by Paul Lenda
November 16,
Shift Website

What looks like a new health craze with the non-psychoactive part of
the cannabis plant in the past few years is actually one of the most
beneficial health supplements to become available to the masses in
recent history.
We're talking about
CBD oil, or cannabidiol oil,
which is an extract from the hemp plant containing a cannabinoid
that research has found to have an wide array of health benefits.
fact, it has been proven to be so effective with certain health
issues that some have been touting it as a miracle in oil form.
oil can be safely consumed by both children and adults as part of a
daily diet.
We scoured the internet, looking at the scientific research done on
CBD, and put together a very comprehensive and detailed list of the
amazing benefits of using CBD oil as a daily supplement.
We even
went ahead and looked for the best producer of CBD oil on the market
currently to order some and see if we would have noticeable benefits
from it while using it on a daily basis.
The results were
CBD oil is something we definitely recommend everyone
take as part of a preventative health regimen, or as part of a
treatment for certain ailments.
What Exactly is CBD

There are over 500 compounds in the cannabis plant, around 100 are
cannabinoids and over 125 are
terpenes (fragrant oils that give
cannabis its aromatic diversity).
Many of these chemicals have been
discovered to have some sort of therapeutic value. One of those 100+ cannabinoids is cannabidiol.
Interestingly, our bodies
have cannabinoid receptors all over
Receptors - Where They are and What They do).
Until recently, the only
cannabinoid most people had heard about was tetrahydrocannabinol
(THC), the psychoactive compound found in the flowers of the
cannabis plant.
Although THC can be found in very high
concentrations in this very well-known plant, so is CBD, which is
non-psychoactive (it doesn't get you high).
In the plant,
As cannabis gets older, THC
gradually breaks down to CBN.
33 Reasons Why
CBD Oil is Amazing

Angelo A. Izzo, Francesca Borrelli,
Raffaele Capasso, Vincenzo Di Marzo, and Raphael Mechoulam.
Non-psychotropic Plant Cannabinoids - New Therapeutic
Opportunities from an
Ancient Herb
in Pharmacological Sciences - 730.
There's continually more research being done on cannabinoids so the
list of benefits may grow even more but for now, here are 33
ailments, diseases, or health issues that CBD oil has been proven to
effectively help with:
CBD is a Cancer Killer
This is one of the most incredible benefits possible, given how
many people die from cancer these days.
Any claim for
something to have the power to kill cancer cells is a bold one;
yet there is quite a bit of evidence from research done in
recent years that has found that CBD oil does, in fact, kill
cancer cells.
this study, CBD was found to have the ability to inhibit the
proliferation, adhesion, migration, invasion, and angiogenesis
of tumor cells.
According to this
study, CBD (as well as THC) extracts inhibit cancer cell
growth and induce apoptosis (death) in cancer cells.
This study, along with
this one, demonstrated that human leukemia cells exposed to
cannabidiol led to tumor killing by induction of apoptosis.
Next, we have
this study which found that CBD BDS and CBD inhibit colon
cancer cell proliferation, but not in healthy cells.
this study, as well as
this one, found that cannabinoids possess anti-tumor
properties. CBD was able to produce significant anti-tumor
activity both in vitro and in vivo, suggesting a possible
application of CBD as an anti-neoplastic (prevents, inhibits, or
halts tumors) agent.
We also have
this study, along with
this one, showing that cannabidiol induces programmed cell
death in breast cancer cells by coordinating the cross-talk
between apoptosis and autophagy.
this study found cervical cancer is no match for the powers
of CBD and promptly goes on to destroy the cancerous cells.
To put all this
into a list, the amazing anti-tumor properties have been found
to obliterate cancer cells in the following nine conditions:
Cervical Cancer
Leukemia (Blood Cancer)
Prostate Cancer
the FDA in late 2017 issued warning letters to some companies
selling cannabinoid products online that claim to prevent,
diagnose, treat, or cure cancer, saying that there is no
evidence to support these outcomes.
They either missed all the
studies that have been done, some of which we have referenced
above, that found evidence contradicting their statement, or
they are intentionally putting forward such a statement for some
other reason, perhaps at the behest of
the pharmaceutical
Given that the FDA has decided to give its unique
opinion concerning CBD's ability to disintegrate cancer cells,
we will put out the standard PSA that the statements in this
article have not been evaluated by the FDA.
We are simply
providing information based on the medical studies that have
been done using the scientific method, learning that cannabinoids have the potential to significantly hurt the bottom
line of multinational pharmaceutical corporations.
CBD Reduces Inflammation and Pain
If you're
looking for a natural and effective painkiller, this is it.
