by Zen Gardner
BornOutsideTheBox Website
...small stuff like that.
Those externally based
and obviously reflected sacred cows are in our faces
destroying souls and society alike daily and we tend to think we're
getting a handle on dismantling these.
After all everything in the external is a mirrored manifestation of what's going on inside of us, individually as well as collectively.
Now we're touching on what is adhering to the above constructs of control.
Obvious false gods and deities are easy to identify.
The big question then follows: which self?
It can get a bit heady
but it needn't. The ego can be described as the muscle of the false
self that constricts as well as dilates - the screen of self
projection that's been programmed from birth that an awakened person
can learn to detach from and observe to varying degrees.
I know that one well.
After all you've got these smarts and can identify many of its tricks.
But it can still have a dastardly grip over your life.
If it's forced to let go of one thing it'll quickly attach to another.
It's a survivor, that's what it's built to be and gains in trickery and strength the longer we allow it to.
We talk about it as if we're aware of it and have control,
We all have them...
That is where the real sacred cows are hiding, usually in plain sight - especially to those around us. But they're projecting their own false self issues with their own blind spots.
The asylum run by the
inmates, all of whom are lying as to whom they truly are. Stories
talking to stories. Quite the maze to get through.
But it needs to be
observed carefully so that it doesn't get out of line, and then it
needs to be put back to sleep afterwards through quiet reflection
and meditation.
But taming that beast is no small chore.
The hard part is identifying especially trauma based issues.
These begin with the initial sense of abandonment we experience entering into such a strange, non spiritually oriented world. The traumas pile on from there on depending on how much added abuse and abandonment we experience in the earliest years and how we learn to cope.
Herein the egoic self is born - reaching out for survival through conformity at first, then learning to get ahead in an insanely competitive, fundamentally dog eat dog society.
It doesn't have to be
that way but that's what we're handed right out of the gate, to
varying degrees of course.
These can be very subtle but like all these symptoms, they can seem oh so justifiable.
We need a lot of down time, quiet hours, time in nature. The true self will starve without this and the egoic stinker gets stronger and stronger. That's why cities are so degrading.
People become callous fending off the weird vibes and acclimating to the coldness and deadness.
One key sign of spiritual health is being able to laugh at ourselves.
After all, we are pretty ridiculous. But knowing our real condition brings humility. There's no better foundation than that.
Humility breeds love and
empathy for all the others facing the same challenges, while at the
same time having a tremendous disdain for the machinations of the
egoic lie that perpetrate so much suffering for so many, internally
and externally.
Triggers will no longer
throw us into a tailspin of reactivity like they used to. It takes
time and patience and a lot of determination but that's what has to
be done. Until that's seriously worked on we'll only keep
perpetrating the same dark world none of us want.
The opposite route only leads to futility and the repetition of the psycho-spiritual disease driven problems of the ages.
We've been conditioned with serious problems and then taught fear and shame regarding having them. This was put in place within humanity a long time ago. We have to realize and accept that, from whatever source you may think.
We can analyze that all
day long as well, and some knowledge in that area is helpful and
important, but the only answer is to deal with it and root it out
into the open.
Some fears are obvious. Others are so wrapped in other issues and convoluted it's remarkable.
The good news is that fears dissipate as soon as they're confronted head on. They appear to be drooling, fire breathing dragons but they turn into shadowy mists as we walk straight at them. Any fears...
The beauty of allowing yourself to engage in all of this is that we can then become more fully conscious and actually raise our vibration.
This brings not just physical and psychic healing but literal changes in our tampered with DNA. The potential is limitless. Real conscious awareness has made this ultimate of explorations and finds a connection to Source behind any head knowledge or worked up self effort through some discipline.
Those can help but
they'll only be the top of the tree without a healthy, fully
explored and restored root system, without which no tree can stand
the storms of life nor bring sustenance to others.
It's not easy, but it's time we stopped avoiding the real issue.
We are the source of society's problems.
Even when we think we're doing some great service to rectify these external problems or bringing great knowledge to the fore, they'll only lead to another reformation of the old unless we have had a total revolution within ourselves.
That will require letting go of new sacred cows we've become attached to,
Awakening is a continual process. And continual letting go...
When we do, our true power grows exponentially. From that foundation the true conscious solutions will arise.
Not from the head, but from a knowing heart.