims to one of the questioners
who presented just such a tidy "solution", they (the Orions) "do not
want your love".
This rebuff clearly meant that any "love-rays" directed toward the
zones of Conscious or Spiritual Negativity would find nothing
receptive on which to fall, no substance upon which to work. The
inescapable implication was that any such proposal, suitable enough
perhaps for beings of a straight 3rd-demity consciousness not
decisively polarized and therefore still possessing a "recessed
trait" of potential goodness able to be acted upon, when applied
toward Spiritual Negativity of the Higher Densities simply served as
clear indication that its proponent hadn’t understood the point.
The Negativity of the Higher Densities is ipso facto awake; it has
chosen the rejection of other-love as a whole-being orientation, and
therefore has no subconscious residuum of receptivity that might
secretly "respond" to the good intentions of a positively-directed
beam (even if such a beam proceeded from a sincere resolve which
consistently applied its Samaritan counsel in all other avenues of
Indeed there is deeper implication than this. In the face of such
uncommon or truly spiritual negativity the presumption of such
conventional counsel (applicable enough at the ordinary level) might
well result in consequences worse than simple "lack of success". It
has to be understood that spiritual principles and religious
precepts, even those cherished from long use and universal
recommendation are at best optimum advice for the given system of
function, at the transition to general 4th-density existence, those
precepts and principles most apparently "eternal truths"—as they
stem alike from Buddhism and Hinduism, Christianity and
to be evaluated against an enlarged context, and modified according
to the forms of information "unique" to the higher domains to which
consciousness must adapt.
The principle to "love one and all alike", to bestow "blessings upon
all beings" and so forth is not subject to abandonment at this
stage; we are not to somehow understand that a reversion to hatred
and warfare are suddenly "all right" due to the extenuating
circumstance that "pure spiritual evil does indeed exist". Universal
Love is and always remains the principle in some proper form; but
the specific beaming of the "love-vibe" in the direction of the
Orion Crusaders not only possesses the defect of wholly wasted
effort; the philosophy informing it tends to contribute to a
tremendous misreading of the elements actually involved. And this is
no better illustrated than in the Strieber account of the manner in
which he was made to feel tremendously guilty for not having obeyed
a direct command of his tormentors.
Sweet Setup
In Transformation he recounts the otherworldly interdiction whereby
a "voice" bade him refrain forever from sweets, his one true vice.
Addicted as he was, Strieber couldn’t stop, even though the "beings"
engineered circumstances so as to bombard him with dire
implications. As a result, one evening he is visited by a malevolent
presence which he himself—as always—describes best, i.e. as,
"monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they
were demons. They had to be."
"the sense of being infested
was powerful and awful. It was as if the whole house were full of
filthy, stinking insects the size of tigers".
The entity, rising up
beside his bed like a "huge, predatory spider", places something at
his "forehead" (i.e. the Third Eye) and with an electric tingle he
is "transported" to a dungeon-like place where his attention is
fixed upon a scene of excruciating torture. The victim, a
normal-looking though quite naked man, is being whipped to shreds
amidst agonized screams by a cowled figure. His "entity" explains to
him that "he failed to get you to obey him and now he must bear the
consequences". This disclosure is followed by a very interesting and
significant "assurance" that "it isn’t real, Whitty, it isn’t real."
As Strieber reports, such an "admission" did nothing to mollify his
The assurance was indeed an oblique reference to the actual tactic
being used by his tormentors, the whole scene, like so much
UFO-abduction data, is a projected thought-form. Such thought-forms
are generated not in or through our ordinary "3rd-density" plane,
but are manufactured in the medium proper to them, i.e. the Astral!
The subject, then, is either spirited to the "vibratory frequency"
of that density through dissociation of the astral vehicle from the
physical, or, as in certain accounts possessing a component of "high
strangeness" the 4th-density menstruum is tuned into place by a
vertical adjustment and wholesale realignment of the nested
"bodies", in such a way that the subject doesn’t dissociate from the
integument of "touch" (and thus, from the physical-electric grid)
but rather undergoes the rotation of the coordinates of that grid so
that they line up in conductive relation to the informing geometries
of astro-etheric patterning which otherwise are obliquely screened—
thus affording a direct continuity of perception surcharging the
apparently "preserved", familiar field of physical focus with
impossible Whitley-in-Wonderland elements.