Perhaps the most commonly known benefit of CBD (and the reason
it's used most often for) is reducing inflammation and pain.
study found CBD significantly suppresses chronic
inflammatory and neuropathic pain without causing apparent
analgesic tolerance.
related study looked at people with multiple sclerosis and
discovered that giving them CBD effectively took away their
neuropathic pain. Since this awful pain is experienced by over
half of those with MS, being able to take a safe and affordable
supplement without negative side effects is almost
By activating the endocannabinoid system, CBD acts
as a neuromodulator for a number of physiological processes.
a bonus,
this study has suggested that through its analgesic and
anti-inflammatory properties, CBD oil can also reduce the pain
in arthritis, as well as fibromyalgia, as
study has uncovered.
Unlike opiate painkillers, which only
mask pain and which the body builds up a tolerance to, CBD
doesn't lose its effectiveness over time.
Since CBD is
anti-inflammatory, it helps is a number of ailments, including
things like inflammatory bowel disease, as
study, as well as
this, and this study
CBD Reduces Several MS-Related Issues
While on the
topic of multiple sclerosis, it's worth talking about the other
issues facing people with this ailment that cannabidiol can help
with besides reducing pain.
study, together with
study, found that a combination of CBD and THC has been
found to be effective in the treatment of muscle tightness,
sleep disturbances, and loss of bladder control.
Mice with MS
with 10 days of CBD oil treatment had superior motor skills and
showed improvements in their condition.
Replicating this
treatment on humans has mirrored similar results.
CBD Protects Your Brain Cells and Even Helps Create New Ones
As with claims
of CBD being a cancer killer, the claim of it being able to
promote the formation of new brain cells seems like an
extraordinary one.
Yet, the evidence has been found for this to
be possible. In fact, if you do a quick search online for neurogenesis, you'll find that scientists are discovering that
our brain is not actually sealed with a fate of brain cells
calling it quits without new ones being born.
When it comes to
new brain cell formation, CBD was observed to stimulate
hippocampal neurogenesis and reduce neuroinflammation in
If you look at
study, along with
this one, you'll see CBD reduced short-term brain damage and
was associated with extracerebral benefits.
This is why CBD oil
is so effective in treating mood disorders like depression,
anxiety, and stress since these conditions are all related to a
lack of adult neurogenesis.
This would also be a good time to
let you know that
this study found that CBD acts as a more powerful
neuroprotective antioxidant vitamin C or vitamin E.
CBD Can Reverse Cognitive Decline from Alzheimer's Disease
Tying into
cannabinoids being able to protect from neurodegenerative
this study found that cannabidiol has been shown to reverse
cognitive deficits of mice with Alzheimer's Disease and exert
neuroprotective, anti-oxidative, and anti-inflammatory
properties in vitro and in vivo.
This study provided evidence
that CBD is able to have potential as a preventative treatment
for Alzheimer's Disease with a particular relevance for symptoms
of social withdrawal and facial recognition.
CBD Can Reduce Psychosis
CBD has been
found in
this study, as well as
this one,
to be a helpful treatment for psychosis.
It appears to have a
pharmacological profile similar to that of atypical
antipsychotic drugs. Additionally, CBD prevents human
experimental psychosis and is effective in open case reports and
clinical trials in people with schizophrenia with a very safe
track record.
There has been a number of studies looking into
this interesting use for CBD, as
study, this
one and
this one show, in regards to alleviating the negative side
effects of schizophrenia.
While current antipsychotic
medications can produce major side effects, CBD has been shown
to be safe and well tolerated in humans.
CBD Can Reduce Anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress
Since people
who have post-traumatic stress usually get anxiety, taking a CBD
supplement daily will quell that anxiety.
This study found that repeated CBD administration prevents
long-lasting anxiety effects.
As for those with pathological
this study found that CBD reduces anxiety in what's called
Social Anxiety Disorder and that this is related to its effects
on activity in limbic and paralimbic brain areas.
Have trouble
with speaking in front of crowds? CBD can help with that.
study and
this one found CBD decreased anxiety after a test was given
to measure social anxiety. CBD can also take away the anxiety
someone feels from its cousin, THC.
Also, if you're one of the
3% of people that exhibit OCD-like behaviors, cannabidiol can
help with that as well.
CBD Prevents Diabetes
Around half the
popular of America either has diabetes or exhibits pre-diabetes
With diabetes comes a very high risk of getting heart
disease, kidney failure, nerve damage, and many other
disorders. While it isn't certainly clear yet whether CBD is
able to get rid of diabetes, it has
found to prevent the onset of diabetes.
it was
found cannabidiol can inhibit and delay the destruction of
insulin-producing pancreatic cells and the production of
inflammatory cytokines in diabetics.
this study found a remarkable reduction of diabetes
development was observed in CBD-treated mice, compared with
vehicle-treated mice and untreated controls.
