Jeff Street
26 December 2015
Divine-Cosmos Website

There are those on our world that have
lived in, and ruled through darkness. These "dark
ones" have a sunken so low (frequency) that their hearts cannot
perceive the love and light that is washing over the planet right
It would be so easy to fear and condemn
them, but I am here to suggest a higher perspective and a higher
The Negative
Until recently the frequency of the collective consciousness of
humanity has been dropping lower and lower and manifesting a darker
and darker reality.
There are many people on our world
(incarnate souls) right now that are on a negative path. They are
manifesting hatred and fear and feel very justified in doing so.
These people fall into two broad categories:
those that have become
mesmerized by their ability to control others and the false
sense of power and self-importance that it gives them
those that feel wronged by those
that are controlling and dominating them and who feel
justified in lashing out and hurting others
In this atmosphere, it would take a lot
of wisdom for the rest of us not to react with fear and judgment.
Unfortunately, wisdom is still in
relatively short supply and the state of our world sadly reflects

The earth and humanity are currently in the mid-stages of a
massive shift of consciousness, this shift is being
orchestrated by the Universe, and we are nearing the tipping point
where the light will illuminate all the dark corners of Humanity.
The "dark ones"
know that a momentous change is imminent, and they are scared.
Even thou their hearts cannot feel it,
their minds can see the changes occurring in humanity, and they are
afraid it may end their way of life.
Their fear is understandable because if
they don't change they won't transition to 5th-dimensional
earth with the rest of us, and the probable timelines for 3D earth
are very bleak indeed.
Definitions, and Illusions
Labeling the people on a negative path as the "dark ones" is a bit
overdramatic, even judgmental sounding.
Please forgive me, I did this to get
your attention. Perhaps the term the "lost ones" would be
better, but that isn't exactly right either.
Those on a negative path are souls just as we all are. They
incarnated in a physical body and dove into the earth game for the
same reasons as we did - to know and grow through concrete physical
Our souls are much wiser and loving
than what gets expressed by us here on in the physical plane on
Earth - our minds and egos get in the way. And your soul is an
aspect of an even higher-self (christ-self/god-self) who is very
wise, knowledgeable, and loving.
As part of the balanced evolution of our souls, we have all
played both "dark" and "light" roles in our many lives...
There aren't any souls who haven't
explored the dark side to some extent. It's only here in the
physical planes where we play and get dirty. Remember that the YOU
here playing in the dirt (on Earth) isn't the real you, the REAL YOU
is your soul and higher-self.
The point here is there really aren't
any "bad" people. That's just a label we use, and a definition the
we hold, because of our limited perspective.
Some souls CHOSE to hold power over and control others in the
design of their life plan, others have just LOST THEIR WAY in this
life. Those that chose to control others did so as a learning
experience for themselves and for others.
For themselves it's an opportunity to
learn about the misuse of power, for the others, it's an opportunity
to learn about the not giving away one's power. It is also an
opportunity to explore how we will respond to negative people and
events and learn about the effectiveness of the various modes of
Will we respond with fear, judgment, and
retribution or will we respond with understanding, forgiveness, and
compassion? And which works better in the long run?
Remember, we all find our way back to the light eventually, we are
all redeemable. It is the journey from the dark to the light that
makes us appreciate what we are - we are the light.
Embracing this higher perspective can
free us from the response pattern of fear, condemnation, and
retribution and enable us to create a better reality.
Cut Off From
The Light