The purpose of soothing Strieber with such assurance as to the
ultimate unreality of the convincing scene experienced, should be
familiar to anyone who’s heard of the torture tactics employed in
any good Banana Republic (i.e. those in which the victim is
subjected to excruciating pain on the one hand while being
simultaneously stroked and reassured on the other, often by the same
party). The object is to elicit the full cooperation of the victim
under duress, by making him instinctively gravitate toward the
implicit salvation extended through the "motherly" touch
demonstrated in that schizoid Grasp, feeling some surcease and thus
even affectional Gratitude with respect to that one factor in the
whole horrible stew that seems to proffer kindness and a relieving
Indeed, Strieber proves himself the compliant guinea pig, even under
the intelligence that it’s all a thought-form, his compassion for
the (imagistically dramatized) unsuccessful "bidder" persists,
obviously in thorough confusion with his own self-commiseration, so
that finally he collapses upon a repentant love for the very roaches
that bedevil him.
"Again, though, I felt love. Despite all the
ugliness and the terrible things that had been done, I found myself
longing for them, missing them! How was this possible?".
Again, "I
regretted the contempt I had shown for its [the other "reality’s"]
needs and its laws and felt a desperate desire to make amends".
had felt a pain greater than the pain of punishment. It was the pain
of their love. I had the sense that they had on my behalf turned
away from perfect love, and that they had done this to help me ".
suspect that the ugliness I had seen last night was not them, but
me! I was so ashamed of myself that I almost retched".
In this way we may clearly see the baited hook that awaits within a
context inclusive of life in the higher densities, with respect to
the word of universal-indiscriminate love. The effort to operate
such love according to a literal interpretation of the word, is ripe
to be employed as a real booby trap for any form of consciousness
having as yet no practical grasp of the Whole, and so by virtue of
standard habits of identification chronically confounding the Whole
and the part (as is the typical pattern of 3rd density mind).
to "see" the Whole which nonetheless directly infuses and
underscores the negative entities as their very medium, clinging to
their foulness like a sweet masking scent, the mind used to dealing
only in terms of the representative part is unusually open to making
just that identity-equation in which the incidental expression of a
Field is presumed to contain that field, or is taken as one-to-one
equivalent of the quality belonging to the field as a whole.
Conversely, the return of the Love -value toward any being of such a
field isolated out of the context of the Whole, tends—to the mind
chronically focused only on the complex relation of part to
psychological part and never on the Whole itself—to be but a
yielding or block submission to the other’s requirements as means of
overcoming the resistance of "identification".
To the Highest Bidder
Should there remain a reluctance to grasp this point, or some desire
to conserve the liberal-humanistic proposal to which Strieber often
turns (i.e. , to call such things truly Negative or Evil is
"simplistic", you know) we need merely resort to the
Ra material
once more, wherein we find a passage—first published in 1981, don’t
forget— that anticipates Strieber’s account by years and furnishes a
framework before the fact which not only fits the
Strieber-entities’ behaviors like a key a lock but gives us a needed
perspective of evaluation.
On page 21 of Volume III,
The Law Of One, the Ra entity
characterizes a prototypical tactic of the Orion Crusaders, that of
"bidding", "bidding" is described in such a way as to make it clear
that Strieber’s experience represents a concrete instance of the
phenomenon, a factual case history with which to footnote Ra’s
words. "Bidding" is a contest of will, serviceable in determining
the pecking order of the social-memory-complex of the Crusaders, and
in rendering the general run of consciousness enslaved through
intimidated compliance of its own free will. It is a command of
obedience, precisely such as that issued without explanation against
Strieber’s lust for sweets. Its sole purpose is to bend the subject
into accepting the command, the actual content of the order being
largely beside the point (other than the degree of difficulty
involved for the subject according to the strength of the tendency
to be overcome, a factor which redounds to the polarization of the
We find further that any failure to exact conformance in
"bidding" results in a proportional loss of negative polarity to the
aggressor, a situation which the entity must then attempt to
rectify. In this way we see that, in terms of the higher densities
not only are "thoughts things", but the metaphorical relations
characterizing the order as which beings functionally interact
possess distinct energy values, and have a direct bearing on degree
and intensity of polarization-alignment. To possess a legion of
"servants" in these subtle regions is an actual nourishment to the
centers and systems, a kind of psychic "food-chain pyramid".
