by Aang
February 09,
SacredHeartAwakening Website
About Aang
Teacher, Mentor & Energy Healer to assist individuals
experiencing a spiritual awakening and those who wish to
break any barriers that may be preventing them from
moving forward. |

To understand our shadow,
we have to understand polarities. Within the polarities is the
wholeness or the completeness.
The Yin-Yang symbol is a
beautiful and profound representation of this wholeness.
Archetypes of the
Yin-Yang represent:
These polarities are
inherent in all of us, we are the sum of all experiences,
Within us exist the light
and the dark, the light is all that is known to us and the dark is
the shadow.
The conscious and the
unconscious. With all of our choices, we 'believe' that we are in
control and making them consciously, yet there is a strong
unconscious influence. These choices are influenced by undercurrents
such as belief systems, society, culture and experiences growing up.
To understand more about
ourselves, we have to look at that part of us where most of us
choose not to venture to.

We have two worlds, an inner world and an outer world.
Our inner world
is personal to us, our feelings, our ideas, our visions, all
that we experience within ourselves.
Our outer world
is all our experiences relative to us.
How we experience and
interact in the outer world, our relationships with individuals, to
the environment, with others, with objects, home, money,
possessions, with society… we can use both these worlds to help us
better understand ourselves, it is all relative to what our
intentions are.
Life is full of experiences and we have the ability to influence
them, this is done through choice, each choice creates a different
experience. It is our perceptions that shape what we take from these
Some experiences are
judged good, whereas others are judged bad, yet an experience that
may be "bad" for one, may be "good" for another.
They are all relative
based on our particular outlook
of reality. As we evaluate our
choices, we notice that our choices resonate to specific patterns
and behaviors.
We are living in a world where we are now able to see how these
choices affect our experiences, we are becoming more aware, starting
to see patterns and behaviors.
Understanding our shadow
will be a great asset in understanding our experiences.
The Inner
The human body is energetic in nature and within the self, all light

All frequencies and
vibrations are inclusive of light and the shadow.
It is a natural behavior
to resonate to all things fun, all things joy and all things light.
It is very easy to reject the shadow, experiences that create pain,
shame, anger, isolation, judgments, and all things dark.
Yet the shadow is an
integral part of self, it cannot be denied, the more we deny our
shadow, the more intense our experiences become.
Our Emotions
(The key to understanding self)
Become aware of
our emotions, they have the greatest potential for spiritual
awareness and growth.
Are there
emotions within that we are ashamed or afraid of, such as
anger, hate, jealousy or shame? These energies have a
tendency to stifle ones growth creating blockages and
illnesses within the individual.
We should have no
reason to feel bad and judge ourselves when we experience
these emotions. These emotions are part of our energetic
makeup and reside in the domain of our shadow.
Learn to trust
our emotions and most importantly understand where they are
coming from. It does not mean that we have to act upon them,
just learn to understand and accept them will then result in
a process of letting go. Our inner world reflects
externally, we can use our outer world to assist us in
gaining a better understanding.
The first part of
the process is understanding and accepting that we have
these emotions, that it is not wrong to feel these emotions,
rather than to reject them totally.
Examples -
Simple ideas to invoke a spark
is a result of
feeling that we have been wronged in some way or another.
When we start
accepting the shadow aspect of self, we are able to speak up for
ourselves, rather than keeping quiet and holding the emotions
is a result of
wanting something that someone else has. It can stem from issues
about our own self-belief, self-worth and self-love.
As we start accepting
our shadow, we begin to believe in ourselves through inner core
strength. We realize that there is no need for comparison and
become grateful for all that we have.
Our shame could
either be based on past event(s), usually an experience where we
have judged ourselves or others have judged us.
Also it could be a
result of not loving oneself, feeling ashamed of one's body or
the way one appears due to low self-worth or self-love.
Acceptance of our shadow
allows us to love these parts of self, starting to love ourselves
physically as well as emotionally.
The Outer
The outer world at times can seem extremely harsh when we are facing
our shadow.

It will seem very
conflicted, experiencing peace in some aspects and total conflict in
other areas of our lives.
The outer world is a
reflection of our inner world, giving us a wonderful mechanism,
which is like a viewing window and perception into our inner lives.
Our experiences become more meaningful, we begin to notice a
tangible shift on how we respond to certain experiences.
Interactions and experiences that previously brought us pain are
looked at now with a smile and even a giggle.
We become aware of our
experiences and our own personal triggers and we are not afraid to
look at ourselves anymore.
The light of our shadow becomes a formidable force, supports us on
all levels, we become stronger, more confident, we begin to see all
experiences as just experiences, removing all labeling, removing all
We become content,
peaceful, seeing ourselves in a new light, a more complete light. A
great way of understanding our space is to look at all of the
seemingly difficult experiences that we may be having.
Here are a few examples
to help us understand, letting our emotions be our guide:
Our intuition
tells us not to do something and we do it anyway; resulting
in an argument, anger, rejection, fear etc.
Was there
a motivation for the action, why did we do it
Did we do
it out of fear?
Did we do
it to make someone else happy?
Having a
difficult relationship with another, either at the office or
with a loved one.
They seem to know
exactly which buttons to push, getting us all fired up.
Are we judging
Is it possible to
accept them as they are?
Are they showing
us a part of ourselves, which we are unaware of?
Sometimes we have
experiences where we feel as if we are being judged in some
instances, sometimes even actually experiencing it.
Not being good
enough, not feeling accepted, that there is something wrong
with us. This is a reflection of how we have been treating
ourselves, being critical of self, not being happy with the
way we look or feel, constantly judging ourselves.
These are our
attitudes to self that is unseen and being reflected into
our outer world.
As we start
shifting the focus to ourselves, nurturing, loving and
accepting these unseen or rejected aspects, we start
creating a more receptive and loving environment.
Have you had
experiences where you have been afraid to speak about what
was on your mind?
You decided to
keep quiet as it felt much safer rather than being judged or
'bullied'. This is a prompt for you to speak up, no one is
reading your mind, share what you feel you should share in
that moment.
As you do this,
you start accepting and integrating the shadow self, and you
will notice that you will be able to express yourself more
Always remember that we
are living both consciously and unconsciously.
As we begin to see the
light of our shadow, we inadvertently become responsible for all our
experiences, the blame game disappears and we take charge of our
This is by no means a
complete understanding of Self, life is a process of experiencing
oneself through different levels of maturity, it is organic, and it
is fluid and forever expanding.