CBD Gets Rid of Seizures
This is perhaps
the main motivator of laws around the world changing in favor of
medicinal cannabis.
There have been
reports of children who have suffered through hundreds of
seizures a day completing eliminating their debilitating
This study found nearly universal improvement in epileptics
after taking CBD daily.
CBD Can Keep Your Heart Healthy
Move over
cancer, there's a new leading cause of death in America: heart
We've already shown how effective cannabinoids are with
killing cancer cells, and now we'll point to all the studies
that have demonstrated how they are able to protect against
heart disease.
This study found CBD reduces the cardiovascular response to
various types of stress.
study found cannabinoids significantly decreased the infarct
(small localized area of dead tissue resulting from failure of
blood supply) volume.
There was
also a
study where the results suggest that CBD has anxiolytic-like
properties which help alleviate stressing the heart.
This other study had similar findings as well.
CBD Can Relieve Depression
This study,
along with
this one, found that CBD acts as an antidepressant. The
results support the effect of phytocannabinoids on mood
study found that antidepressant effects of CBD were fast,
continuous over time, and comparable to pharmaceutical drugs on
the market, except safer, more affordable, and without negative
side effects.
Since cannabinoids like CBD act through the
endocannabinoid system, they can influence the release of
neurotransmitters in the brain which regulate mood.
Other Interesting
Some other benefits
from taking CBD daily as a dietary supplement can come as a surprise
to you, but they have been proven to happen.
Others seem pretty
obvious, but now we have the scientific backing for them.
Nicotine Addiction
A double-blind
study found almost 40% in reduction of cigarette smoking
from people that were using an inhaler to intake CBD oil on a
daily basis whenever they would feel nicotine cravings.
as an Antiseptic
CBD has
found to have antiseptic properties. In fact, all the major
cannabinoids are able to kill bacteria.
To this day, we aren't
sure yet just how cannabinoids are able to act so effectively as
bacteria killers. Amazingly, it even kills off
antibiotic-resistant MRSA, as stated
Rid of Acne
People having
acne problems can rejoice by knowing that
a study
has found that CBD acts as a highly effective sebostatic and
anti-inflammatory agent by inhibiting lipid synthesis, meaning
it will reduce or eliminate acne.
It can work either by
ingesting it or using it topically on the skin.
On a related
note, CBD oil has also
found to help out with psoriasis.
Prevents the Formation and Accumulation of Terrifying Prions
prion is an
infectious agent causing those diseases consisting only of
protein, with no nucleic acid genome. (All previously known
pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses, contain nucleic acids,
which enable them to reproduce.)
Think things like
Mad Cow
disease. Prions cannot be destroyed by boiling, alcohol, acid,
standard autoclaving methods, or radiation.
In fact, infected
brains that have been sitting in formaldehyde for decades can
still transmit spongiform disease. Enter CBD. Cannabidiol has
been shown to halt prions in
study and may represent a promising new anti-prion drug.
Since the incubation time for prion diseases is anywhere from
5-20 years or more, it's best to start taking CBD right away,
particularly if you eat beef.
Makes Broken Bones Heal Faster
This study
found that broken limbs healed much faster when treated with CBD.
People with osteoporosis, where bones become brittle, fragile
and therefore susceptible to fractures, are also able to benefit
from taking cannabidiol, since CBD stimulates greater activity
from osteoblasts (bone forming cells) and supports the process
by which collagen repairs fractures.
Gets Rid of Nausea
This is a
pretty well-known benefit of cannabinoids.
study, for example, found that CBD relieved nausea and
Where to Buy High
Quality CBD Oil (Beware of Inferior & Mislabeled Products!)
We did a lot of
research when we looked where to buy high quality organic CBD oil
Amidst the sea of vendors out there, many of which mislabel
how much CBD oil is in their products, we finally found a highly
reputable vendor called

They seem to really be about helping people. It
shows in their prices and their low income and veteran discount
programs they do.
We have ordered from this supplier several times
already and can attest to its potency and efficacy in treatment and
general health & well-being.
We recommend starting out with a 1 oz
dropper bottle of CBD oil to experiment with. Notice any effects and
see how you respond to the oil. You can always adjust how much you
take daily.
If you are just looking to reduce some stress, taking a
little more than half a dropper-full (about 15 drops) should do the
job. If, however, you're looking to stop epileptic seizures, you
will have to get a more concentrated extract.
Listen to your body,
because it knows what is best...