At this point a pure bolt of recognition should allay any further
doubts, either of the type which question the factuality of
Strieber’s accounts or the kind that equivocate as to the actual
nature of the entities involved, for we find the Strieber entity
virtually paraphrasing the earlier Ra recitation re the modus
operandi that identifies the Negative polarity, in its suggestion
that the failure to exact obedience on the part of the imagized
"Crusader" bears punishable consequence. Not only is this
"narration" of the visualized scene an adequate admission of the
terms involved, for those with prior knowledge as is supplied by the
Ra description, it is a continuing illustration of the way in which
the Negative polarity extorts the desired obedience — and thus soul
capture — through manipulation of the Love value belonging impartially
to the psychic plane through which this largely takes place.
What then are we to "do" with the counsel of the general Teaching
thus far delivered to this density, such as that of "love thine
enemy?" How are we to interpret such a precept or indeed understand
the principle of Love altogether, when its application seems so
susceptible to a sticky, spider web ambush from planes of reality
actually eager with invitation for so innocent an approach?
Love Was All He Said
At this point it’s important to understand the way in which a
spiritual truth is necessarily reflected into zones of adaptation.
Principles applicable to one density of consciousness aren’t just
outmoded and put aside upon "stepping up" to another density. It may
however be necessary to identify the form in which such a principle
is recast, according to requirements of a density nearer in direct
spirit to the Truth which it expresses. In this sense, from a
perspective that may be characterized as "4th density", the
appropriate disposition of the Love-nature which serves it most
perfectly on all occasions is that of whole hearted Love of the "One
Infinite Creator".
We may of course readily recognize this "higher truth", it is none
other than the Shema of Israel, which Jesus identified with the
heart of the Law. If then the first spiritual precept to "Love God
with all your heart" is a familiar reference of 3rd density
consciousness, how is it that such a framework possesses it? And how
does such a reference coexist with corollary commandments and
encomiums, i.e. precisely those such as "love thine enemies", "love
your neighbor as yourself," etc ?
The general rule, "Love God", reaches alike to every density, for it
is in its essential character the spontaneous outpouring of the
Truth of Life apart from any formulation or customized tailoring.
Thus the 3rd density freely receives it, just as any other,
regardless the functional state of understanding. At the 3rd-stage
level of egoic self-reference, such a rule incarnates through
abstract conceptual distortions practically screening direct
cognition of that Whole which is the real referent of the rule. In
order that such a rule be functionally operative and lived according
to its spirit, a level of mind-body integration and harmony is
required that abuts the threshold integrity of a "4th density", for
such a (minimal) state of unitive coherence is able to surpass
identified allegiance to the ego-divisive verbal mind, thereby
settling into congruence with the actual holism that informs it as
reflective expression of the Holism of the Creator.
It is through such holistic grasp that the undivided Love of the
Creator is received as the constitutor of all centrist reference, so
that such a composed self-center may in full awareness ascribe that
Love-value to its true Giver, faithfully returning the Gift.
Where—as in the ordinary state of 3rd-density consciousness—this
cannot be done directly owing to the prohibitively low level of
mind-body integration and harmony, Compassion-incarnate adjusts the
means to suit the available material. Thus a relatively indirect
instruction is necessarily given, one which compassionately takes
into consideration the actual compass of comprehension practically
The "holism" of Self and Creator is functionally masked at 3rd
density level by the compulsive allegiance of the (potential)
whole-value of identity in one-to-one equations of identification
with the preferential profile of the ego-inventory, thus the advice
to "love thine enemy" may be understood as very practical strategy
meant to extend the I. D. beyond its contractile, lopsided
self-enclosure into a more unified resolution recognizably
encompassing polar terms as facets of a single Being. It’s suited
strictly to a level of functioning which is not able to proceed
directly from a grasp of the Whole, but must attempt to approach the
Whole through comparative inference.
Such a compromise adaptation of the primary rule, while it may serve
well enough at its level as a rehearsal, shows precisely why it was
a stop-gap measure progressively less viable in very practical ways
as consciousness approaches the plane at which the Law operates
through self-evident values and direct qualities.
When the general level is raised at which the Love-teaching is
received, the relative inefficiency of its previous level of
reception becomes apparent, the possible pitfalls and menial snares
of that reflected, siepped-down viewpoint emerge like serpents and
spiders from the rocks when the open invitation to take on the
higher responsibility of a more profound level of existence at the
same time discloses conditions revealing the defect of lesser
adaptations, and making mortal the dangers of persisting to identify
a whole and indivisible Value with fragmentary phases or preferred
When (in adaptation to the more direct Influence of Truth infusing
the higher densities) we learn the whole-being expression of Love as
that spontaneous Love of the One Infinite Creator, the very essence
of Love tends to emanate impersonally as a global value, spreading
without effort or special address to all quarters where it’s
received or not according to the specific will of every form. In
this way its Presence doesn’t become confused with the conditional
presence of the myriad beings "positive" or "negative".