Those on the negative path have had experiences and made choices
that have closed their heart to the divine light of their soul and
source and cause their ego rule their mind.
They cannot feel the love and light and
can't hear the inner voice of their soul and higher self.
They simply do not realize that they are
love and light, and hence they live in a world of separation, fear,
and hate.
If We Were In
Their Shoes
It is very tempting to judge these people but tread very carefully
Whether we know it or not, we have all
been in similar circumstances, made similar choices, and lost our
way down the negative path for a while at some point in our many
lives. It is very easy to judge others choices without understanding
the experiences they had that conditioned those choices.
Most believe that if they were in the others shoes they would not
have made the same choices.
But this is because we are judging their
choices and actions from the context of our own experiences, not
theirs. The reality is that if we had had their experiences, then we
would have made the same choices.
Below Seth/Story Waters, as a
part of One Self teachings illustrates this point using a
Terrorist as the example.
The terrorist exists within the one
You would not make different choices
than the terrorist. If we stand in their shoes we would choose
the same as they did. There is only one will that chooses. The
same thing that is making choices within you is making choices
in them.
When that which we are goes inside
of the conditions that is the terrorist it becomes the
perspective of the terrorist. When we stand in their shoes we
choose as they choose.
We are them choosing.
This the realizations of the one
self. This is the realization that you cannot blame another.
That you cannot say they did something that you would have not
That you are better than them, you
are not, you are them.
Seth via
Story Waters
Embracing this truth enables us to
extend forgiveness and compassion to all those who have lost their
way and offers them the chance to feel and embrace the light, and
join us in ascension to the new earth.
No one needs to be left behind, let's
try to uplift everyone.
The Challenge
for Those Lost in Negativity
The first challenge for all
those lost in negativity, to all those that have contributed
to the fear and hate in our reality, is to be on the
receiving end of fear and hate and see the futility of this
As the Earth's base frequency approaches the fifth-dimension
everyone's manifestations are quickened and anyone sending
out fearful, hateful, or harmful thoughts will immediately
experience similar and very challenging manifestations in
their personal reality.
This is how our reality works -
reality is a reflection of
our thoughts and inner state of mind and it is the most
marvelous training program. This process will nudge most of
negative mindset out of the darkness and into the light.
The second challenge for those
lost in negativity, as they get nudged out of the darkness
and begin to realize how their ways have hurt so many
others, will be to forgive and love themselves.
When they realize what they've
done the may hate themselves and this will keep them stuck
if the lower frequencies.
But if they can forgive and love
themselves, they will be able to join the great planetary
transmutation and ascension. No one is too dark to be
forgiven or too fearful to live in love.
We can help these people into the light;
we can help them rediscover their true selves.
By shining our love and light towards
them, by extending our forgiveness and compassion to them as they
begin to see the light, we can help them get over the hump of
forgiving and loving their selves and joining us in the creation of
a new reality, a new earth.
The Challenge
of Forgiving the "Bad" Guys
Can you conceive of
unconditional forgiveness and love towards perpetrators and
as well as victims? This is a very big hurdle for many.
Can you imagine a reality in
which all those who have ever suffered darkness (negative
experiences) which tainted them to become negative
themselves, were spontaneously healed of that which created
the negativity within them?
What if those who have defined
themselves as bad were able to release that programming and
accept the light of unconditional love so that they could
unconditionally forgive and accept themselves?
Then, would they remember that
they are ONE with ALL life?
What if all of humanity was
healed in the light, and all the darkness was released?
What if we could release our
perception of separateness from others and our judgments
that some people are inherently better than others - the
idea of "good" people versus "bad" people?
What if the "good people"
realized that they are just the people who have remembered
their higher-self and that the source of their beingness is
light and love?
What if they shared their light
and love with ALL the people that have formerly identified
as bad?
By shining our light and love everywhere
and to everyone those who have not seen the light or felt the love
of their higher-self will have the opportunity to absorb our light
and awareness and raise their frequency and join us in the light and
the ascension to the new earth.
No one has to be left behind, we are all
brothers, we are all one.
Those lost in negativity may not be ready to accept the light and
release their darkness but why not offer our help to them? Why
condemn and fear them? Their souls are right beside us in the higher
planes of reality, and we are all brothers - there is no animosity
between us there.
We have the ability to create a wonderful new reality with our
unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness, and the power of our
Our choices will define our destiny, are
we ready to choose compassion and forgiveness instead of fear and