Nor does its
Presence become confounded with the mechanics of "give and take",
which are all relative identifications of the mind (look again at
what befalls Strieber in his mental efforts to specify the
love-value he felt lurking in the worst of circumstances, notice the
manner—common to the complex of 3rd-stage psychology that accepts
the teaching of Love according to its lights—in which he winds the
skein of complicated love-strands through a conceptual miasma of
"owes" and "oughts", bewildered by just those ordinary terms of
psychic bookkeeping).
The Portrait of Dorian’s Grays
When considering the extraordinary deception woven about the
circumstances of such abductions as Strieber’s, we may wonder how it
is that the entities involved don’t simply use their obvious powers
of illusion to mask their awful character, for in all the captious
play-of-mirrors produced in relation to the principle of love, the
actual ferocity and venomous character of the Crusaders seems to
spring irrepressibly forward, thus in a sense almost requiring a
tremendous expenditure of energy and time toward bullying some
interpretation that belies the painfully obvious. The answer to
this, also shows succinctly the real nature of the phenomenon with
which we are dealing.
The origin and informing character of these entities is,
self-evidently, that of the density corresponding to (what
esotericism knows as) the astral plane, and what esotericism knows
of the astral plane clearly accounts for the transparency of their
basic presentation, which, as we’ve noted, calls for an overlay of
psychic subterfuge. The Law governing astral existence, requires the
exteriorization of basic character in identifiable symbolic terms.
All "form" in its astral origin wears its heart symbolically on its
sleeve. It is for this reason that a physical object of apparently
neutral character such as a knife, when perceived astrally may
distort in dream-fashion into a recognizably malevolent entity,
assuming a distinct persona in the manner of anthropomorphized
objects in a Silly Symphony.
The Strieber entities give the overpowering impression of
malignancy, because that is their character; and by extending their
essentially psychic, 4th-density being into physically perceptible
range, they are merely spreading the compulsive "honesty" of the
self-symbolizing Astral medium into twilight structures visible to
eyes of flesh.
(Such spontaneous, symbolic exteriorization
functioning much like the Portrait of Dorian Gray, becomes
progressively less reliable as an index of "moral valuation" the
higher up the scale of densities we ascend; thus the luminous,
angelic white entity Strieber encounters as a kind of harbinger of
death in Transformation does not qualify by appearance as a positive
manifestation. It is of the Negative along with all the others, but
it is a relatively rare presence in the corpus of the Strieber
account, since it emanates from the 5th density of creative Mind.
Thus it represents in its appearance the
power to conceive and
govern whole patterns of exteriorization.
The Ra material discusses
just this capacity of the 5th density Negative adepts to assume so
fair a shape, and in fact the likelihood is altogether greater that
higher-density entities either positive or negative who manifest in
more "pleasing" human terms are 5th density beings able to modulate
the matter of visible appearance according to inner conceptual
requirements, rather than merely being able to regulate it from a
point past its primary patterning and projection).
Speaking With Forked Tongue
It is for this reason of direct symbolic disclosure that the
Negative hierarchy often finds more efficient means of dissimulation
in the channeling phenomenon, for here, there is no direct encounter
or condensation to "visible appearance", but only the medium of the
word to be interpreted according to the recipient’s lights. The mode
of expression is by that measure indirect and the Negative beings
have therefore a greater latitude of deception at their disposal.
Since the Negative is altogether, in one sense, an inverse
reflection of the Positive or True Creative Logos, a parallel
configuration borrowing all its components by simple reversal and
distortion, it proceeds by the method of imitation. It apes the
expression of the positive, the more meticulously where it wishes to
be mistaken all together for the positive so as to subvert the
message for those who tend to abide by it. Its typical strategy is
to adhere so closely to the letter of the positive as to be
virtually indistinguishable to all but initiated awareness,
installing itself through the rhythmic lull of entrainment so as to
catch the "congregation" totally off guard when it diverges slightly
or greatly from pattern and so pulls a portion of the positive track
along with it.
The voice of the Negative is of course the more ingratiatingly
imitative where the inclination of the recipient is already to the
positive; a negative receptacle requires no such precaution.
Even in the case of channeling, however, the character of the Astral
origin compels the insinuation of a sign, a kind of confessional
signature no matter how subtle. Indeed this trait of the
communication is often accepted as a device of mockery suited to the
character of the source, it is played with as a defiant means of
asserting the true identity of the Signal, hiding it in plain
symbolic sight in conformance with "astral" requirements.
This law which insists even the physical form exhibit "some sign or
characteristic which identifies" the "true essence", is indeed
remarked upon by one such channeled source, the
Hilarion Material.
Hilarion is an entity identified in both the "Christ" materials of
V. Cssene and the Ra channelings, as a being of the positive
Hierarchy. Thus when we see books on the shelf bearing the Hilarion
moniker we automatically respond with a beam of recognition. Hilarion’s
’channel’ (Maurice B. Cooke) seems decisively predisposed
to the Christian stream of positive teaching, so we are not
particularly surprised when the second half of The Nature of Reality
(which had up to then been a so so account of "esoteric physics")
breaks into a frenzied description of the imminent apocalypse.
Indeed, the book ends with a graphic account of destruction and the
final torment of souls as they are beaten to their knees in
extortion of a "repentance" and "turning to God" which they’d
apparently been reluctant to make even when melting into one
This stomach churning peroration was no accident, for in another
Hilarion volume, the source proclaims that the structure of the book
held been deliberately designed with the "Armageddon" last so as to
attract a particular type of "select" readership.
My, What Big Eyes You Have...
With an eye, then, to the Ra account are the way in which the Orions
have traditionally sought to subvert the positive messages and
meanings of persons or events through emphasizing moods of doom and
destruction, making such negativity a central feature of the
communication thus deflecting attention into brooding byways of
despair, we may turn to the Hilarion account of the existence of
Negative Beings (or the Dark Brotherhood, in the terms of this
source). According to Hilarion’s account, the Negative is allowed to
exist because its minions act in the ultimately helpful and healthy
capacity of predators that only decimate the "diseased" ranks, i.e.
like wolf attacking the sick or congenitally weak specimens of
caribou (Hilanon’s analogy).
"The wolf attacks these defective
caribou, and would never think of wasting its energy trying to chase
or bring down healthy specimens. By weeding out the weaker ones, the
wolf ensures that the healthy remains strong.
"With this edifying
version of Christian Darwinism, we are comforted into the notion of
our constitutional safety (considering the readership of such a work
to be ipso facto amongst the Elect, an assurance "we" were already
given in the gross-out discussion of Armageddon).
This encouraging information hardly tallies with the outright attack
which the Orions launch upon the Ra channelers in the very midst of
their activity (see books II, III and IV,
The Law of One), nor does
it square well with what initiated knowledge otherwise knows about
the effort of the Negative to attack, discredit or physically
eliminate those who are quite positively polarized and in no way
"defective" in the arrogant sense that the Hilarion material
proposes. It is also more than passingly interesting to note that in
the film
Wolfen taken from Whitley Strieber’s book of the same name, the
behavior of the predatory creatures is rationalized in precisely the
same way, i.e. that they are simply weeding out the decrement of
mankind thereby ultimately strengthening the total stock (the fact
that one of the "good guys" who even subscribes to this
interpretation and is in no way depicted as "defective", is
nonetheless wantonly massacred by the creatures, attests to
Strieber’s early powers of schizophrenic dissociation, and gives us
as well certain cause to look more deeply into the character of the
Hilarion idea).
100 Many Plots Spoil the Cooke
When we read on that the Dark Brothers are allowed to "test" a
channel such as Cooke (apparently alluding to an early channeling
incident that must have been a source of some distress) by making an
agreement of exchange with the "White Brotherhood", each bargaining
some "deal" or concession from the other, we are squarely on
Trump territory and about as far away from the facts of the
polarities and the densities as we can possibly be.
(The "Hilarion"
rationalization here is almost self-evidently a cover story, meant
to assuage Cooke more than anything else, for initiated
understanding does recognize that a Negative source, having attached
to a positively disposed channel, will push the negative hypothesis
into increasingly more overt expressions in order to determine how
much the malleability of the subject will yield to directly negative
propaganda! Apparently at one point Cooke must have been pushed too
far, and this absurd scenario was manufactured to explain the
cordially adversarial relations whereby the Positive and Negative
players of the higher realms use the channeler’s "inner instrument"
like a Border land pari-mutuel window).
When we read further along how to identify the interference of the
"Dark Brotherhood", we presently realize we are being disabused of
the Seth teaching (although of course that teaching isn’t
specifically named due to the punctilious observation of that
"Cosmic Law governing the operation of these testing factors"),
Hilarion’s objection, revealingly enough, has to do with the
"impropriety’ of explaining cosmic truths of simultaneity and
probability to the anthill focus of physical consciousness, which
should be properly stuck with the mea culpa considerations of karmic
consequences, thus "Hilarion" neatly pivots us back into proper
alignment with all those conventions of cultural conditioning that
chronically lock us in place as a mechanical unit of cause and
effect, and away from the elastic efficacy of the present poised at
the juncture of potential change!
Finally, Hilarion regales us with the assurance that all "galactic
observers" within the "region of Earth" are necessarily
contrary to the misleading teachings which would have us believe
"There is the suggestion that some are distinctly alien
and even hostile, and that certain of these beings kidnap humans and
kill animal life for experimental purposes".
To disabuse us of this
base less notion, "Hilarion" resorts to no less than the old canard
about the inability of any civilization in the galaxy to develop
interstellar technology until such time as it decisively overcomes
all negative inclination (!) Thus any close encounters, sightings,
landings or interactions of a third or fourth kind are necessarily
conducted only with the kindliest and most positive of beings.
Flying With Expired License
It is precisely here that those most glaring of contradictions
indicative of the channeling phenomenon become inflamed, and
virtually force themselves upon our notice right along with a
virtually self disclosing hypothesis that accounts for them. For the
Ra material specifically warns that Confederation sources (with very
few exceptions) refrain from any but long distance exposures,
generally only in order to extend the range of mankind’s inquiry
toward renewed consideration of the Unknown, and almost never effect
that kind of encounter known as "landing". Landing has become the
almost exclusive resort of the Orions, the Negative Beings. Thus,
virtually all "close encounters", reports of abduction etc. are of
the manifestly negative type. Despite his composed rationalizations,
Strieber’s emotional declarations continue to ring in our cars, and
the material gathered into such sources as those of Budd Hopkins,
certainly have little of the aura of "good will" about them.
Then just what could this "counsel" of the Hilarion material
possibly mean? It seems only too evident from this as well as other
"revelations" of the teaching, that the "Hilarion" source
to the methodology of the Crusaders as disclosed in the Ra Material,
i.e. that of close adherence to the style, thought and content of
positive sources so as to sneak in "undercover" as it were, and at
the point of greatest vulnerability—when the subject is set at his
ease and off guard—pour the venom of disinformation in the audio
(We should be interested to know that "false teachers" can
be identified by their appearance, whether they’re too fat or too
thin, whether they look as if they can be trusted and—oh yes,
whether they’ve "ever been hounded through the courts, or banned
from any country"—an interesting criterion, considering such an
ostensibly "Christian" source. Perhaps the governmental persecution
of true Teachers is a phenomenon confined to the old Roman past ).
Taking all this together, we may now identify the very emphasized
oratory of the Hilarion material on page 26 of Dark Robes, Dark
"Specifically, by asserting that one should love one’s
enemies, Christ presented the single most effective way to overcome
the temptations of Earth life and to confound the whisperings of the
Dark Brotherhood".
Interesting that of all the possible teachings
and enlightening words of the Christ, this material should go out of
its way to emphasize the one expression which is most subject, in
such a context, to the distortions of 3rd density thinking patterns!
For of all the possible teachings that might effectively have been
drawn upon, the one which lends itself most readily to the snares of
the Negative poachers is precisely this precept, presumed by a
mind-body complex insufficiently unified in congruence with the
conscious axis to make the necessary 4th density transference from
the psychological structure where such imperatives come to lodge, to
direct alignment with the unitive Ground of Being from which love
streams naturally in all directions without entrapping concern for
"friend or foe".
I’m Sorry - Do You Have Any Credit Cards?
Finally, there was the case of a student of the initiated teaching
who, finding the cover signature on the Hilarion books quite
intriguing by virtue of its consistent entwining of the heels of the
letters "L" and "A", decided to apply a Qabala of numbers whereby,
lo-and-be-hold - he determined that the deliberately emphasized
letters clearly spelt "LA" which in Hebrew means "nothing" or
"zero". Since Zero is alphabetically an "O", his eyes automatically
transposed that letter over the "LA" on the cover signature and,
much to his amazement, one of those clever "astral" disclosures
sprang forward, of the type that shows the natural compulsion of the
medium to reveal its character symbolically (as well as the perverse
delight taken by the Negative in coding its identity in plain
sight): HI ORION.
(Some of the book covers indeed expressly separate
the letters H and I from the rest, which are arranged to touch one
another so as to group the "LARION" with its entwined
L and A in one
Indeed the contents of "Dark Robes" etc. (a book, remember,
about the negative beings) pointed to its own clue in declaring that
even all physical things bore the symbolic signature of their
particular source.
This Is Not the Behavior Of an Ordinary Kitchen Appliance
It is necessary to note that the growing public presence of
"negative" literature (i.e. books overtly or unknowingly inspired
from spiritually-negative sources) is not just the mild circumstance
of a "democratic distribution" of diverse information. The presence
of such material is not innocuous, nor is its active component
confined to the personal imbibitions of content. It is not in the
contents alone
that such media carry their infectious messages. Everyone reading
this review section should take to heart the real lesson contained
in the incident reported by Strieber in Transformation, i.e. that of
the psychiatrist who
 upon seeing the cover of the book felt
compelled without knowing its contents to purchase it, the next day
being greatly surprised to hear a number of patients report dreams
of UFO abductions for the very first time.
It is revealing that the
covers of both Strieber’s books depict the alien countenance of his
abductor, for in Communion (click image
left) we learn that the entity actually modeled
for Strieber at the interior space of his "third eye", specifying
that it wanted the artist who would transcribe the description to
get it right!!
To initiated understanding this clearly shows that the
accurately-rendered image was to be used as a kind of talisman, or a
material basis for the manifestation of that force-influence to
which it corresponded.
Stneber gives vent once or twice in Transformation to the sentiment
that, if he really thought the creatures with which he was dealing
were negative or harmful he could not in all conscience expose
people to what was clearly a powerful and unpredictably commanding
influence. He should have held on to that thought. He should have
made every effort to penetrate the shallow rationalization by which
he "forgives himself for his recalled participation, in youth, as
the apparent ringleader of the "children’s circle" whose job it
apparently was to lure acquaintances out into the haunted woods of
night where presently, amidst the horrified shrieks of many, they
would find themselves face to face with something unspeakable.
In addition to Strieber’s books, there is a motion picture of
Communion soon to be released, as well as a spate of other movies
already primed for the competition that purport to depict true-life
alien encounters. These should not be considered ordinary modes of
entertainment. They must be understood as vehicles, very potent
types of imagistic "talisman" supplying the material basis for a
mass manifestation of unprecedented character. We need to listen
more closely than ever now, to a channeled source that dates back to
1957, for in
The Secret of the Andes (by Brother
Philip - George Hunt Williamson) we find a corroboration of the
Ra source which predates that communication by many years, in which
it is specified by name that
we are under invasion by the
It is necessary to understand this for what it is, and not treat it
as a removed spectator witnessing another phenomenon of mass
entertainment. Everyone is involved, and there are children present.
As was indicated, in last month’s review titled Movie and Dream, the
Qabalah of Star Wars, motion pictures have a profound correspondence
with and influence upon the dream psyche, owing to the structure of
the medium. That harbinger of the "Freddie" films, in which there
arises an incursion into waking consciousness of the terrible
content of dream and nightmare such that they are presently
confounded and inextricably entwined, is poised to take place "in
reality" the same as it was prefigured on film. In the specific
instance of the Strieber books it is very advisable to neither buy
nor read them, and this not the expression of some "censorship of
content". There is something else going on altogether, something for
which the public, in its wildest dreams, is scarcely prepared. It is
advisable that the new films such as Strieber’s dealing with UFO
abduction etc be given a wide berth, and certainly children should
be kept away from them! They are not just "spooky" movies, good for
Halloween-type thrills.
This is not an easy month for your reviewer. The decision to advance
this discussion and extend such difficult, goblin-ridden counsel has
not been made lightly. But the truth should at least be put out, out
on the bookstall floor or street-corner along with every other
conceivable kind of information in the endless bid for the ephemeral
attention of this place. What people choose to do with it, is a
whole other column.
But do it we must, and did. This is the ghostbusters boys, your
cover is blown and your time’s at hand.
ET, go home.
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